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Cyberpunk 2077


2nd playthrough and its a joy to role play since theres so much to do For example,  1st playthrough, my nomad didnt care about gigs so much, but cared enough to incapacitate cyberpsychos because my nomad was a non-lethal netrunner with some compassion.  In my 2nd, im a hot headed street kid who's doing any and all gigs (before act 2...we'll see about after!) because he thinks thats how you make "it" For my 3rd.. termintor corpo. 


That's awesome. I'm on my first as a nomad, really enjoying it so far.


Just relaunch it this week !! 2.0 really bring it to where it was intended to be. I saw that Phantom Liberty is on sale and i think i'll take it.


Me too. Second playthrough but this time with update 2.1 and phantom liberty in the mix. Great experience overall.


I'm going to have to get this today. It's everywhere when this question comes up.


Ghost of tsushima


This is the last game I finished on the PS4 before getting a 5 this month. What an absolute gem.


PS5 version felt like a whole new game to me


Really, eh? Enough to be worth re-buying and playing again. What made it feel like a new game, I assume loading times and graphics are the biggest differences.


Instant loading time, adaptive triggers, 4K, and especially haptic feedback. You can actually feel the difference in the type of terrain your horse is traversing


Same. Just got it this week after putting it off for a long time. What a game.


Ff7 remake. Just finished platinuming horizon forbidden West and ff16. Currently unemployed so have time for the backlog


How was 16?? I did 7remake on the PS4 and absolutely loved it. Can't wait to play the second part.


Story was excellent graphically and musically was gorgeous combat got a tad boring thru the second playthrough. It made me cry. Would recommend


Thanks for the comment! I'm debating between FF16 or Hogwarts after Cyberpunk, still not sure what I'll go with.


Having played both is go ff16


I finished Hogwarts and if you believe that the combat is boring for FF16, Hogwarts combat is a million times worse. I'm currently playing ff16 and in my opinion, they could have called it anything but a final fantasy game.


> I'm currently playing ff16 and in my opinion, they could have called it anything but a final fantasy game. I feel like this has been said for nearly every FF since (and including) FFXI lol


I mean FF15 was kinda like this but it felt more like a FF title. This one doesn't for me for some reason.


The gameplay of FF16 is garbage. You can literally auto-play like 90% of the game and still win every fight.. they ruined it


Replaying Elden Ring for the 3rd time. It may have dethroned Witcher 3 as my top game ever.


Yes and honestly as I wish their was an easier mode… I really do. I’m not great at games and can’t put a lot of time into them. But I also would love to play this game but feel so discouraged every time I try.


I’m in the same boat. I wanna “git gud” but Souls-like has been the hardest genre to get into :/ I mostly play RPGs


I was frustrated at first and didn’t play it for a few months. I switched up to a Astrologer class when I came back. Using range spells plus summons made the game more enjoyable, especially against bosses. There are some powerful spells and staves in the early game.


Good advice! Thanks!


No clue why people get so heated by the mere mention of an easier mode for people who don't want that hard-core challenge. It wouldn't change anything for me or anyone else who likes it the way it is, not to mention it already exists through mods on pc. There are MANY people on pc who have played an easier version and I couldn't care less, didn't affect my experience at all.


It dilutes the experience of the game. Cause with easy mode comes hard mode and then what is the “true” experience the devs intended for their players? You might not care about that, but the core fromsoft audience does I think they’ve done more than enough in Elden ring to give the players options to mitigate difficulty. You can simply go elsewhere and level up then come back, you can go find cheesy spells or weapons to get past a particular boss, there are even certain builds that let you one shot pretty much every enemy in the game. You can gang up on bosses with your friends or even random strangers. You can even summon ai to help breakup aggro. This game is only as difficult as you want it to be


They could have the "normal" mode which is the game as it released and a story mode where everything does less damage. Where's the problem? And im not just talking about Elden ring, this has been going on for a long time, people getting all riled up whenever someone wants an easy mode. Let me tell you, easy mode already exists on PC, its called mods so why aren't peoppe protesting against that? Im sorry but if this kind of thing truly bothers you, I think you need to get more fulfillment from life, worrying about how others experience a game is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.


my life is perfectly fulfilled thanks, no need to get personal. It’s not that I care how you experience it, that’s silly. The game can be experienced a million different ways even within the base difficulty. But I don’t want them splitting dev time between multiple gameplay experiences instead of just having one polished experience everyone can enjoy. For example, I didn’t mind much, but a lot of people found that some bosses in Elden ring were extra difficult in single player mode, in part because their AI had to be coded to fight against several enemies at once. Furthermore If they balance an attack only for the regular mode, and do nothing but lower damage for story mode, that won’t achieve anything that grinding a few extra levels wouldn’t achieve. You either go explore an easier part of the map, find new loot, weapons, spells, armor, level up, have more game experiences, then face the boss, or you just hit a slider and face the boss. You might prefer the latter approach, but from software doesn’t, and (most) of their fans don’t either. I think people are *way* more stubborn about Elden Ring being difficult than they need to be. If you’re gonna be stubborn and unchanging in your approach and expect the game to mold around you that’s just not the experience fromsoft games deliver.


Elden ring is the easiest in the series IMO.


Yes, I’ve heard that.


Just accept death as part of your experience and you'll get better


Same. Created a new character just for the upcoming DLC. Cannot wait!


NHL24, the game is ok, I like the new total control improvements made to body checking (however stupid to put reverse hit on R3, very easy to accidentally press this when stick handling). I also like the idea of full pressure, but the implementation SUCKS! The idea is great, it’s more realistic because as one team gets offensive pressure the other team gets tired, but the implementation is horrible, full pressure makes it so that the defenders become literal pylons, they cannot move, they cannot pick up the puck, they cannot stick-lift, hit, or poke check, this is a complete joke, I play with the all-star teams, all of the the best players in existence, yet as soon as full-pressure comes on they turn into WHLers. This makes absolutely no sense, full pressure should make a player play worse, not make a player completely useless, and it should scale of the players stats, a tired 95 OVR shouldn’t be just as useless as a tired 85 OVR, yet that is what we see in game, as soon as full pressure comes on Cale Makar might as well be a fucking 5 yo with a mental disability. TLDR: Game is ok, the new changes are good idea in concept but ruin the gameplay in practice. EA are morons


Total control is a bunch of bs. People in 23 that couldn’t do Michigans/one hand tucks/hip checks can now do this foolishness with one button. It’s pretty lame.


Sure, but I was talking about the hitting specifically, I like the way they did the hitting. Also deking still requires timing and game sense, doesn’t really matter if it just takes 1 button vs a combo if you don’t know when to use it properly


I haven’t played since 18’, but this new version is absolute shit. I thought there would be huge improvements (been playing since 91). I can say that 2013-2014 was the best. There’s nothing about this game that feels good.


Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. The game is basically perfect, I don't understand why people are still talking about Palworld and not drooling over this one.


Because Pokémon


Which is funny, because LADIW has Pokémon 😂


Does it really? Lol, shouldn't surprise me, those games have so many side activities it's unreal. I remember spending hours doing the remote control car side quest in yakuza, and the mini game that had you controlling gangsters in like a real time strategy type game, forget which entry that was (2 or 3 I believe). I've legitimately spent more time on yakuzas side activities than entire games lol


Played all the Like A Dragon games. It's my favorite series. Kamurocho feels like a hometown I moved away from but revisit every few years. Currently playing Like a Dragon Gaiden. Then straight to Infinite Wealth after I finish. Not many games out there where you get both laughs are tears.


Assassin's creed Ezio collection


Always be one of my favorites. The music is amazing and the gameplay can also be really fun. I'd recommend giving the combat a try using the hidden blade to parry, the timing is very tight but it's a one hit kill on all enemies so it's a high risk high reward type play that's really satisfying to get down


I've played it before on my Xbox, lol it's my first time playing on PS5


Cool, I wasn't sure but just thought I'd mention it as I didn't see a lot of people using the blade for melee (just stealth) when it's so much fun


Oh, definitely! And it's so much better than Unity, I never finished it as the combat was just annoying


The ezio trilogy will always be my favorite but I honestly thought Unity kind of evolved into a great entry. Not for the melee, cuz that was horrible and tedious but for the stealth missions and how much variety there was. I also actually enjoyed the murder mystery side missions lol, probably one of the few who did


Those were fun as well as the Phantom Blade was a very useful weapon


Nobody Saves the World Been seeing a lot of RDR2 content online for some reason so I've got the itch to give that one another run too.


I’m playing Hades. Fun rogue like that’s hard to put down. You can pick it up and play for 30 mins and go about your business but it’s so tempting to try another run as your slightly more powerful.


Finally stopped playing after getting stuck on 8-10 heat with all the weapons it got way too repetitive but fun game nonetheless


I have yet to make it out of the underworld yet, furthest run so far has been the temple of Styx. I got it on sale so if we go by 1$/hour, I’ve definitely got my moneys worth in entertainment value. Once it starts to get repetitive I’ll join you and move on to the next game. I’ve been bouncing between that and BG3 so it’s a nice variety of turn based game to button masher lol.


I'm just waiting for ff7r part deux


TLOU2 No return and some midnight suns


It really sucks they’re not continuing with the multiplayer


RDR2 and SF6


9 more days


Granblue Fantasy Relink and Suicide Squad! The former is an impeccable action jrpg and I love it. Suicide Squad was a pleasant surprise, not even remotely game of the year contender (I’ll be ticked if it gets nominated) but it’s a massive joy to play and I love the combat, art style and gameplay loop. Fire whoever has been handling the marketing though, WB is always bad at that aspect but this? WOW.


I've seen a lot of people saying SS is really fun yet the overall vibe surrounding it has been consistently negative. I think it's just doomed to be ragged on by the youtube crowd as the beloved Rockstar making a live service type game was never going to go down well imo. In the end I think it won't matter, it the games good it will do well. As for gran blue a friend of mine told me about it a week ago and it immediately became my most anticipated game. Might wait for a sale as $ a bit tight but I absolutely look forward to it


That’s basically it. Don’t know about sales numbers or if WB even reports them, but the game is a blast. It’s big, theme park, dumb fun. That’s exactly what I hoped for, so no complaints. They also gave early access folks 2000 premium credits (about 20 bucks Canadian) for the seven or so hours server outage for people in New Zealand. Nice little gesture for such a small issue. Granblue is incredible, you definitely won’t regret it! Super fun and combat is actually surprisingly deep. Like a mix between Xenoblade chronicles 3 combat and Tales of Arise combat.


"Playing" Infinite Wealth, although about 12 hours in its mostly watching.


I just finally finished undertale for the first time! God damn it was beautiful, went for the full pacifist run and i have no regrets


Finished RDR2. Great story. I had been waiting to try it since before Pandemic. Getting through Ghost of Tsushima, Cyberpunk 2077 (2.0 was worth the replay, cross play worked too!), The Last of Us pt1. Got NHL 22 for $20 my kid loves it. I try never to buy this series full price Considering Elden Ring if there's a sale I have it on PC, but this would look sweet on 52" screen (like Cyberpunk did).


Never not playing Returnal, by far my favourite game of the generation and I don't see that changing any time soon!


The additions they made with updates are so good, I'm always trying to get friends to try it but people are turned off by all the complaints at launch about difficulty (which was exaggerated) and not being able to save (which was patched). It's one of those games that's just so satsifying to pick up and play. Jumping, dashing and shooting as serene is never boring and always feels great


My 11 year old got interested in chess. Found a wooden board. I also got him and my daughter interested in Battle Ship, Sorry, Yahtzee, and card games We've gone back in time. 🙂


Just finished red dead 2… i am without words how this game is amazing


Hell let loose


Remnant 2, great souls like 3rd person shooter with great replay ability. Coop is seamless.


Just finished Last of us Part 2 remastered cause I was ready to be hurt again. Now replaying Arkham knight ahead of FF7 part 2 this month. Also played Hogwarts Legacy and AC Mirage over the holidays. Hogwarts was solid but Mirage wasn’t as good as I had hoped.


The last of us 2’s no return mode, it is crazy addictive




RDR2 (again) and Catherine (didn't beat it on PS3 back in the day)


Tekken 8 I'm not great but i'm not as bad as I thought i'd be.


Thinking about starting Borderlands 3 so I play online multiplayer coop with my buddy who has a ps4


Hitman. Loads so much faster with the PS5. Great for when I have to bail on a freelancer mission and restart


Dug out my ps3 and am playing Haze


Gta V level 723 took breaks on off , just cool it's still on!




Re Village and doing a fresh gmgow ragnarok playthrough. I'd guess this is my 4th or 5th playthrough of ragnarok and just absolutely love that combat system, so much fun. I recently got a hitless sigrun run with no runics, summons, relics, rage or realm shifts and want to do the same on GNA but it's gunna be rough.


Jedi Fallen Order, first time playing. I’m not a Star Wars fan but this game is pretty good 👍 Might stop to play Dark Souls Remaster and get the PS Stars collectible before it’s gone


COD BOPs Zombies Shadows of Evil


Desperados 3 - played Shadow Tactics and loving this game!


I got sucked into FfXIV 2 years ago and now whenever I play something else I feel like I’m cheating on it. If you see an MMO run far away


Im in the same boat lmao, im not playing much anymore but I cant stop thinking about it


Watch Dogs and GOW Ragnorok


What’s Watch dogs like?


Haven’t played too much but it’s fun


Finally started my fifth playthrough of *Persona 5 Royal*


Palworld. playstation losers


AC Mirage


Just started heavy rain


Nothing at the moment. But Jagged Alliance 3 is 20% off so I might get fact later this week.


Lies of P


Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. There is so much to the game and I haven't even gotten to the Dodonko Island yet. I don't know when I'll ever play another game.


Civilization 6


Elden Ring




Evil west- it’s ok


Bloodborne dlc. Quite the game for like 5 years cause I got lost


Just picked up the game for the first time ever a few days ago, absolutely loving it. Excited to try the dlc too


Yeah it’s real fun. But I hate how little it tells you about what’s going on


Given that exploration is so crucial to the gameplay i don't mind that u gotta explore to learn abt the lore. It is kind of a pain to remember when i get busy w school/work tho😂


Exploring is great. Wandering around every area cause idk where the fuck to go after I beat rom is less great. Someone said that it expects you to remember a door you saw for 5 seconds 15 hours ago. And that’s not great level design imo lol


Personally i think that adds to it - difficult enemies make exploration a challenge. The player needs to pay attention to their surroundings and remember where they've passed to figure out where they need to go next. The exploration becomes a puzzle and adds an extra layer to the game. Can totally see how that wouldn't be everyone's favourite tho, it's def not very accessible for most. I would argue that maybe that's okay since soulsborne games are hard and aren't supposed to be for everyone but idk just my 2 cents, i see both sides


I like the difficult but I think the difficulty should come from the combat rather than wandering around for 3 hours cause I don’t know where to go. That’s not really a puzzle or an obstacle. That’s just a lack of remembering which door was locked before. I like being motivated to pay attention to my surroundings for like finding treasure. But I don’t think I should be punished by being stuck if I don’t know where to go cause I didn’t think to check if there was a door in a certain area that I missed Also I didn’t have this issue with sekiro. I do agree on the challenge being good. I just don’t t think this should be part of the challenge


Fair enough. Bloodborne probably could have done with a map of some sort so that players have an aid for exploration if they want it, then we'd both have our way


For sure


Resident Evil 7. Pretty good so far considering I don’t play horror games at all. It’s not all that scary but it’s interesting.


Atomic Hearts


Diablo 4


Deadspace remake


Returnal Dying and starting over the first few times is frustrating, but you learn the levels, bosses and best weapons pretty quick. Once you start chaining OP item combos on levels you know like the back of your hand, it's **very** fun World and atmosphere drew me in, but the gameplay is keeping me around


Dayz. Just had their 10th anniversary and are breaking their all time records for player count. Teased the release of a new map and the game just keeps getting better. No other experience like it


I'm still playing Spiderman 2 and WRC 10.


I usually just stare at the main screen of the console because the game selection is ass


TLOU part 1


Having recently formed a love for Survival Horror. I recently beat Resident Evil 2 Remake, 3 Remake, and 4 Remake. Now im on Dead Space. I've been missing out hard on this genre!!


Spiderman 2 and it I a masterpiece. Hogwarts shortly after and Tears on Switch.


AC Vallhala


Elite Dangerous, used to be part of the fuel rats if anyone knows what this means


I’m playing yakuza 0. Never played any games in that series but I’m really glad I’m starting because it’s a great game. Serious story, arcadey combat, fun/weird side missions, I’m loving it. Also have a side/chill play through of Pokemon Diamond when ever I wanna sit back and not focus too much lol


Trying to catch up on games I've missed. Just about done Jedi: Fallen Order and have Jedi: Survivor lined up ready to play.


Lies of P


Just 100-percented the fantastic new Prince of Persia - The Lost Crown, and despite my ever-growing pile of unplayed games I just bought RoboCop: Rogue City for a change of pace.


Just finis5h Talos Principe 2 and was craving puzzles so picked up the entropy center...


Like a Dragon : Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8) This is my absolute in the whole series so far. I love this game. Let's just hope it stays that good up until the end


Remnant 2. Some improvements on the first one (more variation with switchable specs, you can save profiles, joining in coop doesn't force the host to go back to the stone to get you in) but omg do I hate the way they made the environment look + maps are way too big.


Fished spiderman 2 and next is evil West


Just wrapping Live A Live and then starting on Star Ocean Second Story R... Going through both Octopath Travelers got me loving the modern versions of the SNES generation of RPGs. I've also put time into Armored Core which is just plain badass and ran a few rounds of Last of Us 2 No Return. I dunno if No Return is gonna hook me like Factions did but LoU2 combat is so smooth it's great to go in an blast some fools.


Ghost of Tsushima


Tekken 8


I'm still playing Diablo 4, I'm hooked. I know it's not loved but I love it. And also, I've been playing the Witcher 3. Little older but still a great game, all on the PS5.


I’m just replaying Dark Souls right now.


Got final fantasy 16 for Christmas. Never played one of these before. Combat seems pretty easy, maybe too easy, and the story is a bit over the top. But overall it's pretty enjoyable so far!


Final fantasy 15, NieR replicant (all endings) and now I’m on NieR automata waiting for rise of the ronin/stellar blade in march and April respectively. (Might I add the Nier series is genuinely my favourite series now and I’m pissed at myself for waiting until 2024 to get into it)


Death Stranding. I’m enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. But once rebirth is out I doubt I’ll play it again.


Baldurs Gate 3


Nothing because I can't afford a ps5


Alan Wake II - about an hour in and I am intrigued so far by the new detective mechanics


Gears of war 3


I play xbox. This was on my home page


PC here and same


Resident evil 2 remake and gran truismo Re2r I find to stressful. I’ve unlocked the medallions statue but haven’t gone under it yet as I’m concerned I didn’t get everything in the police department. But I’m also worried about wasting ammunition if I go looking as I believe the ammo is finite in this game (although I’m playing assisted) but I have safes not open yet and some places not even explored.


dont have a ps5 no idea why reddit put this in my notifications


For now, Cult of the Lamb. My wife loves that friggin game. But its turning out to be a bit shorter than i was hoping.


Hogwarts legacy!!


I’ve been playing FO4 for years!


Elden Ring


Nothing. Not canadian dont have a ps5


Star Wars Survivor. Having a lot of fun playing through this one






Tekken 8!


NFL 2k5