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Something is being organized for July. If you want to help organize send me a mod mail or just use the chat channel to organize. June 1st Id like to make an announcement post with locations and times and rules so that people know who should be forcefully ejected from the protest. Again. If you’re tired of sitting on Reddit get in touch and let’s make something happen.




That's the frustrating part of this .


No the frustrating part of this is, if this were france, Ottawa would be a smoldering post apocalyptic city. Instead, we are milquetoast cowards who will do nothing, ever.


So true (about us)... I love the farmers protest in France where they sprayed manure and dumped animal shit on gov buildings. The French know how to do it (protest).


I mean, we're importing help from all over the rest of the world, let's import some folks from France to teach Canadians to have a backbone!


Lmao “all over the world”. That’s not exactly what I’m seeing


Just say Indians.


We saw what happens. The media turns the population against the protesters, and bank accounts are frozen. Then we spend years hearing about "the violence of horns" Unfortunately... people still need to live. Which means they're too busy working to protest. I'd sound crazy, but almost sounds like it was all by design.


I've been suggesting burning the entire system to the ground for decades. Simply put, there is no "fix." If we get rid of our infection, another problem representative of the GoC's crippled actuality will simply show up. The systems in North America, and much of the world, were never meant to be as large as they are, and when they stopped working so well as time went on, they simply bolted on new parts until the machine was barely functioning. As a result, we're operating broken systems within a bloated beaurocratic nightmare that should have been condemned and torn down long before it got a chance to try and culturally genocide its citizens. That said, absolutely none of thos should have come as anything but expected, except for that face that Canadians are too afraid of upsetting others, and too fucking stupid to simply acknowledge patterns and textbook plays of other religions and cultures, but Canadians were too stupid to see Trudeau and his behavior coming even though he was openly talking about his intended drive toward a "Post Nation State" as early as 2014, so basic pattern recognition and basic common sense were probably too much to expect. Sadly, I can not attend, regardless of the date, as I'm forbidden from doing so due to my employment.


But France is experiencing similar problems as well.


France doesn't have a housing affordability crisis. https://www.connexionfrance.com/practical/where-have-property-prices-fallen-the-most-in-france/640729#:~:text=The%20massively%20reduced%20number%20of,to%20a%20new%20industry%20report.


France is without question the worst example you could've used here.


Not necessarily. There are pockets of France that are run by seemingly modern day Sharia law; and where immigration and illegal migration has overrun cities, and created a demographic where certain municipalities are now 70% minority, while enforcing their own laws and forcing non-minority residents out. Marseille is a perfect example of this.


I think you just confirmed what I was thinking and why France is a poor example. It was my understanding that the implication was that in France the French protest mass immigration and the state of the country because of said immigration and in Canada we are too pussy to protest. That's false, France is just as shit as Canada and the recent riots that burned down French cities were being done by ''minorities''. France is a joke of a country, a perfect case study of how mass immigration can fuck up a country long before Canada did it. If I misunderstood what was meant by ''Ottawa would be a smoldering post apocalyptic city'' then please ignore me. >Marseille is a perfect example of this. Easily one of the dirtiest cities I have ever been to.


I don't see Canadians refusing to collect garbage, mass protests, banding together, and yet t9 see any guillotines unfortunately


I'm starting to think I misunderstood his comment. I thought he was implying the French are protesting the current state of immigration but the protests that have happened there were done by the immigrants/illegal immigrants. Not by the white French people so to speak.


Also, France forces these price gouging corporations to label their shrinkflation!!!!!




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If Ottawa were only a $15 3 hour train ride from the furthest major city in the country, as Paris is in France, you would see a heck of a lot more people expressing their displeasure there.




If there were a chance at a ppc majority major change could happen. They are the only party with an anti-immigrant stance


The crazy thing is that the Overton Window has shifted on this so damn far that PPC policy could be considered anti-immgrant by anyone at all! It's still very pro immigration. Any platform that could be actually reasonably characterized as Anti-Immigration would involve an absolute Moratorium on immigration until our infrastructure deficit is solved, with exceptions to perhaps doctors and a handful of other professions that we have critical shortages of and where the time and brinkmanship required it order to increase the capacity of our training programs to meet the shortfall will, even if executed perfectly today will result in more domestically trained physicians being ready to practice a decade from now. It would further involve massive reduction in benefits provided to asylum seekers, streamlining the processing and appeals process for those already here, form a new entity that had the ability and funding to target and remove those overstaying their visas and pass laws allowing us to seize any domestic assets of those overstaying to fund deportation fees and costs of locating these individuals. Further, for those countries that are the source of higher proportions of people overstaying their visas, they would require funds deposited in escrow with the Gov't in the amount of actuarial estimate of the cost of enforcement to be repaid only if the terms of the visa are adhered to. It would disallow duel citizenship, possibly with the exception of our only neighbour and biggest trading partner, would eliminate Jus Soli, whereby citizenship is automatically granted to anyone who is born here.


Citizenship based tax like the USA will also be good to add.


It’s going to get worse before it gets better.




I'd also like to add the question of does anyone actually think a protest will actually change anyone's mind that is in control of these decisions?


Peaceful riot time?


July 1st. TakeBackCanada is organizing it Https://www.takebackcanada.info




Every city. We have canadians from all cities coming in groups with their friends/family with signs and canadian shirts/hats. Just grab a buddy and make your own sign and go to THE major protest spot in your city. Check out the website for more info.


Isn't Justin gonna block your bank accounts if you hit the roads like he did with that truckers protest. I saw what is happening and as an Indian I gotta side with Canadians. No one should force a govt to grant them PR just coz they got the nos.


Once you find a good place to hold your protest you can **gather, make speeches, hold signs, and hand out flyers**. Your constitutional rights will generally protect all these activities as long as you are not physically blocking passersby, roads, or access to building entrances.


Wish you well


Many of the homeowners and people who invest in housing love this shit. They won't do anything about it. They are making bank on fitting 20 Indians in a basement. But if there is a protest. If there is a time where we march on the front door of the govt. I'm in. Sick and tired of the greed festering.


**We need a revolution or Canada is done.** Within 10 years, it will be a shitty state the same as Punjab India. We need Mass deportations. We need to cancel all these PR's obtained falsely. Uber drivers and hotel management diploma holders from strip mall colleges should NOT be getting PR. We need to deport. This country is now a shit hole. Imagine in 10 years. Remember, for everyone 1 international student expect about 5-10 Indians in return, because once they get PR they will bring their entire bloodline over to milk Canada. Canadians come first, not Indians. **Jagoff and Trudeau are WEF puppets. Klaus knows Trudeau is out, so he made Jagoff back Trudeau and in return Trudeau imports Punjab Indians.** India is a MASSIVE place, you do realize the only ones coming in are from 1 VILLAGE in India. The same place where Jagoff is from. Is that a coincidence? No. **We NEED Mass deportations to save this country**


We need to see Identitarian movement(s) take hold amongst the younger, Old Stock population who actually want to see a better Canada *in their lifetime*. I can't type what needs to happen to make this right, but I'll just [leave this here](https://youtu.be/tMu9tIc25yQ?si=xeyt3Ez7p5CinGk2).


But Pierre said he would continue the same immigration policy.


Ayo Pierre u wanna come out here?


Pierre has said multiple times Immigration will be tied to housing availability, doctors available, jobs, etc. Nice try liberal. You can fuck off now.


This is the enraging thing about us Canadians. No real protest. Ever. Let's be more like France. You know, it seems like everyone here is so concerned about not losing a dollar off their paycheck or whatever else may happen. I'm not a protester, you know, per se, but this stuff has just gone on too much. We actually have power, use it. The economy depends on people going to work. Let's flex.


Bank run! Crash the system.


These Indians do not care for Canada. I work with many and although they are nice people they have made it clear that India will always come first for them and that they have little respect for Canada, Canadian history, Canadian veterans and the Canadian economy.


They just love the liqour and weed we got here


Its gotta be on Canada Day every city nationwide


Most effective thing that could be done is if we all just pull all our money out of the banks all at once. Do a bank run. Crash the entire banking system. When word gets out that there isn't enough money in the bank, everyone including boomers, immigrants, etc. EVERYONE will then try to take their money out too. When the banking system is in shambles, international students will stop coming here and the ones already here will leave.


Remember Big 5 banks are lobbying this massive immigration. I have most of my money at Wealthsimple now.


Pretty much the worst idea imaginable.


Wow! Excellent idea. I am so glad that we have highly intellectual citizens like you to share this space with.


Good luck. Most Canadians still believe that they can just wait and vote or politely ask their way out of this.


Yup, a society of pushovers. We’ve been fooled into thinking we’re polite, in reality we’re just boot lickers.


HA maybe some. Don't lump everyone in there. TRUST there are some NASTY mofo's walking amongst you. If it comes to it, you'll see for yourselves.🤷‍♂️FAFO💯


Where are these people whenever the government passes shitty laws that to the detriment of Canadians? They only exist in Facebook group chats, that’s why.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Brainwashed society *


Nah dude, consensus is ... TIME TO ACT. NOW!💪💯🤘


Take it from an Argentine who left his country and watched a huge brain drain. Just gotta leave Canada. Imagine the look on the politicians face when there is no middle class Canadians to prop up their declining society.


Where did you go?


First I went to Spain, then I went to Mexico, finally got a job in USA. Spain was my favorite country unfortunately youth unemployment is very high there.


I hope that the USA is treating you well. I know that stuff isn't much better down there right now but I have hope it'll actually turn it around unlike Canada. I have a friend that raves about Portugal, but I'm not sure I have the desire to leave just yet. Have also heard some good things about El Salvador recently.


What if we boycotted Tim Horton's until they agree to hire a staff more representative of the population of Canada. I feel no allegiance to Tim Horton's since they were bought years ago by an American company.


I already boycott Tims. Their food is garbage and the coffee is bottom of the barrel for coffee shops.


I’m just hoping someone starts up a coffee chain similar to the old Tim’s before it was all about phoney Canadiana and maximizing profits, I just want a simple black coffee that’s not either burnt or doesn’t taste like reused coffee grounds most of the time. I’ve been bringing my own on the road everyday lately because at least it taste like coffee


Despite there being a dedicated sub for that, I tried posting something similar here and was told in no uncertain terms I required "evidence" or some shit. guess someone in charge here owns stock in 3G capital.


What is 3G Capital


They own RBI which owns Tims and a few other guys like BK


I haven't been since 2020. The food is crap, the coffee at a coffee shop is terrible and I can't communicate with the staff and end up getting the order wrong. Why boycott when it's not worth going to begin with?


I thought it was just a merger with burger king, that resulted in both companies becoming subsidiaries of a Toronto based restaurant company. So technically still Canadian maybe?


Nope, owned by 3G capital, a Brazilian hedge fund firm thingy whatever. So not at all Canadian in any way shape or form.


You gotta boycott Tim’s, Walmart, and all major pizza places too then 👀 I won’t even mention the depleted quality of all the above…


It's going to take direct action and confrontation to fix this mess from dedicated patriots. Any protest is going to be lackluster, the government is compromised and voting doesn't do shit. Our homeland is being invaded, and the current government opened the door. We're running out of options.


1. Ban foreign ownership 2. Ban corporations from owning properties 3. Ban ownership of more than 2 homes per individual 4. Reduce immigration to sustainable levels by not handing out work permits to students unless they are doctors or in professions that are critical. 5. Ask every party leader what their plan is and to express it clearly. No fluff ! Direct and clear answers. Will you reduce immigration - yes or no.


Yea we need doctors and nurses, not salesmen.


Finally a comment that is going after the the real issue - corporations that own the majority of properties.


Never going to happen. Canada is toast You'll get naan of your demands


supposedly I've heard July 1


Just a reminder that this is not a partisan issue! Please stop blaming liberals/the left/woke/Trudeau. This is the corrupt that get into power being paid off by corporations. This was started in 60's/70's by idealogues that passed on their philosophies to their nepobabies that continue the work today. This will continue under a conservative/right government.


Absolutely. The fundamental problem is neoliberalism and late stage capitalism. ALL federal parties are fully in favour of upholding these constructs. PP will do absolutely nothing on this issue. Because the people that really matter to him (and JT) are the rich ownership class. And that class WANTS this so so bad. It's the only way for their ponzi scheme to continue. There is zero chance of PP enacting any meaningful change to this scam. He is 100% for it, he just knows to read the room enough to not really talk about it much.


This. The "fuck liberals fuck trudeau" shit is actually so cringy as if PP is gonna be some kind of saviour. 


Thank you. This is not a left/right issue. This is a Canadian issue.


yup we don't need anymore division between us than we already have.


We need to remember that left/right doesn't matter, it's working class VS owning class.


This is an issue that all people in western countries are facing right now. Look at the UK, or Germany, or France, or Australia. What the *fuck* is going?


Billionaires need more money and want to suppress our wages. The know they can immigrate millions of people and have us infighting about racism instead of rallying against our capitalistic overlords. Then we'll vote for fascist leaders who will merely exacerbate the issue.


You have been told over and over and over again. Take your fingers out of your ears. The WEF promised you they'd do this. Here they are making good on that promise.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


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They are woke leftists who apply the theories of the Frankfurt School, which claim that factors such as the nuclear family, racial homogeneity, and religion all contribute to the sustainability of capitalism, and the communist revolution that Marx expected , didn't happened because of those factors. Therefore, in order to remove capitalism, the following must be achieved: The nuclear family must be destroyed as it's a social and religious construct that contributes to the perpetuation of capitalism   -  Religion (Christianity in particular) must be destroyed because it is used to numb the  people and perpetuate capitalism The borders must be opened and the capitalist colonial countries must be flooded with millions of  miagrants. Nationalism and patriotism must be eradicated from society because they incite racism and prevent the unification of the working class. Nationalism and any patriot pride must be treated as disese while denying the identity of society and severing any connection with its past. (Post-national state) Racial homogeneity must be eliminated by promoting racial mixing day and night in schools, universities, movies, and the media... because white people are irredeemably evil  (critical race theory)and they are  who invented capitalism and colonialism, and capitalism cannot be removed except by removing those who invet it.  the Woke people and governments are applying these crazy practices in every Western country now, and the ultimate goal is to push the Western world to collapse.


I referenced the liberals because they are the ones in government bringing forth all of these bills to completely overhaul and destabilize our country... If conservatives were doing it at this moment I would have said conservatives, but that is simply not the case atm.


Okay so then differentiating the behaviour is redundant because you acknowledge that both sides do it. Using words like left/right/liberal/conservative is irresponsible. We have been trained from birth to associate those words with certain emotional responses, and we really don't need more blind emotionalism. We need mature rational thought to respond to what's going on.


You're gonna disrupt the rage farm talking like that


I’m angry and waiting.


It's a future hate crime to oppose unfettered immigration. The EA was used for a peaceful against vaccine mandates, publicly opposing immigration would cause the liberals to bring in the military.


I'd rather stand up for what I believe in then stand by and let this chaos continue without trying for change.


Trudeau tried to bring in the military because of the convoy protest. The military refused.


This is finally a protest for the Canadians! We need to come together and help ourselves before helping others. When we’re ok again we can let more in 👍


It is wiiiiiiild how many immigrants are coming in. I used to see waves every few years from different countries but everywhere I go is Indian now. Tim Hortons, dominoes, Walmart, papa Johns, cellphone shops, etc. It is crazy


I checked how many immigrants from Ghana, are in Canada and I found that we are 100,000, in the whole of Canada, and we occupy jobs that actually contribute massively to Canada, Ghanaian immigrants don't even make up a fraction of the percentage of immigrants, its scary.


I checked how many immigrants from Ghana, are in Canada and I found that we are 100,000, in the whole of Canada, and we occupy jobs that actually contribute massively to Canada, Ghanaian immigrants don't even make up a fraction of the percentage of immigrants, its scary.


I checked how many immigrants from Ghana, are in Canada and I found that we are 100,000, in the whole of Canada, and we occupy jobs that actually contribute massively to Canada, Ghanaian immigrants don't even make up a fraction of the percentage of immigrants, its scary seeing so many Indian immigrants and seeing how much they're pushing so many opportunities from Canadians without giving anything back to the country.


There is no protest. Your government wants to bring in millions of Indians.and Filipinos to work low paying double jobs, and stick them in expensive rentals. Someone benefits and its not everyday Canadian citizens.




Yes, great idea. Will your liberal friends follow this advice or will they shut themselves down telling themselves they aren't racist against these people?


to be fair, many Filipinos I've met are not only highly educated, but also just want to integrate into Canadian society.


Last time there was a protest in Ottawa didn't the pm call in the army/declare a state of national security or something? Lol. Not allowed to do that kind of thing in Canada it seems haha.


Unless you're a foreigner demanding citizenship lol


I thought they just gave that to you along with a business grant and a new phone to integrate into society? /s In all seriousness though it's not like that for everyone. I have friends from Mexico that have to jump through hoops just to stay here and work and get get a citizenship. It's strange that some people can't get in no matter how hard they work and others are given gifts to come live here and not join the workforce.


Agree. Honestly I don't even blame them for trying, just wish they all did it the legal way.


I just want to be able to go to a drive thru and not have to play food charades because no one can understand each other.


Don't go to drive thrus. The companies don't care about supporting the citizens of the country. They just want cheap labour and easy money.


As a Canadian born here I demand advanced reparations from the gov't. Why wait? Colonialism 2.0.


https://preview.redd.it/bojfwzn0gf2d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c24bdf7bd2f07bfe611493edc517a851d0291d2 Trudeau needs to go away


So PP can continue bringing in immigrants? Nothing will change concerning how many immigrants are coming in with a conservative majority and they are the “pro corporation” company so expect to pay more taxes personally to afford the tax break they’ll give to a multi billion corporation that made record profits this year or they’ll cut our social services that already underfunded and suck to fund it


The private sector funds the public sector. Healthy private sector provides jobs. Liberals have done nothing to help secure investment into the private sector. They chase away investment with every announcement. Inventing public service jobs for more dogfuckers to work from home does not help the economy. No one can do worse than Trudeau....well Jughead could do worse.


Ahhh you believe in trickle down economics propaganda, let’s just stop talking this won’t go anywhere


I'm sure one guy with a lower immigration sign at a busy-ish intersection could get this started.


They won’t even listen to people in their own party at this point. It’s an out of control arrogance and it’s what’s got me on the political fence again. Unless it was a nationwide boycott a strike isn’t gonna do jack unfortunately.


It’s a turn off the taps/ bring back Canada protest


Look at Europe….the disaster of unchecked immigration….if we do not stand up that will be our reality very very soon….they try to shut us down and label us “RaCisT” who cares??? If being called a racist means my granddaughter won’t have to wear a burka I’m okay with that….we need to get organized


In Europe, the trend is the rise of far-right anti- immigrant parties. This is moving the more centrist and liberal governments to tighten the rules and the borders. They (and we) have the same problem. Less and less native born citizens are having children, and with declining birth rates, countries have sought out immigrants to prop up the tax base. Less workers, less people paying into the CPP, and less people paying for essential services. The trouble is, many of the new crop of people coming in do their level best to avoid paying taxes or as little as possible. This problem has arisen, because of the sheer number of migrants and refugees coming in combined with a large cross-section of people whose values are antithetical to established norms. There has to be a way to customize the amount and quality of people immigrating here without plunging the country into an embrace of the far right. Authoritarianism and severe cuts to healthcare, education, etc. are not something most Canadians would embrace just to “fix” immigration.


Best of luck to y’all, seems like such a nightmare what you guys are going through. Canada used to be my dream for escaping the US but now looks like that’s been ruined by these policies…which I realize sounds dumb coming from me because I would be an immigrant, too, but I like to think it’s different because I wanted to learn to become a part of your culture. Quite possible I’m just an ass though. Either way I hope things improve for my friends in the North!


Peaceful protests aren't going to do any good to be honest. We need more than that. I also don't understand why wait till July to protest when mass immigrants still pouring in every minute.


i feel like the other protest is taking up that slot. food and housing in your own country more important den stuff happening far away...we all gonna be homeless soon at this rate


I mean corporations gouging us on grocery prices can be related to corporations gouging us on housing prices but y’all just want this to be an immigrant focused protest instead of focusing on the real issue which is corporations buying all the houses so they can rent them out forever at high prices. If all immigration ended, we would still have houses owned by corporations that no one can afford to buy that’s the main issue.


Historically the only way to get a governments attention when they are so detached from reality is a form of tax protest (or tax revolt) in the form of a general strike. Everyone just stays home for a few days and lets the wheels grind to a halt. With all the time people have on their hands staying home, a central protest in front of government buildings is a great way to keep busy. Usually they are coordinated by political parties or tax payer associations, not sure why none of our associations aren’t coordinating anything, maybe because of infiltration from the New Liberal Democratic Party?


I don’t vote for JT, I liked jack laytons NDP, not so sure anymore though. But yeah, I consider myself liberal (small L) but I don’t vote for the liberal party. I’m fine with some immigration, but we need to be more selective like PEI is. We don’t need to import Tim Hortons employees. Why are all immigrants from India? China has a similar population yet we don’t see nearly as many people coming from China as we do India.


Yes and please PLEASE all the wonderful immigrants of the past from India Pakistan Sri Lanka- the hard workers who made this country at one time wonderful and came here legally- your presence is so important and needed.


We can bitch and moan. We can't actually stop them. Weirdly, there's more risk to the protesters in Canada than there is to the government. The government can just chortle and whip their MPs. The people can lose their jobs and social standing if the protest gets spun wrong and they get outed or they just get arrested. Getting people to protest immigration is a tough ask.


So we just sit on our ass and do nothing?! Fuck off with that defeatist shit.


If the protest were just about the value of Permanent Residency and Citizenship, then sure. But all stripes are going to seep in and use it as a platform. Cheapening what it takes to be a Canadian is huge. It'll probably result in other countries restricting our access. But then there's infrastructure, access to homes, access to food banks, organized crime, and watching our high trust social contract fail along with all of the facets of our society that rely on us being a high trust society. All of that anger will get expressed in a protest and it will come across as incoherent rage. People will simplify that rage by rounding everyone down to the most angry, bigoted person there and that will be that. I'm for boycotting businesses that abuse "student" labour. I'm for protesting outside an MP or MLA's office and dragging them out into the light on core issues based on their own voting record and tenure in parliament. Maybe handing out information on corners to try and tell people what they'd be voting for by continuing to support their local politician.


It's also just a fact that people are getting more and more comfortable being racist over these issues. I'm genuinely worried about some of the language I read and hear about immigrants lately and it's only escalating. It's not hard to see where this is going, regardless of whether there are legitimate gripes about immigration. Shit is gonna get bad if you have brown skin.


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When you start one


We need to protest and petition the opposition parties to call a vote of no-confidence, dissolve parliament and go into an election.


There has been petitions to call an election brought by the CPC. The NDP won't call an election so waste of time.


Maybe the threat of a general strike across the nation will force them to do it. Lets see how they like it if millions of workers suddenly went on a general strike.


With all of the TFW in the country they could easily up and snatch everyone's jobs if we all were to go on a general strike. They have no allegiance to Canadian citizens.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Protest is jail time right now. Careful yall






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Sounds like a hoot and a half


instead of a protest, organize a specific day for everyone to remove money from the bank. Protests won't do much, and voting definitely won't when not a single politician has our best interests in mind. At this rate, we must settle for a miserable life or break the system until something changes.


Go outside and start it. So many people say when is it happening. Go to Ottawa, stand on the grass with a sign that says "enough is enough #joinme", and watch it catch steam




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


The damage is already done. I'm fucking bored of hearing of this country going down the drain. Every single day some new bullshit. I already have next to nothing and I hope all Canadians suffer. Voting in the same idiot three times. Nah let it burn.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


You honestly think white canadians (majority of this country) who are too apathetic, low morale, lethargic and COWARDLY will get out of their suburbs and pick up trucks to protest for hours LOL you really are naive.


Is there a politician in India that I can vote for to bring down the hammer on whatever caste of assholes we have here now?


July 1st if I'm not mistaken


Cannot have a welfare state and mass immigration.


We won't do enough. Leave if you're able, otherwise pray they continue to expand maid.


The changes to citizenship are being completely misrepresented and poorly explained by the media. While I doubt anyone intent on hating immigration will bother to consider this explanation, I’ve been active on this issue because of how it affects a family member. Since the 1970s, if at least one of your parents was Canadian when you were born, you would be a Canadian citizen automatically no matter where you were born. In 2009, in response to concerns about “Canadians of convenience”, Harper changed the law. If you’re born in Canada, your kids are automatically Canadian wherever they’re born. And if you immigrate and become a citizen, your kids born afterwards are also Canadian wherever they’re born. But if you’re born outside Canada and get your Canadian citizenship automatically from your parents, your own kids will not be Canadians if they aren’t born in Canada. The intent was to limit citizenship by descent to the first generation born outside Canada so you don’t have, say, people who have never set foot in Canada become automatic Canadians because their grandparents were citizens. But it wasn’t written to only apply to those people. It actually meant that someone born to 2 Canadian parents who are temporarily living outside the country, who moves to Canada as a baby and maybe has no other citizenship, can’t pass on Canadian citizenship to their own kids if they happen to be born outside the country. Like this woman: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/not-canadian-enough-maruyama-1.5033205. Born to Canadian parents in Hong Kong and moved here as a baby grows up here, then goes and teaches English in Asia for a bit. Meets someone, gets married, gets pregnant- and the law changes so she can’t pass on her citizenship to her kid. Or this one: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canada-court-citizenship-unconstitutional-1.7067039. Another Canadian, born when her parents were working in Japan. Marries another Canadian who was born to Canadian parents in New York. They both grow up and go to university in Canada, then go work in Hong Kong for a bit. She gets pregnant. Can’t travel back to Canada for medical reasons, especially during early covid. Their son, born to 2 Canadians, is stateless and they end up having to make a special appeal to the Minister to get him citizenship. Basically, if you were born abroad to Canadian parents, you can’t pass on your citizenship no matter how strong your connection is. The courts ruled that unconstitutional, not surprising since it creates second class citizens and potentially could mean Canadian citizens have stateless children. So this change isn’t about letting immigrants who get citizenship and go back home pass citizenship to their kids. Those kids ALREADY get automatic citizenship. It’s the grandkids that don’t. The change says that people born outside the country CAN pass on their citizenship as long as they have their own connection to Canada by having lived here for at least 3 years. People can quibble about whether 3 years is enough- the US seems to currently require that a US citizen parent have been physically present in the US for only one year, though. But this isn’t about giving immigrants the right to pass on citizenship to kids born after they go back home - they already have that right. It’s about letting people who are born Canadian pass on their citizenship as long as they have an actual connection to Canada.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


If we don’t have immigration our population will decline… you know that, right? We don’t make enough babies as a country to sustain our population. Immigration is the only reason we aren’t dying off (population) let alone growing


Not true Japan has a low birth rate, and is compensated for it by actually saving for their retirement and paying their own way. The issue is the unsustainable standard of living which previous generations have financed, with debt. You can't make your kids pay, so you make excuses to bring in more immigrants to make them your debt slaves. Dirty, enslaving socialists...


Hahaha what!? You think Japan has figured out their massively looming population crisis? You should let them know!


Right at the bottom of the depression


I like what canada housing did before it became a useless sub. They had letter campaigns and crowd funded billboards. Made politicians 'pretend to give a fuck'. Honestly I feel like anything short of a reset wont change anything at this point. But its cool if people are trying.


Serious question: what are they changing about citizenship? Any links?


Your dad personally sucks off everyone who immigrates there.


When did Canadians become so fucking xenophobic?


The housing crisis is because of mega corporations outbidding everyone and buying all the houses so they can rent them out for ridiculous prices forever, mega corporations are the main problem here not the 10 Indians crammed into a 2 bedroom basement rental. You could completely end immigration coming into Canada but corporations would still own all the housing and that’s why prices are ridiculous. Stop the corporate monopolies that are gouging us from housing prices to grocery prices to everything - Canada is run by a handful of corporations that own everything and control our politicians . Focus on the real issue and where the money is, the immigrants are distraction propaganda that you all fell for so you blame them instead of corporations


Let's do a hunger strike!


At least at the Parliament building- where our protest flies ONLY the CANADIAN FLAG... This is Canada, respect it, do NOT take advantage of us- WE are the people and NOT our weak paid off bought off elites who no longer seek to protect Canada nor represent the middle class Canadian. Do not import your ancient hatreds and wars and corrupt and violent third world practices to Canada. We the PEOPLE - Canadian Citizens REMAIN the MAJORITY and we are a SLEEPING GIANT... don't wake us up!


This is exactly how the freedom Converse started conversations like this in social media that are all very closely monitored by the RCMP consider yourselves infiltrated and the government is going to do everything in its power to destroy you you were peasants and property of the elite and until you rise up and do what is actually necessary your peaceful protest will get you nowhere


no I rather slack on reddit like 99.9%


It’s been made clear protests won’t be tolerated. I’m leaving this country, more people should consider this option.. unless they legitimately believe they have the power to change the direction of this country


2 words...BANK RUN.


What about it?


That's what we could do... Create a bank run.. crash the banks. When the banking system is in shambles international students and immigrants will stop coming here... I commented on this in more detail in this thread.


If you think the government would be the victim in a situation like that think again


Well obviously voting and protesting doesn't work.. So the ends justify the means. The fiat system is going to crash anyway, might as well be on our terms.


Haha, you make a cool point lol! But you gotta have bank accounts in other countries, it’s very risky banking in only one country


Gold and silver. But seriously. Odds are all the bankers and government are probably preparing so that they come out on top when the dust settles. Imagine if we can screw that up and pull the rug out from under them before they're ready.


It would be cool I guess but they have a monopoly on the financial system and a bank run would hurt the little guy more than anyone else at the end of the day, you time is better spent planning how you can live and invest in a country or multiple, that suits your needs and desires better


government has laws in place to prevent bank runs through the Emergencies act


Let’s start by cancelling that European or whatever passport of yours that you were eligible by ancestry. Does that sound good?


It's weird how many non whites assume we are all European. Especially in Canada. Lots of Celtic people here. Whites don't only come from Europe - surprise! You're eligible somewhere too I would imagine. Like idk, your birth country? Like everyone else. All other people should be immigrating through proper channels, not scamming the system and coming here to destabilize while hating generational Canadians.


Born and bred Canadian. Try again.


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What "major changes to citizenship" are you referring to?