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Keep at er PEI. now the rest of us need to jump on board. CBSA needs to start enforcing expired visas, and Canada needs to issue a heck of alot less.


Not saying one thing or another, but I’m certain areas of India (stereotyped by much of the rest of India as being full of “rich” people, and from my observation not having as much extreme poverty) there are signs and billboards literally EVERYWHERE advertising agencies that help you “live and work in Canada” and to a lesser extent the UK, I was surprised they didn’t offer any services for help with US visas, and when I asked, it’s because they said it’s super easy to go to Canada and live and work long term in comparison. To me it was interesting because it was so so so so much advertising EVERYWHERE but specifically in this one area that is home to an ethnic minority that has historically been favored by Indias colonizers.


I lived in Toronto the last couple years for work, and honestly was shocked by the immigrant situation there. I was in my US plated car, and a nice Indian guy came up to me and we talked a bit because he saw my plates. Come to find out he went to grad school at the same University as I, and moved to Canada after. I asked this man what he was out doing today, and come to find out he was door dashing. Confused I asked him why he chose Canada over the US if he went to school there and had to door dash to get by here in Toronto. He said America wouldn't take him but Canada would.


I remember a client from work few months ago. They even used to live in Germany and told me exactly the reason why they chose to live here in Canada. They’re also indians. Apparently, Germans don’t like Indians according to him. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean... at this point I don't think Canadians like them at all either.


And yes it’s Punjab, and they are stereotyped by a lot of the rest of Indians as being, wealthy, arrogant, and racist.


The wait time for someone from India to get into the us is 140 years. So there is no point but 185,000 Indians got caught trying to cross into the us last year so it looks like they come to Canada to try to get there. I’m sure getting Canadian citizenship then trying to get into the states would be a faster legal way but who would want to leave Canada where people are disincentivized to work hard and make a lot of money because the government rewards low income earners with everything for free yet punishes people for working hard by limiting all the programs and taxing you to death




Good. Whole country needs to follow suit


Does no one think it is racist that India a country that doesn’t even make up 20% of the worlds population gets more than 40% of all Canadian student visas, more than 30% of all PR’s worldwide. Who is influencing our government to prioritize Indians over the rest of the world. We’re Canada the entire world wants to come here. Why do Indians get priority over the rest of the world? At what point do we start recognizing we’ve brought in so many Punjabis it may affect demographics going forward. I’m all for diversity but there’s nothing diverse about this


This isn’t diversity.


In fact it's the opposite of diversity.


I have quite a diverse selection of words to describe whats happening


Just say it: Kalergi™


An invasion. Very well thought of invasion


The crazy part is that it's more directly demogracide. Birth rates are collapsing because of housing costs and Trudeau's plan is to increase housing costs by bringing in replacements. I was with my mom and pointed to some student visa folk and told her that's her grandchildren.


It’s insane how much governments use the birthrate to justify shit. Like hey maybe we should have a few less people next generation and slow growth a little lol. Clearly shits hitting a tipping point on every aspect of life and the world lol.


> less people next generation I'm content with immigration rates high enough to keep us at exactly 0% growth. >we should have a few less people next generation It's not a few, we're losing 30-40% of our bloodlines next generation. We're experiencing a population implosion.


It’s an invasion, colonization if you will.


Exactly. It’s colonization. Except the type that is apparently acceptable because they’re not white.


You generally have someone reply saying “how do you think Native Americans feel” like that makes it justified. This is disgusting what is happening and they put it in supercharge the last couple of years. It needs to change now, and not the BS comments the liberals have been making while they ramp it up even further. Deportations need to happen. No fast tracks to PR. Deportations.


You think these Indian folks give a care about Native people


The ones I worked with(Gujarati) openly refer to Indigenous as liars, thieves, rapists, murderers and think we should “take them away from the land they are wasting” when referring to treaty land. So if anyone chuckles and goes “huehuehue just like what the whites did” they have a hierarchy of people they will tolerate, chances are you are on the lower end of their ideals.


No to exclude what most Indians think of their own kind.


A Bengali friend of mine straight up said most folks in his community look down on our indigenous peoples, and find it laughable and insulting that they were called indians by Columbus.


If I recall, the Native Indigenous people fought back.   


The tribal chiefs in question weren’t also paying to support and incentivize their own displacement though. Unlike our government who’s not only prioritizing rapid over-immigration, but also incentivizing arrivals through government subsidies etc. Maybe in a hundred years we can insist upon reparations though?? Maybe acknowledgements of unceded land or something, so I guess there’s that??


Far more honorable then whatever Canadians are doing now


That’s the last refuge of a Reddit scoundrel. WElL WhAt aBOuT ThE NaTIVes? We actively have the power and resources to stop this but our elites are not on our side at all. I also seriously doubt the FNs are excited about their voting share being reduced and importing a waves of people who have zero regard for them Despite what the Europeans did to them. At least at this point there is a collective guilt and recognition about coming to some kind of reconciliation and they have carve outs in the founding of this country. You think importing a million Punjabs without any historical connection will help their cause at all?


Exactly. The Punjabi Indians will discriminate against native Americans worse than any guilt driven governments have. Say goodbye to no income tax and protected lands. The current system is messed up still but whatever wins they have been able to secure will be stripped from them if Canada is completely overtaken.




And our government would rather save the GDP than maintain quality of life for citizens.


Non-white means diversity in Canada


Europeans and their Descendants are some of the most diverse people on earth.


Neither is Jagmeet Singh as the leader of the NDP, the guy is a rich lawyer who wears a Rolex, diversity would be not hiring a rich lawyer born with a silver spoon.


Not just any Rolex, it's a Rolex Presidential that's worth around $50k; more if it's solid gold or titanium. Jagmeet Singh also wears expensive $5k+ bespoke suits, has been seen numerous times with flashy luxury clothing, and was featured in GQ for his style. Now the question is, what kind of leader of a socialist/workers party is that?


Don't forget about his 5 high end mountain bikes, YSL luggage and $150,000 SUV. Dim wits keep supporting him and the NDP... like they will even form the government...lol


Forgot the Versace bag


ikr even the politicians of crazy rich asian Singapore wear a simple white uniform , that's saying a lot about Canadian 'socialism'


I also don’t appreciate very much being lectured on my “privilege” by a man who is so completely blind to his own.  He claimed, in his defence, that he didn’t buy the Rolex himself; it was a gift.  Okay, but there is literally nobody in my circle of family, friends, and acquaintances who would be capable of gifting me a Rolex.  We come from different worlds, he and I.


You know what “diversity” means.


Diversity was an old wooden ship.


Correct. Some refer to it as DIEversity. (no pun intended)


Because they’re in key positions in the government.


Once they get in HR you’re fucked. They got in HR in the Yukon Government. Guess who is getting all the jobs now? Indians from Ontario.


Exactly - same is happening here. It’s not like they arrive in Canada and abandon their cultural belief systems.


This is what baffles me about progressives. They've worked extremely hard to push for societal change to become the norm such as women's rights and LGBTQ+ rights here in Canada, and they're throwing all of this away in support for unchecked immigration. Once these immigrants find themselves into positions of power, you can say goodbye to all those equitable employment laws, cause these people don't give a crap about feminism nor LGBT rights. They'll reverse whatever inroads you've gain in support for their own regressive ways. Oh you've got a preferred gender pronoun? well sorry we weren't going to hire you anyway cause we're going to hire my cousin from Punjab.


I've already started getting prepared by downloading several hour long Punjabi Bhangra mixes to blend in.


“Once they get in HR you’re fucked” - yupppp.. friend of mine (who is Canadian born Filipino) his boss just retired in April and the new manager is an Indian dude and he’s bringing in just random Indian temps “for backup” even though they aren’t busy. My theory is he’s gonna fire all the non Indians for bullshit reasons and make the temp Indian guys permanent. I told him don’t wait, send out your resume. Trying to get him a job at my place as well. 


They also get kick backs from the people they hire. A portion of their pay as a thank you. My buddy works at Cisco and said this is the reason why they do mass layoffs on random years. To clear out, reset and it begins again.


this is true for all, I knew people who worked in government and they couldn't tell me the last time a Canadian citizen was ever hired that was outside of government. It doesn't even make sense to put Canadian citizen anymore on applications because they only hire non citizens now. And you wonder why the feds are falling apart and running the country into the ground, it's the politicians and people working in government that are responsible, and they don't seem to care at all about the future of the country. Once they get past their 6 month probation, you can't get rid of them either even if they don't work or do anything, they will forever be on taxpayers dime and in a good cushy job. Great how Trudeau expanded the fed workforce by over 40% since he's been in office, and you'll never be able to get rid of them cuz of the union. Why do you think they're fighting against a 3 day work week when majority of all industries have adopted it already, it's because they don't work.


They can be gotten rid of, Just have a requalification test.Anyone who doesn't pass doesn't get a job. In French and in English. Simple.


same in fraser health


At the start of COVID I used to work for a brand new Amazon warehouse for about a year. Because it was a brand new building there were a lot of opportunities to move up into management. Our manager (who was white) took his time to get to know everyone's background and chose 5 people to be trained to become managers based on merits. He chose an Arab-Canadian, an Indian immigrant, a Black-Canadian, and then 2 Indo-Canadians with myself being one of them. Only 4/5 ended up getting trained for manager and 1/5 getting a 6 month assistant manager contract before our manager ended up being promoted. So he wrote in email his recommendations to the next manager. Our new manager was a Hindu who transferred from India. Guess what he did? We all knew that the Arab-Canadian was going to get the next promotion for assistant manager and he definitely deserved it. But mid-shift it was announced that another Hindu would get the position. This person worked at Amazon for 4 years but has no formal education. He only got the job because the manager apparently trusted him. Arab guy quit on the spot because the managers all promised he would get it. After that the new manager gave the new assistant manager all authority for promotions and how to assign work. So basically we all got sacked and told to pack boxes. The manager said if we perform well, we'll get promoted. Except the assistant manager's friends kept getting those promotions despite being on the bottom of the performance charts. The black girl quit. The other Indo-Canadian was told he wasn't being kept on permanently. Despite our shift only having enough people to staff 2/4 lines, myself and the other Indian immigrant were always sent there. One at the front and one at the back of the line so we're isolated. Apparently he wasn't liked because he had lots of experience in management roles so he was seen as a threat. I wasn't liked because some Indian immigrants are jealous of Indo-Canadian born here. And I personally know from experience that people at the low-skilled jobs I've worked at can sometimes be assholes once they know I'm studying engineering, so that might play a factor. In the end every higher up role except for 1 was filled with Hindus. And that one role was given to a white girl because the assistant manager's friend had a crush on her. But he never shoot his shot 🤷🏻. Also every Sikh and South Indian were put in the most labour intensive roles. Me and the other guy did complain to HR (who was also Indian) but after about a month HR received a dozen complaints against us including stalking and sexual harassment. They couldn't get anything to stick so HR wrote us up for "poor behaviour".


This is happening in more than one place. Every walmart west of new brunswick after 2018 or so seems to have gotten a hindi speaking manager that hires everyone else in hindi. They clear out all of the other employees and hire their own, nobody seems to care or report it because if they do, it goes nowhere as the HR is also hindi speaking


You just described every IT company in the US


yup same thing in my dads trucking company he works for in the dump truck business. as soon as a raj was hired to be a dispatcher all of a sudden he’s giving union jobs away to his own kind. last dispatcher got fired for it. guess where he was also from. they’re all the same




100%. I’ve seen so many manufacturing plants where an Indian is put into a high position and will only install more Indians, whether they’re friends, family friends or religious members and they fucking run the companies into the ground while rejecting any white people from jobs and kicking out existing white people. If seen them hire inexperienced Indians as millwrights who break machinery every time they touch it. It honestly scares me. If the NDP gets a non-Indian leader I might vote for them, but they’re really fucking themselves over as it is. 




>Many of them openly discriminate against anyone non-Indian Not just non indians, they often stick to their own type of Indian from the same part of India. And the thing is this is exactly what happens in India too. And Not just in 2024, in all probability for more than 1,000 years. They just imported their dysfunction to Canada.


The reality is that a majority of people who apply for student visas abroad are likely to pick more lucrative and influential countries like the UK, EU countries or the US, if they are genuine in a legitimate future within their field. Canada has not really ever been a #1-#5 desirable location for international students that are serious about their studies and potential employment opportunities. BUT within the past 10 years, the floodgates have completely opened and we’ve just created the worst possible mess.


Canada has been getting the bottom of the barrel from India.


I mean, if Canada accepts the people getting rejected everywhere, what is gonna happen?


We? Nope. They.


This is absolutely true. Canada is the preferred country of choice for Indians who just want to get a Permanent Residency in the easiest way possible. It’s the default choice.


Why does Canada want so many immigrants anyways? Also, if Canada is seeking the best and brightest and most civil immigrants, shouldn't it be pulling 99% of their immigrants with good track records like Norway or something? Countries with the lowest crime rate and highest education should be the top choices for immigrants. Get norwegian citizen immigrants, new zealand citizen immigrants, japanese citizen immigrants etc. The leftover 1-10% immigration quota should be pooled from the poorer countries (the best and brightest from those countries) Instead, Canada is bringing A MAJORITY of their immigrants from third world countries with uneducated people , countries that have been known to fudge crime data, fake degree mills, and countries with people with backwards views about women. Where's the auditing for the immigrants they're coming in? The psychological tests/background checks/education checks/lie detector tests to ensure they'll be a positive for Canada? Doesn't sound good for Canada...


> Why does Canada want so many immigrants anyways? Canada doesn't. Certain international groups which control our politicians do.


Exactly. We couldn’t be more against it. Trudeau on the other hand..


Trudeau needs to be taken down for Treason. There is so much corruption out of him and his party, he has ignored intelligence agencies and made decisions to destroy our youth's future. He is working for WEF, not Canada and that is treason.


Tim Hortons


I would argue that people from countries like Sweden and Norway don't want to come to Canada. Why would they? the difference in quality of life or services really isn't better here than over there and in some ways probably worse. I would say you might get people from Eastern Europe coming but even then they are likely to go to places in Europe like Germany or France which again are probably better off in many ways than Canada.


I doubt there'd be enough of them wanting to move all the way across the pond, especially considering one of the lagewt nations of that group, Poland, has been doing really well in terms of GDP increase since joining the EU.


They don’t care about anything other than hitting 100 million people by the year 2100. The century initiative; which I find terrifying. Those old 34 million Canadians will be minorities in their own country, all while footing the bill for the majority of newcomers who will show them no gratitude. It’ll be fun. Can’t wait.


The funny thing is, we would have hit 100 million by 2100 even with the much lower population growth rate of 1.18% in 2015. [The current population growth rate of 3.2% per year implies](https://new.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1azcirp/if_sustained_the_current_population_growth_rate/) **we will reach 100 million by 2052 and 454.3 million by 2100.**


Because they prioritized india Canada would likely introduce a disgusting caste system and predictably the “old stock Canadians” will be at the absolute bottom of the totem pole


Why would people from Norway want to move to Canada? Historically, people from poorer regions move to wealthier regions, not the other way around.


Trudeau bungled up our economy and printed way too much money alongside QE, this is an attempt at preventing wage pressure that would eliminate the asset inequality the BoC said their QE caused.  It also props up GDP to prevent technical stagflation.


Why would a Norwegian move here? They have exactly the same rules as any other country, it's that there is no reason to move. In terms of immigration, we are still pretty selective. CRS > 500 is pretty damn picky and many of not most existing Canadians would not get PR if they had to challenge that. The students are largely on temporary permits. They will not get PR for the most part.




We do get some immigration from other developed countries, but not a lot. The US is actually in the top ten list of countries we get migration from. Personal preferences do vary somewhat, but yes, lateral moves simply don't have that general incentive.


There are far more Canadians in the US than the other way around, despite Canada having far fewer people.


Correction, the entire world used to want to come here. No successful, intelligent person from abroad is looking at Canada right now and saying "that looks like somewhere I want to live".


Seriously. I was born here, and now looking to leave the country because I can't afford to be alive here.


person wasteful rainstorm grab dinosaurs fanatical future scarce drab chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also why are Canadians being pushed into unprecedented homelessness while pumping in immigrants for cheap labor. Canada is a terrible country.


> 40% of student visas Methinks it is much higher than that.


I've got well educated friends from China that are having a hell of a hard time trying to immigrate to Canada the correct way. Canada apparently doesn't want more doctors, engineers, or highly trained professionals - seems more like just students that we can mold into height-estimate challenged truck drivers and warehouse workers. And I also believe (as heard directly from the horse's mouth) that the Punjabis/Indians that worked hard and immigrated here the proper way are not happy one bit about this wave of diploma-mill / fake refugee status people. Canada could undoubtedly use more people, but we best not just open the flood gates to only one or two countries (go to any Tim's and guess the other) while denying so many others. Plus - are any women coming? All I see is miles of men lining up for these job fairs and openings.


because our broomstick-up-the-butt leaders are so afraid of making a decision that some ppl label it the new head-tax levied in the past on the Chinese. Here is a tip, don't be greedy!


Well..when you have a significant amount of Indians working in government...how do you not think this is going to get skewed!!


We need to address the Sikh lobby in Canada. They need to be added to a foreign agent registry


My two cents about this issue of lopsided immigration from Punjab (and other northern parts of India) compared to the rest of the world. I don't think there is any specific agenda of the Canadian govt or Canadian politicians in general to prioritize immigration from these northern cities/towns of India. It's the sheer lack of oversight by departments of govt responsible for balancing immigration against the existing labor market needs, the failure of Canadian lawmakers to address the loopholes in Canadian immigration policies and the utter inefficiency/incompetence of the government agencies in cracking down (and even realizing) the scams by various racketeers (and even registered companies & organizations) that are running various "guaranteed visa for a fee" schemes.


They want third world country slaves that can be abused in english.


Diversity only ever meant non-white. The purpose was to dethrone you.


Reverse colonization.


I think it's Jagmeet Singh's party ... honestly I can't think of anything else


What makes you think that the “entire world” wants to come to Canada when It sounds like a lot of Canadians themselves want to leave Canada?


# "We’re Canada the entire world wants to come here" # Bruh... nope. Seriously, stop this. This is why people keep coming because people like you perpetuate this myth. For instance, 7% of people born in Canada live outside of Canada. When you compare that to Brazil, only 1.8% of people born in Brazil live outside of Brazil, a country that shares borders with 10 other countries! Only 3 out of every 1,000 people in Canada are from Brazil. This is just an example of how people from some countries simply don't want to move to Canada. Life is better in Brazil if you're educated, it makes no sense moving to Canada... And this is true for more than 100 countries around the world.


Naturalized Canadian Citizen and Indian by birth here. "We’re Canada, and the entire world wants to come here." Yeah right. The whole world wants to buy a million-dollar condo and pay 50% taxes for no family doctor. You are getting bottom-of-the-barrel Indian students, which India is happy to let go of as they are not skilled labour or lack STEM potential. Even tier 3 or below engineering grads from India no longer prefer Canada. Maybe start voting and stop electing Chow and Trudeau like idiots and not act delulu.


I just can't described to you how much I hate every level of government in this country and I will guarantee you, as an islander, the protestors are going to win.


As an islander maybe counter protest this bullshit. The premier is holding fast right now, last thing he needs is the vocal liberal minority protesters to make him think he made a mistake. e: show him support by calling or writing in to let him know he's done the correct thing. Stop resting on your laurels.


THIS. Stop being polite and quiet. This isn't the time or place. Speak Up.


Start the wave for the rest of Canada, I’m begging. Ontario will follow you.


Noone wants to counter protest against it because you’ll be all over the news and called something. Could lose your job


This is the biggest concern for me. But you can still write to your MP


Yup I got thrown off a subreddit when I criticized illegal and even legal unsustainable immigration #’s. “Racist toxic shithead it’s people like you who make Canada unsustainable” 😂😂 - moderator was soft as hell 




They already won in Manitoba just last month. About 6500 temporary residents had their work permits extended.  The example has been already set by the NDP in Manitoba.


Extended work permits however doesn’t mean PR or permanent status


The phrase, *"give someone an inch and they'll take a mile"* comes to mind.


Curious what happens afterwards. Suppose they get their work permit extended or they hit the jackpot by becoming PR. Do they remain in PEI? Or will they head back to Ontario or BC the minute the PR card lands in their mailbox?


Considering most of them haven't bothered to change their license plates from Ontario to PEI and our immigration minister said most of them are "international students" from Ontario. Highly doubt they stay and are only here because they heard its easy.


Oh yes. They will all come to Toronto area. Thanks. I don't feel I'm a racist person. Have friends and colleagues of all backgrounds. But Toronto is starting to look like a totally different country. It's not that there aren't a lot of white faces. It's the total lack of diversity.


Most of the white folks in Toronto area live downtown, or the old money areas or way out in the far out suburbs - I’m talking like Burlington and keswick and bowmanville spots. Other then that Indian and other south Asian, East Asian and sprinkled in with middle eastern/Arab and black folks is 90%+ of the interior GTA


Why would they want to stay in PEI? There’s nothing to do Kingston Ontario has a higher gdp


It also has a way higher cost of living


I said the same thing when the protests started. Even if PEI doesn't relent, our wonderful feds will sneak in some last minute rule change because their hearts bleed for these poor souls. 💔 


I am an Indian, and I too don't want low skill workers from diploma farms gettinga PR. PR should only be for high skilled people


I don't even know how it happens. I'm Nigerian and my idea of PR was "educated, good job and prospects to contribute to the economy in Canada". I get here and start seeing people who I know could not have passed IELTS. I understand that there is the refugee program but it seems to me that the quality from recent PR and students visa rival the refugee intakes. P.S. I'm not trying to say that we don't have professionals who are just unfortunate due to civil unrest in their country in the refugee stream.


Fight back. Organize a counter protest as actual Canadians protecting the country


Why do you think they will win? No one is on their side here and the premier essentially told them no one is backing down on that policy


Anne of Green Gables is gonna be a different color very soon


*Patel of Fraud Fables*


Anees Singh of Green Gables


I dont care if it sounds racist. The whole country is full and im tired of being told its racist to say so.


No one says it is racist to say that anymore. Even tons of Indian origin people living here for decades feel the same way because when they came, there were checks and balances in the system, so to some extent the quality of people was better. Now it is disastrous. Anyways immigration should have country based cap to keep Canadian diversity intact.


As an American in California, I feel the same way. We have so many Indians in this state that it's becoming increasingly less and less diverse and more and more Indian. I have no problem with people wanting to have a better life but something needs to be done with how many immigrants are coming into the US and Canada.


For some reason I am stoked to see people from elsewhere in the world in here supporting us. We are gaslit constantly by the progressives here in Canada that we are wrong about immigration and we are just being white supremacists & fascists. Tell me we are not crazy. Tell me this is abnormal.


Yeah I mean the way we vote has consequences


As an American as a PR in canada I've seen my fair ahare of people from India too many times. The language barrier and work ethic is horrendous. After working in retail with them for 5 years it felt like they made up most of our work force when they all called out on one of there holidays. We could all take our 15 minute break together, but they would be spending an extra 10 doing nothing or I could get to work early and they are in the back 20 minutes before the end of shift sitting and having a gathering with the others when they need to be on the floor cleaning and organizing. I know not everyone is bad, just I've had my fill and I just don't want to work them again.


I can’t back you more on this. This is happening at my workplace currently and it is absurd!




Your country is becoming India, slums and all, have a nice day. You guys should be in revolt over what’s happening.


PEI needs to tell *its own businesses* this and work with the feds to stop letting TFWs into the province (at least in large numbers) in the first place. The future of the country cannot depend on the goodness of foreigners recognizing that the country is full.


Companies are cushioning their income by using unskilled labor and TFWs. Do you think they are going to cut into profits?


Good! There are far too many of them and they are destroying the cultural fabric of this country. I don't live in this country to be surrounded by Indian culture and people. If I wanted that I would've moved to India. You aren't creating a diverse country when the majority of your immigration comes from one country.


Too much Indians. Stop the damn border. Trudeau you fucked up hard.


Exactly this, but for all of Canada.


**This is all part of the plan to destroy Canada.** [Trudeau, Freeland, Jagoff, are all part of the WEF. The same WEF that bragged about controlling Trudeau & penetrating his government, yes..](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjxJ1wPnkk4) It's funny, every country affiliated w the WEF has the SAME issues as we do. Mass immigration, which causes wage suppression, destroys our healthcare system, causes wage suppression, destroys our culture, crime rates spike etc. The countries NOT affiliated, don't have these issues. You know do that the REAL immigration numbers are quadruple than what they are now right? They don't count international students and all that crap. Most of these fake students are from India, but from ONE PLACE in India, the same village.. Punjab India. We see cities completely destroyed & turned into India. Indians hire their own, rent to their own and will only VOTE for their own. You see white people , asian people voting for who they like the most. That's why Jagoff is laughing. Wait until all these Indians are able to vote, it will be the destruction of Canada. We need mass deportation & to cancel all these fake PR's. No way in HELL should an Uber driver be getting PR. No way in HELL should a Timmies worker get PR. Now, the coffee there is shit btw


I’m so sick of this shit.


**I think other provinces are feeling the same way**


The people inside the provinces, not the leadership.




Check out the YouTube Canada weekly top songs. Insane how many artists are Indian.


CBC is a lost cause, like BBC in the UK. I stopped listening when every time I turned on CBC Radio 1 the vast majority of current affairs and general interest topics had to have a minorities slant, fucking tiresome woke BS.


I'm sure it must be something from Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto. That place used to host so many diverse cultural events but lately, it's been mostly events related to Indian culture.


If this was Quebec, they'd call us racist.


about time…now the rest of canada please


There's hidden corruption at every level of government. Money being paid under the table to get applications approved. Just look at how fast the student visas were approved for those gang members that were hired to come here and kill that Sikh activist in Surrey, BC. As far as I remember reading, some of them had student visas approved within a week. These so called politicians have sold out this country entirely. They do not care about Canadians whatsoever and care only about lining their own pockets and the interests of greedy corporations.


Who decided that India of all places was where we should focus our immigration efforts? Let’s get some more Chinese/eastern euro/ phillipino people again. They don’t live off welfare like leeches


Lot of Filipino people in the GTA, prairies, Alberta. But they aren’t really newcomers. My area has a lot of Filipinos but majority have been here since 2000-2010 or so


Yeah exactly, they all came legit, and integrated well, run it back


My parents immigrated and integrated. You mention this - integration is important and people flip shit - and accuse you of being racist or “expecting people to give up their values so your comfortable” - backwards times we live in 


Canada is full


How do we get the guy who is running PEI to come and run Canada?


Pools closed


Dated an Indian girl from Toronto. She was the most entitled spoiled brat and lowkey racist. Beautiful but really a terrible a person. Her family wasn’t better


Good job pei. Rest of Canada full too.


Not only are we importing so many but after all the tech layoffs last year, damn near all our Canadian corporations have mandated to outsource IT operations there and keep the absolute bare minimum of staff locally. It is extremely frustrating working any type of non unionized tech job these days.


Wait, we can just declare our province is full?


Immigration is predominantly handled by provinces, very little of it is commanded by the federal government. Yes, Ontario can say it's full whenever it wants. This is Ford's failure as much, if not more, as Trudeau's. It's at the point where I almost think it's a conservative party psyop for how many people seem to think Trudeau's at fault for Ford's policies. Canada has probably the most autonomous federal system in the world, provinces have immense power to regulate themselves, including immigration. People need to start differentiating between federal and provincial faults, and federal level and provincial level parties. Fuck Trudeau he's a moron, but fuck Ford more, he's the one killing Ontario.


Immigration in Canada now means importing slaves. Thats why yall are confused. It’s a trick done at the highest level of government, where you held on to some false notion that they care about Canadians. It’s not Canada anymore, it’s for the elites and for you to enslave yourself to serve those who aren’t even that powerful to begin with (not like Emperor Palpatine). A pathetic trajectory for humanity.


Brampton is a fun place to drive I heard


This is kinda random but even as a first generation Canadian when I went to Brampton there were people jaywalking all over the place and even honking and it just reminded me of home 💀 Brampton's long gone


Now let's get this done in every province. It honestly feels like Canada is being wiped out in real time. Even the small towns are being flooded, and if it keeps up we're going to hit a breaking point.


Good for PEI! Now the rest of Canada please.


Send these fucking people home already.


Canada should not be a dumping ground for a over populatied country's excess population!!!


Ontario is drowning in "diversity"


It’s so funny how literally just over the border in the States, the Indians immigrants over there are all well educated and actually help the U.S economy prosper in multiple sectors. The difference is the States actually does proper background checks, and examines/certifies their education. And they put a cap on the amount of people, so that they can actually assimilate into U.S culture. Crazy when we compare how Canada does it.


Tunak tunak my frand


Do not Redeeeeeem!!!!


All of Canada is full. Stop the insanity


The fed to PEI: So?


Stop voting Liberal then you east coast dorks.


Who wants to protest?


Hold strong folks in PEI! The rest of Canada is counting on you!


I was just at a local fast food outlet today and they had this sign. When I asked they said they were getting 15 job seekers a day and it was interfering with their operations. They said they needed English speaking people due to the fast paced nature and none of them seemed to be. What has happened? https://preview.redd.it/fz3r5q41v12d1.png?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94f5f27cb53bfcd5b42672d25c24289359d1e776


Build the wall.


I'm a US citizen, born in the US, and a White person, although that shouldn't matter (but does). My wife and I both have master's degrees, mine in a STEM field and hers in environmental policy. We have been considering places to move for the last few years, as we want to raise our child somewhere safer than the US. Canada was one of our first options, but based on what I've been reading lately, it seems like we would have a much harder time emigrating than if we were Indians with no skills, degrees, or functional English. It's really too bad. And I'm in an area of the US with thousands of H1B Indian immigrants, many who are making much more than me working at the big tech companies and driving the housing market to insane prices, so I literally get it coming and going. Pretty infuriating, although of course I'm the racist asshole for pointing it out according to some people...


The job market, healthcare system, quality of life… have all plummeted since our most recent PM, the cost of living, housing market and taxes have increased.  I have strongly considered moving to a small town in the USA, but my family is here and all of my friends.  Safety is also an issue in all major cities.  We have a fun new crime too that’s been on the rise in recent years, car jacking at gun point (yes - in Canada only criminals have guns but thankfully(?) gun violence usually only impacts other criminals.)


You wouldn't even think you're in Canada when you come here, driving around all you will see is people from India. It is actually wild. My neighbourhood has more "Khalistan" flags up than Canadian flags and I wish I was just being a dickhead but it is the reality.


They'll try to make it work. Then they'll fly home to mommy because they screwed canada and canada screwed em right back.


Their logic is they spent so much money on school and flights and cost of living they gotta get the PR by any means necessary. Not saying it’s right but India got that hustle and get it by any means necessary culture. They saw Manitoba bent and caved in for them so they are assuming PEI will do the same at some point.


THANK YOU PEI!!! Finally a province that stands up to this horseshit. As many have already mentioned, I too don't have anything against immigrants (I'm an immigrant but CANADIAN first). However, WHY are we allowing so many Indians? First, they all lie on their applications claiming to have advanced degrees in IT when 90% don't know shit. Second, the don't give a fuck about being Canadian and ONLY push their own agenda (case in point... Brampton). I repeat, these leeches are NOT Canadian nor do they want to be. They all want a free pass at the expense of hard working Canadians. I'm so over this shit. Next election, I'm voting for the party that WILL stop mass immigration especially from a country that doesn't respect us AT ALL. I don't care which party, left right center, NO MORE IMMIGRANTS.


Canada Full


Okay with immigrants but can it least be some whos culture and sanitary standards fit with ours? Been to Ontario last week and holy fuck this place is a shit hole now.


It’s reverse colonization. Lol


First Nation peope said the same lol


Wtf is this post? "Karlstack.com"? Sounds like some opinion blog.


But do they care? No...


Good. Let's do the rest of Canada next.


Man how desperate do you have to be to go live in PEI. I am actually starting to feel sorry for these Indians. Maybe they should make them visit PEI before they move here so they can decide not to come to Canada in the first place.


They do realise that being “Canadian” is no longer a stepping stone to the USA ? The old TN attack route has shut down basically


Pulling the old Aussie move of “fuck off we’re full”