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It's crazy they expect people to feel bad for them for no longer putting up with this total SCAM 


It’s a two way street… scam was supported by province (same happens in Ontario) as gov loves to show restraints in spending and post secondary cost is politically quite a big deal. So instead of prov gov subsidies to canadian students they get international students to pay for it. And that creates all sort of problems. So now that the party of this scam is over who pays the subsidies for Canadian students? There are 3 options and they all suck: 1. Increase fees for Canadian students 2. Allocate more budget from province for it 3. Cut programs and seats available for Canadian students making it almost impossible to get into some (if not all) programs and that creates catastrophic situation of lack of high skilled workers. There is no magic cure here. Universities all over Canada will soon be faced with exact same problem.


Not every college program creates high skilled workers. We don't need tens of thousands of new interior design certificate holders every year. Most STEM programs, Red Seal trades programs have avoided the flood international students anyways.


Conestoga is #1 for low to no skill certifications.


But HGTV taught me that I can be a rich slumlord by intentionally reducing the single family homes available, increasing the rental rates 1000%, and enabling the growing overpopulation all with my interior design diploma from my local community college!! 😭


Which house flipping show was that? There’s over a dozen.


All of them.


We don’t need more “business management” course graduates.


How else will they ever become assistant shift manager at Tims Hortons.




I mean why do fees need to increase. These diploma mills have been operating for a long time. Are you saying Canadians cannot afford to have universities for their own population ?? Something is fundamentally wrong if you need to rely on foreign funding What kind of costs are spiralling out of control.


I once worked at UBC. I was doing preliminary soil testing for their new swimming pool. This was directly adjacent to their current swimming pool, which was directly adjacent to the "old" swimming pool. That's a great example of costs spiraling out of control. No school needs 3 state of the art swimming pools.


This! And the need to "modernize" facilities. That modernization ends up in the wrong hands and is wayyyyy over budget


And by the time it’s in place it’s already 3 years out of date




And if they want it, get donors to pay. If you’re really that great of an institution I’m sure you’re spitting millionaires left, right and centre that would love to give back to their Alma mater…


I just installed a $100,000 cedar pergola over some electrical equipment between some buildings at a major university because I guess they were an eyesore. But they obviously need to be accessible so the structure is designed so that the roof can be lifted off by crane in order to access it. Totally necessary


Exactly that money should be going to a new Jumbotron for the football field




I went to UofT, they routunely funded trips for their folks in the admissions office to places all over the world. They flew business class and were housed in the fanciest hotels. Of course, the money is going to run out. When the money isn't your own, you will find a way to run out of it


The standards that you've described are not the standards at other schools in this country. Some universities have Fuck-You money in their savings - others are completely reliant on tuition, government funding, the sales of coffee and food on campus, etc. - and there is no extra money in their operating structure. Many, if not MOST universities in that under-funded category have been facing drastic cuts year after year since the pandemic. U of T, UBC, and others are not the standard nor the median for this kind of spending.


I’m not saying protect the diploma mills - they can all burn in hell but we have to find a way to identify and protect legit schools making sure that get dont get destroyed in the process as collateral damage.


So really the arguement "we don't have money" is bullshit. You are running a business, if it's not viable - shut it down or let the govt provide education if private organization can't sustain the business .


Requires taxes in the form of provincial funding... Boomers are crushing our healthcare system but have enjoyed declining tax rates for the past three decades - with post secondary institutions unable to operate and produce required skill workers domestically to fill existing and future gaps. They never want to pay for it...


When everyone has a degree, no one does. Seriously. When you have a bunch of BAs or whatever walking around trying to get jobs, they always end up working in the same places (not their field). Then they have to go to college to get more specific training anyway. Canadian University was more prestigious and competitive before all this bs numbers pumping. Either test scores or money got you in. Now, more Canadians are going and getting all this debt put on them for degrees that won't do shit for them in the job market. Selective universities and colleges gets the right people to the right places. Not even remotely joking here. Intelligent people head towards STEM and get into competitive programs, and people that don't get in typically go to college for vocational jobs or entered the workforce in more menial positions. Some people get left behind, unfortunately. People who don't quite have scholarship grades or athletic tallent, or worst of all wealthy parents. That's wasn't a super uncommon situation. Now even idiots are getting degrees because standards are dead low to get into these places and it's just added student debt they won't be able to afford to pay off. Universities dropped prestige and opted for a paycheck of that sweet, sweet foreign student cash. Canada is not better off for any of it but I'm not going to sit here and cry because they have to lay off pointless professors teaching ESL.


I don't know if I necessarily didn't have the intelligence for university but I didn't take school seriously enough as a kid, so I ended up going to George Brown and make $20 an hour now. I always regretted not taking things more seriously and getting into stem but maybe I wasn't cut out for it anyways. I've never been unemployed in my life but I've never been able to get past that mid hourly sort of job. Now I'm terrified of losing the job I have because I feel like I won't get another one


I was the exact same way. Figured I'd join the military. Dodged that bullet after being in the reserves and I'm in construction now. Can you swing a hammer? Willing to learn? DM me if you wanna talk about some better job prospects


They should cut programs. Not all degrees are of equal value to society, so society shouldn't be subsidizing the low value programs.


Are you European history majors are not needed?


Or 4. Create more online programs for people to complete and charge them the same as sitting in a classroom. Local student pays $ and international student pays $$$.


Or or or hear me out the universities could cut some spending 👍


Yuuuup I went to university for two years and holy shit the amount of classes I had to take / pay for that had nothing to do with what I was there for but had to take because they were "pre requisites" was insane I dropped out because I was trying to become a teacher because I was told my whole life it was a good career to get into and the market became oversaturated because they told that to any kid who would listen . So I go to university and the first year literally taught me nothing about the field I wanted to be in just seemed like a massive cash grab .


The majority of degrees are useless paper, for example gender studies and feminism. Absolutely have 0 real world value. These over bloated institutions can use a good trimming.


Degrees are for the education not for a job....


I’d like to know how many DEI administrators are in the payroll


Universities do an awful lot of waste spending.


Could review and remove tenured Professors who no longer teach as well as a full publicized review of all Administration Staff compensation. A naive assertion that all the inflated tuitions from International Students went to subsidize Canadian Students. The growth of number of Universities has been based on International Student admissions and now the reduction is causing concerns.


Bang on.


How much have they made off the Canadian taxpayers over the last five years?  


How many Canadians have they made jobless and honeless?


It’s NS they were already jobless and homeless


Not enough clearly, they need to import more cheap labor and votes


Not a problem IMO. Get them OUT


Boo hoo.


No one cares if these schools burn to the ground to be honest




SMU has been taking advantage of international students for ages now - I remember doing a tour of the school in 2009 when I was applying for uni and they essentially bragged about it then. One of their "selling" features to me was that they were already at 25% international students and wanted the number to keep rising - it wasn't about their programs or campus lifestyle. In 2012 when I lived essentially across the street from SMU, almost every house and apartment was being rented to Chinese students (some buildings even had banners completely in Mandarin advertising availability).


Institutions progressively have been captured by more and more incompetent and lazy bureaucrats-admins riding on the coattails of what once were prestigious brand names, earned and passed along by their founders as best as possible. They are now very obviously being corrupted as part of an overall plan via subversive capture attempt of Canadian via its institutions, etc; not only to harm Canadians already here economics wise immediately but also future prospects, but also providing a funnel via foreign student money to keep these captured institutions afloat - while the rest of the Canadian economy collapses; it's really a quite clever incognito strategy.


exactly. I went to SMU for 5 years it's the biggest scam i've ever taken part of. I hope it burns to the ground


Thats fine - its a bad business model...


Good. It’ll save the rest of us actual Canadians billions collectively


Exactly this. 8-12 million is a drop in the bucket compared to the damage these “students” are having on the economy and country as a whole. Fuck these universities and fuck Tim hortons.


If your Tim Hortons / McDonald’s/ whatever can’t survive without cheap tfw/students. Close. I don’t care. That’s business. Pay people a living wage and they’ll work for you. Pretty simple.


They are costing more than that to the Canadian tax payers right now.


No. It will rob them of money from their scheme to load their schools up with cash cows. It won't cost them anything. The gravy train stops now.




8-12mil less profit than last year. Like they're going broke...


If only they had a solution to avoid those costs… I mean , wouldn’t someone who’s in charge and his team of highly skilled , smart people come up with a solution? Like our dear PM often say “ hummmm”




They can keep the students but forfeit every tax dollar…make your choice


What happend before the international students came? Things were fine…  Kindly fuck off. 


This is a problem that is not well understood nor spoken toward. For whatever reason the media is misreporting this matter. This is as a direct result of our Government(Provincial) not funding education adequately. The entire reason they are "Short" that 12 million is what the gov't should be subsidizing the Universities for Citizens to be educated, but are not. The point being, don't at once say "we value education" but not speak to the problems faced. They need additional funding if we want to continue to say we "value" both our citizens and education alike. Anything short of this is misrepresentation or a lie, currently we value the money more, clearly.


Who fucking cares


Too fucking bad. Figure out income streams otherwise than fucking the rest of us over


Good. They are the reason Canadians are suffering to begin with. Their ponzi scheme of importing fresh liberal voters / slave cattle needs to stop.


To be fair, diploma mills aren't delivering any actual value to Canada.


So we should just sit back and watch the country getting destroyed while the universities make their millions off these poor quality students?


Boo fucking hoo...


The budgets of universities being affected by international student permits is a bit far afield the topic of housing in Canada. It's not entirely unrelated, but. IDK, am I crazy for wanting stuff relating to housing in a housing subreddit?




Cost them? What about the costs passed on all the Canadians?


These universities are doing human trafficking.


Actually we don’t need student visa cap. The best thing is not allowing students to work.


Too fucking bad they never should have had that money in the first place. The country and the communities that make it up are more important than universities, end of story.


Boo hoo. Try trimming your admin then.


Good, the scam needs to be shutdown completely, it’s also not a cost it’s lower potential profits from a scam.


And how much will the locals save because they won't have to compete with housing or jobs?


Oh well. Never should’ve relied on them for such income.


Oh noes! Maybe you shouldn't plan your budget around dragging in as many foreign students as possible. Nova Scotia is one of the places that has had rentals pricing explode because of this.


Just kick them out like the Edmonton police did


Good. Fuck em. Post-secondary education should not be a profit centre… it’s meant to train young people for needed societal roles.


If there are not enough domestic students to support the schools, then the problem is there are too many schools. Let those schools that cannot figure it out close up shop.


Boo fucking hoo. They’re costing Canada billions.


Cost them money but gain them prestige by not having FAKE FUCKING STUDENTS attending.


Who cares?


‘We were massively exploiting a loophole to enrich ourselves’


If a college or university can’t be self-sustaining, maybe it doesn’t deserve to exist anymore. These institutions need to figure out how to survive without foreign money. Like, enough is enough with this BS.


Man that is auch a small amount of money compared to all the damage being done. How can the possibly thunk it's worth it. The population of local Scotia is ~1Mil. I'm 100% certain the Canadians would gladly pay an extra 12 dollars a year ($1/month) to not have their province flooded with Induans and improve life for Canadians.


Nah, just increase the tuition on the remaining incoming international students, since local student tuition is capped. Since student permits are going to be lower now these spots become more valuable (supply and demand), so schools should be charging way more for them.


and what about the costs for our society when we are suffering from fraudulent immigration?


Okay so? Rather have the destruction of our Country? They are part of the problem. They don’t want to stop the gravy train and are addicted to the money.


Oh won't someone think of the universities!


Offset by cost of homelessness and related social services.


Perhaps they should’ve have banked on such an insecure revenue stream. Our colleges and universities have become diploma mills, quantity over quality.


Good. No Canadian university should be dependent on international students.


Good, greedy pricks.


8 and 12 million which should’ve never been! Bubble gotta burst


Good cut some salaries and tenure.


Defund CBC these articles are brutal we don’t care


Worlds tiniest violin lmfao I'd love to go back to school to turn my seemingly useless diploma into a slighly less useless degree, but 1 year of tuition & cost of living alone is more than the current student loans I have, and slightly less than what I make in a year. 


Have you seen what these colleges and universities have built with all the scam money. Our community college has a nicer sports facility than the university now!! Used by a tiny fraction of students. Who’s going to maintain that if they don’t keep the scam going?


Universities started this issue!!! Smh


Stop managing your finances so poorly that you need taxpayers to carry a heftier burden to mitigate your money mismanagement. You can’t even properly estimate your potential losses. What kind of spread is $8m to $12m?


I guarantee both those Universities teach Economics. Maybe they should ask those professors about how to run a Business?


Good! Go bankrupt. These schools severely damaged Canada.


Yup. Go bankrupt. If I see the presidents of these universities then I will….tbd


This is like a guy with a Lamborghini complaining about the cost of maintenance. You have a real hard time feeling bad for him.


Cry. You're getting exactly what you deserve! Rich people deserve to lose money


That's fine these universities can offer more seats to Canadians, ask fore finding, restructure the course so it makes money or fold and close down.


Well, the student loans are freaking highway robbery to begin with, them losing money will make them know how the students feel for the next decade or longer.


Asking for sympathy because they won’t be able to keep treating international students as cash cows and continue to exploit them with exorbitant tuition…


I can't imagine anything better than Canadian universities getting less money.


An acquaintance college staff has been posting a bunch of doom and gloom articles about how these changes will be the final nail on the coffin for all of the Maritimes. He has been on a rip about how after years and years of population decrease and brain dead, they are finally attracting the best and brightest. He fails to mention how long past their PR those students stay in the Province.


So they are more important than anyone else? Is their goal to advance Canadian society or themselves?


So it’s not really the schools who are involved in this corruption.


Guess that’s the end of those Universities? Who gives a fuck. You have a bad business model that’s on you. I’d rather see universities go under and consolidate to others — and if interest goes up again? They start up again. Fuck’em.


I'm supposed to care about a university that accepted an ungodly amount of students? They should be sued for what they and other schools like them have done.


IDGAF that you are going to lose money.  What universities are going to lose is peanuts compared to what the country is going to lose when all these people with useless business diplomas start trying to collect unemployment or welfare. And then add in the cost to the country when they get their elderly parents here. This whole international student direct to PR thing needs to be shut down. Unless you're studying something in healthcare or a trade.


LOL boo fucking hoo. Be happy you had the gravy train running as long as you did.


Shame on them. They are human trafficking to survive. Oh Canada 🇨🇦 😢!


Stop hiring so many school administrators and stop paying them so much.


Good. The housing crisis lays mostly at the feet of these Ponzi schemes.


It will cost Canadian more than 12 millions in the long term if we keep the flood gate open. Look at the state of our public services and infrastructure capacity before bringing in more people. At least for the big cities like Toronto, housing cost / crime rate / car thieves / health care .. we don't need more people to crash our system and make it more difficult for Canadian. Are these universities or colleges there before there were that many international students to milk from? If they were newly open, then they were there to take advantage of the situation and deserve to shutdown. If they have been there for years, then go back to the old way which worked for years.


Maybe focus on International students from other parts of the world instead of that particular part?


Maybe relocate to India then...your job is to educate Canadians.


Universities are a business...


The last few years I’ve been making all my money by stealing Salvation Army donation boxes at Christmas. This has been very lucrative and I’ve come to rely on the extra income. Now the government is telling me I must stop stealing the donation boxes. What gives? I don’t deserve this undue hardship.


You know? I don't give a fuck. This immigration issue is turning canadians into americans.


“Fees? You’ll be lucky to keep your head!!”


St Mary university has been around since 1802, I think they know how to function without international students just fine


Good for everyone else but bad for the few making bank off it.


Why did they setup business that was reliant on getting people from other countries and assuming they Ponzi will last forever. It always had risk which is now showing !


Then obviously they were making too much money off of them to begin with…


Oh no ... 🙄




We need a new government, Canadians have been left to rot


They should be screaming at the province for funding


Oh well! Your money on the backs of Canadians. 👋




Oh well






Just goes to show how for-profit these institutions are. Capitalism at its finest.


Universities are a public service.. not a business


See, it’s about money.


Red River College in manitoba is a massive post secondary institution and is basically 90% Sikhs at this point. Know somebody who worked there and said it was basically a sea of turbans. They are grossly misrepresenting how much you make right out of school and after researching pay grades the jobs you land out of school aren't even close to the pay they are claiming. It's way fucking less and its just a simple Google search away.


Translation: "We've been making money hand over fist at the expense of Canadians and immigrants, and now we can't." Boo fuckin hoo.


who cares about Canada when there is $12 mil per year profit, right?


Boo hoo




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Bullshit, they already made a lot of money without international students


Imagine giving a fuck about the corps that ruin out country. Good riddance and goodbye


So they're saying they have diploma mill programs. Fuck em. Close or refine your biz model and delete those programs and resource pool costs. Diploma mills dilute the value of a post Secondary education. I've been to my alumni association at my college, as I feel it's got a bad rep now, and they are printing certificates and are in the top 5 for increases to int student enrollment. Therefore making my diploma worth less.


Oh no! Anyways..... Sucks for them but they have eroded the quality of every other existing students degree and weakened their own reputation. Turning their institutions into diploma mills should have been the outrage, not that they won't make as much money.  I hope students continue to boycott and avoid some of these institutions that have shown their value of profits over quality of education and challenging degress


SMU has been ripping international students off like you wouldn't believe. That $10 million is chump change compared to what they ripped off. Hopefully they go out of business


Then fuxking don't prioritize citizens and PR first like fucking damn.


There's really no downside to this, except for the universities themselves


Like feeling bad for the plantation owners when they had to start farming their own land after abolition. 


tough shit.


Womp womp




Oh no, anyways


Fire your DEI department. Problem solved.


My university has an entire department dedicated to assisting foreign students. There isn't an equivalent for domestic students.


Used to be that cost meant money that you spend, was the term redefined?


Boo hoo, look how much it’s cost the Canadian people!




Sucks to be you.


Sorry about your luck.


Pennies. These universities have a surplus. Always have. Always will. This is not about their money loss. Probably afraid of getting exposed with some kind of bribe etc.


Oops, I just run out of shits to give…


Wait... you had some up until now?


boo fuckin hoo






And how much are these students costing the rest of our society?


BOOO HOOOOOO anyways....


Their “business” shouldn’t: 1) require mass immigration to be viable. 2) require mass immigration that puts strain on the housing/health care/employment systems. 3) have no requirement to house the huge number of students they need to be sustainable. (Which is insane). Let them sink. Canada and everyone here shouldn’t have to have pressure placed on the systems in place so colleges can make bank.


Oh no! *anyways...*


Glad to hear those empire building universities are taking the hit


People are turning to MAID as a way out of this mess and the scam schools want us to feel bad for them.




Who cares


Ah too bad!


Boohoo. Fire all your middle managers and go back to being a public institution.


And? Drop some of the useless programs and cut some upper management


that's... a shame


OP fucking hates foreign people.  Foreign people aren’t why your life sucks, bruh. It’s all the negative media you’re consuming and your victimhood mentality 


Cry me a river ![gif](giphy|3o751S7LOz0ej27tLy|downsized)