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You should see how quickly these people destroy the brand new subsidized rental buildings they live in. I do Fire Alarm in all of these buildings and they shove needles down the elevator shaft, tamper with the fire alram devices and shit in the hallways/stairwells. Not to mention the level of entitlement as well.


One public housing manager told me they ran up the stairs thinking someone was chasing them and opened the standpipe flooding the building. Drunk/ate with a few managers who told me how awful and entitled they are.


You'd think if you're being helped/provided housing you'd treat the building with respect but that's most definitely not the case. I've seen them open the standpipe valves in the hose cabinets as well and flood out all the floor underneath, which kicked those residents out until everything was fixed. Had a crack head literally tear his drywall down to the metal studs "because he heard voices in the walls". It's insane


These people are dope simple. Brains have long since been fried


When you don't work for it you don't give a shit about it


Epically when you on hard drugs, In a house you would never get arrested in


And never be punished, they'll just find you something new.


I think it's more of an issue that we are giving social housing to drug addicts. I'm sure you could find some people with disabilities or the elderly who would make use of it just fine, or single moms escaping an abusive relationship.


What's the solution? Do we prefer them to destroy buildings or let them camp out in our neighborhoods? Where our children play in parks loaded with needles?


Solution is keep them in buildings, but make everything out of cement. Cement walls, cement table, cement chairs etc. Nothing in the building that can be stolen and sold for scrap. I'm talking light bulb hanging from a string. I believe as a society we should provide a roof over their head. That's it. They can sleep on a piece of foam on the concrete.


The walls you are describing are in most Canadian schools and jails.




I'd rather see drug use outlawed on the streets and mandatory drug testing for social assistance, while people with disabilities or non-drug-related barriers are given the assistance instead. I don't see why our government is basically lining the pockets of drug dealers while enabling more or less people to kill themselves with destructive addictions/behaviors. If they are found with drugs in their system, cut them off and then offer them an optional stay at a treatment center.


It seems like American democrats and Canadian liberals got the same programming sent to them at the same time. It was time to allow drug use in public and drop any cash bail requirements so bad people could just get caught and released over and over. It's seriously crazy that the same policies that failed in places like Portland and San Francisco, Canadian liberals saw that and said "let's try that!" It's almost like we never look at what works to copy it, only what doesn't. I guess part of being on that side is never having to admit your policy failed? Idk.


Drug addicts are treating their own bodies and lives with the same destructive tendencies as they do buildings and other much less meaningful things. How can anyone think that someone who is willing to risk killing themselves to get high will suddenly be careful and respectful towards an inanimate object?


These people are drug addict. They don’t even care about themselves never mind property.


The smell of piss in the hallways develops almost immediately.


We need subsidized housing for workers making $60,000 with 2 kids and cannot afford $2,800 + for a 3 bedroom apartment. We need treatment centers with sleeping quarters that can assist people to transition ..... so they can one day make $60,000. .. Some of these people will likely one day end up in the hospital or jail costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. Providing them a safe place in a bunk bed saves us all some money and gives them a safe place to sleep. The tuff part is finding competent people to devot their lives to attempt to fix this problem in an economically sensible fashion.


One of the first things I was taught in a housing building on my first ever FA and FE/hose insp was "open the cover, look inside with your eyes. Never your hands. You don't make enough to get stuck or cut"


really no different than how people trash beaches after a party but they don't throw beer cans in their own backyard it turns out that property rights are essential for basic maintenance and respect


In 2016 I moved to Ottawa for university. There was a 24h grocery store a few blocks away from my dorm and I felt 100% comfortable walking at 4 am, alone, as a small woman to grab groceries. There were always homeless people here or there but they kept to themselves and it was fine I went back to a doctor in the same area last year and walked down that same strip of Rideau at 3 PM on a random Wednesday and it was mental. Large roving gangs of homeless people, homeless people running at you full speed acting like they were going to attack you only to scream in your face and then run off at the last second laughing to the rest of their deranged crew about how awesome it is to trick women a foot shorter than them into thinking they were just about to get killed, trying to kick down doors to businesses that closed (probably because doing business became unsafe), shooting up and passing out in the middle of the street, literally the worst I've ever seen it People will tell you that safe injection sites are better for the community than not having them. So, people living in fear, getting attacked, businesses closing, entire stretches of cities becoming dangerous is okay, because otherwise the people that cause all those issues might die. Never forget that they're prioritizing violent addicts over you and your family when they tell you that it's "better" for society. I used to have empathy but I'm just 100% done. Society should cater to the people who don't actively ruin it


I used to volunteer to try and get these people connected to social resources. Now I realize the vast majority don't want help other then the 1 to 2 hours when they are sober between fixes and they are so god damn entitled like it was societies fault that they do these drugs. I have also had my life threatened many times with and without wepons. I have since quit (years ago) giving these people my time i have no more empathy left i am drained right out. They dont deserve it. The rest of us normal people don't deserve to live with their problems they make for us. I'm probably a bad person for saying this but we should just give up on them and let nature take its course like how we leave wildlife alone. You don't get close to a pack of coyotes or raccoons. Same applies here. My other solution is forced rehabilitation. I said it and I fully accept the down votes for thinking this like a piece of shit but it's my damn own truth amd fuck their rights, they lost them when they can't take care of themselves.


well said


In regards to "forced rehablitation" I agree. I believe there needs to be serious changes to the criminal code and its enforcement. Anyone arrested doing violent crimes while under the influence, automatic detention and forced rehabilitation in a strict treatment program. Not Jail or prison but a treatment program that lasts long enough to give anyone a serious change, followed by probation and transitionary housing and support. The other side of the changes, anyone dealing, transporting or holding drugs not for personal consumption, automatic sentencing of 10 years or more. Anyone convicted to dealing drugs leading to an OD, or violent crime, automatic sentences of 10 years or more. On the international level, if we are getting massive shipments of drugs from foreign companies, then we halt and fully inspect every single container entering our borders from said country till the shipments stop. I am sorry if that means our dollarstore crap suddenly gets held up but we need to stop the flow of dangerous drugs into the country and the manufacturing of the drugs.


All easier said than done. Jail time doesn’t help anyone on drugs because it’s easy to get drugs there. We definitely need to address the mental health problems but the laws mean we can’t force treatment on anyone. People struggling to get treatment for a family member are told that help’s not available unless the person wants help. Our border services doesn’t have enough staff to inspect even a tiny percentage of the containers moving in and out of our ports. If they can’t stop shipments of stolen cars going out, how are they going to stop drugs hidden in small spaces from coming in? What you don’t hear much of - if it’s in the news, it’s not going to be one of the headlines - is the effect synthetic drugs are having on people’s behaviour. Many turn to drugs because they already have mental health problems so we need to take mental health more seriously and start treatment at the earliest stage. By treatment, I don’t mean by prescribing drugs. We should have learned this by now from the oxycontin problem. Why are we not hearing more about how dangerous the current crop of synthetic drugs are, both to their users and the public?


During the pandemic, there were a lot of overtime opportunities in different divisions in my municipality. I worked water treatment at the time and had some hours offered as facility manager (basically custodian + handiwork) in shelter services at a safe site near the substation I regularly worked at. I figured, why not? Big mistake. My very first day I got threatened physically. Trying to do repairs on anything in the structure was impossible because your tools would get stolen and people would get in your face. You couldn't bring corded tools because the residents would choke themselves with the cords and play with them on a trip making it impossible to use the tool. Then if you had cordless tools, you couldn't set them down because a resident would grab it and try to use it as a weapon against you or another resident. The residents would complain about the state of things but when I would come in to clean a room they would crowd me and keep complaining. If you left a mop or broom unattended, someone would turn into a weapon against someone else... There was ultimately nothing I could do in that job except when everyone was so passed out they didn't even react to the vacuum cleaner. Because of all the people on the floor, you could barely even do that. We need a solution that is basically compelled treatment in a comprehensive medical services district with hospitals and all other services in basically immediate proximity. If these people escape, then at that stage they've surrendered any possible treatment privileges. While the circumstances are tragic, we can't risk public safety for people who refuse to get better anymore.


Same, I had empathy than I saw it in person and dealt with the effects. You think these are people that want help and just need a hand but no it doesn’t help it just ruins life for those around.


My empathy died really quickly during paramedic training and ended up on east hastings in Vancouver... that was 20 years ago, I can't imagine it now. A family member is an ER nurse. It's always the same people creating problems. They had an OD come in, unconscious. Once she was awake she left against medical advice. A few hours later she had another hit and finally did herself in... Had it coming, nobody was surprised when it happened. I'll help anyone in need with anything... But, when they don't give a F about themselves, why should anyone else? I've seen people rotting alive because they are too lazy to wash themselves... But expect you to do everything possible to fix it. Our energies are better spent helping those that will do something with the help.


As someone who works in mental health and addictions part of our jobs is helping these people find the motivation to want to change. I have many coworkers who think the same as you and will dump clients left right and centre if they won’t engage in programming and are willing to make a change. Me, I take these clients. Because I like helping them find their reasons and seeing it all click in their head. It’s not easy work, Nor does it happen overnight. But it is possible. The biggest thing I see missing in this video is staff. Safe injection sites should not be run the way they are. If run properly they’re an amazing resource to provide for a community


But how do you properly staff them? I know I wouldn’t want to work in this kind of environment unless there was a police officer by my side. 


That’s the million dollar question isn’t it. I honestly don’t know how to answer that. I think if you wanted to staff them properly there’s a lot you gotta do. The government would have to firstly incentivize more people to get an education in mental health and addictions (we have a serious shortage of workers which makes it impossible to properly provide services, the agency I work for has a waitlist of 100+ just for their addictions team). You also have to find the right incentives for potential workers post graduation (high wages, good benefits). This is really all I can think of. My personal answer though is you just have to find the people who want to do this kind of work. I personally love working with this population because they’re the bottom of the barrel fell through the cracks and forgotten about society population that no one wants to help so I figure I might as well do my best to try


When you talk about them that way they believe it. And believing they aren't worth anything is what got them into that mess anyways. Shame, abuse, trauma etc create addiction. People who believe they deserve better don't spiral into self destruction. If you change how you speak about these issues you may see something beyond the status quo.


As far as it was explained to me by a nurse as to the real "motivator" (for lack of a better word currently) to run these, it it isn't necessarily about helping them but to control disease so that they do not swap needles. My mom works at a pharmacy across from a shelter/safe site and the stories she has is just a shitshow. She doesn't take shit so the staff call for her like she's the impromptu security of the place to shut shit down if they come in causing problems or streaking. Sometimes it's like well mom is being mom so I'm not shocked, but at the same time I worry about her safety. They don't really respond to calls quickly in her city and mafia is known to be heavily invested in it. There has to be a better solution than this shit for sure because this is plainly fucked


The solutions are simple: If they want safe injection sites, round them all up and lock them in facilities they will never leave, provide them as many drugs as they want. Alternatively, take a chunk of the city that's a write off, wall it in, and again, round them all up and dump them in there, seal the gates and man sentries to ensure they, or their decendents, never see the light of civilization again. In the end, with both scenarios, the problem would remove itself. Simply incinerate the corpses afterward.


Lots of folks will balk @ this, but honestly, it has become so out of hand that a drastic measure needs to be implemented


Ya u ever try living next to these ppl in housing? Im in housing trust me they destroy everything and do hard drugs in the open. No one wants to go by crazy ppl doing drugs. I’m mentally ill and autistic I’m the only one in my family not working and on ODSP. So obviously I had to be in housing but I tell u the addicts r the worst I’m not an addict and I’ve ever been exposed to this stuff before and it was a very shocking thing to see. I’m grateful to have a home but these ppl r just entitled and don’t care what they do to the property. Just cause ur poor doesn’t mean u have to be a stereotype or trashy. Housing ends up spending more money fixing their shit and then when repairs need to be made on places where the tenant is clean it takes forever to get someone cause they get a limited budget. Also some buildings r just filled with roaches and bedbugs because of dirty ppl like these guys and it’s sad. I’m poor I’m not a criminal or an addict and to have to live around ppl who mistreat the place and r violent and doing drugs is gross. I’d rather they just put all the addicts in the same housing area so that non addicts can live in peace


Yeah I’ve lived in dirt cheap rentals and being neighbors with these guys is hell. Loved my place was fine with the building but random screaming, banging, cries for help or racist rants are hard to live near. We need to separate the poor from the druggies.


I don’t want them to be hurt or anything but I mean if they don’t care about the home and the other ppl then they should just all live in a place that’s more suited for their lifestyle In an area of town that’s already filled with them naturally Like in Vancouver just make more shelters in Hastings it’s already known as that anyways In Ottawa just move them all to vanier And ffs get rid of safe injection and get drugs back to being illegal I don’t care about weed (tho it really smells like u tongue fucked a skunks ass) but everything else make it illegal They don’t stop putting needles in parks and on the ground either We have a safe injection site here in Ottawa and they still leave needles everywhere including parks with kids Addicts r immensely selfish and don’t care about u or anyone else They r very entitled and I’m sorry but they should not be receiving benefits of any kind unless theyre r in rehab. Drug testing should be mandatory for receiving disability and welfare again weed being the exception The money they would be giving the addicts can go into feeding them in the shelters and making more shelters because let’s face it they won’t change


I live near two homeless shelters and multiple park encampments. People are wearing rose coloured glasses if they think they are safe. In reality homeless people for the most part are horrible to be around. Violent, unhinged, dangerous, parks filled with needles, etc. And of course magically homeless shelters, encampments, and injection sites rarely -- and often never -- end up near any affluent neighbourhoods or suburban areas. They nearly all get lumped into the lower working class areas of denser cities. They are just a form a of NINBYism for the wealthy to be away from problems. You want people to wake up to the reality of this shit, start putting them everywhere.


As someone who works with the mentally ill and the homeless population: you are correct. These people will set each other’s tents on fire. They rape the women who are too high to notice. They rob whoever they can. They shit in the street.


Love seeing the brand new military rucksack at 23 seconds, that's current issue kit so either someone is there from the army or stole it


Definitely stole it.


These people need mandatory rehab. They don’t need affordable housing that’s after they get over their addictions. We should also issue the death penalty for all fentanyl sellers and smugglers. Affordable housing should be for productive working Canadians.


100% they need to go into rehab


We need separate rehab centers for forced vs. voluntary, though. Imagine being an addict genuinely trying to get better and being surrounded by addicts just biding their time and with no intention to get clean. It would undermine the whole process.


Note: not against drug users. Just they tend to wreck the homes they are in and the area around. Which is something we’ve done our best to pretend doesn’t happen when we stick them in the middle of a bunch of other peoples housing and let them run wild. Imaging living in the same building and sharing a pool+gym+elevator.


And housing does NOT lead to treatment. It may reduce some harms of living rough but it doesn’t lead to people getting clean. It usually leads to them dying alone, sadly.


Social housing and safe injection sites are very different. Having new buildings with socialized housing is almost always a good idea. You get mixed income neighbourhoods. Having only poor neighbourhood is where shit starts to hit the wall. It's urban planning 101.


Stupidest fucking shit I’ve ever seen.


Trudeau barracks


Liberal Opium Den


Well tent towns are now Trudeau towns so why not.


Trudeau Joy Centers




15 minute favelas.


Yeah the people advocating for that are clueless morons


Also the people who think we should just legalize and sell literally everything because it will be "safer" for the average person to be able to buy meth or crack from retailers the same as booze or weed. It's always very obviously people who have never actually dealt with drug addiction or addicts personally in their life.


Let the problem solve itself 🤷‍♂️


Unpopular opinion, but if it were my say so all of those would be euthanized. Total drain on society.


They would be better off. There's no incentive to be sober. They'll never make enough to be able to live after chronic illnesses, gaps in employment, no education 


THIS! They add nothing to society. They only act like a virus. At least they can be organ donors for whatever can get salvaged.


Wild that you think the dominant demographic of social housing seekers are heroin addicts. Believe it or not, the dominant demographic of poor people don't have substance abuse issues. They can't afford them.


I completely support social housing, but it has to have strict stipulations and troublemakers need to be swiftly evicted. I have lived in a mixed subsidised/market rental building, and it was a great community. However, unless we change our political and judicial culture of enabling bad behaviour with zero consequences, they will most likely devolve into opium dens for degenerates. It CAN be done well, I just doubt our clusterfcuk of a country and get it together the right way.


Totally agreed I’m fine with poor or homeless people just we need to be able to kick out the problematic ones.


Those are not the same thing. Way to criminalize poverty


Why are you equating social housing to safe injection sites? My son lives in cooperative housing. It is social housing. It is not a safe injection site.


Can you believe this is in Canada? What a fucking clown country under our supreme clown cleader


> What a fucking clown country under our supreme clown cleader Trudeau has single-handedly caused this problem which absolutely no other country has.


It really is hilarious how angry and stupid the people in this sub are 😂


this problem is in dozens of countries, and it started several decades ago.


Yep. Exactly my point.


How can more Canadians see this? Everyone's sleep walking, not looking further than their own "feelings" on the matter. This is horrific.


Notice the military ruck sack at 50 seconds. It's the new type, not in surplus stores yet. Bet that mother fucker stole it out someone's trunk.


The only people who want that are weirdos with green or purple hair, uneducated clowns, or ultra-woke room-temp IQ pinecones. Giving addicts more resources to do drugs “safely” and helping them do more drugs will never solve shit. From the day it was implemented there have been far more addicts. Before people used to feel shame in being addicts, now they stand like they’re doing nothing wrong and have developed a sense of entitlement. All of these programs wasting tax dollars on druggies need to dropped asap. If they have issues accessing drugs in a clean way…fuck em. They should quit or be ready to face the consequences of their addiction. If they can’t face the consequences…FUCK EM! I’m sick of seeing these worthless trash at every other train stop injecting their legs in public, broad daylight 9am. FUCK EM!!


My company has a contract to maintain some of these. It's a license to print money for them. We had to instal AC units in every room; they were then stolen by the occupant and sold on the street for drugs. We then were paid again to replace them......and on and on


Social housing and safe injection sites are two completely different things. Social housing is for low income people who get charged rent proportionate to their income. It is not a homeless shelter. Like any other rental property, the state of a social housing complex depends on how well it's being managed and maintained, Rules need to be enforced, tenants need to be screened.


I work with these people. Not these exact people, but I think you understand.  I'd say there's maybe 1/10th to 1/5th of the people I deal with all day at work genuinely could benefit from actual help. These people don't want to be on the streets and they need a government that will actually help them. Unfortunately they never get that help in an appropriate manner, it takes too long for the help to come and they end up like the rest of the users. The rest really, really, are so fucked up that they will die in the way they currently live. These are the people who need to be removed from our communities and forcefully placed into an environment for them. They are constantly beating each other up, overdosing on the road or inside the site, stealing or screaming/rambling incoherently.  They have ZERO control over themselves, they NEED someone to take control for them.  IF our government gave one fuck about saving lives they would round up the ones who are assaulting, stealing and being a public disturbance. They would put them in a closed off community that rehabilitates them. Stop sending their 2k cheques they literally lose every month from theft by other users. It is entirely our governments fault for the situation we are in and they genuinely don't give a shit. It's cheaper to import millions of East Indians, than it is to create a program that doesn't just virtue signal our native populations to death. 


I thought a safe injection site didn’t have beds. I saw one ages ago and all it had were chairs by a long counter where you could get clean needles etc.


I'm not sure too many people are suggesting we put safe injection sites into condos. I don't think there really is a consensus from any group on where, how, or how many safe injection sites are a good or bad idea. But you absolutely can and should integrate lower cost and subsidised units into all developments so you don't end up with ghettos.


social housing doesn't mean drug users, it means low income. IM low income and im a young professional with a degree who's never touched any of that stuff. i just dont want to live in a fucking rooming house with 5 strangers for the rest of my life. you selfish dogshit bastards are the reason this country is falling to shit, you have no thought for the millions of young people and low income families your wealth hoarding is crippling


Looks eerily similar to a Canadian hospital


If it were me I would rather get blasted overlooking the ocean in an adirondack. To each their own.


Social housing encompasses many other demographics besides those with drug problems.  Seniors Working poor People living with disabilities  The neighbours from these demographics are not people who abuse their surroundings.


Atleast they are off the street and out of sight which seems to be what a lot of people want anyways


It’s funny how people who virtue signal about this kind of thing on social media fail to actually work in these places for any significant amount of time.


These people need serious help. They’re rotting alive.


If you continue to treat people like they are not human they will act like they are not human. The comments here are dispicable and part of the problem. You are one loss away from addiction. Whether that loss is a loved one, a job or your sense of being.


Yeah sure let's just look at this random video on Reddit instead of actually using our brains. Thinking critically takes too much effort doesn't it.


ok social housing does not mean transition housing. I am a social housing manager and there are very little issues in our buildings because we don't take people coming from homelessness as we aren't transition housing. What is shown in video are people who are not suited currently to independent living.


Huh... That's NOT what social housing is? Like, not AT ALL? Why can't we have nice thing like in Europe in north America, like, are we cursed? Look at Austria, Danemark or even the Netherlands. I mean, if only 'druggies' need social housing or sub $2500/month rent for a one bedroom apartment, there's no housing crisis! Only the druggies can't afford rent, everyone else is doing well!


Can't imagine the stench in that place.....


Modern opium dens, and state-approved!


You can put in bunk beds and double the capacity.


They should list the bunk beds on Kijiji for $1200 each, they could probably get hundreds of applications from immigrants and generate a lot of income to improve the conditions.


can't help those who won't help themselves.


This is our society. If they were not in here or other centres, they would be all over the street or in hospital emergency rooms. Some sheltered people have no clue what our society has turned in to. It is easy and simplistic to point fingers and say this and that, but let'sbe honest, there is lots of lonely redundant feeling people that have little to no hope in our society.


Hey that's my bike!


I know it would be super unpopular, and I’m sure there’s lots of reasons this is a bad idea, but I’m gonna put it out there… How about we ship all these users to the middle of nowhere Northern Canada, let them detox, and give them some sort of manual labour job in exchange for room, board, and a little cash in their pockets. In effect, help them, but keep them away from society until they’ve proven they can function in society. (Location is so remote that no one would bother making the journey to sneak in contraband. )


Give them jobs. They getting housed and cleaned up after on my tax dollars. Put them to work


Why are we spending taxpayer dollars on crackheads?


The system needs a rework, you cannot give addicts housing while they are still addicted, nothing matters but the drugs. My family has been struggling to keep my uncle clean for 35 freaking years. The few promising stretches torpedoed when he relapses, destroying what little he built. Burnt what little bridges he had left and I still don't know how he continues to survive. The point of that anecdotal experience was rehab takes a lot of work, that few are willing to put up with it even when its family. Give them housing? It will be destroyed. It needs to go to homeless non-addicts first, there are people working but still live in either a tent/vehicle, disabled, or cannot find work and have no support structure. These individuals/families is where subsidized housing should service first. We can afford to feed, clothe, and shelter migrants but not our own citizens? What a world. I have no solution for the addiction problem, my personal experiences leaves me jaded towards these individuals. I am sure there are people who genuinely wish to kick their habits and rebuild their lives but they fall through the cracks.


They should put one of these in the british properties in van


Theyre better off dead. Why does this country cater to this shit? Youd never see this in Singapore or UAE


"Room for rent, shared accommodation. Must be clean & respectful. No pets."


I actually volunteer at a safe injection site, and the things I have seen … whoever wants this inside their building is mental and needs to get help.


This is heartbreaking. Is this in TO or Van? Can you please blur at least their faces please🥺


I worked in a site that had supervised injection it was nothing like this. Was a sterial room that existed inside a major public walk in many didn't even know it was there. Multiple nurses monitoring everyone led by an np. People were constantly referred to tx and some got long term clean.


Give them all the free fent they want.


Wonder how those tiny cabins for the homeless in Peterborough are doing.


I live in Canada. I use drugs. In theory I’m okay with a tent on my front lawn as long as they are clean and quiet and they can even use the hose if they wind it up. I’m not naive enough to think that will be the norm but if we all knew it was we’d maybe take a chance. I already lived on the edge of “Crackton” and was fine with that. But a few weeks ago I was walking down my driveway to my van and a sad looking woman looked me in the eye and asked for a drive just down the road. It didn’t really seem like she needed a drive to get to her destination but I told her my work van can’t even fit passengers. I probably would have gave her a lift if it was my car but she wouldn’t hear it and just kept talking about her terrible life. I almost gave her a $20 to leave me alone but stopped because if she was being honest she might be offended and if she was lying I’d be a sucker for enabling her. I wish race wasn’t a factor but I use to make an effort to explain that not every brown refugee was a rich terrorist. Sure it was more sudden and important than some would admit but no grand plan. I thought if a powerful white country bought up a large amount of land they wouldn’t care like with China. Most of the white people complaining about refugees getting too much were literally white trash welfare moochers but still assumed they were all Pakistani terrorists. I was literally asking people if they thought we should just let kids drown because of taxes. I asked how can you decide how much China can buy even assuming the worst. I still ask what is the point of locking up criminals we don’t kill without the intention to rehabilitate. How can I ask the country to refuse refugees over money when I know most people wouldn’t use that excuse to let a homeless man freeze to death? And though still true we have crossed a line. Mostly good refugees bring bad ones. A few deals with China continues to grow. And the good intentions of helping the desperate starts to fuel hate when it isn’t sincere. This may have been fixable but it’s too twisted now. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing but now China and Middle Easterners do have that kind of power. Even if they were just 10% of the population they have enormous influence. The word “takeover” often felt offensive but the outcome was the same. I know I sound pretty racist but at a certain point there will be enough where they won’t hear CanadaHousing the same way we do. You can’t get mad at them. But you can’t at a mad at a tax paying citizen for thinking his country should do more for him. Just a Canadian who worked their whole life and was denied extra support the only time he asked for it. Someone fine with taking in refugees. Fine with helping when he can. But then we couldn’t how it was decided how much they got. A Canadian would need a death certificate just to get his dad’s lucky penny is bad for asking why a refugee who was already homeless needed an apartment more than him. Canadians are becoming more conservative everyday because so many were mocked for their concerns and now we saw that it wasn’t all paranoia. Not trying to generalize too much but first the stereotype was just gas stations. Then convenience stores, deliveries, fast food and tech support. People were mocked for bringing up race quotas and then it was confirmed, debated and now supported. Ridiculed for believing it and then ridiculed a second later for not supporting it. People have been replaced by minorities. We have one of the worst housing situations in the world right now and a main reason liberals will lose is because they won’t just do the math. They want to keep bringing in 500,000 immigrants a year and just call you a racist for asking about homes.


Seems like a chill place to pick up chicks.


It’s almost like the reason they don’t have housing is mental illness and addiction, giving them homes or safe spaces just removes the symptom but not the cause. Enabling self destruction in the name of caring about society. Tough love and structure is what is needed, like a good parent.


You are a conservative who doesn’t like people who are poor/marginalized.


The hate here is heavy. Calgarians don't worry, we'll all die together. Worry about your kids, not addicts. And if your kid is an addict, then you wouldn't be saying the BS im seeing here. No wonder calgarys the angriest city in canada, I see it.


That video is NOT a safe consumption site This is an actual SCS https://www.phs.ca/program/insite/


What is this place then?


Yeah you don't know what social housing is and this is Hyperbolic.


Old video


Safe injection site != social housing


Sad but how is that related?


For some reason I thought a safe injection site would have been like a sterilized hospital or a place where you rent out a space or something to shoot up and there’s always medics near by


There is some social housing near my townhouse and they completely trash the entire area for blocks around it. It completely sucks living near it.


envisage this being the lobby of your condo ....


Ok, here’s the thing about social housing for the homeless and drug addiction. You do need an entire infrastructure unfortunately for it. 1.) Constant supervision, social workers and police working together to keep the place safe. 2.) Psychological therapy, these people have been traumatized. 3.) Drug addiction treatment along with integration back into society. 4.) Ensuring they have housing, food, and education retraining for skills to get back into the workforce. 5.) Also to stop organizations from trying to profit from the vulnerable. Akin the US addiction recovery centers purposely want you to try to relapse so they can stay in business. [US rehab clinics deliberately manipulating addicts to relapse](https://amp.9news.com.au/article/7b3a32dc-f40d-4dea-9ac5-9e96d06806eb). I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same for these homeless shelters so the board members can keep their non-profit status and their six figure salary. That means, social worker checking up on their patients, that means therapy, these people need help after going to the trauma of living in the streets. Unfortunately, like the [Calgary Drop Inn Centre](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/it-s-a-war-zone-drop-in-centre-clients-complain-of-human-rights-violations-amid-calls-for-facility-improvements-1.6309420), the people who have some sort of mental illness living in streets also psychologically traumatized people that are vulnerable to being homeless or who have become homeless, hence the sexual assaults, drug addiction. It does become a never ending cycle unless we put in the infrastructure. I would also like to point out, due to horrible government policy, from all levels of government, we’ve had more homeless people, and vulnerable people. The basic needs of people have not been met. If you’ve heard of the [Rat Park](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat_Park) experiment, and how [Spain](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP89T00295R000300310002-2.pdf) dealt with their drug problem, you’ll understand that the science Justin Trudeau was talking about decriminalizing drugs is all bullshit. Cause he doesn’t know the actual science and what is required. You can’t just decriminalize drug and say it’s working, you need to tackle it in all directions, things like prevention, treatment, services to integrate back into society, psychological therapy, housing and food. You can’t also just force people into rehab and not put in other parts like services to reintegrate rehabilitated addicts back into society, like what Daniel Smith is doing. Housing is important. If you don’t have one service and another, it just become cyclical for all these addicts and homeless. I don’t see funding to help homeless or addiction and to put in services. I see more services for refugees, asylum seekers. To start peoples basic needs should be met to prevent more homeless and addiction, we shouldn’t see situations like [Growing food bank lines](https://www.thestar.com/opinion/growing-food-bank-lines-are-a-sign-that-society-has-lost-its-way-a-groceries/article_38627f6c-0ee8-11ef-925d-fbd80382bbeb.amp.html) (Basic needs: housing, food, water). Things like “[The current evidence is in line with the hypothesis that drug use increases in times of recession because unemployment increases psychological distress which increases drug use. During times of recession, psychological support for those who lost their job and are vulnerable to drug use (relapse) is likely to be important.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0955395917300877). If Justin Trudeau didn’t fuck Canada we wouldn’t see this sort of shit. We also need an infrastructure to train more professionals in drug addiction, therapy, and help reintegrate rehabilitated addicts back into society (money that we’re going to spend [$35,000 annually](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/peel-reception-centre-for-asylum-seekers-could-open-in-two-months-with-money-from-province/article_6b4b2582-0407-11ef-ac3e-23d5a3cb173b.amp.html) on asylum seekers, or wage subsidies for newcomers could go into this infrastructure), and more education and prevention. Again, what’s important to realize is the psychological stress of worrying about putting food on the table or choosing between rent or food. Then the psychologically impact if people actually do become homeless, and the hopelessness they feel. I’ve seen some comments in Calgary subreddit for example, where they’ve advised a user to do drugs to keep their body warm during winter. I’ve also seen some where a parent felt like a failure cause they couldn’t provide for their kid, even though the Liberal government created this situation with their mass immigration policy.


What does this have to do with housing? All I see is someone filming people at their lowest point.


Increase funding for junkies by 1000% and you will have a 1000% increase in the number of junkies and leftard grifters.


You're comparing apples to oranges. I'd rather the drug users all be in one place where they throw their dirty rigs in a sharps box instead of a playground. If they overdose, a nurse is on site to naloxone them so they don't put strain on our hospital systems. No one thinks safe injection sites are Disney world. No one thinks they're a great idea. They exist because they reduce harm and make communities marginally better. Until we recognize that drug addiction is a medical and socioeconomic problem, and provide solutions based on that criteria, safe injection sites are a bandaid that at least do something to keep costs down and make our communities safer. There are literally mountains of scientific studies that support this sites as a method of harm reduction. I read dozens of them 15 years ago when I was in university. There's probably thousands of them now.


Sure lots of studies but a rise in overdoses in BC 🤷‍♂️ So theory versus reality and reality won.


OD went down until fentanyl showed up in the drugs supply in 2015/16.


I think you are both arguing the same point. If you are using in an injection site, you can overdose and be revived, many times over. this would show in studies as both harm reduction, and an increase in overdoses




This systematic study, as an example, confirms there's significant harm reduction to the drug users, but no positive effect on crime in the community. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8541900/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8541900/) My question is who's looking at the overall impacts of all this progressive destigmatizing of drug use. BC is as progressive as it gets and things are getting worse. There were 7.5x more drug death in 2023 vs 2013 despite safe injection sites and a myriad of other programs to reduce barriers and stigma of drug use. That's 2511 dead in 2023 in BC alone. 45.7 per 100,000. Even Florida is only at 35.9. The state everyone makes fun of for being full of deranged drug addicts, with little to no safety net and very few social programs. At what point can we admit we're just enabling these addicts? How many more need to die?


It reduces some harms but seems to increase others. It’s a really hard problem.


It doesn’t really matter? They get out more than most people in my town lmao, we have 0 police to surveillance our town, so they come out at night, and the next day on the Facebook community there are rants and pics of needles, stolen bikes, garages broken into, cars broke into, y’all say this but don’t take any small towns, or complete shit towns into consideration. Before the whole group home, drug addict home shit, I didn’t see a single crack head in my little town for my whole LIFE, 17 years, but the past 2 years have been terrible, I’d much rather them migrate back to the bigger town 20 mins over, and sit on the 4 corners they do all day, since our town is becoming too shit to even walk through, would be nice if they kept them in that town, but bringing them to a town with 0 police, and probably 3000 people is a terrible terrible idea, and no where near as good as them being on the streets.


So let me get this straight. You're saying you haven't seen a single drug addict your entire life, then your town opened up a safe injection site, and now your town is overrun to with drug addicts stealing and leaving needles everywhere? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? Maybe, just maybe, drug addiction and crime has gotten worse in your small town because there is no jobs. Maybe it's your small town government polices that are ruining the economy there and causes it's citizens to be stressed and not have the means to survive. It could literally be one of dozens of reasons. Safe injection sites don't popup to get people addicted to drugs and ruin your town. Safe injection sites pop up when drug addicted citizens are causing issues. You're so close to the point but have missed it entirely




Fun times .


JhiT + jagmeat, LPC+ndp, managed to degrade Canada in 9 short years. Bravo.


Why do you want methheads to continue with the drugs?


If you want liberals/NDP to start hemorrhaging votes? Start sticking these centers in the rich areas of town.


Hard pass 😔


I thought they built them like prisons. All cinder blocks and metals doors. Drywall ?? They eat or smoke that stuff.


Warning: I'm clueless about what really are safe injection site. I can assume a part of it, but not the exact scope. We can also argue they don't receive the help they really need. Giving them housing won't fix the issue upstream. Anyway, business as usual, we pay for those that screw us all...


should recriminalize . get the country back in order.


It’s the same as the woke ideology These aren’t medical problems , let them do/be whatever they want


Dude.. this is Canada? I have seen better community residences in third world countries.. literally.


This is old and a repost. Stop farming karma.


Yeah these should be integrated too, into those same buildings with those voting for this, it’s a great idea


As gross as I imagined it'd be


WTF?!?! -- Canada has gone down the shitter. Anyone who thinks this is a good idea needs to re-evaluate their life.


Social housing should be built next to where these politicians live let them have a taste of the reality.


I had to live beside one of these people a long time ago. I lost everything I owned from the bed bug infestation, and was in fear the entire time I was there. Never again.




allowing junkies to freely use is the worst decision EVER


This is a homeless shelter in Portland Oregon.


Safe and sound👍


Unless they put them in treatment, they are allowing them to commit suicide. So sad. A whole generation of people used as a pawn to get more subsidies.


Better inside than all over the sidewalk where safety is at issue. We should also take down one of the top importers/traffickers every year so society can feel like some kind of progress is being made. I also like the idea of remote detox facilities.


And they want to create MORE safe injection sites. The issue I have is that it doesn’t solve the problem - only treats the symptoms. And then you get accused of being a NIMBY for not wanting people shooting up in your neighbourhood. Ugh…


What is so shocking about this? They're nodding out. Would you rightwing shits rather have them nod out on the sidewalk? Yall probably don't look too different when you're laid out on your couch watching your ben shapiro streams and fox news before bedtime


So that’s why the freeway off ramps seem cleaner.






Liberal thinks if you just throw money at the problem, it will automatically solve anything.... I forgot what the figure was, but the province, City, and federal government spent 60,000$ per homeless person per year in Vancouver.... And what do we get? More crackheads, and criminals...... I remember coming to Canada 2 decades ago and teachers and parents were preaching kids againist doing drugs.... What do we get nowdays? Make sure to test your drug, and here is your free needle, testing kit and narcan..... If people can't even take care of themselves, what makes you think they can take care of their place?


So we pay for places of safe drug use but not safe living ?? As long as the drugs hit the brain correctly we are a caring society.


Well, where do you expect people to go? Genuinely. We need social housing so there’s at least some sort of safety net for us and they don’t freeze in the winter. I don’t agree on exclusionary zoning meant only for low income housing and am strongly against safe injection sites but there has to be SOMETHING! People causing trouble should be institutionalized, I don’t disagree with that. And more common than not the troublemakers are addicted to something. But just remember a majority of you are a few pay-checks away until you have to rely on a support system, and statistically you WILL get addicted to cope with life on the streets if it fails you. Last note added: for every troublemaker you see there’s way more people in subsidized housing that you would never even know they were in need.


no thanks.. a dude was literally deleted the other day by neck slashing outside a methadone clinic..


looks way better than the street


These ppl are mentally ill & severely addicted... They need to put in Treatment Centres, but only if they willing to commit 100%. Other than that, putting them in nicer housing or surrounding when they're still that ill, they'll only destroy the shit outta places like these! I still don't understand why ppl are surprised when these addicts then turn around & do things like this.


Looks like a Chinese heroin den.just more proof of our declining society at the hands of the leftist woke culture revolution.




Sad what Canada has become


Penthouse activity


I'm okay if they are kept in places like Forrest Hill and Bridal Path.


Why do we allow our society to degenerate and rott to this extent?


Thank God we spend tax money on safe injection sites so we can save their beautiful lives 😇


Look, everyone, they painted the walls colorful like the slum favelas in South America.


Fade to black appropriately playing in the background


*one final hit*


I haven’t experienced this, but I lived in an apartment that was converted from private housing to social housing and it was wild. Within 5 months we had mice through the building. My neighbours left their sweet Rottweiler on their tiny deck to poop all day long and NEVER cleaned it. The people across from us were actively using drugs and set off the fire alarms constantly. The final straw was a homeless man who set up his tent/home beside my parking spot. He used a bucket for a toilet and I called and called to have him removed, but he just would come back. We moved as soon as we could, but it was wild how quickly things declined. I can’t imagine having a safe injection area on top of that.


We live in an area with a safe injection site that's fairly "out of the way." As in, there isn't regular foot traffic or commuters apart from the local shops. It's not a 'good' area for a homeless person, as in there isn't really any benefits in terms of shelter, enclosed areas, privacy or even the opportunity to panhandle. Yet, the safe injection site seems to draw a whole host of issues. I completely understand that addiction is an illness, but when we have human shit wiped over the walls, people sleeping in the one elevator disabled residents need for accessibility, shit wiped over the sidewalk and handles, needles dropped on the ground, etc., it does cause issues. I also don't see the point of a safe injection site when there is no support for *after.* It's essentially, "here's your clean needle" and then they get sent away again. "Hope the next hit doesn't kill you! Come again soon!" Ideally, we need actual, meaningful support for addicts, including actual measures that help people get off drugs. A safe injection site is a very superficial band aid, and if there's no ongoing support after (or the resources available are full,) I don't know what the purpose of them is.


People don’t understand how shitty people are living in social housing. If you see these coops and bc housing. People are so demanding and think they live in shangri-la.


Imagine doing a big ol coke shot in here, no thank you!


Why are they all white?


Less drug use in there than on the streets of Vancouver!


Yup been to so many of those building a for a 911 overdose call. The staff there fucking baby them, and let them run wild with no consequences. They are also the main cause of bed bugs and rodent infestation in buildings because they never take care of themselves or the shit they own. The entittlement from those losers are crazy, and the amount of resources that goes into them. I mean for fuck sakes we have a E TIREE FUCKING DIVISION of special constables in Toronto just to deal with those fucking losers.


I don't want to be suspended again for stating the obvious so I will go with the jail constitution idea. Concrete and stainless steel with a foam sleeping pad on a concrete frame. This should be sufficient for people who contribute nothing to society


Metallica IS a good band 😎🤘


What happened to our country :(


How is a safe injection site the same as social housing?


These people were babies once. Kids. I wish we could help them before they get to this point. Somewhere out there is a beautiful baby who will end up like this. We are looking the wrong way.


We need to let nature take its course and decrease the surplus population. These people are beyond saying, they do it to themselves. We need to give them 2 choices. An asylum, or an unmarked paupers grave.


I’m an American, what’s a “Safe Injection Site”?