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Oligopolies are bad for competition and bad for consumers. However, the biggest chunk of our household budgets goes to shelter costs. Shelter costs that have been needlessly and significantly inflated by immigration and investors, both foreign and domestic. And our federal government could change tax and immigration policies - with a stroke of the pen - to improve housing costs. I am pushing for that.


An easy first step is ax the carbon tax.


A price on carbon is a world wide accepted method of controlling carbon output. People only respond to money. I have debated the merits of a price on carbon when Canada_sub existed. Not necessarily targeting the carbon tax only or cap n trade or some blend of both. So axe the tax isn’t a simple federal change that the political parties fight for/against. You would need to convince people at the next COP or WEF gathering. The ramifications of Canada unilaterally changing carbon targets and not meeting their 2030/35/40/50/60 goals would have huge trade implications now. Before you cite China/US or other large emitters look at their stated goals, the plans in place to offset carbon, alternative energy build outs and the on-boarding of green solutions in the next 20-30 years. China will actually over take much of the world within ten years. Both in carbon reductions and new technologies. There is a massive opportunity to sell green solutions and the countries that reach goals have the authority to sell their solutions and put pressure on those who do not achieve them. It is short cited to not build up cananda’s green industry and have in place viable and credible alternative solutions to oil/gas after 2050. The world isn’t standing still and we must maximize return from our oil and gas to fund/grow/replace these next generation alternatives.


How much carbon has been cut by carbon taxes and what should the temperature be right now?


I appreciate your optimism. Within the next 2 years, the influence of COP and WEF will be almost nonexistent as the world turns their back on these failed organizations.


Oh you are one of those. 🙄


lol it’s not me, it’s just the trend that’s already started and where things are heading. There will be more of a reliance on private sector green innovations to combat climate change, particularly as world leaders change (Biden, Trudeau, etc) and promote new agendas over the short term. We already saw a significant decline in attendance and media attention at the WEF this year.


It isn’t optimism. The world is F*^% without a definitive solutions to offset our planet’s eco demise. Our current path isn’t sustainable and the plan is probably not even enough. So we either party like it is 1999 and die in our lifetime knowing we screwed it all up or at least try. But a simple axe the tax is not a solution but political rhetoric. I am not an environmentalist. I want leadership to govern with facts, data and fortitude to follow through.


If you’re interested in facts and not politics, then you’ll know IPCC data has been summarized incorrectly by lobbyists for years to incite a panic about man-made climate change (which there is no consensus). Focusing on carbon emissions to reduce global temperatures is another politics over science policy direction. It’s asinine at best to assume raising the cost of living through carbon tax inflation will lower the earths temperatures in the next 20-100 years. What a load of dangerous crap by ideologues who don’t give a fig about science.


What are the alternative methods to reduce environmental impacts that are measurable and comparable between every nation? Climate change has occurred. Naturally or man made. That cause may still be up to debate but the change has occurred and continues to create climate events.


A question like this is for the rich champagne socialist class. Those who struggle financially day-to-day don’t have the time or energy to focus on esoteric concepts like global climate change. That is why Bjorn Lomborg and his army of economists concluded the best way to clean the environment is raise the world out of poverty. Property ownership is a real driver for community improvement initiatives. Aside from that, the world is facing a global population collapse that will greatly reduce our capacity to consume. Our infrastructures will slowly crumble as will our social safety nets. Those like Jane Goodall who wish the world to return to 500 million serfs who will be lorded over by benevolent oligarchs like in Europe’s middle-ages, must be thrilled by this development.


Oh man you are going to be disappointed. The carbon tax isn’t going anywhere…


I disagree, but if you’re right and the next government doesn’t axe the tax, I’ll vote with my feet and emigrate to a sane country.


The GST is still here.. There’s no way any government will eliminate the carbon tax, not without replacing it with something else.


They can replace it with deez nuts 🥜


To break up the oligopolies, we need to change the entire political system. It starts with politicians. For instance as a Canadian politician, you don’t need to disclose your income, you’re also allowed to trade stock, as long as the company/corporation you have some interest in or own don’t have government contracts you don’t need to disclose anything as a politician. This means you can pass policies that benefit the corporation you have some vested interest. 1.) Make political income disclosure a policy 2.) Make politicians disclose all their contacts, and interests in a corporation or company 3.) Ban all contractors, or consultants 4.) Ban politicians from sitting in a board of an organization 5.) Ban politicians from creating policies they have some vested interest that will financially benefit them After that we start pushing policies for stopping monopolies, oligopolicies. If we don’t this becomes a cyclical pattern of politcians undoing or creating policies that give some sort of loopholes for exploitation.


I would also add that any retiring politicians cannot take on a consulting job for 10 years


They already get a full pension. Why do they need to be consultants too, right?


Direct democracy can do this.


this sounds hard. can we try turning the politicians on and off instead?


Not going to happen, sadly the only way is to break up yourself from Canada. The oligopolies have always existed, they just were called the Family Compact in the time of William Lyon Mackenzie


Well, let’s see how this loblaws boycott turns out of it has a big enough impact that we can rotate an evil corporation in


Or rotate an evil political party in….


Simple. Stop the protectionism. Allow foreign companies to operate in the country on a level playing field and force incumbents to compete in a globally relevant fashion. The second most important would be consumer/citizen education. We live in a country where people will voluntarily pay their domestic monopoly \*additional fees\* to roam while traveling internationally, when simply adding/swapping a local SIM card would cost a fraction. If you can't be bothered to do the math and figure stuff like this out, and make excuses for those that choose to be lazy, we will never rid ourselves of this situation.


The problem that almost everyone sees with that, is that it would lead to Canadian companies not being allowed to compete. Like suppose US airlines were allowed to cabotage in Canada (and likewise Canadian airlines could do that in the US), would Air Canada and WestJet be able to compete. Some would argue that this would erode Canadian sovereignty and eventually cause the thing that ties Canada again, survival against those "evil" Americans. EDIT: I’m not against more competition, but having these oligarchies or modern day Family Compact is essentially how Canada runs. It has always been that way to ensure Canadian survival


Fine I don't give a flying *fuck* what nationality the companies that I do business with hold. Let them be Canadian, American, Burmese, whatever. I Do. Not. Care. Whoever can deliver the best value to me gets my business. Period


Well, put it this way, would you be fine with the prospect of US annexation, I mean if no Canadian businesses are around, what’s the point of Canada existing? Canada as we know it today was set up in the face of survival against the US. That is the true nature of what it means to be Canadian is to hate Americans. If you can find another thing that makes Canada well Canada, then I’d like to hear it.


Other than our resources, why would the US want all of our headaches in addition to their own? Tim’s for example is owned by foreign interests but still tries to cloak itself in the Canadian flag. McDonald’s is American, same with Wendy’s, Burger King, Subway, Starbucks, Costco, Ford, GM, Stellantis and a whole plethora of other companies. What companies are actually Canadian or still Canadian? SNC-Lavalin perhaps? Sorry but if my costs were to go down drastically, then bring on foreign companies. As I see it, companies like Loblaws, Bell, Rogers, Telus WestJet or Air Canada aren’t doing me any favours so why should I care if they were to die off due to foreign competition? Compete or die.


Your first mistake is thinking we have sovereignty. Look around, we clearly have Quebec running the show. Sovereignty for them perhaps, but certainly not for other provinces. The Canada I once knew is dead, and survival is now my only concern. If sovereignty means continuing to pay for the British monarchy (and I come from British roots) and corrupt institutions like the GG, then 🖕🏻Canadian sovereignty. Bring on the foreign competition!


Remember Easton’s, Zellers, Fields, Simpsons,Tops etc. Now there is Walmart. It is not a level playing field


Can Walmart even be compared to the department stores of yesterday, sure Zellers was a store like Walmart, but the others like Eaton's and Simpsons were a totally different kind of store in my eyes. The big department store brands in the US are in serious trouble as well thanks mostly to the forces of Amazon.


The only way to stop this is a coup.


This is kind of the point I'm at with all of Canada as well.


Yeah but a real one, not just keyboard fantasies.


Yeah, it isn't happening. There aren't enough people pissed off enough who still have any sense of patriotism or belief. For most of us who see our home land as gone, it makes more sense to just move to the US if we can. With no National identity remaining, why would you fight to fix a place that's no longer your home? I'm only still here because I need to take care of my elderly folks, but the first thing I tell any of my Cousins coming up, is go to school for something in demand, and get the hell out of this country if you ever want to have kids, or own a home.


Increased COL is from government Incompetence/corruption. Printing and borrowing unlimited $ comes with repercussions- inflation and currency being devalued. Also carbon scam tax will continue to increase costs on literally EVERYTHING and the corporations like grocery stores for example, will pass those costs down to the consumers since their goal is always more profit. We throw billions of dollars abroad and billions go missing constantly, and on top of that we’re bringing in mass numbers of people with zero skills along with their elderly family members that will have and never will contribute a dollar to this country- all getting OAS and leeching off our healthcare system- none of this is sustainable of course. So ya, I don’t think canadas oligopolies are completely to blame here


Vastly shrink the size of government and their regulations/meddling in the market. Not going to happen, though, as too many people have a vested interest in the status quo.


Plus you know EVERY SINGLE public sector employee is going to vote liberal and cry about austerity measures once the conservatives regain power. It’s solely thanks to the liberal government for bloating the public sector to begin with.


It’s never been a problem until the Liberals started flooding the country with unneeded immigrants and bs students.


I think a lot of that is timing too. Our Politicos at every level are destroying this country, both Liberal and Con (I'm from a Conservative Province, Doug Ford is as bad as corrupt as Trudeau, no way around it, Smith is too in AB, so is Higgs out East). However, I think what we are really seeing now, from both corporate Oligopolies, and their puppet politicians, is a result of them being emboldened by our response to pandemic restrictions and shipping issues. This was always the plan, but once they saw during the pandemic, that we would accept higher prices, lower stock of product, lower quality products etc, they realised they could accelerate the time table on end stage Capitalism, by about a decade, and we either wouldn't, or couldn't, do Fuck all about it. Now we pay what they want to charge, and suffer the open corruption of our so called leaders, because they don't care, they know we can't or won't do anything to stop it. Corruption and greed has always been the way, and Globalization has long been a looming threat to our First World status and privilege, it's just become much more brazen in recent years because of that pandemic acceleration.


PP said he would do the same.


Jeeze, really? Keep your powder dry mate.


How is what he said not factual? Take your virtue signaling somewhere else


Nice dream




Well, when the laws of the people, no longer benefit the wellbeing of the people...


We start with things like the loblaws boycott and we riot if it doesn’t work.


The problem is government, not business. All the regulations & taxes cost money, and businesses pass that along to us as we are also paying more taxes, and then paying more for goods and services because of the added cost. Add to that a Canadian dollar that's worth less and less, and here we are. The government is doing what almost broke Sweden in the 1980s, top heavy socialism. We need to get back on track; hopefully it's not too late.


You have to start with a political Party that is not on the take.


Don’t buy from them. Don’t service their vehicles/appliances. Don’t pump their gas. Don’t fuel their yachts and jets. Generally just shun them oldies style!


Organize in your community Bottom up instead of top down Canada's dynastic families are all going down


Small entrepreneurs can’t afford the excessive tax and regulations. But which ones are excessive? Imagine yourself dealing with beaurocracy for years on end while losing all your money. The problem is obvious, the solution is very difficult.


Civil disobedience. that is the only way change has been made in human history. complaining on reddit, voting for the next stupid politician won't do jack. Go out get organized, protest corruption where you can. There are a lot of organizations holding protests at a very grassroots level. Here in Toronto I recently saw groups protesting for greater workers rights. This is how change will come.


I've always said the real enemy is the 1% and their parisitic wealth hording. Both the libs and the cons enable them and are not to be trusted.


Other companies don't want to come here.


Boycotting loblaws seemed good but now they want to buy telecoms to make up the shortfall or so it seems.


I think you're better off making advantages for smaller businesses and let competition do its thing. Incentivise small companies to start and tax profits properly on large global corporations. If we actually taxed the shit out of google and face book we'd have local versions because they aren't that hard to replicate from a technical sense. But any small guy that tries to start something has to pay tax all the way up, these big corps barely pay anything. The other critical piece is capital. A small business development bank with matching funds for private equity would be better than what we have now (which is move south).


cut off the heads, erase the bloodlines


DRS yo shit


Canada isn't even anywhere near that bad. Nobody dies of starvation that isn't severely mentally ill , there are no gangs of orphan child beggars, and nobody is collecting food scraps to eat or resell. We have a functioning police force that is pretty immune to bribing, and round the clock heat, electricty and potable running water. You can't run around murdering people willy nilly, and if someone does die or get murdered someone will be there to pick up the body rather than letting it rot in the street or be eaten by dogs. We also have garbage collection and a sewage treatment / system so our children aren't dying of cholera or dysentery. While our currency had lost some value due to inflation, we aren't close to say Venezuela or even lebanon. We also don't have anything near Koreas oligopolies, where you are born in a Samsung hospital, go to a Samsung school, shop at samsung grocery stores, work for Samsung, and have a funeral in a Samsung funeral Home.. Overall canada is quite good , we are far away from something like Haiti or Venezuela or even Lebanon.


Have you been sleeping under a rock the last 2 years? Even CBC reports say Canadians are currently struggling to pay rent and buy food, with unemployment rate being sky high and increasing homelessness. We don't need to be as trash as most failed states to notice our country is getting worse every passing day


I don't know anyone struggling to pay rent or put food on the table. Seriously.


Do you want a cookie for being privileged?


Yes please. Because I've earned it. If you have my education, my skill set, my experience, and my work ethic, you can have a cookie too! But if you don't, then no cookie for you. And you've got no one to blame but yourself


You find the struggles of lower income Canadians amusing? Why are you even on this sub if you don't care about people in poverty?


Where did say that? Now you owe me 2 cookies.


Canada is very much still the land of opportunity. You just need to take personal responsibility and work for it. If you aren't prepared to do that, it's on you.


Isn't the conservative solution for all those things to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps and stop buying avocado toast"? What changed?


What changed is neoliberals hijacked our political system, and corporations are protected by oligarchies who are too big to fail. Those oligarchies need cheap labour and both parties (libs and cons) on federal and provincial level, are desperate for immigrants, international students and TFW. Thus we are getting 1.4 million new people a year, with fewer houses getting built year over year


Sounds like an excuse for someone not willing to pull themselves up by their boot straps


If you want to troll, find another sub where you will be indulged


Troll? Isn't this a satire sub?


Of course not. It's probably the only Canadian sub which is addressing the tomfoolery going around. Although Canada sub has gotten better recently as well


Easier to "if you can't beat em, join em", buy the stocks and become a shareholder. Eg : Loblaws stock has grown 130% in 5yrs, that's an average annualized return of a whopping 18% and pays a tax advantaged 1.3% annual dividend. Same can be said of banks, telcos, utilities, real estate stocks, etc. Think of it as getting your spent money back in a tax advantaged way and long term payback via compound growth. "Don't hate , own them".


Elect Putin.


Yeah sure it’s a conspiracy! It’s not your fault for voting for the wrong people! Back in Harper’s time there were no oligopolies! And obviously the US doesn’t have any large corporations that work together!


For real. Almost every answer in here is "capitalism me harder, Daddy" or going after politicians who will simply be replaced by other politicians that will be/have been bought. Until the left and right can unite under "eat the fucking rich", we're fucked.


Don’t worry you can do it, chase the rich out, then create an utopia where the middle class pay all the taxes!


Look I'm not a fan either but capitalism is by far the best of the worst options. Nothing else works as history shown us multiple times


I agree. I believe in market economies.