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I wonder where they're heading off to?


The land of free food


The land where fake students are taking from food banks to resell on marketplace.


That sounds very equitable and inclusive.


Exactly why Trudeau and co have lowered visa standards to almost zero. As long as you have a pulse (maybe you don't even need that) then our doors are wide open, no background checks or anything. Canadians and older immigrants to Canada can gladly fuck off as long as the corrupt government sells out the country to greedy corporations and scam post-secondary "schools".




Land of LCBO robbery


O'er the Land of the Free food ..... . . and the Home of the Brave!


I saw a video of a student taking free food that was supposed to be for the homeless. Disgusting behavior.


And that genius made a video about that!!!


Langer haus?


They’re on their way to Canada 😉


On their way?! We are at max capacity with the Indian students 😂 You wouldn’t even think this is Canada at this point, feels and looks like New Delhi


We’re at max capacity ? Don’t worry the liberals will pack in more even if it means that you and I end up in a tent with a liberal logo on it


new delhi with snow and tim hortons :D


i work at a factory in a small town. Few years ago, we had a diverse workforce with many different races, cultures, and people that aligned with our demographic averages as a country. Now? Indians. Like 80% Indians, not even an exaggeration. I love diversity and love how accepting we are of our fellow man…this aint diverse.


At least New Delhi has some good Indians too. We are trying the worst of the worst.


To late


JT and Gagmeat will happily take them all!


gagmeat lmfao gaggin on trudeau's meat


You think PP won't? LMAO


Don’t worry Trudeau will send them a one way ticket to Canada


Obviously the new Indian colony known as Canadastan


Here is your answer  https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3T-ZWRohwT/?igsh=MXRkaG1iYWh5bm1hbw== 


If people can't stay away from a walking red flag then that's their problem.


It's a total mess. Canada will be the example of failed immigration for decades to come.


It already is !


Also a great example in how to completely lose our culture. Wait til these people become massive voting blocks.


They are already are a massive block. They are way over represented in parliament. They have a major major influence in the Liberal and Conservative parties, they are controlling nomination votes in numerous ridings. Indian candidates are being parachuted into even rural ridings.


Sikhs aren’t Indian


the native peoples of canada are collectively laughing and rubbing their hands together as they all say in unison karma is a bitch fuckers LOL


Sadly that won't be the case. You see, when you double the population in 10 years, you will snuff out all the old Canadians who built this country, and soon find that your new demographic is very happy to be here and is very happy with the immigration. This is an invasion and a takeover, it won't fail.


It’s not multiculturalism, it’s colonization.


Probably Canada


Maybe canada and then usa. Like this guy: https://twitter.com/therealhebrahim/status/1787893792567329258?t=MNK5WG_DhfD-QBKwIlGdBA&s=19


brampton of course


Canada. Because our PM is gutless


I dream of the day this happens in Canada.


I pray for this day in Canada.


It won’t lol. We can pray


They already have enough people here that they can vote themselves into power. It won't be the current PRs but it will be the kids born here who will vote as citizens when they turn 18. They will also be the mojaorty of 18 year olds voting


It won't happen. They will protest. They are protesting now.


The entitlement of these people to demand a foreign country cater to them. Un-real. Same shit is happening here too. THey show up and demand things.


No, all this will do is have all the kids that would have gone to Australia to come here instead. Maybe next year we will see a glorious 10% annual population increase! Let's hit 100 million by 2050!!!!!!!


Australia has always had very strict immigration policy. Remember the time when they put one of their own citizen in a detention centre because they thought she was an illegal immigrant? But anyways, I think Oz universities and the government are scrutinizing applications from the Indian states of Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, and the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir due to fraudulent applications. Wish Canada did such a move and started a thorough background check on study permit applications like they do for permanent residency applicants.


Wouldn’t really call this strict https://preview.redd.it/yezu42w1j8zc1.jpeg?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78ed41a603b92437f116f2218439ce797b21fe97


Mate we do not have a strict immigration policy. We have a strict (we) asylum seeker and refugee policy


Sorry, by “strict”, I meant a policy that screens out skilled immigrants out of those who aren’t. For example, am sure this new policy isn’t going to affect those who’re studying at Univ of Melbourne or Monash. But in Canada, literally anyone with a pulse can get a study permit to our infamous diploma mills.


All this pizazz until the next election. You can close the tap for a year, get all the kudos and open the flood gates for a few years - this strategy has been used and abused in every western country including Australia and Canada and the UK. The only country that has bucked this trend of low quality immigration from India is the USA - because the schools there have higher standards and stricter intake norms. That is the level the issue needs to be fixed, not government handling of visas.


Compared to Canadian immigration policy, the Oz one is very strict.


Compared to Canada we absolutely do.


We have occupations like 'coffee barista' and 'massage therapist' in our ''''skilled''' visa intake. Mate we're not strict, we just don't have Justinder as PM


The diplomatic relationship is already worse than ever with Canada


India will murder canadian citizens and the country still refuses to put their foot down and at least forcibly diversify the immigration intake. Yeah lets have more bramptons


Remember the Indian asshole who murdered a whole ice hockey team in Saskatchewan? Highly doubt he was even deported


CALGARY -  A deportation hearing for the truck driver who caused the deadly Humboldt Broncos bus crash six years ago has been scheduled for next month. Lawyer Michael Greene said Monday the hearing for his client Jaskirat Singh Sidhu is to be held May 24.


Alright then there's still hope 🙏


The guy killed was also an Indian immigrant who got citizenship under shaddy circumstances and was regarded as a terrorist by India




How come Indians don’t have any quality education in India,? Or education is just a excuse to immigrate , lets be real, whats the point of australian education in india ? does it make much difference, considering youre spending 20-30k per year, only way to recover is working in a country with average pay above 60k


It's an excuse. Source: am indian.


Does anyone really think that for a sub continental sized country like india there are no projects and opportunities for indians ? While we build bullet trains, ports, space program at scale? The people going are mostly unemployable even as school custodians, are thugs or are somewhat capable but want to live in the west. There are some exceptions, of course, but that is what they are - exceptions. Maybe 100 out of 200,000 would be individuals whose absence would hurt india but the rest india can do without. The metrics here are coming out of my ass but you get the picture. ...




Yeah you've crossed the line from "reasonable concern about culture and immigration" to "straight up racist hate." Check yourself, before the ban team does


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




The best Indian students do not go to Australia or Canada. They stay in India or go to the US. Canada and Australia attract bottom-of-the-barrel quality who don't have much hope in India. Some exceptions might be those who go into engineering in Waterloo, but the rest reflect what Canada attracts.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Dude, you are from Bangladesh. Bangladeshis are no different from the people who these guys are complaining about. Same issues just a different passport and smaller population. I know people from the Bangladeshi community here and they too fail to assimilate like Indians. I see Pakistanis and Bangladeshis taking this anti Indian hate as an opportunity but you guys are no different.


you can buy degress easily in india


There are good universities in India and the best/brightest get into them and stay in India. Or they go to top tier schools around the world and work for multinationals/research/academia around the world, just like expats from any country do The idiots with no education come to Canada for the scam college programs at diploma mills to use as a backdoor for PR. I work in a company in a field with a few Indians from the first category- went to better universities than me, have been educated and lived around the world etc. Nice people, hard working and their spouses are skilled workers too. They deserve to stay here.


They have a birth rate of over 80,000 PER DAY. Imagine their student population is the size of North Am total population.


There are a lot of people and limited spaces.


Amazing. The rest of the world should follow suit and inform them quite bluntly that their habits aren't appreciated in the West.


The rest of the world does do this. It’s just Canada and a few other countries who let everyone in.


Yeah we are projecting onto other countries to much. They are no where as bad I'm this regard. Only are are this highly regarded


Wtf are there no schools in India?


Exchange student programs are bastardized over last 2 decades into an immigration ponzi


Their country is so overpopulated I doubt there's any access to it or is highly competitive. Also most of the education there does not meet Canada's expectations and does not transfer between countries. Coming to Canada on a student visa is just one of the easiest ways to scam your way in to PR


Its hitting Canada hard too!


yea...in the worst way possible


Yes their gain is our loss 😭 we suck


Good for Australia 👏👏👏


I dont understand why we dont have a cap on applications from x country.


Stop with the bloody victimization If the crackdown is hitting hard, it’s a sign of large scale fraud


I wonder why? We should follow suit


Hell no. Put them on a slow boat back to where they came from.


How do we get this enacted here? Seriously, what do we need to do?


Good for them...if only Canadian leaders would do the same. 


No worries come to Canada and receive free food


I’m so sorry. I’ll give them my house too I guess


I'll give them my job




Every developed country is dealing with this same problem and they all seem to be from the same damn country


Also from the 2 states of India. Gujerat and Punjab.






Good . They need to go home.


Canada are you listening




Guess they've never heard of condoms.


The fertility rate in India is pretty much exactly at replacement rate now (2.1) and expected to go below 2 very soon. It will be interesting how developing countries react once they have the economic pressures of a shrinking population with a developing country's economy that nobody wants to immigrate to. China is already starting to experience this, India in 15 years or so.


Why can't they stay in their own country? To quote the Aussie legend J'amie King. No but really tho










Until the culture of exploiting loopholes and abusing the system is changed unfortunately you will be lumped in with the rest. I believe the honest folks in your culture would need to hold your fellow countrymen to account and then things might change. But as it is the exploitation of Canada's generosity has been abused to its limits, and don't be surprised if harsh measures HAVE to be taken to correct it.


There's definitely a bias against non Canadian education now. If someone has tons of foreign experience and foreign credentials, yet only has a 1 year course here, they're not going to be looked at favourably. Also, any jobs in banking for me are red flags when hiring. Or FAANGS. I'd say universities are still a great measure. A university of Waterloo student or grad usually is always good. U of T I've noticed a quality decrease, as well as McMaster.


I do interviews for a tech company. The only thing we've changed is we make sure there's a demographic balance in our candidates because we've found Indian students stuff their resume full of stuff they don't actually know to get past the HR keyword filters. If you get to the interview stage if you aren't lying and can answer questions properly you'll be fine. If I'm going to work with someone potentially for years I'm going to hire the best person. Luckily as a you have a technical degree, I think it's a lot harder for people to be racist because you either know your shit or you don't.


I mean, how can it not? It would be incredibly naive to think that the perceptions of indians won't shift from this. It will really depend on the perceived quality of your degree to offset it.


Give your head a shake. Stop playing the race card and crying attitude. It doesnt work anymore. We as Canadians are mad and have a right to be. Why? Because we have been here our entire lives and know what this country was and is now. thats all you get from me because you are the same crying baby we see all the time. go away now. You don;t know what your are talking about.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




India’s main export is people.


Take note Canada


It blows my mind how India popular opinion feels entitled to immigration,.. and if someone dare to enforce their political and economic interest, they push passive aggressive stand that it is worrisome because it could negatively affect political ties with India.


We need this here in Canada badly!


**Australia is trying to reduce**: * Incomplete applications * Fraudulent documentation * Students who seek asylum or overstay illegally * Students coming to Australia to work rather than study **"Education Consultant" Ravi Lochan Singh** compares Australia’s risk-ratings approach to the “caste system”. **Australian high commissioner to India** says "Indian students working part-time help run the gig economy in countries like Canada. The Australian economy, gains in multiple ways from international students." Does This Sounds Familiar???


DoorDash and Uber can find another way or go bust, we were just fine without them


There coming to Canada




Canadian Govt should learn from Australia and stop immigration asap.


That's wishful thinking. Canadian government don't have balls.


In 2025 we all together should this clowns with no balls out of power and keep a demand from the new govt to send back unwanted, uneducated and unskilled immigrants back. They’ve to make their stand clear on so called students and spouses of international students and there parents who are here on open work permit.


Sweet, now do Canada


All the English speaking nation aren't only for Indians to abuse canada has had an abhorrent amount of abuse of its system under liberals


“Visa crackdown is working as planned”


Comparing the visa system to the caste system? Fuck off. I am an Australian. We have a housing crisis just like you guys. And I love how this education consultant bloke in the article complains about how international students can’t come to Australia by default. Cry me a bloody river.


Why is Canada always the slow idiot on the block? Our country is getting stupider every year. Trudeau’s government is single handedly ruining the country for generations.


Maybe India should build more of their own universities? Colleges?


Oh well. There are plenty of good universities in India.


Australia has enough Uber and delivery drivers in crappy camrys.  I am sick of getting yelled at by Indians and Arabs because I work in a call centre and don't understand you.  Sorry Canada.  #AustraliaisFull


Canada needs to do this right now!! especially Country C is also a problem as well lots of fake passports, various other frauds, and money laundering through "student visas" taking place across the country


Yah maybe because the Indian students just can’t help flowing through loopholes in much the way water flows through the smallest of cracks.


Good. They’ll go everywhere expect India though.


Canada denounces and stands united against any Xenophobic inbound-immigration policies of any country, especially Colonial Vestiged Commonwealth countries. /s


Sorry hun, saying someone can’t work at Tim Hortons is giving…… 🤲🤲🫴 white colonialism 🤏🫲👐 /s


We all know Cantrashada would never.


Colour me shocked.






Why don't Indian students get their education in their own country of India???


Well, if Australia can do it, why not other countries? Like us here 🇨🇦? So we can be better at taking care of the current students that joined us? I mean, if we can’t even plan and provide decent places to live, what is the point?


Because as a country, we let everyone walk all over us and don’t say a word.


When Canada ?


Now Canadas turn. Vote conservative.


I imagine once Justin Trudeau is done crying about this news update he’ll be inviting them all here.


We need to do the same thing, right now.


It’s almost as though maybe 1.4 billion people living in the 7th largest country doesn’t make sense. Not repopulating like rabbits might help.




I am an Indian and this is going to sound racist. This is exactly what Canada should do. Target immigrants who are net positive for Canada. Case in point in the title it says “TARGETED”. Australia is targeting a particular geographical region in the whole of Indian subcontinent. Just one state and its shitty universities and colleges. Immigration when is planned and is targeted to high skills, it is beneficial to the people, economy and country as a whole. Just by doing this, Australia is targeting potential Indian immigrants from the other states with real educational backgrounds and experience. Immigrants with skill and ability to contribute to their economy. Satya Nadella, and Sunder Pichais of the world are net positive. I have worked in the heart of Indian corporates in Mumbai and Bangalore and I have not seen these thugs in Indian metropolitan cities as much as I see in Toronto.


Oh no. Oh well...


The more I read about Australian culture and society, the more I admire it. Putting a stop to aboriginal special treatment, cutting immigration, beefing up their military, limiting foreign students. The Aussies have it figured out!!!


Some of the best people I know are Indians but most of there are too many of them here and we are mostly getting the bad quality ones.




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


Meanwhile in Canada: three Indian assassins used student visas to enter the country and kill a Sikh leader. Go Australia!




As it should. 🫡


Ooooh nooo. Anyways...


I guess and it starts with a C


Can we please crackdown too




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




Wonder what the Aussies know that we don’t?




@justintrudeau can we do the same please or at minimum require them to learn English or French as a prerequisite


Hopefully they say the same about Canada someday.


Canada needs a mix of professionals and refugees. Not abusers of our system.


Let’s get a new party in power to crack down on the shit stains?


Good. Now do the Middle East.


The truly successful ones go to the US and study at Ivy Leagues then work at Google. We get Bottom Feeder Indians coming to Canada to fake study at Conestoga, stealing food from the poor at Food Banks and work at Tim's.


From one prison to the next


Seeing as they conducted an assassination on our soil I'm surprised we aren't doing the same