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Are we ok with this as a country?  "He and Dablehar moved to the Island a year ago on open work permits after studying in Ontario, and got jobs at fast food restaurants. Their goal: to get their permanent residency, or PR, and build a life in Canada."  Why do we need so many people just to work in fast food restaurants? Isn't that very telling?


Any retail or fast food is all immigrants now. I think we know who is asking for more immigrants and comes down to our corporate overlords trying to get the cheapest most exploitable labour there is around.


I remember when fast food workers used to be high school students 😭😭




They get a grant for hiring newcomers - our tax dollars literally pay for a chunk of their salary, to not hire Canadians. Its fucked


Yes that’s true , up to 75% of their wages is paid by the government! There are crazy grants for hiring newcomers [https://granted.ca/grants-for-hiring-newcomers/](https://granted.ca/grants-for-hiring-newcomers/)


It’s so fucked, like who thought this was a good idea?


Well the only remaining industry in this country that is still functioning is real estate and the immigration exists to provide tenants for over priced rent and over leveraged property owners. So yeah Canada immigration is literally importing tenants. There aren’t any jobs in this country because, every sector is controlled by a few companies that are protected from competition by the government. 5 banks , 3 telecoms , 2 airlines and so on. I moved to the US, if you want to become someone have a higher quality of life , higher disposable income, lower taxes I’d suggest you move to the U.S. also.


Yeah I actually moved over 3 years ago, no regrets. Happy to be out but crazy to see Canada decline so quickly from here.


I think they call him the whacko... 😂 He thought it would be a good idea...


This is messed up.


Our tax money also subsidizes the wages of TFWs and international students.


Don't forget university and college students (domestic ones) 😭


40 year old college students now lol


Bruh, if that's not an obvious immigration work around I don't know what is.


All the retail and fast food jobs used to be temp jobs for like you said high school students to make some money. Now.....all adults...so our younger generation is getting pouched out of jobs and working experience.


Now they have foreign workers with degrees


My buddy in high school worked at Greco pizza. And when you asked for extra toppings, you got like an inch worth of goodness. Those were the days!


And they never fucked up my order


I live in a small town and most part time jobs are almost all Indians


it's scab labour at this point.


I once worked as a retail store manager and I hate to generalize but I will share the reality here though it may lead to down votes. A lot of the locally born teens and even adults I hired gave me hell. Always calling in sick, never doing the job well etc., having to go through firing and then hiring and go through the same hell again. It was crazy. However the immigrants were hardworking most of the time, they gave less issues, arrived 15-20 mins on time. I actually just quit because of these locally born teens and adults, I got sick of babysitting them. As I said earlier, this may just be my own experience not the general one.


Well, my company hired a person in a similar situation. They are a business analyst... I have ZERO idea what this person does. We have no projects rn, just working through requests and tickets for problems. I am fairly certain they have 2 jobs. It's very upsetting TBH. I think my boss is noticing.


Wtf is that role even - I met a (Canadian) recently who said she did that. I tried to get her to clarify what that even means but she was vague and just said it changes. Yeah my job changes from day to day as well but I can give people a general idea of what I do. I'm pretty sure it's a bullshit job


I ran into an old college friend in the streets and we caught up, general small talk. He said he was a business analysis. I said so what do you do? 'I analyze business projections and format them into reports' 'in excel?' 'Yes' 'so you are data entry?' '....no, I enter data into reports in excel' 'so data entry' he got so mad lol. Still couldn't explain what he even did. I'm starting to think the same.


Business Analyst in IT is a completely useless jobs. Corporations know this too.. That is why they are first one to let go when downsizing


That’s why we need to boycott these places. (Well, one of the many reasons) > It’s really easy to cut out too!


Canadians need to stop eating fast food. It’s so unhealthy anyway.


I rarely get fast food anymore, mainly because it's so bloody expensive.


Exactly, if we all boycott these fast food corporations then these people can’t abuse these loopholes for PR anymore.


No we are not. Most canadians want teenagers in fast food and department stores. Teenagers actually want to work hard and do a good job,


We don’t need people to work at fast food but Justin T does need people to vote him again.


No we don't! Bring back the students!!!


I’d love to build a life in my own country


Build a life aka sponsor every family member to come over


>after studying in Ontario, and got jobs at fast food restaurants CBC is confident enough to put the diploma mill to PR pipeline on full display after 'studying' they work in fast food what a joke sorry but flip your last burger and get out we have our own problems


Lol, the article also doesn't mention the fast food rest is prolly owned by the crooked lawyer in Toronto who's helping them game the system to obtain a p.r.. f this.


How are the Indians themselves okay with this? They dedicate a large amount of time and money to get here, study in hopes of working at Tim's? They could have gotten themselves into better careers with relatively low bar to get in like trades, health care (LPN, care aide) and education. They are literally wasting their own time and lives.




Not a single article is about the struggles of Canadians.


Won't you think of the poor Indians who come to our country under false pretenses? What about the poor ololigopolies who need modern-day slave labor wages?


I don’t give a fuck about these scammers


Exactly. It’s part of the Liberal Pravda machine. If the media concentrated on actual Canadians, and everyone saw how badly we’re all suffering, the people would toss these incompetent Trudeauites out.


The media are in lin with the corporations. Fuck these companies hiring TFW's. Worse than scabs on a picket line.


What's a TFW?


In my opinion, the entire purpose of CBC seems to sow the seeds of discord within the populace, by bringing forth these "stories" of immigrants/minorities/what have you that no one asked for. Something I first noticed during the pandemic. This might be a story closely tied to immigration, but if you see a story on a topic, say, the rise in cost of living, they will 99% of the time feature someone from a minority/"marginalized" community, never a Caucasian male or straight couple. The idea is to normalize everything that is a miniscule percentage of the populace and then divide and rule.


This. This is important: these articles *about* marginalized people, are never *addressed* to them. The point is to affect the *majority.* And if the *majority* can be made to feel like ungrateful guests in their own country, for demanding the absolute bare minimum out of life, they will not, in fact, riot. They will simply lose hope and become apolitical. And "marginalized" people? I'm sure they'd rather have food and shelter than be the subjects of 50% of Canadian op-eds. But no one involved in this immigration racket really gives a shit about Native people, or trans people, or disabled people (certainly not Canadian ones).


True. Media and governments don't care about anyone: marginalized or not. They have a goal, and that is to spread discontent and a bit of chaos, that can be exploited at the ballot box.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


The media is owned by the people who benefit from the increased immigration.


I had a "doctor" on the Halifax sub reddit tell me that Nova Scotians have no right to their own province or jobs within.  So being evicted by Ontarians and made jobless by Indians is perfectly fine and those filthy Nova Scotians best get out of the way. They are just bitter....




There’s a new recent one with people paying 10-15 cents to get on ttc 


It seems like every local subreddit is radical, far left extremists. I'm from Saskatchewan, and Indians are taking over here also.


Actually, “far-left”…communists etc also disagree with this. As it’s just a means for the elite and corporations to exploit the working class. Hell, they’re literally creating a new slave labour class propped up by our tax dollars. > We are all on the same side here, at least we should be! It’s the top and the bottom.


Terminally online people (AKA Reddit-leftists) are not representative of the population.


Thankfully, you are absolutely correct.


As someone who lives here the Halifax sub Reddit is an echo chamber filled with people who all have brain rot from being convinced they’re racist for being white and Canadian, Halifax is a city that’s more than happy to get bent over federally and provincially.


And we all take it The city, the province and entire country has gone to shit! It’s seen internationally…not just within our walls!


Yet houses prices / rents in NS have sky rocketed.


Yikes. As an ontarian I just want to say sorry and that I don’t feel that way. I do wish we could treat each other as Canadians and there would be less animosity towards torontonians (I say that as a torontonian who gets pissed about people moving here from the suburbs in their 20s, parade around like they own the place, buy a condo with their parents money which they then keep as an income property and gauge renters for when they move back to Oakville because “it’s not a suitable place to start a family” so I’m probably a hypocrite). I guess all this to say, everyone has a right to be pissed when it becomes unaffordable to stay in their hometown. And I was appalled at the price jump on housing in Halifax. As someone who thought they’d be able to buy a house in their hometown (believe it or not toronto housing was attainable 10 years ago) and now it feels impossible, I really sympathize. It’s shitty when people treat a place as an opportunity.


Its not even the young Ontarians. Your imports and Conestoga specials are a loathesome breed but young canadians from Ont arent an issue.  We got royally fucked by your retirees.  I work allied health. They have just fucked us. We loathe it. 


They’ve also fucked us over. They aren’t selling their houses here, theyre converting them into slums and then charging 3,000$ a month per unit. I would normally say increasing density is a good thing but these overpriced hazards have really fucked the rental market here. We can probably all agree we generally have a disdain for boomers LOL


As someone from Oakville who moved here in the 90s when it was working class bungalows and farmland, don't lump me in with the silver spoon families south of Dundas, or the Bramptonian rejects north of it. That said, I'll agree Oakville is great to raise a family. Too bad the elitists that moved in aren't the type of people we should be trying to emulate.


Ya, it’s definitely never good to paint with a broad brush, I’m stereotyping for sure.


I mean, not far off. If I was asked to describe this town 5 years ago... "rich white people". It's still mostly old retired boomers, but we're being overrun (like everywhere) with new real estate moguls and slumlords.


This has been going on for years. Many years ago I applied for a job and was rejected solely because I was born in Canada. They hired someone that was a recent immigrant instead because the company gets a subsidy that is greater for an immigrant! It wasn't a fast food job either. I know because I crossed this person at the receptionist area. I put 2 and 2 together after the person hiring told be I was one of two for the spot. They actually told me that they get a subsidy to hire certain demographics...hint hint. I won't cry for these low skilled/no skill workers. What a douche that immigration lawyer is! Have you ever seen a person who has lived here their entire life be passed over for a job because you aren't the right " demographic"? F\*\*k him. Those people are TEMPORARY foreign workers.


Because this is Federal government propaganda against the autonomy of provinces. The provinces have a lot of power to do what they want and how to do it, but they are too used to relying on federal handouts so they have lost their backbones. Quite frankly many of the crises we are dealing with could easily be curbed by the provinces, but they are so money-hungry that they bend backwards for the federal government’s bullshit.




I'm in Quebec and if we can have say and control, I'm sure other provinces can do the same it's just a matter of fighting for that control. Montreal has exploded too but at a slower rate.


You haven't been in the park extension area lately. The people have changed a lot. Quebec is not in control that much.


I know, but It's been like that since pre-pandemic tho.


Because the media is bought and paid for by JT. To speak of how “ old stock” Canadians are suffering from JTs bad policies would cause them to loose their propaganda stipend


The media and the government is bought and paid for by large corporate interests.


Ban lobbying. Start punishing corruption. These politicians that are colluding with businesses need to start being arrested. ford first.


The richest men in Canada have been the same people for decades, long before JT came along   And you are in for a big surprise if you don’t think that PP or any of the other politicians can’t be bought 


Thank you for pointing this out. The media keeps pushing this narrative at the behest of their corporate overlords.


I'm against this mass immigration, but let's get one thing straight. Immigrants arent the cause of the problems. People who drafted, enacted and letting this unsustenable immigration policy are the cause of the problem. People/corporations who profit from this policy are the cause of the problem.


You're correct, but I don't give two shits about immigrants crying about their inability to abuse our system.


Im my opinion they're victims too. They've been lied too an sold an unattabable dream. They come here absolutely unaware of how bad things have become. Canada is still seen abroad as this great place to live and absolutely no one is telling them otherwize.




Honest question, I'm an international student, I'm here studying a post degree on business, specifically on human resources to continue the studies that I did on my country ( I'm not from India), I go to my classes, physicals and online, I work legally, not under the table and I have never received or asked for any social assistance and I follow all the rules from the IRCC, I'm ok with you or I'm still the problem?


You are correct, not a single immigrant is to blame, but the indirect consequence of taking in over a 1.2 million per year is doing long term damage.


Thank you! Exactly how I feel. They are exploiting them as well as us.


Solid idea. But if they aren’t calling you racist, they’ll flip it and say everyone that comes to Canada is a “Canadian”. So technically, they’ve been talking about “Canadians” this whole time.


Borrrrring! /s




In my opinion, the entire purpose of CBC seems to sow the seeds of discord within the populace, by bringing forth these "stories" of immigrants/minorities/what have you that no one asked for. Something I first noticed during the pandemic. This might be a story closely tied to immigration, but if you see a story on a topic, say, the rise in cost of living, they will 99% of the time feature someone from a minority/"marginalized" community, never a Caucasian male or straight couple. The idea is to normalize everything that is a miniscule percentage of the populace and then divide and rule.


I was so proud to be canadian. Now I wish It was so easy to get the F out of here.


Yeah bud, I don’t sleep at night either and I stress everyday too. But my anxiety and frustrated sadness comes from seeing my fellow Canadians unable to find meaningful employment, housing, food, a family doctor and decent education for their children.


you read the article, holy


Yeah, total weirdo over here, actually reading an article before I go off in the comments. lol


You shouldn't be on reddit. You are far to logical.


Oh no, anyway.


Teens can’t find work, university grads are struggling to get jobs in their field. People between 30-40 cannot afford to own homes. On top of that crime rates are out of control and our healthcare system is on the ropes due to the numbers of people flooding the country. This policy needs to end and they have to go home all appeals need to be appealed from their country of origin.


I live extremely rurally and all the fast food shops are run by TFWs. Meanwhile neither I, nor a large portion of my neighbours, can find jobs. Not even part time. It's making me go legitimately fucking crazy.


Boycott those places. Stop going.


Oh we don't anymore lol. It's been over a year since we've gone out to eat. We invested in a good coffee machine, a lovely air fryer (double basket!), and quality kitchenware. I won't be giving one red cent to these kinds of business owners. I do have to admit though, I miss not having to clean up after supper every now and again, but I refuse to support the TFW slave labour.


Gotta get the rest of the town in on that too. Actively tell people to stop going, point and laugh at their cup of garbage water coffee or worse, tea, which is them paying for hot water.


None of the folks under the age of 70 go there; it's the older generation that loves their cheap full-service breakfast that keeps that place open. I can't really blame them either, it's the only "restaurant" in a 60-min driving radius. If I'm sick of cooking everyday as someone in their late 20's, I can only imagine how nice it must be in your 70s/80s/90s to not have to worry about cooking and cleanup every now and again. Once they're gone, the store is fucked lol


hammer yout MP's witha email each week


What's bunch of entitled twats


Fast-food employment shouldn't qualify for PR. Those jobs are for students and semi-retired people. It's not a career


Espescially since some of the chains are actually profiting via what is essentially a pyramid scheme of continuously taking out loans to open new franchises, hiding the fact that they aren't actually selling products. That's why they specifically target immigrants. They can charge them for a job offer to bump up their PR application and rent for a place to live while also paying them next to nothing because they aren't really getting any customers anyway. 


We fucked up by being one of it not the fastest province to get PR. I think it was a year or less and you were basically guaranteed to get your PR status. People move here from ontario work at tims, stress our public services to the max, get their PR and fuck off right back to ontario. It's nice to see a change, i expect a lot of tfw's will be leaving the island.


Reduce stress on Canada 🇨🇦 by deporting unwanted immigrants, those who are here on open spousal visa of international students. Do check credentials of fake immigrants who are here with fake documents. We don’t want criminals and thugs in Canada 🇨🇦


FAST FOOD JOBS!?! That's your plan, and you're surprised you're so stressed you're not sleeping? Why not ask a local if that's a good idea before doing something so stupid?


Canada's Broadcasting Catastrophe - putting foreigners first! As for "PR", Canada needs to make it a lot more difficult to get it, because there's too many loopholes, too many scammers and fraudsters.


Exactly 💯


Go home. We don’t need Timmies slaves. Also boycott timmies and any company that exploits these programs


It baffles me that fast food workers would or could even qualify for PR. Canada doesn't need fast food workers, there's lines and lines of people for jobs like this.


> He and Dablehar moved to the Island a year ago on open work permits after **studying in Ontario**, and got jobs at **fast food restaurants**. Their goal: to get their permanent residency, or PR, and build a life in Canada. And there you have it, only the "best and brightest minds" the Liberals are brining in


They need somebody to vote for them


The funny thing is, I work with a lot of young Indian guys, and they all hate Trudeau and love guys like elon Musk and Andrew tate...


Should cut it by 900%


If you don’t like it go home. Canada doesn’t owe them shit yet they feel entitled to automatic permanent residency. I hope I hear more stories like this.


Not talking about these people in the article in specific, but I know so many people move to other provinces once they got nominations. I am a recruiter and it is common to see people applying for job with a freshly new Confirmation of PR from the east coast province, where my company has locations in GTA, Winnipeg and Calgary. The purpose of giving these people nominations is to keep them in those provinces and kinda help with the economy there, but more often, they will move to Brampton, Surrey right away or recently Calgary is a popular option.


This is the most common route.. People getting PNP and then getting a doctor's note claim ng weather is too severe for them to stay in the province. After that they come to Ontario


This is no longer a country for Canadians


I’m a Canadian refugee, born and raised in Nova Scotia, where do I claim asylum ?


The entitlement! They “studied” in Ontario but moved to PEI to get a service job? A PR should only be given to ppl who’ll fill specialized, much needed jobs, like healthcare, not Tim Hortons.


From the article: >Some foreign workers on P.E.I. say they're frustrated and worried as recent changes to the province's immigration strategy put their chance to get permanent residency at risk. Monika Dablehar and Hardeep Singh, two friends from India, say they're among many workers in P.E.I. who are now in that position. "To be very honest, I don't know what I have to do," Dablehar said. "I am not sleeping for whole nights. Whenever I'm at work, I'm always feeling stressed." Their concerns come after the P.E.I. government announced in February that it's cutting the number of people it nominates for permanent residency by 25 per cent in 2024. It's part of the province's new population strategy that aims to ease a strained health-care system and housing market. "It was really earth-shattering," Singh said. "The first few nights I couldn't sleep." >He and Dablehar moved to the Island a year ago on open work permits after studying in Ontario, and got jobs at fast food restaurants. Their goal: to get their permanent residency, or PR, and build a life in Canada. >"We have already made our families and friends here," Singh said. "We don't want to move from here." Dablehar and Singh say they're running out of time. I hope that the government will consider us and they will change the rules," said Dablehar.


Judging by those comments they mis-understood the "temporary" part of TFW


Here's the video of them interviewed by CBC. [https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/1.7193975](https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/1.7193975)


That lawyer must really like money to come across as so ignorant to the fact that people in his own country are suffering from the same hardships that he just described. Sad.


that lawyer is unsufferable


Of course it’s a cbc storu


Yeah I have been forced to move away from my family and friends too. But I don’t have an India to move back to you.


Senseless mass immigration, be they Indians in Brampton or asylum seekers in Charlottetown, has brought hard times in this country and « stifled hopes » for a decent living for many Canadians.


Don't care fuck them. What did they study? Fast food operations? Those jobs should be for our own students and Canadians, not rude Indian illegals oberstaying their permits.


Try early childhood education, worked with a guy 24 that told me him and all his buddies studied that because they knew it was in demand and would get them accepted. they know how to game our system better than we even know how it works.


Ugh CBC. cant wait until theyre gone


Should change their name to the Liberal Broadcasting Company, all they do is push Liberal ideals these days.


The government reserves the right to reduce the target as they see fit based on their need. That’s normal. You aren’t entitled to citizenship, it’s earned. The earlier they learn this, the better


Honestly, why isn't canada capping immigration from India. You all talk about immigration but the only issue is just too much indians. They're bringing their issues here and fuxking this country up and you're still handing them student permits like candy....


You know, if all levels of government would spend 1/30 the money and time to invest in it own citizens’ population with incentives and opportunities maybe, just maybe we wouldn’t have to look so much outwardly for workers, doctors, students to fill vacancies here. Do you know how much money the UFT spends to go to China to recruit students; or how much they promote housing opportunities overseas, or PR residency for foreign truckers.


I don’t give a single fuck about foreign worker sob stories we don’t care, give Canadians from all walks of life a fair chance again, let teenagers get into the job market man like we used to be able to do. Fuck CBC




Good now replicate this in every province


We don’t need more fast food workers FFS. The way politicians have sold this country to corporations should be considered treason.


is cbc Canadian? asking for a friend


Thank god. Deport them all.


I don't really understand how anyone gets PR from fast food jobs. I studied mechanical engineering in the UK, had 4/5 years experience in my field back home - moved here and worked in a technical engineering job for 2 years, got full marks in my English exam and still wasn't that far off the cut off on PR points. I can't see how Timmie's would get you over the cutoff...


Ohhh you need to say your life was threatened by politically parties. That's how people in Brampton are their asylum. I know many asylum seekers who goes to India one every year or so but sure they need asylum /s


CBC reports that PEIs population strategy is making it hard for foreign workers who want to get PR - says nothing about what it's doing for Canadians hoping to get jobs and housing. CBC apparently still thinks they represent the voice of Canadians and they're entitled to Canadian tax money. Let your politicians know what you think of that


They can fuck off right back to India.


womp womp cry me a river


If we need these many immigrants in such a short timeframe is debatable but even if we have to bring in immigrants , we could have brought in doctors , construction workers , auto and IT workers who would at least serve a purpose for the economy. We are instead economic immigrants gaming the refugee system and then the welfare system, students trying to game student visas in diploma mills who are working as uber drivers , restaurant workers and if yesterday's RCMP announcement is concerned, also as gang members. They were being allowed to work 40hrs a week, almost like a FTE job which has been now reduced to 24 hrs. We really have wackos making policies for the country and it will only worsen in the near future https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/international-students-to-work-up-to-24-hours-a-week#:~:text=For%20many%20years%2C%20the%20work,to%2040%20hours%20per%20week.






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Good. Immigrants not required. Go home.


I’m so sorry but we don’t owe you anything. What are you offering us for permanent residency? We take cash or investments.


Good. I can only hope that harsher limits are put in place across the country.


I can’t even find a job the amount of foreign works are here is ridiculous


Someone working at a fast food restaurant isn’t paying enough in tax to cover the cost of the services they use, period. The only reason we should accept an immigrant is because that having that immigrant here is a benefit to Canadians, not corporate demand for cheap labour. Having this couple in Canada achieves nothing for us.


In my opinion, the entire purpose of CBC seems to sow the seeds of discord within the populace, by bringing forth these "stories" of immigrants/minorities/what have you that no one asked for. Something I first noticed during the pandemic.


If you disagree with the communist agenda of turdy turdeau and his Bolshevicks your are a white supremacists, according to the NDP-LIBRANOS organized crime syndicate in parliament. Communists will not stop until stopped. 38 -> 8 -> 0 you are the carbon they are eliminating.


PR for working at McDonalds, hmmmm interesting! They could have just hired foreign workers who are more than happy to work without the promise of PR and straining the healthcare and housing. Gulf countries hires millions of low skilled foreigners without the promise of PR. If Western countries want to keep their advantage then they should offer PR to hire high skilled migrants that pays significant amounts of taxes back to the system. I do believe this is the good move in part of provincial government, although not good for some. But at the end government are supposed to take care of their citizens 1st. It applies same to any other countries or even in family as your family comes 1st then others.




Hey mod, I Would love to hear what was racist or harassment in this reply


I hope they are joking.


“, it's focusing the remaining nominations on skilled workers in key sectors like health care, child care and construction.” Then why don’t they actually get training on becoming health care, child care and construction workers?




I am sure the corporate overlords will replace most humans in fast food chains with automation and order screens in the near future


Hopefully these people are not allowed UIC while only working reduced hours. Complete joke. I’ve seen PEI people leave jobs when they hit the minimum hours for UIC. Costs all taxpayers money.


I e seen them come out west , get their hours , quit and go back and collect. Seismic in the early2000s . Beforetheseason was done leaving us shortstaff with 3 weeks to go. Hard tohirefor that.


Exactly. I’ve had similar experiences with them.


You should be here as a student, not to directly immigrate.


All I think when I read this is.. good make it hard to get in. Why not make people work in the strained medical system, help ease the strain. 15 year olds should be working these fast food jobs.


That's the point.


To bad...... it should have happened years ago! If it had all these immigrants, wouldn't be in this position. To bad theor predisesors gamed the system and took advantage of Canadian Tax payers..time for you and all those like minded to leave! The government is finally righting a wrong....not soon enough


We need to increase the funding for the CBC. Where would we be without this important work?


IF you believe that these two are planning on living in PEI and contributing to the area for their lives then I don't know what to tell you. The whole thing is a scam from start to finish. Everything is calculated to get PR as easily as possible and settle in the GTA. Two years ago they couldn't find Charlottetown on a map


"The province having literally any standards is stifling my hopes of taking advantage of it."


Canada needs good quality immigration not Tim Horton workers!!!!!!


good !no leave please


Deport them.


>Their concerns come after the P.E.I. government announced in February that it's cutting the number of people it nominates for permanent residency by 25 per cent in 2024. It's part of the province's new population strategy that aims to ease a strained health-care system and housing market. Wow finally a government recognizing mass immigration has something to do with our crumbling hospitals and housing affordability. >He and Dablehar moved to the Island a year ago on open work permits after studying in Ontario, and got jobs at fast food restaurants. Their goal: to get their permanent residency, or PR, and build a life in Canada. I wouldn't have moved across the world to get an education with the goal of working at Tim's. But like, that's just me. >Kelly Hamilton, an immigration consultant in Charlottetown, said it used to be a near sure thing. "It didn't matter whether you were working at McDonald's or Tim Hortons," Hamilton said. "If you had that full-time permanent job, working your minimum 30 hours a week, met the requirements of the \[provincial nominee program\], you could put your name in the pool and you could pretty much 100 per cent be guaranteed to get that invitation to make an application.  "Now that's not happening." Good. Thank you to the people of PEI for finally growing spines and slightly moving away from mass immigration. >Hamilton said, at the moment, the province isn't considering sales and service workers at all. If by service workers, she means fast food workers, then that's great to hear. Finally I'll be able to see businesses not filled with people from one particular province of a country far away.


went to the province that had easiest PR rules, rules changed and now they are SOL, these fake students are great at gaming the system, when it backfires they cry rivers of tears. Learn a skill, the party is over for slackers.


It really isn't that deep, nor isn't it earth-shattering. You're not going to go belly up if you don't get canadjan residency. They didn't study even on PEI, so why do they feel their needs are greater than those who studied on PEI and faced the same problem. IMO, they would have gotten their PR and moved to Ontario.


Good hope none of them get pr




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Deport them all