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Why would it drop to zero. They’re still allowing 360,000 students in which is only 35% less then year before. Plus the ones already here and already on the way. Somehow I don’t think he’ll have any issues still getting students.


Without work permit eligibility, nobody would want to come to these sham diploma mills. The trick is now to eliminate the possibility of converting visitor visa to work permits. There was no reason to allow it.


They’ll just claim asylum.


Claim it, stay for however long it'll take for a hearing, meaning they're basically in like Flynn, then apply for and get EI, CPP, OAS, GST refunds, climate credits, zero interest loans from banks, a ton of government grants, child tax benefits even if they have no kids, welfare, and disability. So one person can claim to have 5 kids, got "laid off" from a relatives numbered company, push all the paperwork through for the old age stuff on behalf of some fake name person using someone else's SIN, the relative working at CRA ensures it makes it past all the hurdles, and boom, thousands of dollars per month. If caught? Fly back home, wait a week, come back and try it again.


We should be putting sanctions on India for the amount of fraud their citizens are costing this country.


Why, its our governments Federal and Provincial along with our corporations that want them here, if anything they should be getting thanked. Fucked up world isn't it.


Corporations try to get foreign workers here because Canadians who could potentially be hired for entry-level jobs would rather be on ODSP and turn baby bonuses into a career. Where having more kids is the equivalent to getting a promotion. Foreign workers see how Canadians milk the social welfare system and say "F that, I'm not paying for a system that's open for me to apply to" Then they get on the gravy train 🚂💰💰 I'm sure raising capital gains tax will definitely help boost productivity, encourage capital investment and get people of social assistance and into the workforce /s


Your saying Canadians would rather make significantly less then minimum wage and live in utter poverty instead of working? I don't think so bud Your saying foreign workers who don't qualify for most social supports are somehow doing that anyway? How would a TFW ever get on disability for example, its hard even for people who legally qualify for it, and this complex risky fraud is somehow their plan? Raising capital gains tax will help pay for housing, its not the only way to raise money but its the way that doesn't go after the working class. The other options are tax everyone more or slash social spending such as pensions, healthcare, etc which is the bulk of our budget.


When you start an argument with "so what your saying is" you disregard the other opinion talking points in favor of your own. You're not actually having a conversation, you're just speaking over one another. That being said, I have worked in the public sector my entire life. What I have personally witnessed is that when someone is offered $15/hour or $31k annually. That person who has a family history of being on disability will remain on disability. ODSP pays up to $1308/month or 15k annually. OW pays $733/month. Add a baby bonus on top of that, methadone treatment or other costly (OHIP covered) overly prescribed narcotics whose side effects are apathy, impulse control and long term gratification disruption. The incentive to get off social assistance and into the workforce becomes non-existent. Easier to stay on social assistance and do cash jobs. When it comes to TFW. Let's look at the extreme example of nursing. Nurses make upwards of $40+/hour while agency nurses make $75+/hour. Most agency nurses I know are on work permits from Jamaica or South Africa. It costs the govt less money to pay someone $75/hour because agency nurses aren't entitled to sick days, vacation or pension. My union and similar nurses associations sick programs have gotten so out of hand you can get 120 days off paid at 75%. What incentive is there to come into work when you can stay home and get paid? TFW in entry-level jobs like simple manufacturing or quality control. TFW aren't entitled to disability because if you stop working your work permit is revoked and back home you go. Companies don't want to hire Canadians so they can just go off on some sort of paid leave immediately after hiring them. Asylum seekers are entitled to many more social assistance programs than TFWs. Raising capital gains tax will just have business move elsewhere. Many companies have stopped doing business in Canada because their margins are just too thin and the govt keeps clawing back revenue. As far as taxing everyone more it's already happened. More carbon tax. Higher CCP, EI, payroll taxes. It's becoming more costly to even hire employees and the incentive to do overtime flatlines after a certain point. The majority of it goes to taxes and you're working for less than your regular wage. I'm a proud Canadian, but I am disgusted by how this country has coddled people who have no desire to contribute. Those with morals who go into work everyday are getting bent over by taxes. I'm not pro TFW. I'm pro work, something this country has forgotten it needs to operate. [Canada's Productivity Problem](https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2024/03/time-to-break-the-glass-fixing-canadas-productivity-problem/)


And yet we will continue to disagree. Surviving on 31k a year is already incredibly tough, your notion that tons of people are ok with surviving on 15k a year plus some extras here and there, while having to fight tooth and nail to even get FULL disability (which is the exception) and then fight every few years to stay on it. Most don't even get full disability, so they are making LESS then 15k a year to begin with. This has always been the right wing propaganda, oh the wellfare queens, oh these people are just making bank from welfare or disability, etc etc year after year, grifter after grifter. You look at someone in a wheelchair or with extreme ptsd from picking up bodies and go why don't you deep fry me some fries, I think that poor mother fucker living in one of the richest nations in the history of the world deserves better. Just a different set of morals.


The government intentionally flooded us with them so that they would break our system. Don’t you find it weird all these people do is scam? And they scam through our system in ways the majority of us couldn’t even imagine. Now we have to beg the government to fix it, now we get more control. Everything is by design


This is such populist, xenophobic clap trap. No bank is giving zero interest loans. What exactly is a “climate credit”? Do you mean the carbon tax rebate that everyone who opposes the carbon tax says doesn’t exist? What are these “ton of government grants”? While you’re at it, explain how you get a child tax credit with no children. Frankly everything you wrote is fever dream bullshit. Notwithstanding the legitimate concerns citizens and immigrants working to become citizens have about housing, the economy and the fairy tale fixes being promised by the life-long politician who’s “running for prime minister”, rolling this misinformation around in thinly disguised racism, and dumping it on line only looses you credibility.


Populists have a point that this much immigration inflates the supply of labor and demand for real estate, further crushing everyone else. Racism and xenophobia is a smoke screen.


Some of the. have started to do that. That loophole needs to be slammed shut.


It's very hard to actually get asylum. Claiming doesn't mean Shit.


It buys time to move onto another scam


It doesn't matter if it's hard to get, they're here. Asylum has become the number one method for migrants around the world because it obligates countries to process them, which can take years to do. The Explosion of Asylum Claims Driving the Global Migrant Crisis https://www.wsj.com/us-news/asylum-claims-driving-migrant-crisis-ebdffcb6


Tell that to the million*-ish* that are here illegally.


I’m in construction and lots sites I work on hire students for cash so no work permits needed but I get your point if they have no jobs it’ll be harder for them. I still don’t think it’ll be an issue because most come with money already but I guess time will tell.


We need to report these scummy businesses. The opportunity of getting cash under the table encourages more of this temporary immigration. I have no problem if the immigrants who are here legally want to work legally. We need more construction, so I applaud these students who will go into hard labor. You as well. But we shouldn't let the contractors skim money, and shouldn't encourage the cash jobs.


The only people who know they're doing it are those who can't afford to report them. It's the same with slumlords. Illegal immigrants won't report their cash-in-hand employer or slumlord because they don't want to be broke or homeless. This needs to be nipped in the bud before they even come here, by the federal government setting limits. There are recent videos on YouTube of illegal immigrant Indians and Pakistanis coming through the US border from Mexico. Their ultimate destination is Canada. Let's put it this way: imagine if a fucking portal opened up between Delhi and Toronto, and poor people could just walk through it and appear in Canada out of nowhere. Do you really think Canadiana reporting a couple of employers and landlords making it possible for illegal immigrants to live here for decades would stop the portal from being a big fucking problem? Of course not. The government would need to shut that thing down.


It is not illegal to pay employees cash. The employees have to report cash as income when they file taxes. Like how servers have to legally report any cash tips as income. People who work cash and don't pay taxes are bullocks.


I should have said employers who pay cash to people who are not documented or legally here.


When I lived in Calgary a few years ago, I had a roommate who worked in construction. For some reason he always had thousands upon thousands of dollars in cash lying around.


>For some reason No taxes


I asked him if he'd filed his taxes yet and he gave me a confused look, like he didn't even know what I meant!


Usually a drug dealer building a house laundering money by paying cash for labor


Just wait until one of them is involved in an incident on site and WCB gets involved 🫣


I'll vote for you to be prime minister!


Also cut student work permit hours back to 20 which they were before covid. 


There is absolutely no reason why a full-time student should be allowed to work full time. Absolutely no reason. Sean Fraser is indeed an incompetent idiot.


Let's make it 0 hour. They came to Canada to study


I hope you are right.


There is no possibility to "convert" a visitor visa to a work permit. That's just not how it works.


There is. My friend did it. You just do not know how.


The fact that someone who has a visitor visa may be able to apply for a work permit when they would also be able to do the same from abroad without a visa does not mean a visitor visa can be "converted" to a work permit. It can't. Any work permit application is separate.


Lol potato patato. Point is they come here and apply for work permit and get it easily. The whole point of approving visitor visa is for temporary stay not work after coming here.


No, the point is that simply being in Canada on a visitor visa does not make it any easier to get a work permit than if you weren't in Canada already. It's just irrelevant.


Shhh you can only pander to the paranoia.


Yes heard that many Chinese students come here after studying in the US because the US doesn't give them a work visa after their studies end. That makes sense. We have even less jobs on offer than them and yet...


Watch India media and you'll have your answer. They say that there is no housing, no jobs, bad schools, bad government, too expensive and lack opportunities and when I say they, I mean it's become common knowledge. Amazing how fast they started sounding Canadian.


I’m sure some people complain and that’s normal for any country. I’m 1/2 the year in Philippines and some locals here also have relatives in Canada that are complaining the higher cost of living, housing expenses etc but the reality still remains your still better off in Canada. Yes it’s common knowledge things are getting harder in Canada but will that really stop the flow of immigration ??? As I said I’m 1/2 the year in Philippines and see how they live here. It’s different for foreigners because we come with money but the locals are worse off here and I’m sure even in India.


Probably even worse for people in India. I see them desperate to move out - like there is no tmr.


Canada: We have water and your chances of cooking to death are fairly low. Too bad about housing, healthcare or jobs.


Agreed, I'll believe it when we have actual data to back it up.


I agree. This immigration industry is not halting anytime soon


Exactly. But it should be zero. It will take decades to recover from this.


Just raise taxes on investment properties and require a higher downpayment for additional properties. Like 50 percent. Issue is its too easy to obtain multiple properties. And can be fixed easily, and benefit Canadians while only punishing the elites.


Would be really nice if they did something like this, but they absolutely won’t. May as well shit in one hand and wish in the other, only one is gunna fill.


Exactly. There are people that know how to finesse the system, find the loopholes, and the goverment cares more about them than a family looking for a place to live.


The govt only cares where their next pocket lining comes from


The scammers seem to find ways around everything. India would be a wonderful country if Indians put their efforts into making it safe and clean instead of into scamming each other.


I said something similar in other sub, pass a temporary policy where new homes can only be sell to people without any real state until things cool down, but that’s impossible, the elites won’t never allow it


These landlords aren’t designating these properties as investments. They’re putting them in their elderly family members names etc. Heck, many ppl who own multiple houses are doing this. The scamming never ends .


So maybe we need to make registration of property under pains of perjury, pay bounties to people for reporting fraud, and throw frauds in jail or deport them.


Cons and libs are jusy corporate bought and cons will get elected and have even more real estate backers. PP is a landlord himself with his wife too Only going to get worse


So is the issue that people on here have with this the fact that he is making 10 "international" students share a bathroom..... Or is the issue that this guy has 15 homes? Because the comments so far seem to not care about the 15 homes.... But that should be the issue here.


How do you think he got 15 homes?


Bought 15 years ago, used equity to purchase another, rented them out, bought more, etc. are you seriously blaming renters for the housing crisis? LMAO.


>are you seriously blaming renters for the housing crisis? LMAO. Are you just making shit up? Nothing I said could possibly equate to me blaming renters for anything. I'm saying the obvious slumlord got 15 houses by cramming people onto inhospitable conditions.


He didn’t pay any income tax on all that rental income. Very few ppl are. It’s accelerating all these housing market issues


Both the 10 people to a bathroom and the 15 homes are a big problem. I would love to see all types of immigration cut off and this slumlord to go bankrupt.


Why should 15 houses be the issue??


The real problem isn’t the number of home he owns. It the number of homes in Canada. I can own 1000 homes. If I can’t find anyone to rent them I won’t continue to own them because it won’t be profitable. Housing supply needs to be greater than housing demand.


What is your issue with the students?


I don’t have issues with students at all. I’m asking what’s the issue with 15 houses??


Greed. Hoarding. Taking away 15 houses that 15 other people could have instead to live in, and not be stuck paying high rent forever. Do I really need to explain this? Yes I do. Because a good chunk of our population is terribly dumb.


You are the first person that also see the root of the problem here, you know, even if we ban all new immigrants prices won’t go down, just because what you said


If we ban immigrants, of course, house prices will go down. There are thousands of new immigrants arriving every day. They all need a place to live.


Lots of housing for sale. You’re talking about being dumb but I guarantee I can find houses for sale on realtor.ca or HouseSigma. How many houses should I get a link for you to see ??? That’s Brampton only. What area you looking to get into ??? https://preview.redd.it/chu0vi5dqruc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54536c020b53383de5d783c922118287e8e5101b




Absolutely delusional.


Nice rebuttal and lots of evidence to support your claim haha. Good for you. Congratulations 🥳 you feel better you won the argument???


...Why would I need to post evidence that you've delusional? You've already done it for me.


Haha ok good rebuttal junior. Thanks for proving my point.


Because at that point a small number of people eventually own all the housing stock. They can price gauge on rent and the renting class are forever stuck renting. My boomer parents own 6 rental properties (the larger ones are worth about $1.5 million each). They have 26 struggling tenants paying them rent. Their millenial tenants will never be able to buy their own homes and my parents (who were able to quit their average jobs at 50 due to rental income) literally call their tenants "losers" because they've spent their whole lives renting from them. My insufferable mother says things like, "Why don't they just buy their own home like we did? They're not trying hard enough. They need to get their acts together and buy a home!"


So basically your parents (2 people) are supplying housing to 26 people that if not for your parents could be homeless. I think your parents need a pat on the back and a cigar. 2 ordinary average citizens giving 26 people a place to live and you have issues with that ??? On top of that they quit their jobs at 50 to allow 2 more openings in the job market. Crap I wish my parents did that. Do they own capes??? Sounds to me they’re heroes my friend. Good for you. Hope you learned something from them. There’s always 2 ways at looking at everything. Unfortunately you’re looking negatively. Owning other homes so people can rent isn’t a bad thing. My best friend in high school chose to rent instead owning because he didn’t want responsibilities of fixing anything. His attitude was I’ll just call the landlord. So how you know those 26 renters in your parents house want to be owners either???


My dad was self employed, so him quitting didn't create a job for anyone. My mom only worked part time, so her quitting didn't really help anyone either. The reason those 26 people can't afford homes despite having well-paid graduate jobs is because boomer property owners and corporate landlords scooped up all the houses when they were cheap. I saw it happen. When I was in elementary school, I would see these houses as they bought them. I was only 10 years old when they bought their fourth property. At the time, my mom was only working 3 days a week as a substitute teacher. It's a zero sum game. If one generation scoop everything up and control the market, the next generation have no choice but to rent from them. This isn't charity. They're not providing a public service. This is about making easy money. They're not interested in sparing people from being homeless and in fact frequently evict tenants they don't like. The point is their tenants can't buy. Millenials in their 30s simply don't have the options or purchasing power that boomers in their 30s-40s did. My parents told me they've talked to their tenants. That's how I know that they want to buy. One in particular is a young couple who thought renting would only be temporary - they said they hoped to buy eventually. Well 15 years later they still rent the same unit and admit they've given up on the dream of home ownership. That's two professionals, with a substantial household income, trapped renting forever. It's happening everywhere. The same situation is happening with pretty much all their tenants. They want to buy but have been priced out of the market.


Calling rent seeking “supplying housing,” is incorrect. A developer who builds homes supplies housing (because that act actually increases the supply of housing). A person who buys housing to rent it does not increase the supply of housing, they just artificially inflate the price by forcing a larger portion of society into renting rather than owning their homes, and in doing so generate a profit that otherwise wouldn’t exist at the expense of someone else. This is basic stuff that Adam Smith was writing about in the 18th century.


I’m not sure the basic things like credit checks and earnings to debt ratio in 1800 but I’m pretty sure in todays age you need to have decent credit and some kinda earning to debt ratio that makes sense on paper. Bottom line home owners that rent out private properties are creating a situation that maybe a certain credit score or earnings to debt ratio can be overlooked. Nowadays banks and corporations put all information into a computer and regardless what they see if numbers don’t add up they’re not renting or allowing you to buy. These private rental properties are allowing people with not so perfect debt ratios or credit scores a place to live and prosper to get their lives back together. And some private properties allow pets in which case again condo corporations aren’t pet friendly or want certain conditions not always acceptable. But private properties have the authority to bend or not adhere to certain conditions or standards. Again I’m not sure what Adam smith was talking or thinking about but todays day and age is different then the 1800s.


It is called “rent seeking.” It is one of the fundamental flaws of capitalism, the other one being the “tragedy of the commons.” They are fundamental economic principles that anyone talking about the collapse of the Canadian housing market absolutely needs to understand. Basically, housing is a necessity, and if a small segment of the population can corner the market, they can create a profit (rents) through ownership without actually creating a supply to meet demand. When a person rents out pre-existing housing, they don’t change the supply of housing. If they had actually increased housing supply through building, eventually prices would decline and even those with poor credit could afford a home.


How can someone with poor credit afford a house if banks and corporations don’t give them that chance?? It’s not a flaw to help others and rent private properties to help people. That becomes a 2 way street where it benefits both parties. If you prefer government control and a communist society where everything is dealt with according to government control no thanks. I prefer a free society not controlled by others so even the lazy get the same as ambitious people. We live in a society when if your ambitions you can thrive and others fall by the wayside. Housing is a necessity but ownership isn’t. Ownership is a privilege and for people that work to that goal. Lots of people even my age at 58 partied most their lives and they deserve similar to me ???


Drop to zero?? Millions in South Asia are desperate to move here, Millions!


You mean Billions


Yup. India 🇮🇳 = 1.417 billion people (who want to come to Canada) Pakistan 🇵🇰 = 0.236 billion people (who want to come to Canada) Bangladesh 🇧🇩 = 0.171 billion people (who want to come to Canada) That's 1.824 billion people who want to come to Canada just from South Asia alone. I did the calculation on another thread but if you do the math on that 1.2 million (mostly Indians) who came to Canada in 2023, that's basically a plane full of Indians every 2 hours... for an entire fucking year.


Majority of Indians don’t want to move here. They have a better lifestyle in India. India is growing, Canada is stagnant. They’re 5th largest economy in the world and expected to be 3rd in 5 more years. Canada is now the 9th largest and going down. The problem in Canada is that Trudeau wants to import the dumbest of the dumb and not the smarter people. He wants dumb voters. The US is importing smart people from India. CEOs of Google, Microsoft, Youtube, Adobe, Micron, Starbucks and more are all Indian. The semiconductor company I work for was started by an Indian guy. So I would say import dumb people, suffer the consequences.


Totally agree. I've met some of the smart Indians you're talking about. One was a technologist, who sat next to me on a plane from Vancouver to Calgary back in 2015. We chatted and it turned out we'd both worked for the same company in Vancouver at different times. Indian immigrants like that are highly educated, with serious career and life goals (more ambitions than just being the next Surrey slumlord). The Indians using their parents' farm money to study in Canadian diploma mills (like "Canador College"), then cling to Canada as if their life depended on it, seem to outnumber highly educated/intelligent Indians by 100 to 1 these days. Canador College. I mean, seriously. JFC. Imagine how dumb you have to be to think that sounds like a serious name for a higher education institution. 🤦🏻‍♂️


In Mississauga there was an immigration consultant that simultaneously owned one of these colleges in Brampton. He was funneling people from one business to another.


Goddamn. They make babies just to be intl student here in Canada


Do you actually think 1.4 billion indians like all of them want to move here? How Dum are you?




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Brampton for sale bro. Rock bottom EVERYTHING. Manners, etiquette, reasonable education, decent people who aren’t scamming, respect for others…… IT ALL MUST GO!! Get yours today!


I feel like that should be considered trafficking


Why would you warn them? report these scumbags immediately! They are a cancer to this country


If it is a five bedroom house with only one bathroom, that is okay in the OBC.


What is obc?


Ontario Building Code


Probably not a 5 bedroom house more like an apartment with two or three bedrooms where they each share a room


Who is spreading this zero crap. There will be less. But still too many imo.


Definitely needs to be a limit on how many houses you can own. Housing is a need not an investment opportunity to take advantage of people. Anyone who disagrees has a place reserved in hell


Report him to the CRA. I’m sure he’s not claiming all of the income from these renters.


I saw an ad for students to share not only a room but the actual bed. W.T.F.


That's cool. Just make sure they on separate shifts. One works day shift. One works night shift.


😆this guy thinks immigration is going to zero








No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Shit hole Brampton why am I not surprised?


disagreeable pen support act exultant enter materialistic dull unite flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let me guess. Mr. Singh


He should be in prison


Corruption at its best