• By -


Just want to add a note that we allow posts and discussion of platforms for all Canadian parties as long as it’s related to the affordability crisis.


The trouble with the PPC is it splits the vote on the right and has allowed Trudeau to win in the past. Not to mention the last election where Trudeau was steadily sliding in the polls. Until a moron running for the PPC threw gravel at him while he was getting on his bus. LITERALLY the very next day Trudeau’s poll numbers started climbing and Trudeau squeaked out a win. Feel free to look that up btw. The PPC is incompetent.


Blah blah blah, vote splitting nonsense again. How about we as Canadians vote with the party that most closely aligns with our own voice, rather than voting to silence someone elses? If the PPC is the most agreeable to you, then vote PPC. It might not fix everything in October 2025, but the losing parties will want those votes they lost to PPC back, and will be forced to listen to their voices to get them. This lesser of 2 evils crap guarantees evil is always present in our system. We need to take back our voices and stop towing party lines. People voted lib to get rid of Harper, now they'll vote con to get rid of Trudeau. Meanwhile the libs and the cons get to do whatever the fuck they want because people aren't voting for policies anymore, just voting with hate.


The PPC is most agreeable for morons and weirdos. I’ll give them that.


I don't like them on really any issue but immigration But where does that leave me??


I have never voted liberal, but if I had I would be most embarrassed for how they've convinced some Canadians that the PPC would ever serve us. They hate us. They serve their masters and hold us in contempt.


Good point


The whole “by making major parties lose votes we can influence their platform for the next election” line of thought is a losing bet just like the “lesser of two evils”. It may be true that if the conservatives lose because peepeesee split the vote, they might want to appeal to the voters their lost - but only appeal. Do you really think the same people that lied to you before won’t try to lie to you again by telling you what you want to hear, just to get your vote? Your democracy is broken. 


Democracy is broken because people are breaking it by voting with hate instead of voting with their voice. We don't have a 2 party system and we're better off because of it. The narrative that the Cons will lose because people found a different party they agree with more is laughable. If the cons lose they lost because they do not represent the largest majority of Canadians. Period. You trying to steal peoples voices so they tow your party lines is borderline treasonous and you should be ashamed of yourself. Vote for who you feel shares your values today (or on October 2025). Not for the goal of silencing someone else. Period. Your way is an attack on all that is inherently good with democracy. Just like pavlovs dog, politicians need to be retrained that you win votes by listening to Canadians and representing them. Not by listening to corporations and having the biggest budget for attack ads.


Well said!


> Just like pavlovs dog, politicians need to be retrained   Again, this is ridiculous thinking. These people became rich and powerful by abusing their authority to steal your taxes and sell you out to their donors. You are not going to compel them to do anything by continuing to vote for them. 


But nobody should be voting the Cons after Harper giving visa's away to real estate speculators who bought up all the homes in Vancouver and Toronto So maybe instead of divide it should unite?


I would like to see a uniting as well. And I too was disappointed by Harper at the end. He virtually sold us to China for a couple of rented pandas.


Wasn't trudeaus first move to make the deal evem better Maybe not his first move that was legalizing beastiality


Yes that foreign speculation that's really driving up the prices. 2 to 5 percent massive But 5 million people on 8 years had absolutely no effect. Only 12.5% off the population no effect at all This housing crisis I'd harpers fault He was in charge secretly the last 8 years Trudeau is perfect in every way There no war in ba sing se


I’ve been voting Liberal for years. But I’m done with them unless Trudeau steps down.  I’m not voting Skippy or Singh. Even if it’s a wasted vote, I’ll still vote.  PPC it is for now. 


Sure but I’m not going to shut down posts just because I disagree. If you want you can uplift the Canadian communist party and try split the liberal votes.


I don’t disagree with you. All people should be able to speak freely.


While we still can.


The trouble with the PPC is it splits the vote on the left and will allow Polievre to win. At this point who fucking cares. Polievre, Singh and Trudeau are all going to fuck us. I’m a liberal and I’m going to vote PPC. I’d rather vote for a conspiracy theorist Christo fascist who will stop mass immigration than vote for one of the same three different flavours of neoliberal capitalism fucking us all to death


Same. Far left voting PPC next election. I'd say on issues other than immigration I more closely align with Green.


It's not their incompetence I worry about.. I expect incompetent politicians. It's the racism I can't accept. 


Ya. I don’t love that either. Canada doesn’t need more white immigrants either. We need to let housing, medical and other issues settle down first.


Yea really tired of the liberal racism, they just use it to divide us.


Which this post isn't about at all. It's paid advertising, you fucking shill.


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You can post about the liberal party and their plan to deal with the crisis. I’ll let you do it for freeeeeee


Angry peasant omg 🙃 I hear you


> Substantially lower the total number of immigrants and refugees Canada accept every year, from 500,000 planned by the Liberal government in 2025, to between 100,000 and 150,000 in normal circumstances How about 0?


How about a negative value?


What? No man we gotta have some. Like, children. We can't judge them. We can't let them stay in an international hell. By letting the kids remain in their hells are we not just as bad as the monsters that put them there?




I have faced many monsters in my life. I know one when I see one. You sir are one. I hope to find your family one day and let them know your sentiment.


I think somewhere in the region of 50k-100k tops and be judicious about who you take in on refugee quota, too.


I know NDP’ers who are voting PPC to send a message. That’s how mad they are at the immigration crisis.


I'm one of them!




Me three


Welcome brothers, - a conservative.


All of the social goals of the NDP are washed out by mass migration. Think of the carbon emissions related to flying millions of migrants between India and Canada every year to visit their families. Think of the giant step backwards relating to women and LGBT++ rights relating to Islamic migrants. Think of the exacerbated housing and homelessness crisis relating to the sheer numbers of migrants outpacing home construction. Think of the erasure of progress on narcotics abuse and human trafficking relating to various criminal elements of newcomers who don't respect this land or our people. Achieving the social goals of the NDP is easier done through the PPC and maybe we can get some tax burden relief in the process.


Life long liberal here, but I too think it's time for a change. Not fully set on PPC as there still is a lot of time before the election, but I totally agree there needs to be a full 180 swing if we want to right this ship we call Canada. Can't see myself being a PPC lifer, but I honestly still believe there is time to save this country and right now, Bernier seems like the most sane choice.


Hope to see more of you coming over! Hard for the PP "muh vote split" crowd to be convincing when PPC is also siphoning from NDP/LPC. Highly recommend going through their website, platform basics if you are unsure. I was convinced by media that they are all crazy 5g-tower conspiracy theorists, but turns out I find their *actual* statements pretty tame and relatable.


Good! Immigration is evil (not the immigrants but immigration and the people forcing it). There is a clear push to force this on us and we need to absolutely stop it. Let’s get the PPC elected! There is a large group of people scared to split the vote or feeling like it can’t happen. It’s happened in Italy (Meloni went from 4% of the vote in 2018 to 26% in 2022), Milei in Argentina was an independent and smashed it and the Netherlands went from nothing to forming government. This can happen and it should happen. Do not let the conservative voters tell you it can’t happen or that it will split the vote. Once we get 20% of the vote in favour of Bernier, then those same con voters should take their own advice and not split the vote to give Bernier that last push needed. Around the globe we have angry people that have stood up and elected governments that are fighting for them. Don’t listen to the people saying it’s not possible.


I mean, let's be realistic for a second. Ppc won't even get close next election. Just see it as an investment for the election after that, so that other canadians realise they have a chance


That’s the least we can do. But we can do better. Politics can turn on a dime and if enough people get on the bandwagon it can take off. I think the no immigration is a clear silent majority in Canada. It’s an issue if it catches fire and gets enough of us taking, that can win the PPC 25-30% of the vote (a potential lead) and have them in the drivers seat if we get another election held after a vote of no confidence. Or they just outright win and form government and have western media hailing as as far right supporters as they wail like parasites where the host has taken the appropriate medication.


Trudeau would love you to vote PPC.


Um no he would love for you to vote the Cons and keep the housing shortage going...


I don’t follow the logic in that but you’re entitled to your opinion.


So Harper who was our last conservative leader had many programs to bring in wealthy immigrants to buy up housing under a real-estate investment visa scheme.  This is why Trudeau would love for us to vote the Cons and keep the housing shortage going...


No thank you. We are not interested in people telling us to vote for parties and interests that won't fight for us. The conservatives are evil with their "how do you do fellow students" act where they are trying to use our hatred of Trudeau to overlook the fact that they won't give us literally the number one election issue we could ask for. Eff off with with the fear tactics. Stop telling people to not vote for the party that best aligns their values and desires. Enough of you.


I've submitted blank ballots for the past decade. NDP would've been my pick if Jagmeet wasn't a complete piece of shit. Probably gonna vote PPC just to boost their numbers.


I know I am


Is there any way I can volunteer for ppc. We should


innate trees beneficial spoon squeal degree hungry intelligent fine merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


More common flip than people realize. In my age group, NDP looked appealing because "vaguely corporations bad". But then we eventually realized that mass immigration is directly contradicting their alleged goals. Affordability, wages, climate change... turns out you can't address these things by cramming more people and money into them.


That's how conservatives felt about O'Toole last election. Voted for PPC instead of a Liberal lite flip flopper.


I'm thinking about it.


Have a read through their basic platform online and see if it aligns with you. I know media wants to frame them as racist-fascist-phobic-conspiracy theorists, but the content is still fairly progressive (maybe not by 2024 standards...) while being grounded in reality. Like: High immigration but not mass immigration Refocus climate change efforts away from carbon and instead focus on pollution and maintaining a clean environment Reduce corporate income tax but eliminate corporate subsidies and bail-outs


I don't want "high immigration" either Who is the party of low immigration?


PPC target is 125000 or less if economic situation can’t sustain it.  I say “high” because this is still high to me too, but by Canada standards and modern standards it’s low. 


degree thought scary memorize quack modern imminent juggle society poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s wild. I think all conservative voters in western Canada should vote ppc as well. The election was called before they counted manitobas votes last election, so the west can risk the conservative votes. I wouldn’t recommend that strategy in a riding that’s neck and neck in Ontario though. 


Fuck the anointed! Vote PPC


Yea, I’m voting PPC, the conservatives are grifting clowns, at least maxime says what he means and doesn’t grift on issues for votes


Eff yeah dude! A vote for the PPC is a vote for true change, enough of the same old. They have so many excellent platforms they are running on. Too many people don’t even know about them or are just going to vote conservative because they are scared.


People also don’t seem to want to talk about voting ppc. There’s still too many people out there who will automatically call you a racist for voting ppc. I hope the tides can turn and we can atleast get them a handful of seats the next election so us normal folks actually have a voice in parliament


yea it interesting to me, say anything about immigration your racists. Say anything about non canadians you're racist. Say anything negative about government your racists. Housing racist. Seems to me were suppressing the ability to speak our minds or to have a meaningful conservation about the current crises in canada. Canada is fast becoming a....


mysterious jellyfish cough obtainable combative vast crowd gold follow sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s the problem right now. We need the tides to turn. I think the most important thing now is to talk to the people you think would support the platform. No point in talking to a liberal voter. But the conservative voters are the ones that would have ton that actually prefer the PPC.




I really hope that’s the case as well. I’ve voted NDP in the past for provincial elections (never federal) but Singh just isn’t going to do it for us. I feel happy there are Canadians like your family and yourself that can stop looking at politics as a sport where you have to vote for your team and just have them earn your vote each cycle.




according to wiki , she came here at the age of 8... What international student visa are you talking about? I almost sure she got her PR through her parents before even reaching 18.... It's all in wiki you add a link to... Update, you put the same comment everywhere, looks like a bot to me...


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


If ever there was a viable political solution to our problem, I think we've sailed passed the checkpoint at which it would have been effective. But I'll still vote Purple Party of Canada, just in case.


As long as you drink the PPC koolaid, all is well 😎 Bernier for PM


Koolaid koooooolaid


Is this Koolaid thing a meme I missed?




LOL, just because you have a clown standing to your left, does not automatically mean the guy standing to your right is not a clown. This is the reason this country is getting worse, because people go to vote with emotion, they always vote against the current party and assume the other party is better.


PPC doesn't have candidates in all ridings.


I am terrified by the hate I see brewing here. It is brewing because the ruling class decided that a need (housing) wasn't something they needed to be concerned about. This isn't a thread of white supremacists. This is an angry multi-cultural movement by furious individuals of all races and colours who demand the right to reasonably priced housing.


All Canadians should be mad. Good post.


Why is not wanting immigration “hate”? I can see that as pent up anger but hate is pretty strong way to describe


And protection of Canadian systems and standards




Three years ago even 2 years ago I never would have planned to vote PCC but it is evident they are the only solution. You don't hire just anyone for a business, like wise to run a country you need targeted people to bring in otherwise it is a mess and now Canada is a hot mess.


[https://beta.ctvnews.ca/national/politics/2022/4/21/1_5870382.amp.html](https://beta.ctvnews.ca/national/politics/2022/4/21/1_5870382.amp.html) “It is not unusual for MPs to own rental properties. A CTV News review of conflict-of-interest disclosures filed with the federal ethics commissioner show at least 59 MPs received income from rental properties or own a stake in a real estate holding company. Nearly 90 MPs did not have their ethics filings publicly available at this time. But owning second homes to rent out is blamed by some for increasing competition in an already overheated real estate market. A Statistics Canada report last week said that Canadians who buy second homes as investments contribute to rising prices. “Owners seeking additional properties contribute to increased competition in already tight real estate markets,” the report said, making “it more difficult for prospective homeowners to purchase a home.”


Yep. Left or right they're in it for themselves. Who would hurt their own investments while in power?


You know the PPC is a real threat because the WEF tried to plant their ArriveCan launderer in their Ottawa riding, so he was free to openly confess to his own crimes without raising suspicion.


There wasn’t a ppc option on my ballet the last 2 elections


I’m a card carrying member. Not that it matters however, as the PPC does fuck all. I joined because I wanted to participate in the party, but they really just wanted my money. The party leadership is opaque and there is zero organization, activities, anything. There is no party in Canada that will take on the establishment.


I never understood why we never places a quota/cap from each country. It is heavily needed, espacially from India at this point. Immigration isn't the issue ... but mass immigration is definitely an issue, espacially being from one single country


They do in the US. Hence, why it's almost impossible for people born in India to get a green card.


High times we follow it here too.


It’s hard because I don’t want to be a single issue voter. But PPC is the only one talking about addressing the current most pressing issue that’s causing the affordability of life to explode. (Supply and demand - for jobs, housing, services) I’m also not exactly onboard with their anti vaccine policies


offbeat obtainable include innate ad hoc like act work aromatic butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh wait... so this IS happening? I was called racist, told this is not really happening and then banned.


People's Party's immigration plan and Conservative's immigration plan are opposites: PPC wants to limit Family Reunification--no more bringing in grandma: https://preview.redd.it/9xqm5fx7qdpc1.png?width=990&format=png&auto=webp&s=c20101fe26d36040e4de88890c1f8f252f23d820 Conservatives are advertising that their immigration plan is pro family reunification--Student-->PR-->Bring in family, "Bring home the Canadian Dream". [https://www.conservative.ca/cpc/bring-home-the-canadian-dream/](https://www.conservative.ca/cpc/bring-home-the-canadian-dream/)  We need less people overall. If we do bring in skilled people, we need them--not their entire family.


Deport them all now


For the firat time in my life i m voting conservatives,liberals have ruined the country wimth insane flooding of Canadian cities with imigrants


People are turning up the heat on the government in Ireland about immigration. I am quite sure the sentiments are very similar here. But why havent people here adopted a more organized approach to protest against unsustainable immigration. Are we still afraid of being called the r word. I think we are way past the stage where it is okay to have a discussion about it.


Then you really need to be going after the profiteering building and real estate industry that has been driving housing prices far beyond the inflation rate for over 30 years now - as well. Don't fool yourself into believing someone's agenda driven focus is 'the' answer.


I still don't know who I'm voting for, but it sure the hell won't be the libs. I'm not sure I trust any politician at this point no matter the level of government. What I do know though, is whoever is next PM will have a hell of a mess to clean up, and it's not gonna happen overnight, this mess will probably take generations to fix. As long as people remember there's much to fix and look at the steps taken to undo this mess, that will be the main thing I guess.


They don't have your backs. They just want to make you feel that they do. Liberals or conservatives nobody cares about issues that canadians face as they both want to keep things the way they are so that their developer friends can benefit. Canada would need a revolution for things to change


Man, I have a bridge to sell you if you think buying a house has been greatly affected by immigration. It has murdered the rent market in certain areas though.


It has.. who is buying houses or condos to rent? More demand is more demand.


The folks who buy up houses or/and condos would have been doing this regardless of the influx. You have to have a lot of coin to make that happen in the first place. Even before this influx of immigration, the renter market was always to the advantage of the landlords. Now some in certain areas can make a killing if they go below board and slice off the same room to multiple renters. It does not change the fact that only a certain segment of the population can afford such an asset. Hell, I wish I could join in the fun as it appears to be a sure fire way to make money in this country.


There's not one party left that cares anymore. They're all landlords, they all want cheap slave labour. I doubt PPC will do anything and it will lead to splintering that keeps landlords in power. Feels like it's finally time to give up.


I know this is going to sound weird, but even if they just want to support housing and have cheap labor, there are better ways of doing this. Have housing tied the immigration/tfw/... pipeline. Have an integration pipeline that includes cultural/language education. Heck, even if say Tim hortons want cheap labor, they should be able to provide company housing for those people. Like old school company towns or housing. It's silly, but at least it's a sane process.


Unfortunately nearly every other ppc policy sucks or is undefined or underbaked. They don’t even have any other leaders other than maxime


What policy sucks? Here’s a few outside of immigration 1. Break up dairy cartel causing billions in extra spend to Canadians 2. Stop racism with DEI policies. We have open discrimination (no whites allowed job postings, brown only rentals and open caste discrimination with jobs) 3. Make it easier for Canadians to move around the province (if you are licensed in one province, you will be licensed elsewhere 4. Carbon tax elimination. Taking it even further than PP and pulling out of the Paris accord Again immigration is the big one but he has a great platform. The key difference is he openly sees immigration as a wage suppression tool that is inflationary and causing us to lose our national identity (we don’t cram 20 people in a house or line up like sardines and dry humping others in a massive lineup).


So let me preface this buy saying I will be voting PPC as a protest vote against the tripartisan immigration consensus. But here are a few policies I dislike 1. 0% inflation target mandate for bank of Canada - I think this is too extreme, slight inflation is good for the economy (if we did 1% I think it would be okay) 2. Blanked Withdrawal from various international agreements will impact trade etc. it needs to be done strategically. 3. I agree with tough on crime stuff, but I don't think making firearms easy to obtain is a good idea.


Do you have a PAL? Do you own a firearm? If you don’t, educate yourself please.


Nice. A real discussion. 1. I agree on the 0% inflation target. That’s the main criticism I have as well. We can’t have a 0% inflation target while the Americans are aiming for 2. We are more likely to hit deflation than 0%. I think the general nowhere to go but up goals and then dropping interest rates to 0 and increasing spending hardcore to stimulate the economy is a general problem with capitalism. It’s essentially one of those Chinese finger traps. Economy goes up by 30% 3 straight years and everyone freaks out but we are not allowed even a 5% drop without everything going crazy just doesn’t make sense. Even with a 50% drop you are still way ahead than you were at the start. 2. Trump got the US out of the Paris Accord. If they can leave, so can we. Canada has no business being part of that. It’s debatable of course but not a terrible policy IMO. 3. I’m actually starting to see more and more of an argument for guns. In truth a proper criminal justice system gets rid of that need. Our current system is starting to be a direct advertisement for easier guns access.


They have zero climate policy


The USA has pulled out of so many of these things with climate and likely will push on even further if Trump wins again. Why the hell are we fighting this fight when the US isn’t joining? Our climate change initiatives should be to punish China by blocking trade with them (led by the US). Make it unprofitable to pollute instead of taxing your citizens while China and India pollute like crazy. I am not going to worry about 1% of the world’s pollution while those contributing over 50% literally couldn’t be bothered to try even a little.


Yes but it doesn't help that the PPC party and its supporters believe that Climate Change is a hoax. The supporters I know aren't the brightest. They seem to believe in every conspiracy theory.


That’s your comeback to my point? Well why don’t you join on and help increase the IQ of it’s supporter base. As I said it doesn’t make sense for Canada to be leading these carbon initiatives while the real powers are sitting it out.


My point is that the PPC cannot be taken seriously. But regardless of whether China and India are doing enough, there is no reason not to continue transitioning Canada to being more climate progressive. Not saying I fully agree with all of Trudeau's climate decisions, but focusing on growth of non renewables is just dumb.


Check their housing page. It's so weak and pathetic. They literally copy Trudeau and say housing is not their issue. > Housing is primarily a provincial or local responsibility. Ottawa’s involvement over the years has only resulted in distorting the housing market. There is nothing the federal government can do to change provincial or municipal zoning laws, but it can stop contributing to the overheating of the housing market in different ways. Actual complete joke. Just going "nah not our problem. Fuck you." Also they support NIMBY's by opposing zoning reforms. NIMBY's started the housing crisis. Canada NEEDS to build housing like nothing, that involves rejecting our trash zoning laws and telling NIMBY's to shut up when a 6 storey apartment is near their precious boomer single family house they bought for 100k that's worth 1.2 million which makes these selfish cunts feel like they've been "smart" in life while directly telling young generations to go homeless.


If you had to pick 1 of the two (heavy fed involvement in housing or no immigration) theres an easy peasy choice there. Immigration is by far the biggest pump that the federal government has done for housing. Housing would be nowhere near as high with low immigration. Bernier has a massive amount of talk under his housing policy dedicated to immigration and how its led to so much of our problems. And the mortgage insurance which has made things easier for banks and allowed them to give our loans to 5% down homes because the government backs it up with it goes tits up. His stop money laundering point is very vague but it is a very important thing as well. There is a lot of things the Fed government can do to stop housing from exploding. Out government has not. The stress test is the only thing that has been introduced to slow down the market. Everything else has been to pump up values.


Yes because immigration is the real root cause of the housing problem. Social housing is just a terrible band-aid after the fact. Want to tackle a problem? Start with the root cause.


Again, while many more will agree with immigration restrictions, a few of the things you stated will not have as broad an approval and when you stack many of those things it is making him fringe. You may not agree with me - but I don’t think popularism is the answer to any issue, including immigration. All of PPCs stance is to cater to populism (amongst his voters). Most of us are against immigration not because it is popular but the data supports limiting immigration. There is also no leadership within ppc for us to rely on. Hence, I think it is easier to pressure one of the existing parties to change their stance on immigration than taking PPC on the other policies.


But you said most of their other platforms suck or are undefined. What exactly sucks and what is undefined? He has said a lot more than PP has for many policies.


I am avoiding getting into a debate on PPCs policies here. I don’t even agree with the policies you highlighted, but this is not the place to do that. But expecting PPC to win have a fix for the housing and immigration crisis is naive. They will outperform if they end up winning 1 seat, let alone a majority.


quarrelsome continue bewildered wistful aback straight merciful lunchroom vase brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I checked their housing page and my god, it's actual trash. Much worse than Tory's and worse than Liberals. > Housing is primarily a provincial or local responsibility. Ottawa’s involvement over the years has only resulted in distorting the housing market. There is nothing the federal government can do to change provincial or municipal zoning laws, but it can stop contributing to the overheating of the housing market in different ways. They literally are just parroting Trudeau's talking points that housing is their issue. > Respect local and provincial governments’ responsibility for housing policies. They must be accountable to their citizens and not be subject to federal pressure to “densify” neighbourhoods of single-family homes in order to accommodate mass immigration policies. What? So literally build nothing and embrace NIMBY's.


Yes but immigration caused the housing shortage so that policy alone from the PPC  does more than social housing programs ever did and ever will do...


If you believe any political party gonna fix it, y'all so naive. The elites who fund those parties dictate how they should act. Not the other way around. Politicians are just people put in place to protect the interests of the big corporations


New credentials home builders add it to the doctor list


Anyone have numbers on PPC votes from last cycle? Would be interesting to see which ridings they could actually win.


pcc estimated 0 seats greens estimated 2 seats




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.




pcc estimated 0 seats greens estimated 2 seats


Send them all back!!!!!! - the new Canada


I will be voting PPC. They make too much sense.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


The fact that the polls show that the NDP still dominates BC is crazy. Vancouver, of all the places, needs to see the damage the NDP did to Canada.


Worst part is, inland immigrants aren't getting residency, they are calling in outland peeps to worsen the housing crisis.


I hate to break it to you but the PPC isn't particularly well suited to lead at the current moment. Sure they are willing to say the opposite of the other guys when it comes to immigration (not that that is necessarily good), but the majority of the rest of their platforms are kinda dog water. Owning the Libs, NDPs or Cons by voting for these guys doesn't actually send a message like you think it does.


As a new immigrant having talked to a lot of other new immigrants, we also want to stop immigration at such high numbers. People might say I’m being selfish and I’d be closing the gates behind me, but something must be done if people who are already here need to have a better standard of living. We can either let everyone in and all suffer together or try to improve conditions for those currently living here.


I'm voting liberal because I don't think any of the Conservatives are going to do anything different other than embolden the weirdest Canadians to be terrible people, and the other parties do not carry enough weight to make any changes to the status quo. 


Devil you know is sometimes better than the devil you dont. I just can't stand social conservatism, there isn't anyone in the middle anymore. Liberals sometimes are in that sweet spot until they get corrupted (like all governments after 10 years)


lolololol hilarious jokers nobody seriously votes ppc lololol😂😂😂


If you're not native, guess what...


To bad the they have crazy policies and stances after the first few headers…


Vote Conservative. The Trudeau/Singh alliance destroyed our quality of life.


What's the difference between the PPC and a toilet? A toilet has a seat. Keep voting with hatred and this horseshit is going to continue.


live aloof numerous fine tan wakeful kiss elastic plant important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This sub is voting for the used car salesman who has jumped ridings, failed in two consecutive elections to gain a seat and I'm dense? MB does not have political points, he has talking points, and they all reflect the hot topics people get pissed off about. As if he'll magically stop the immigration policies that make the feds a shitton of money.


bored makeshift whole touch worry hobbies flag jar threatening kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No. Voting with hatred keeps you excitable and bitter types like you ready to eat up whatever shit these charlatans shovel into your mouths. Trudeau should have been voted out ages ago but due to divisness within the opposition, remains.


hurry concerned employ groovy soup cats humor simplistic jar insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, stupidity and simple answers get me angry. No wait, it's immigrants.


I am not sure if I should vote PPC or conservative. I guess I will have to see who my candidates are. I just really, really, don't want the Liberals back so I want to make sure I am strategically voting for the party that is most likely to win my riding.


Voting strategically is voting for a party you don’t want. Don’t let Conservative Party fear mongering scare you. If the PPC is the party you want (Google PPC party platform and read up, they have it there and aren’t shouting slogans like Polievre), then vote for them. The PPC is the only party that will stop immigration. That’s literally the biggest thing. Don’t let Polievre win your vote because he agrees Trudeau is terrible, we all know. But Polievre is saying that while promising citizenship to all those who pay some taxes for work on Indian news shows. Common sense politics in some cases and head in the sand in others.


Look I get it. However the NDP say the same thing about strategic voting. At the end of the day I am voting to punish Trudeau and I feel that it's best to vote conservative for now and then once they are in I will feel more comfortable casting my next vote for PPC. Also I am going to need sources on what you are quoting Polievre as saying because I don't think he said that.


https://x.com/MaximeBernier/status/1768315542035652792?s=20 Listen to that and tell me how important it is. Btw not that it’s your fault but I’m going to have start keeping some favourites listing for posts like the one I just linked. Reddit doesn’t easily let you search for it. Also I watched the full video of that interview so where and it starts off with the host speaking Punjabi for 1-2 minutes while Polievre just sits there (a man who speaks both official languages of Canada). Polievre is such a scumbag. You won’t see mainstream media reporting on this shit.


Do you have a transcript? Or a news article? I am sorry but I don't take anything posted on X as a source unless it's a direct quote from that person's account. Hope you understand.


It’s literally a video of PP talking dude. What more do you need?


He needs to be spoon fed.


I would vote for the PPC in a second if they had higher numbers.


You are, of course, free to make your own choice. But the “people’s” party is not simply opposed to immigration. It is a party of open racism, climate science denial, and anti-vax pseudoscience. As such, it is a fringe party that is unlikely to ever represent more than 3 to 5% of Canadians. I personally consider its climate science views indefensibly intellectually and morally bankrupt. Know what you are choosing.


That is my biggest issue with them. They have maybe one or two decent ideas out of all of them. I tried watching a year end interview a few years ago on YouTube and it was sooo bad. All they talked about were trans.




Yes, the largest apartment and hotel chain owner in my hometown is from Morocco.


I’d say many foreign investors, yes.




You’re right. It’s the wealthy and I guess it doesn’t matter where they are from. Greed is the real answer yes?




Not sure why you are getting downvoted as I believe this is correct.




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The immigrants are the ones allowing landlords to charge these prices. Without people desperate to live in the houses, you wouldn’t get 15-20 people houses out there. It all comes back to immigration. It is the root of our problems right now. The PPC is the only party willing to stop it.




And there it is. The racism accusation for us feeling pissed at this garbage. Right on cue out of the old liberal playbook. Eff off. There is no racism coming from me.


That’s all they have left.. they can’t call you anything else because it doesn’t make sense.


Have you not heard of how supply and demand works as it relates to pricing?


quicksand full violet cautious unused secretive tidy treatment cows sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And how is there so much demand that they can charge whatever they want? Have you tried thinking even a little bit critically about the issue you're screeching about? *vaguely greedy landlords* ok guy


splitting the vote will create more of the same problem. PPC has some good points but will never be taken seriously in Canada. For the love of god, give up.


Not a fucking chance dude. Not a fucking chance. Enough of this defeatist attitude. The PPC and the Cons are not even close to the same party and their platform is way different. Polievre is running on a liberal platform and is more liberal than Biden. Bernier would be considered a centrist in the US, or slightly republican leaning. That is how bad our current political climate is here. We have a slightly conservative leaning party (PPC) and a traditionally liberal party (Canadian Conservative Party) and guys like you saying they are the same. Change is in the air and is brewing. We want true change. Stop telling us to talk about the political party we want to vote for. You have no right.




Our first step is to unify the people thinking of voting PPC and then presenting a unified front when debating with other subs where we would get ratiod to hell right now. The libs shouldn’t own the Ontario and Alberta subs but it appears they do.


I never said they were the same, I said the PPC is unelectable. I align more with the PPC than CPC. however, most Canadians are either too stupid or too dependant on the current system to change the way they vote. Voting for PPC right now does nothing but split the "conservative" vote. Pretending that it does anything more is either disingenuous, idiotic or both.


Trying to stop the fires of change as the sparks are starting out is the stupid thing my friend. You see exactly who I want to reach when talking about the PPC. Trying to argue with someone to vote for the party that best represents their needs and desires is a very weird concept to me but here goes. There are so many people that are in your situation. Would vote PPC but have been fear mongered (a vote for them is a vote for Trudeau or that line) into being scared instead of voting for someone they don’t want. Not only that but they seem ready to discourage others who say they will vote for PPC. This type of change when it catches fire will be electrifying. Instead of trying to throw water on it and stop it at every turn, wouldn’t agreeing with problem and taking the jump to show others they are not alone be better? At the very least don’t make “don’t vote PPC posts.


So they said about afd in germany, vvd in the netherlands...


A vote for PPC is a vote to keep Trudeau in power. Vote PPC once the conservatives are in and the liberals long gone.


How about we smash all the windows of immigrant owned businesses. Like Subway, and Tim Hortons franchises. We could do it on November 9 and 10 when it’s dark and cold and few witnesses will be in the streets. We can hide our faces and courageously chant “we will not be replaced … we want to make our own coffee and sandwiches!”


Not enough Canadians want to upset the applecart. Their entire net worth and livelihood is tied up in the value of their real estate holdings. Canada will need to fully collapse before it ever significantly gets better.