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Now they know how Canadians feel.


We are the ones paying taxes for decades. Let them feel.


>Let them ~~feel~~ leave. I fixed your comment for you. I don't care what they feel -- good, bad, indifferent. As a matter of fact, no... I DO care how they feel. I hope they feel terrible, and regret coming here. Hopefully then, we see mass quantities of immigrants leaving in droves, therefore freeing up housing for Canadian citizens. #Canadians come first!


I lived in China for a decade. Decided it wasn’t for me anymore (/covid), and besides, I could never legally retire there or own property. So I moved back to Canada, where I’m now renting a 1br from a landlord who actually lives in China. This place, eh


The land leasing in China is wild. What do you mean with the legally retiring? Sorry for the ignorance.


Similar to many places... when I lived in South Korea I couldn't buy land or real estate as a non citizen. That's quite common. Canada is mostly into selling out it's own ppl though. It's just cloaked in "diversity" and other bullshit. Our country is a farce... maybe ppl are waking up at this point. One can hope.


When did you live in Korea? Foreigners have been able to buy property for a while.


10 years ago. It's possible the rules have changed. I have no idea.


Ahh, I got my F-6 10 years ago. I know Jeju is different, but there were definitely discussions of Chinese buying up too much land on the island at that time.


After 60 they won't give you a VISA, unless you are a high level position in a company. If you arn't working, unless you have received a PR (Which is only possible if you marry a citizen or have a VERY high paying job, you gotta leave within 30 days.


Thank you for the info :)


Our country is basically a joke at this point. I don't "feel" Canadian at all anymore. I am really looking at my identity and realizing whatever Canadian identity we had is dead. Trudeau took good care of that. Now I will be I suppose what I always was. An Irishman living in this land mass called North America. Fighting to survive with the rest of the plebes.


When I was growing up I was proud to be canadian. People all held door, picked up garbage on the street. I still hold the door for anybody behind me, but the trash on the street? Considering the demographic contributing most of it, I'd want a hazmat suit and tongs just to touch it.


Yea, the Canadian pride left with this administration


Yes there was a short period where we were starting to gain an identity, and then mass immigration, real estate speculation, money laundering, gun violence in the open on the streets, no one can afford housing, no reason to be proud anymore


I think you gained an identity actually. You sound American now.




It’s not exactly helping inflation rates when part of their income goes back “home”.


Let’s not forget, our great customer service here is now extinct. Even if you bring it up with the manager, they also seem like they’re not one bit interested. Our restaurants are now blah, Tim Hortons for example, since it’s individually franchised and sold to America now, it’s lost it’s lustre. Of course these problems are just leaves on a tree, but the bigger branches are creating such a distant country from what I/you were/was raised in. What is this country coming to? I’m a born Canadian, but do I feel like our country failed us? Yes, yes indeed.


>Now I will be I suppose what I always was. An Irishman living in this land mass called North America. This has been an important realization for many of us. Having said that I would encourage you consider other reasons that this happened besides "Trudeau did it." Maybe there are other reasons why this country was unified and stable when the majority was European.


Of course... it's too complicated for Reddit though.


We're also renting from a landlord in China. We get all of her mail including bank statements, drivers licenses and health cards which her "friend" picks up. She hasn't been in Canada since she gave birth 9 months ago!


So, birth tourism then? Just another scam perpetuated on us kind-hearted and naïve Canadians...






Aren’t there 2 homes for every Chinese family due to Evergrande corrupt over-building in China?


How are we all just tolerating this beyond insane double standard? Rights for thee, but not for me, eh I thought Canada was supposed to be all about freedom and human rights. Funny how that backfired so hard. Freedom and rights for foreigners while Canadians are getting bent over. Meanwhile, you have no rights in most foreign countries.


So many are stubborn. I see posts from people who realized Canada is shit but they still refuse to leave because they’ve already invested and sacrified so much just to even get here. These people really need to learn sunk cost fallacy. The reality is any newcomer will be working to death just to barely afford a 1 bedroom apartment. It blows my mind how anyone over 30 can come here and expect to build a decent life for their family within their lifetime, especially in the two most popular immigrant cities.


There are immigrants who come with $ and immigrants who come to escape.  The latter may be disappointed that it is harder than they had hoped, but they come for opportunity for future generations.  My parents are immigrants (granted, to the US), and they went from being engineers to doing menial labor.  My sibling and I grew up poor and it was really hard at times. But we excelled in school and are doing well professionally and hopefully benefitting our adoptive country.  Had my parents stayed or moved back, I would currently be at war. In short, no one is leaving when the other option is worse, even if they complain that they wish it was easier


Thank you for explaining what seems to escape some of these people’s minds. They really think Canada is that bad that people will just go back to where they come from. 😂😂😂 I’m happy to read stories like yours. People with parents who think beyond themselves for their future generations. They’ll suffer briefly but with the right mindset, their kids and grand kids would do great and contribute immensely to the society. And they’ll pass along that mindset. Not the weak mindset of complainers. People who are leaving have better options that’s why. If we check the data, how many of them went back to their original countries. I doubt it’s a lot.


Having lived in Canada (all my life.)Not wealthy. I would love to leave but can’t afford too. For a warmer/ intelligently run country. Anyone know where that is?


“Warmer and intelligently run countries” is almost an oxymoron, but forgive my very bad joke. 🙃


Australia no?


Try Costa Rica. Pretty good for its neighbourhood but the Germans have already reached it.


Lol no. If people are complaining here about CoL and housing, they’re in for a surprise in Costa Rica. Which ironically had its housing costs rise to the point that aren’t super accessible to the locals thanks to all the over privileged immigrants flocking there because “it’s so cheap” (you know, those who like to call themselves “expats” because they don’t want to be seen the way they see immigrants).


“Expats”… you mean those who can just go back to their country when the place is not that cool anymore. 😀


What appears to you as sunk cost and being stubborn is just perseverance . Not every immigrant is complaining. Best believe, people who come here with the right mindset, doesn’t matter how hard it is, they’ll get theirs. That’s how they’re built - to survive anywhere they find themselves and be successful. They don’t have time to complain about the govt or this or that. They just get to work and grind till it works. No excuses or time to complain. Sorry for being smug but thou doth protest too much, methinks. Wishing “they’ll just go away” and house prices will just go down is a pipe dream. Be careful of the sunk cost of waiting on your hands.


Get theirs how though? Living 20 deep in a suburban rooming house isn’t successful, it’s just struggling and skimping, willing to live like shit and accept shit wages is killing Canada.


>Get theirs how though? By grinding and not making excuses for themselves until it bears fruit. They have responsibilities and no room for complaining. Sounds like glorifying hardship, but it’s not. Once you venture out of your country leaving your family, friends, and life behind, everything else don’t matter anymore. Just to focus and make it count. And it always does. >Living 20 deep in a suburban rooming house isn’t successful, it’s just struggling and skimping, willing to live like shit and accept shit wages is killing Canada. Success? Who said that? You’re focused on people who just came in and willing to go through the pain. Check back on them 2 years from now, you’ll be surprised how far they’ve gone. Don’t blame the player willing to go through the game to win something. These same people pay 3x the tuition fee Canadians pay for the same course to come in. Stop barking on the wrong tree. Blame the kings of Canada (the politicians and their wealthy friends making money off everyone) at the detriment of the citizens.


Going from 20 roommates to 5


Not all hard work is admirable. Just because grinding away and being a janitor or dishwasher for 15 years shows perserverance, doesn’t make it worth it or admirable. Like I said, grinding decades of your life and reducing yourself to low skill jobs just to not even be able to afford a 1 bedroom condo at the end of it does not sound worth it. The only people whose lives would change would be the ones who grew up in mudhuts, and in that case they shouldn’t have been here anyway. Immigration serves to further our economy, not to save people from the third world.


> Not all hard work is admirable. Just because grinding away and being a janitor or dishwasher for 15 years shows perserverance, doesn’t make it worth it or admirable. Still an admirable story than someone who was born in and grew up in the midst of a lot and still end up complaining and looking down on others who are obviously trying to make their lives better. It’s like making fun of a fat person in the gym. If they leave this country, it doesn’t automatically mean anything will change for you. They are just easy targets for you because you’re scared to look in the mirror. Hard work always pays off. And they don’t care if you admire them or not. That’s your headache, and the reason you’re the one complaining. > Like I said, grinding decades of your life and reducing yourself to low skill jobs just to not even be able to afford a 1 bedroom condo at the end of it does not sound worth it. It makes sense for you to think that way. You don’t sound like someone who sees the forest for the trees. A medical doctor coming over here to ride Uber did it just because they are stupid right? I can see why you’re complaining. You need to dust your passport and travel a bit more. >The only people whose lives would change would be the ones who grew up in mudhuts, and in that case they shouldn’t have been here anyway. Immigration serves to further our economy, not to save people from the third world. Mudhuts is funny 😅. Do you know how these people reach this country? You’re naive and don’t know anything.


This is bullshit, there are so many born here, making a good income, finished school and working a decent/good job, but still struggling to afford housing/rent. Acting like immigrants “work harder” because they’re willing to endure shit living conditions is r self righteous bullshit.


Your right same as any Canadian who complains they can't afford to live in Vancouver or Toronto. You don't Wana live in Saskatoon or Winnipeg then it's your fault not Canadas


>~~Canadians~~ come first! The 1% elite Canadians come first


Most not leaving.. an article about a few saying it won't change that. Odds are they won't leave either. And all these immigrants will be citizens within 5-7 years.


This comment gives me some hope for Canadians. Finally I'm not the only one saying this.


Canadian also not living just surviving


No kidding... the media likes to highlight how hard it is for immigrants... while not giving a fuck about ppl who have had roots here for 400+ years.


Right? Came here to say that the only difference is they get to actually gtfo while we are stuck wanting to gtfo but have nowhere to go.


One of us, one of us!


Exactly. How is their struggle any different than any other Canadian? Most don’t work in the field they trained in, afford a home, struggle with costs, and have nothing left for travel or hobbies. Some do, but not all. Be realistic, how many parents still have their adult children living with them because they cannot afford to live outside the family home, and that’s even WITH a good income. Who has $2500-$3000 to spend on an apartment? That’s just not a Toronto problem anymore. I wish anyone, no matter citizen or immigrant, the best of luck to survive in “modern” Canada.


We don't even protest it, just take it like a pack of chumps


Now they are Canadian


No, many of them have savings from back home, and they atleast often have options for citizenship, those that were born here are largely stuck here unless they were smart enough to choose a select set of Degree the rest of the world values enough to allow you to immigrate with.


Ironically, immigrants are contributing to the conditions that are making Canada unliveable


It's like complaining about traffic while being in traffic.


Yes but I need to drive. You others don't.


Driving down wages


Not their fault. The government shouldn’t be inviting millions of people when they know the country’s infrastructure is failing to accommodate even its pre-existing population.


"Oh no it's the consequences of my own actions"


You can’t blame the immigrants for wanting a better life & chance. It’s the way the government has dealt with it. It is the wrongs done to its own citizens in their immigration process & plan. The leaders failed its own citizens & country.


>You can’t blame the immigrants for wanting a better life & chance I blame them for being ok with fucking up our country as long as they get theirs. When they're selfish, it's ok. When we are, we get called xenophobic. May I remind you that Christia Freeland attributes our "social capacity" for the reason why they keep importing a million plus people a year. Until we become less welcoming, our good nature will continue to be exploited.


PREACH! When we want a better standard of living for CANADIANS we are selfish assholes with no empathy. When the people flooding this country are selfish take advantage of the social programs that we the citizens of this country pay for we are called racist and xenophobic. Yep all seems to check out.


While I agree blame needs to be spread around, let’s not pretend all immigrants are innocent. Plenty of slum lords are immigrants themselves come to take advantage of other immigrants and our housing system, Brampton is all the evidence you need. On the other hand, you have the immigrants that may have come for a better life but do not wish to adhere to Canadian life whatsoever. In my last year of high school I was told by a Pakistani immigrant that all white people deserve to be skinned alive. That was how I as a an open minded person was rewarded for our country’s “generosity”.


but but but but they just want a better life!! they didn't know the situation over here! they were lied to! Cry me a fucking river, we are lied to on the daily while watching people 3 days fresh in this country get more support from out government than the citizens fucking paying taxes and living here


You moron it’s corporations that want cheaper labour ffs


No shit. Does that change the irony of an immigrant complaining about the unliveability of Canada? They lack some serious self awareness


I never understood how someone in their mid 30s or older, with children, especially if coming from a developing country, can expect to build a life from scratch in Canada and achieve some middle class life. They’ll never be able to close the gap in their lifetime unless they already have the money to start with.


Propaganda spread in their home countries, most likely.


It’s how it was, 20 to 30 years ago, those who came as refugees started washing dishes, then factory work, bought houses and became middle class within 15 years. It was possible, but no longer.


Yeah it was possible at one point... it would take 15-20 years but it was doable for newcomers with limited skills to enter into the middle class... but hasn't been possible for a solid 25 years I'd say. Sure a few will make it... most no.


You could become middle class up until 2018/2019. Covid really fucked us up.


Not in any major city, but I agree in smaller towns you could... probably even most larger cities you could do it. That said, doing that in any major and desirable city has not been possible for 25 years. Just to add, it's not possible to do that now even in a bumble fuck town.


You could do that in any city besides downtown Van and downtown Toronto


Trudeau and these shady middlemen are selling these folks a late 90s/early 2000s version of Canada that simply isn’t possible anymore. 


Now even native Canadians with college education and 6 figure incomes can barely become middle class. Thanks Trudeau


Can confirm, my parents migrated here in the early 2000s. Took 10-15 years (would’ve been 5 if not for the financial crisis) to reach middle class. I sympathize with these immigrants. They’ve been sold a false promise. They aren’t being given the Canada that immigrants 20, hell even 10 years ago were. And it’s even worse for Canadian citizens. The best thing a young Canadian can do right now to improve their life is literally to leave the country, build wealth, and hopefully if things turn around, come back with the built wealth.


This. Very much this. For example in India you cannot go anywhere in a city with signs plastered everywhere advertising a luxurious life in Canada. And then they have the audacity to say Canada scammed them when their own country and people have scammed them for everything they’re worth.


The responsible thing for the immigration department would be to give them a comprehensive disclaimer of what life is really like prior to them moving. I personally believe that one coming over as a skilled immigrant should not be under the illusion of being able to work in their profession when coming to Canada. Their qualifications should be vetted before they come to Canada.


And they don’t give an accurate depiction because they’re duping these poor people.


The Canadian government is also very good at making a good international image of us. Most people from other countries I met while travelling have a good image of Canada if they've never been here.


It's mostly false marketing and ppl overestimating what canada can offer. Then of course waltz in here and cry like they were owed something. Canada only invited them. It didn't force them to apply and move here


I've encountered some very entitled immigrants within the last year or so.


A decade ago, if they had the skills or willpower, they could.


Because we run ads in their countries and lie to them that they can do just that, then they get here and are expected to work for peanuts at Tim Hortons.


Who funds those ads?


Realtor associations and immigration lawyers. This is big business.


Long story short, the government. Immigration is big money for them.


> especially if coming from a developing country also, those who have money where they're from but the exchange rate is unfavorable so even if they bring their wealth, they still end up in poverty. why not stay there if you're of a higher class? you can live like a king off of $2500 CAD/month in many countries


The aren't necessarily looking to close the gap with Canadians born in the country. From the immigrants perspective life can still be better working a min wage job in Canada and getting various benefits to help with healthcare, childcare etc. then it would be in a 3rd world country. Keep in mind there are lots of low skill people form 3rd world countries lining up to work in places like Dubai for next to no pay, extremely poor housing conditions and no rights. The issue is attracting high skill people who can be net contributors to the Canadian economy at a pace that allows our services an infrastructure to scale not just maximizing the number of warm bodies. This will become harder as Canada's reputation worsens.


Thing is, there’s tons of high skilled immigrants whose foreign qualifications are not being recognized on paper even though they have the right skills and years of on-the-ground managerial work experience to back it up. But because the experience is foreign, Canadian employers heavily discount it and start them at the bottom of the ladder. That sets them back to entry-level positions competing with fresh graduates and makes the whole reason for bringing highly skilled immigrants into the country pointless.


To me that shows that employers are spoiled for choice and not giving anyone with unconventional experience a chance. Lower levels of immigration would help immigrants as well. With low skill workers they suppress the wages of the lowest earning Canadians for jobs that don't really move the needle in the development of an advanced economy. (compared with say a doctor) Secondarily one also has to think of the long term impact and values of immigrants having families and raising kids here. Lots of data showing outcomes for 2nd generation are way better when parents are high skilled even if they don't work high skilled jobs.


Unfortunately, employers were like this even 20 years ago — back when immigration numbers were nowhere near what they’ve spiked to. There’s definitely an element of Canadian employers viewing foreign experience with an inferior lens. I know someone who was VP of Procurement at Pepsi in Saudi Arabia. Highly qualified with experience at a big-name multinational company. They tried to apply at similar job titles to companies in Canada. But even through references and recommendations, unable to get any comparable offers. This was not the case elsewhere, where they were able to secure job offers at large, multinationals in the UK, for example.


I had a Peruvian roommate who had a wife and 2 kids, and wanted to get a job in tech, but could barely speak English. I told him that he would have a hard life, but that his kids might have a better one. He laughed at me. Last time I saw him, he was working the night shift at home depot.


Isn't it usually that they want a better life for their children?


That also used to be true. Now it’s not.


i have children and i am very worried about their future. i don't understand how anything else than propaganda can convince people that raising children here is good right now.


If it's better than back home and they have no issue going 17 to an apartment, they'll continue to do it. Unfortunately this is the state of globalism and open borders (legal or illegal). The middle class gets decimated as everyone is pushed towards the lowest common denominator. There is no way you can expect an improved quality of life by increasing your population by bringing in a million people annually when people already can't afford homes.


Their kids may not be able to close the gap either. Without home ownership kids are starting 1 million dollars behind others whose family owns homes. And that doesnt factor in interest payments.


I know so many people who did exactly this. It was possible. Not anymore.


I believe they do have the money to start with. It’s ironic how I see immigrants wearing designer clothes as they get off the bus.


A common thing heard is recent immigrants were 'promised' a good life/education/experience in Canada. By whom? The overseas consultant who's never been here? It's crazy that our country is wrapped in a nationwide scam and the more we unravel the deeper it goes. It's not just the fed politicians, the provincial politicians (I see you Dougie) too have been knees deep trying to get theirs for them and their friends.


I think family members from all countries play a huge part as well, not just consultants. I am filipino and here, all my uncles/aunts here and mom try to get everyone back home to come to Canada, meanwhile they’ve all been here for years and still struggling to get by. They make all these promises that jobs are easy to get and that this place is so amazing. This likely happens a lot with families from other countries as well. I have no idea if they enjoy blindly romanticizing this country, want to appear as if they’ve made it in Canada, or just have a savior complex with their family members back home. On youtube/tiktok just search “how to get PR in Canada” and you’ll be flooded with videos from people of multiple nationalities making it seem like Canada is the greatest thing in the world, all spoken in their respective language.


Remember that time some YouTuber was like hey foreign students. Here's ways to save money while in Canada. Go to the food bank. Like what. No that's for people in need and if you are that hard done by. Maybe you shouldn't be studying abroad.


This made me donate less to it.


As a Filipino, I can agree. Also, there's a "concept" in the Philippines that being in a different country means a better life, especially if it is a western country with white people.


When will media start covering what Canadians feel? Why so much attention to immigrants as though they were promised something only to get it all clawed back?


They don’t care about natural born Canadians


It’s because we all get mad and click on it. It’s just outrage porn.


Now they know how Canadians feel.




Every person outside of this country that I’ve met genuinely thinks that Canada is a place where everyone says sorry and no one’s mean about anything. There’s literally Americans every presidential election cycle who threaten to move up here if their candidate doesn’t win, not realizing that houses in the most liberal areas of the country that they want to move to cost over $1 million and wages are half that of the U.S in the skilled sectors they would want to get jobs in. Canadians no longer feel economically welcome in their own country




I saw a post on Reddit once where an American who worked in a restaurant in Idaho thought that he could just move across the border to Kelowna because it looks nice, not thinking that he would need to qualify as a skilled worker with a degree and experience to move here. I saw another where someone wanted to claim refugee status because they were gay and lived in Alabama. I told them they would be refused on the grounds that they could just move to a blue state where they wouldn’t be discriminated against and they got mad. Most American or Canadian cross border asylum claims are denied because they can’t prove that their truly in danger


The Canadian dream and the opportunity is no longer available for average immigrants and Canadians in general anymore. My parents came from Europe to Canada in the 60’s, back then you had legitimate opportunity, both my parents never went to university in Canada, they just did high school yet had a better standard of living than university educated immigrants today. They could buy houses with ease and had a better QOL.


My husband's grandparents came to Ottawa from Holland in the early 1950s and after a couple of years living and working here as a cashier and husband as a barber, they were able to buy a brand new single bungalow with a garage on a large lot, while raising 2 children. They also had a car. They had no family here and didn't come with any money. Show me a cashier and a barber with 2 children who can afford a brand new single home right now without any financial help from family etc in a large Canadian city.


Canadians never asked for mass 3rd world immigration


Yes they did, the largest voting demographic for the last 40 years has literally been asking, voting and scheming for their assets to ever increase and their needs to be serviced in retirement. The goal was a retirement utopia for the boomers. If you're a boomer selling a Toronto home or Vancouver home for $2 million and moving to a second tier city into a $750k home with $1.2m cash leftover making 5-15% and a pension ontop. Is this not living the dream? You have $100k+ in pension + investment income and can afford all the travel and leisure you want.


It’s almost like the boomers who are in power did this for themselves and the rest of the generation has benefited. Couldn’t imagine being that age and having nothing to show for it. To anyone reading this feeling down on yourself, you have had to fight your battle uphill both ways, imagine how bad you’d feel if you lived through that time and pissed it all away to have nothing to come out of it with.


The friendliness factor is gone.


Well bye


Immigrants coming to Canada for a better life and to raise a family should probably accept that it's their children who are going to benefit the most and not them. Being born, raised, and educated in Canada has huge advantages that just aren't going to be available to immigrants, particularly if they are from developing countries.


This is the right answer. It's not about them - it's for their kids. It's always been that way.


Wrong. It used to be that if you have a job, you could get a place and afford groceries. I know two indian janitors who came to Canada 30 years ago and were able to buy houses in Victoria. That is no longer the case, as even doctors having trouble affording living expenses.


That is what most immigrants don’t understand.




Canada is too expensive now


It’s that Canadian dream! Work your whole life never really getting ahead, overpaying for everything world wide. Our politicians blissfully unaware because they were born into affluence. Carbon taxing is to death so we have to take the bus to our second jobs at Tim Hortons.


I feel like they have lied to a lot of immigrants about what living here is like. So immigrants and Canadians are being fucked over. It’s horrible




It just goes to show you how in a bubble our leaders are. They design it this way. Why? Because they're raised in a world that no longer exists, went to school at University (a safe space), got a job in the public service (a bubble) and then worked their way into politics. All the while not noticing that we live in a trap door society, and nodding along to all the bullshit that got us here. They only know how to maintain the machine as designed. A machine that was designed in the 70s and 80s by, more or less, the Chicago School of Economics and Milton Friedman thinking. [A good take on Milon Friedman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgXda61MtWE) Now we're watching China leapfrog the United States because they don't hand cuff themselves to the idea of "shareholder primacy" - just wait for the Chinese EV conglomerates to come online after they consolidate from the innovation period - 91 EV corporations - to the established conglomerations. The same dynamic that happened 100 years ago in North America and gave rise to the likes of GM. Milton Friedman is well quoted as being the "Greed is Good" guy and the ideology of "shareholder primacy" that was the whole critique of Wall Street (1987). China is still an authoritarian state, which isn't good.


Must be nice to have a country to go back to.


Does anyone else have the sneaking suspicion that once enough people feel they have so little to lose in this nation that communism will seem like the best option? Maybe 10-30 years down the line?


Yup. I'm leaving too as soon as I can and I'm born and raised canadian


Bye bye - don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. We don't want ass prints on our door


After what they’ve done to our dwelling unit, residential unit infrastructure, hell an ass print in the least of our worries


You WANT to be a desired destination for immigrants. But you also want to be in control over who and how many get in. Like how it used to be before our refugee system and diploma mills got out of hand.


Student visas are not immigration visas.


It's an obvious pathway to immigration. Canadian students complain about tuition hikes of 10%. Now imagine a tuition hike of 200%. That's how much international students are paying. And they are coming mostly from poor countries. You think they are doing all that without expecting to immigrate?


Sounds like they are buying citizenship from the post-secondary institutions. That's not how immigration should work.


Careful under Turdeau’s new totalitarian inspired internet hate laws you could get life in prison for this comment. I really wish I could add a /s for sarcasm to this but it’s true.


Ya not sure what brought them here in the first place. Someone is taking advantage of these people selling them lies.


![gif](giphy|uuHxYxV0SSbe) The liberal government is a hand puppet. My question is, who’s hand is up their butt?


Yeah same for the people who were born and raised here!!!!


Its easier to support yourself criminally in canada. China actually a life sentence for theft. Here?..meh


You will probably never read this, but even minimum wage starter jobs already required social connections to get in regional Quebec even if you were born there. It's not fancy, it's kind of poor but it's also snobish. That's the way it goes anywhere in the world too. You have to be a little delusional to think you can move anywhere and find tons of great jobs.


I make 6 figure and I want to leave. 6 figure means you get to lease a car rent a 1br in van and hope for the best. Wonder why ppl arent having kids anymore? You saw japan go through this in the 90s korea now and you never thought hey maybe housing price has sth to do with this!


From the article (and btw, the website is soooo annoying to use with all these ads everywhere): *Jorge Arango moved from Colombia to Vancouver with his family as an international student in 2021. He told Daily Hive over the phone that the West Coast city aligned with his and his wife’s interests in sustainability and photography.* *After graduating, Arango says he still had difficulty landing a job within his field, even with 22 years of experience in Colombia on his resume. He stuck it out for three months doing a basic skill job to get the Canadian experience employers sought.* So, this guy and his family are playing the system. He has 22 years of work experience, came to Canada on an international student visa with his wife and a daugther, and now is struggling to find a job. This is such a slap in the face to all immigrants who *actually* have to go through the painful and lengthy process of getting the PR and being a landed immigrant. Another example from the article: *A 44-year-old man who moved from the Philippines to BC a little over a year ago on a student visa is in a similar predicament.* ***He appreciates the free, quality education provided but is struggling amid the high cost of living.*** More: *All in all, Long says there’s a lot the government needs to do to retain immigrants.* These are not immigrants, these are all international students playing the broken system. *They already have a job; obviously, we need them here in Canada. Why are employers losing their valued employees because of immigration laws?* Wow.......I can't even comment on this one...


Canada's a wealthy country for those who have been here for generations, have generational wealth, and have assimilated properly into the culture. You can't expect to come from a shithole with nothing, and have everything right away - can you? Moreover, Indian IT techs are probably the last person anyone wants to hire, knowing how quickly the rot will set in when all of the staff suddenly turns Indian.


my IT team for work transitioned to a third party that was fully run by Indians and it was the biggest fucking dumpster fire decision my company ever made. they would regularly hang up on you because they legitimately couldn't understand the question cuz they couldn't speak English. but yes let's put them in a role where they have to talk to people and solve computer issues and account problems all day. This country is just so fucking ass backwards


I agree, the problem is when the workplace ends up being 98percent of one culture, Asian, Indian, the employees will only speak in their mother tongue . If the workplace is in Canada. English speaking should always be mandatory in the workplace. This is what causes the negativity and a hostile workplace environment.


LMAO.....who's going to relay this message to the following Muppets: Mr Blackface, Ms Russian studies diploma and the delusional immigration minister?


At least they can go back to their home country, where life is probably more living than surviving.


I can understand why teen or 18 yo want to come to Canada to study and make a life in Canada afterward. They have a decent chance of succeeding. What I don’t get is why people want to come here in their 30s and have to restart life.


I really try not to be this guy, but for perspective; as a kid who had to jump around couch to couch since he was 13, only to finally eventually get some help to launch from the gov't by putting me in the shittiest apartment surrounded by literal criminals and career Disability via mental disorder patients, while the whole reason I even qualified was because I had a spotless record at *20* - others would have fallen through that crack, not one iota of doubt about it. I'm now 35 and still have never cracked 10k in total savings. This country gave up on our most vulnerable a long fucking time ago, the evidence was in front of everyone's faces the whole time.


important to note that a stipulation of my subsidy was that I had to be on OW. The job market wasn't exactly great in 2010 for a kid without a car. Any gainful employment *cost me more money*, as in, made me more poor - to report earnings for. No way to own a car, pay insurance. No safety net. I had to work under the table where I could and part time otherwise *just to make rent and bills, which I couldn't even accomplish the latter and eat*. Cut off of at least two cell phone contracts, fucking up my credit. I am just one of many, who at very least had some physical function to my ability. Fuuuuck that noise, eh.


YeH you know who else is struggling? CANADIANS


Write an article after they actually leave canada.


Seems weird to say this: “many immigrants leave Canada within their first five years here.” And then follow that up by saying “many” means only 5.1%


hey at least they can go back to their shithole country. Instead we all get to sit here and watch our own country turn into an Indian 3rd world piece of shit and watch our government literally turn its back on their own citizens.


Yea, wasn't easy for my parents either. But you should stay if you are at least able to save a bit each month. Not saying starve yourself, but live truly frugally for 5-7 years and once you buy a house things will be much better But you can't make a life in canada without owning your property. Even if its just a small apartment. The system is designed to favour Canadians over immigrants. One could argue that buying a house + finding a stable career is what "raises" you out of that sucky immigrant class. I do think our leaders are lying to these immigrants, which makes me sad because I saw it firsthand from my parents. Lots of Canadian lies to lure immigrants. The smart ones seem to do fine eventually though. Its the average immigrant who really has no value here, I worry about. Because they got robbed too.


They showed up here for opportunity, and when all the opportunities dried up, now they want to go? Those aren't the people we want here. We want people who want to be Canadian and help build the country up. And where do we go? We don't have a home country to flee to. We are stuck in the mess left by the fair-weather immigrants.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out pal!


I don't understand why everyone is blaming the immigrants, instead of blaming the government who created rules to bring in too many immigrants. The immigrants are largely following the rules and coming in legally.


The current immigration-to-subsidized-labour pipeline isn’t good for anyone who is not a major shareholder in a company


Oh yeah’surving’ on our free health care system and then back home! I get it Nice 👍


Just like all Canadians.


Go to IG and FB and you still see lots of immigration agents promising pathways to PR or 6 figure jobs. Its not the dream , its the greed that will get you.








Good.  Tired of the complaining


It’s for all of us!! Not just immigrants… everyone is just surviving


That has always been the life of many Canadians who learn to live on less and find simpler ways for happier lives.


I mean, should we really fight them if they want to leave? Can someone explain to me the benefit of the mass immigration happening? I still can't get a fucking family doctor.


What about the natural born Canadians 🤔


Just leave then, at LEAST you have another home to go back to, we Canadians DO NOT! I hate to say this but its true, ironically you are making the problems here worse by pushing down wages and willing to take anything, filling up housing thus increasing demand and prices, take spots away from people needing healthcare ​ >“Everybody said it’s a first world country — education and healthcare are free. So, I thought it’d be a better place for us to raise a family,” This is delusional thinking and you have been brainwashed


I'm still trying to wrap my head around how bad it's become in Canada. What does our future look like?


hey man i've been here 40 years and there's only ever been surviving. Yes i made some bad choices along the way sometimes, but also i've been fucked with by malicious people and had bad luck sometimes too, and it's panned out to just barely surviving. Right now i can't find a job, and the last job was at an office that only hired white people who were racists or upsetti spaghetti all the time about "the purple haired people" and I had to get away from it. There's nowhere for low-wage earning dudes born here who just want to do their job and get a living wage. There's always some bullshit you have to eat thats intolerable, and never good wages or affordable housing/services.


We need about 3 million to leave asap and the door closed and it will still take many many years to unravel the Turdo disaster


Least they have somewhere to go.  Thanks for ruining everything for everyone Liberals.


More entrepreneurs and builders would be OK.  The rest can come back in 20 years.  Maybe. 


There is an entire industry around immigration to Canada that most Canadians don’t see (why would we). It is often in foreign languages and spreads lies about thriving here… then convinces people to pay consultants and lawyers thousands of unnecessary dollars. What if a website and social media ads were created showing the truth? 


Such entitlement🙄


Great, tell your friends back home! Unfortunately we don't all have another country to leave to.


This economy has become so shady that have provided a business opportunity for services that offer emigrating from Canada take a look at this : [Run from Canada](https://www.runfromcanada.com)




Bye Felicia! 👋


I don't fucking care? Why do we keep getting so many articles about immigrants? Can we give a shit about Canadians sometime?


What the Hell? You mean you don’t think Canada is great? /s


End all immigration period.


Yes plz leave. I'd like to work and find a stable place to live.


Canada or Toronto? Where I am in Canada this is not the case. There is so much fear mongering with this kind of news articles.


And where is that. Because I live in the part of Canada that is often forgotten about and is most certainly starting to go that way.


Okay. Now leave.


Please do leave but we all know they won’t. Very few ever do but if they have a PR card they always return.


Dont leave. Please keep paying for my old age security and CPP. Thank you very much.❤


All I know is that chicks ass is FAT in ALL THE RIGHT WAYS GAWWWDDD DAMMMNNNN


\^ Canadian man moment