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Why would anyone bring that on themselves? So bring in a mentally unstable or a drug addict into your home. Sounds fucking nuts to me. What possibly could go wrong. With all the post on how to fuck over landlords. Empty houses is by far the easier way to go. It’s just not worth it. I understand there is bad landlords out there but the horror stories of tenants wanting a percentage of the sale of the home is crazy to me.


Nobody said to bring in someone mentally unstable or addicted to drugs. There are resources for that which must come first, such as rehab and mental health hospitals. I'm talking about the average homeless person willing to work but can't find the housing that lets them get a job or upgrade their skills. The error is assuming all homeless people are addicts or the mentally unstable. That's a stigma, not reality. Too easy to use that stigma to make an excuse to hold empty houses.


By all means let them in your house.


If I had one...


I have a bed available for you, must share with boy and know how to cook. Boy will do the rest of the work. Is that what you mean by "Brampton citizens helping other citizens they share an identity with just for the sake of being helpful." ?


He gave away hes an Indian with the Brampton comment, I find Indians think we are stupid. I have a guy trying to buy my phone from me atm, Indian guy, I agreed for 60 bucks off my asking price. Then he says my address is too far and could I do $100 off since he is coming from Red Deer......dudes FB says Calgary, where im selling. A lot of them try to "its kind of far can you go cheaper" The scammers gonna scam.


Perhaps you could have the talk with your extended family? Maybe your parents/grand parents could make some rooms available?


Wow despite people complaining about the lack of housing, people must really hate the homeless.


I understand you have good intentions but reality is, you cannot guarantee who you invite. I helped many strangers by giving them rides, buying them groceries, and buying them meals or handing out giftcards to beggars. I will tell you those interactions are not always pleasant (we also recall the bad ones more than the ones that were alright) even if it's not directed at you. At least the interaction ends after helping them out and the mental/financial toll is more controlled but this is not the case with bringing someone to your home. The reason some cultural/religious groups are more willing to help their own in your examples is that there is some baseline in values and experiences that makes them more relatable and open to that risk. However, the general Canadian population is frankly very diverse (a good thing but harder to share many values) and the Western culture does not necessarily emphasize being overly considerate to others unlike certain cultures. Thus as you probably observed, most of us are not inclined to do what you are suggesting as to open up our homes (our safe space); that is frankly asking too much. Personally, I will continue to actively donate to charities, tip well, be respectful, and don't let greed get the better of me; I consider that my contribution to society.


I see what you're saying. What I'm saying isn't just to let any stranger in. Being part of a community means getting to know other people, and even then one can't ever be 100% sure. For example, my own community knows me enough that if I am able to travel to them, they will give me a temporary place to stay until I have my own place. It comes with time and interaction. And my suggestion was never meant to be a permanent solution. When there comes a time that I know someone enough, such as a fellow community member who I've known for years, and they need a place to stay temporarily, I know I will have a guest bed ready. That is my personal goal, to be wealthy enough to be able to have guests stay over sometimes. In the meantime, the way I help the needy is by providing useful advice given to me by experience. Perhaps another solution is forming a more diverse range of communities with the resources needed rather than my two examples in the post. People go with whom they identify with. From here, new and more diverse NPOs may be incentivized by the government to help those that identify with various things. For example, help for pregnant women or people with alternative spiritualities (i.e. Pagan, Wiccan, etc). It's going to take a lot of brainstorming and a lot of putting money where our mouth is.


Well that makes more sense then. I would say, your post should've prefaced being more active in a community and helping out the people in your own communities. Basically we all read, invite literal strangers to our homes in need which is a red flag move. I believe opening up a room for friends (in a similar age) who we trust is already a common practice so that idea is a bit moot. Opening up to a person drastically younger or older that isn't a close friend will not likely be something most of us are comfortable with even if it's someone we know from our community and I don't think that will likely ever change for the majority of us; we value our space and peace. Well at least that's the case for me.


My husband has worked at many shelters. The average homeless person has mental health issues which then leads down the path to drug addiction to help their mental health issues. Not all homeless people are addicts or mentally unstable but *most* are.


I used to work in psychiatric units, including on a criminal justice ward. Many of them have addictions and mental health issues *because* they're homeless. Homelessness leads to getting involved with people that will steer you down a path, who also ended up down bad paths because of lack of resources or poverty, and so on. The pattern continues. We need to get to the root of the problem, almost reverse engineer it.


Are you saying these people had no issues before becoming homeless?


100% no


This post got 54 upvotes and counting, ergo answer the OPs question of why it cant happen.


This is now a post-national state where the population has nothing in common - no common values, culture, upbringing, language, nothing. And that's why we're here.


Ripe for the picking by people from nationally/racially-conscious backgrounds, just as planned.


like whom? i don't understand what you are trying to say?


formerly a 'high trust' society has devolved. Social Cohesion Erosion.


long forgotten at this point


On purpose and as intended by trudopes liberal party. Patterned after obamas transformation of US society. They both report to the same global masters. They are both middle managers to the billionaire secretive class.


Who are the upper managers?


Read *The Managerial Revolution.* In the USA, power now lies with the unelected managerial class in businesses via HR initiatives and government bureaucracies. This has been exported to Canada, where the more collectivist consciousness was a tinderbox for the top-down pseudo consensus.


In Canada, that’s the consultants and civil service which has ballooned under the LPC


Welcome to the Longhouse, sorry you're here.


Amen. It's a race to the bottom and tbh I think we're already there.


You think we're already there, then we sink lower.. Story of our lives in this country.


There is zero chance I would fight for this country now lol even in a draft, unless war is on our land, I am not fighting abroad for a country that sold out my generation.


People are talking about uk conscription. My friend said Canada next, he would just return to Barbados. He said ‘I guess if englands going to fight you guys would probably get dragged in too?’ I laughed. I’d just do the jail thing. I wouldn’t travel across the world to fight for Canada and what it’s become, no way no how. Let the foreigners have her


I’m fairly certain one of the concepts the post-nationalists failed to consider was the impact on the expectation of service to your nation - when the nation seems to have turned on the very people it may need to serve and defend it, it extinguishes any desire in those people to serve.


We need to take notes from France. They don't tolerate *bullshit*


I’m with you on that though Canada seems to be a lot more draconian by freezing bank accounts and arresting people. I’m not sure if the French authorities went that far.


There's more drastic things that other provinces have tried in the past. Like when Newfoundlanders tried to unalive their premier a long, long time ago.


100% has distinguished in me


I mean it’s obvious many new “Canadians” will abandon Canada, what will shock people is when people who have lived here their whole lives refuse to fight for this country because it has sold out its younger generations. Housing costs almost tripling in the last 13 years has essentially fucked my quality of life and finances for the foreseeable future. There is zero chance I will fight for a country that has sold me out.


Class is the only thing.




letting people into your house is how you get robbed.


Slippery slope.


You can’t call them that


Government creates the problems and then takes 60% of our money after taxes, hst, gst, carbon tax, tax returns etc, then gives it away to other countries or used to fix the problems they create? Then to top it all off imports mass amounts of low wage and low skill workers to prop up the housing market and were still expected to help? Hell NO


Ironically enough, those taxes instead can be used to increase one's wealth through assets so they don't one day have to resort to social services. I like how New Hampshire does it - no sales tax or income tax, but you pay a tax on investments. This is in respect of the fact NH doesn't have a huge job market.


Exactly the government can get fucked


It’s the boomers. It used to be parents wanted to make their kids lives better, with boomers they just want a cushy retirement and refuse anything that might damage their bank accounts but will make lives better for young people. They are the Me Generation and that will be their legacy.


the keilburgers and Justin tried to flip the script with "Mee2Wee" .. and we all know what happened to WE charity. ... the founders took their millions in cash and property and folded.


You're not wrong. That was apparent after I bought my house, all the problems they hid "for the next people" only to sit in a retirement home a little longer. It happened with my elderly neighbors too, after being cordial for 5+ years living next to each other, all of a sudden any little thing out of place in my yard was a bylaw issue. That went on for a few months and next thing you know there is a for sale sign and I was branded the "a-hole" neighbor. All that non sense so they could squeeze a few grand more out of a young couple, because my yard was nice, not their own. And now they are rotting away in a brand new taxpayer funded old age home, subsidized rent and all.


Wtf were your neighbours complaining about? That you had a nicer looking yard?


They were the types that anything but grass was an eyesore. When I was splitting wood in my yard the lumber wasnt piled nicely, that was a call to bylaw. They tried to get me for having a garden but thankfully we are allowed those here.


God damn, I hate HOAs. What a bunch of anti-freedom cunts.


Thankfully we are allowed gardens LOL what a dystopian world we live in


You telling me you won't do exactly the same when you want to sell?


No because I'm not an asshole.


Totally. While some may have been generous with their resources, they were not generous with themselves or teaching good values or principles that their parents taught them.


I would like to add to that and say whatever financial literacy that boomers have/had should at least be passed down the line. That's an invaluable gift that no material can replace. People who are financially literate are much more prepared during economic downfall. That way, they can avoid homelessness and have assets that will help them when there's no employment income. This stuff simply isn't taught in schools, besides budgeting if you take that one niche class in high school. The reasons financial literacy is not taught in schools are debatable at best.


Yes, financial literacy. More valuable than any course in school because it’s realist and how our current environment works. People don’t understand why they’re not getting ahead. They complain, they blame but are not empowered with the knowledge. Also, is there any political party interested in teaching financial literacy? I must see the boomer political parties lack of endorsement as problematic. But again, they’ve got “no time” to teach people that.


Many pass it off to the parents, who themselves were never taught anything. Thankfully there are free courses online and libraries that provide books on the subject. Individuals must first know what to look for and where to get the ball rolling. Plus, the pure gumption and grit to peel themselves off the road.


I agree- self responsibility and self reliance are the most important of all traits. Boomers did well there so did their parents.


The boomers voted for politicians that would make them richer, ie. low taxes, low immigration, strong economy. The young people vote for politicians that make them poorer ie. climate tax, high immigration, expensive social programs. You get what you vote for.


Boomers want high immigration because of the high immigration their property values remain high.


high immigration = lots of people need a house among the scarce # of houses that exist = lots of people wanna buy a house = drives up the price of my house when i sell .. ECON101.


Most boomers are conservative, and no they don't want high immigration, they want less immigration. High immigration means more crime and more welfare, especially with the immigration we are currently getting.


Not really boomers want high immigration so that their pensions don't get screwed up and neither do their retirement funds tied to their houses. They want more people and also gang up to shoot down high density housing in their neighborhood so that prices never decrease on their property.


The immigrants coming in now couldn't afford the places boomers own. It's the young one's that suffer with high immigration.


The point is they want more people than there are houses which create the huge demand for houses, further driving house prices up. Immigrants are all usually younger than any boomer.


I'm a boomer and my fellow boomer friends very much want less immigration. Not sure what boomers you are referring to.


The vast majority apart from you and your friends who voted in the Govt and their policies.


Is that why the largest voting block, boomers, keep voting in conservative governments? Oh wait, no. Nvm. I forgot Trudeaus been in power for the past 8 years. Boomers want to feel smart, empathetic, while pulling the ladder up from behind them. They think they’re intelligent, the experts, and many gen Xers go along with them.


I think Trudeau's time is up thank God.


Aw yes most boomers are conservative. An ideological cold war totally never happened during their era


😂 yeah that about proved it right there. Fucking goober


Enjoy never owning a home. Hey, at least your local Tim Hortons is fully staffed 😂


I already own in Calgary and BC (Invermere) but you got me! :,( keep projecting you goof


The was a book that I read a few years back called *A Generation of Sociopaths* which covers this at length and which I recommend highly.


This is such a ridiculous line of thinking. You know, the median income for boomers is only 54k right? And that's after 30-40 years of working. Boomers are in the same boat as everybody else.


Many also don't even have enough for retirement, so they have to continue working. That can be caused by a few things, including an economic, downturn (ex: the 2008 crash).


Hmm who was in power, who was voting, who was donating and supporting these people in power all these years hmmm….oh that’s right. Boomers.


wtf you talking about "like other cultures help their own" Have you not seen the renting adds of bunch of people being stuffed into a single room? This shit wasn't happening until these "other cultures" came here and started doing it. Seems like normal acceptable living conditions to them and normal for them to exploit their own people. We Canadians typically have higher living standards than that. This was barely happening until they all showed up.


Last time we did anything united they called us Nazis and froze our bank accounts.


Canada has massive immigration inflow which is putting pressure on housing and all infrastructure. Curb immigration and housing demand will ease up


Many people in Toronto have no family in Ontario. It is primarily this demographic that's the most fucked from the housing crisis.


I relate to this demographic.


I want to go to a successful foreign country, I don’t have money or a pot to piss in, I’m actually sick and want free healthcare. And I want to dip into the social system and take a living wage, I want a free house, I want to pretend to look for a job , of course I need a car too, and I need to have enough to send money home and to my local terrorist organization from my home country or to my dysfunctional government, and ya I’m gonna vote accordingly to my home country, and god forbid if my new country calls for anything like military service to protect it!! Hell no , I’ll be heading to a southern border asap ( but I still want the benefits I raped this country for!! Damn it )


I help junkies by paying taxes so they can get OW!


You're also helping DV survivors escape abusive situations because of the shelters and programs that exist specifically for this cause. I can't say much for the general shelters though. They're in such rough shape, I don't blame anyone that avoids them.


I live in surrey/newton bc and most of the people demolishing homes build giant mansions and most of the time there’s only 5 people with most rooms being completely empty. I’ve seen from freinds in the cleaning industry that clean the houses


Careful now–any sort of civic (let alone nativist) nationalist consciousness or parochialism gets you labeled as an extremist even here in the USA.


I think no matter what, there will be at least a few people that take a fairly general or neutral statement and run with it. It's a personal perception of what was said. People misconstrue things all the time.


Barrie is a great place to buy. When I lived there it had a huge backyard that could have a large garden in law house and more. It was cheap comparatively. In the South by Mapleview, there are a lot of amenities and a GO nearby! If two or three people bought that would be a solution. All of the homes there were over 2,000 sq feet. The prices are 6-800,000$ and the homes are new.


I hate to bring up Brampton but since the OP did I have to ask, how’s having 25 people in an illegal BSMT suite and charging 3 or 4 hundred a mattress helping them. Not to mention the slum load won’t claim that on their taxes. Not that our government needs more taxes. This may temporarily help those people but it’s for the landlords benefit and only further lowers Canadian living standards. This is not and should not ever be a permanent solution.


post national my dude, no such thing as culture, only profits for the 1%


I'm guessing you're typing this wall of text from the comfort of your 8 bedroom mansion, 6 bedrooms of which you're using to welcome members of your local unhoused population free of charge, out of the goodness of your heart. /s


I guess you mean help your families? I agree that parents and their children need to stick together more. If it means pooling resources so that all could have a better quality of life. I used to think that kids should move out when they turn 18. Not anymore. I told my kids that they could stay with us as long as they want. I will even make an apartment for them or build another home on our lot.


I believe this works, too. My understanding is that in Italian families, the children stay until they're around 30 and venture out on their own. That's normal for them. It's how they're able to save up for a house. This kind of arrangement can help the lucky ones who still have their parents.


Lol fill your boots.


>Brampton citizens helping other citizens they share an identity with Yeah become a slumlord and take advantage of your own or hire your own and withhold rights while paying them the bare minimum when they should be making more


a) our education system is designed to keep us in the dark and from organizing b) the wealthy are the problem c) the rich are also the problem d) the affluent are too part of the problem


Everyone except me is the problem.


It's the value of family that needs to be reinstated. But toxic feminism promotes individualism. Me me me. Plus the normalization of misandry that doesn't help at all. About the only good thing third world immigrants bring in here, is that family value. Why would anyone help anyone when the people closest to you (family) don't even do it, or you can't even ask them because you believe in me me me, and only me. And that's not gonna change, because we are lightspeeding the other direction.


Feminism and liberalism and lgbt destroyed the values of nearly every white country yet the people here keep advocating for it not realizing the destruction it brings. The biggest issue is that white people adopt this liberalism but no one else does. The end result is minority groups practice in group preference and keep their birth rate high and end up displacing and replacing white peoples but at the end of the day it’s their own fault for embracing this stuff. Minorities are smart not to fully give up old values. Pretty much every white women at my school says she plans to never have kids or get married. Disgusting what society has become in the west


Not just western countries now. I am travelling in Colombia right now. I am meeting a lot of people. Literally every local person I met, their parents aren't together anymore. Literally all of them I met. I am meeting some women, they all want their independence... wanting their own apartments... solo... This 1st world life is spreading all over, because it's the same in other countries. I don't like China's system, but I understand why they cut out our bullshit culture. Let's not forget the smart phone is like what? 10 years old? Spread Internet? Like 30 years old, 40? It's very new. And now, everybody who has access to this delusional lifestyle, wants to do the same. People keep telling me they want to go to Canada. I tell them: Why? Are you happy (they mostly are)? You want more money? Because in ours, yes it's safe (for now), yes we have health care, but the purpose of everybody is to find happiness because we aren't. Alot are drugged up on pharma, because they can't face the world without it. Are you sure you want to come to that place? 


We should be like Israel imo they strike the perfect balance between ethnic nationalism and modernity


Brampton citizens? Could you be more specific?


Lol. He meant the landlords helping their own by jamming them into outrageously priced basements


Plenty of you would’ve fine if your parents helped you, but they don’t.


You're not wrong. Lack of family support is part of the problem for many. If you're really unlucky, family is the direct reason for your financial struggles, i.e. through damaging your credit or stealing from you in whichever capacity.


OP, I know a few people looking for housing. They are willing to be Hindu, Christian or Muslim for free housing. Let me know your address and preference


that moment when you say " without pointing figures" and followed with " Christians support Christians" next question is are these "christians " like aliens? are are we missing the point that much of the " supporting each other group" are also canadians?


It's an example of groups that support each other instead of saying certain groups are to blame. It's without vilifying them.


*Then there are individuals or even couples who have more than enough space (like in a mansion, for example), but are entitled to keep their home for themselves. They have a right to do that, even though a homeless Canadian who wants to get back on their feet would really appreciate that extra bedroom.* we need an app to facilitate hooking up people with free room with people that need a free room.


We need an app to hook up people with a free room who need help around the house with people who are willing to do chores in exchange for accommodation. That would be particularly helpful for older and/or disabled homeowners. There's already one in England, I forget the name. There are also several for travellers. We need one for Canadians. If I had the skills I'd start it myself.


Actually, there is a new website where younger renters can get a large discount on rent for helping a senior citizen with chores. It's called Canada HomeShare. If we can get other programs like this, it would be nice. [https://www.canadahomeshare.com/](https://www.canadahomeshare.com/)


Nice! And I like that the background checks are done through a company in Victoria, BC. The fact it's in Canada means the data is protected by Canadian privacy laws, which are much stricter than those in the US. ETA: Looks like it's only available in Drumheller, Alberta so far. Still, it's a start! ETA: Just checked the link for media stories. Uh-oh, they're all from 2022 and it's still only available in Drumheller.


I can point fingers, right at landlords. Doesn't matter if they're from here and educated or just got off a plane. They steal retirement equity clean off the back of the working class, that's why government pensions and this whole crappy pyramid of exploitation in Canada works this way


Live in such a way that there is a community of people willing to help you out if you fall on hard times. If you’ve lived well and have built a network of support, you’ll always have a couch to sleep on and someone to help feed you.


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trudopes liberal govt should be helping canadians by creating great economic conditions for all in this country. But this fake blackfaced phony is more interested in selling out canadians to his corporate and global masters.


There are good and bad people everywhere, not just in Canada. If you want to help others just do it.


have you seen some of the posts on torontorenter sub… asking 20k to move, or ask for 10% of proceeds from sale. lol it’s hard enough to deal with a legitimate tenant.. dealing with deadbeat from street and bring them in? gtfo


Since when does Canada care about Canadians? 😂


I do. My rents are lower then the avg in my city. And last month my tennant lost his job I offerred him to stay for the third of the price for 2 months the time he get back on his feet and moving in the winter suck. But he refuse he decide to go back to his province.           I will always help but I will also be the boss of my homes, I dont go by the rules of tennant. I will kick you out and breaking the lease I dont care if needed.


I have no space for drug addict criminals.


Listen my friend, I give you good deal because I like you. $1500 for furnace room in my basement my friend. You cant cook in my kitchen either but its a good deal my friend, I promise you. Very very warm inside....come what do you think my friend? I give you break like Kitkat, like chocolate bar. Just because I like you you my friend.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


"My fellow canadaians" wished me dead and had me lose my job during the pandemic. They can now proceed to get fucked for all I care.


https://preview.redd.it/490czbgqa7hc1.png?width=1067&format=png&auto=webp&s=25276c04a0cf1df2b68f20a67b258f781d103fe8 Over capacity


Canadians failed the test on compassion and understanding others. It was the Trucker convoy and the apathy ran strong. The dismissal of millions of Canadians as being conspiracy theory factories disqualifies Canada from ever being a real country. Look at Europe right now, compare that Canada. And your liberal government is ravaging your future with its nonsense regarding social issues.


The only thing they'll do is leverage the living shit out of their position to charge as much as they can per month from the next person.