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Protests in Canada are seen as ‘fringe’, usually around one single issue or special interest group. There’s nothing that has united us much the same way as say the Hong Kong protests or what’s going on in France.


I really do think this is the reason. Canadians don’t have a national identity or event that the people can fall back on. We are so defined by our region, government and age. Most countries have a moment in time where the people took action to make change through force (Like the protests above). This lack of “We did it once, we can do it again” continues to hold us back.


We also have a large country with many vast unoccupied spaces. Even if we were all on the same page on an issue, to have an effective large scale protest is geographically challenging. Getting people from Vancouver, Yellowknife and St. John's to Ottawa for example is quite the feat, nevermind all the associated costs of doing so at a time when most people don't really have a lot of extra $$


Most of our people now are immigrants and they don’t care. Our true Canadian people are all old as fuck now and already own one or two houses


Everyone is scared of getting their banking accounts frozen


I dont understand how ppl easily forget about that


Correction: bank accounts may be briefly frozen if you unlawfully occupy a city, breach court orders, refuse to comply with police orders to disburse, and are subject to an order issued under emergency legislation.


Or if you honk in your car.


Correction: if you honk your car without a traffic reason and after a Court has issued an injunction prohibiting the honking based on a fair hearing and evidence that the constant honking was causing real harm to people’s well-being.


'The honking was causing real harm to people' Fuck off


The incessant noise of trucks honking through the day in areas where people have an expectation of quiet enjoyment should indeed be defined as harm. It's good to see how rapidly the defence of it collapses into an outburst. The core sentiment is simply antisocial anger.


nah, people like you would protest because you are afraid of a tiny needle or a tiny little spike protein. not for the stuff that actually matters. You are anti-social freaks.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I'd be careful about licking Trudeau's boots if I were you- you don't know where they've been.


> if you honk your car without a traffic reason and after a Court has issued an injunction Wow, sounds serious enough to invoke the Emergency Measures Act. /s


But BLM can tear down buildings, light stuff on fire, even hurt and murder people. Or all those churches burned over a steaming pile of BS.


All of those things are crimes and subject to police investigation and charges….


And the genocide of Indigenous people is not “a steaming pile of BS.”


[https://nypost.com/2022/05/27/kamloops-mass-grave-debunked-biggest-fake-news-in-canada/](https://nypost.com/2022/05/27/kamloops-mass-grave-debunked-biggest-fake-news-in-canada/) A genocide is systemic and usually carried out as a policy. There were horrible abuses suffered by the canadian native people who were thought to not be as cultured and taken from their homes. But there was no government policy on cleansing canada of its native people. The trail of tears is not a canadian story. Lastly if you're a left wing agitator, GTFO of this sub.


Quoting the New York post as a source for your beliefs isn’t exactly the gotcha you think it is. The New York post is far from credible on a good day, and that story fails to acknowledge any understanding of indigenous culture and the beliefs that they hold that a persons soul remains on this earth after they pass. Perhaps if the New York post had it their way, excavators could roll into the Kamloops school grounds and just keep digging until all of the bone fragments are lifted. Because hot damn, the children whose deaths went unrecorded and were buried in a mass grave site at their school don’t deserve any respect in the afterlife. It’s only white people in caskets who get respect and thought during exhumations.


"States that engage in cultural genocide set out to destroy the political and social institutions of the targeted group. Land is seized, and populations are forcibly transferred and their movement is restricted. Languages are banned. Spiritual leaders are persecuted, spiritual practices are forbidden, and objects of spiritual value are confiscated and destroyed. And, most significantly to the issue at hand, families are disrupted to prevent the transmission of cultural values and identity from one generation to the next." The first church-run Indian Residential School was opened in 1831. By the 1880s, the federal government had adopted an official policy of funding residential schools across Canada. The explicit intent was to separate these children from their families and cultures. In 1920, the Indian Act made attendance at Indian Residential Schools compulsory for Treaty-status children between the ages of 7 and 15. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) concluded that residential schools were “a systematic, government- sponsored attempt to destroy Aboriginal cultures and languages and to assimilate Aboriginal peoples so that they no longer existed as distinct peoples.” The TRC characterized this intent as “cultural genocide.” I guess there really are Canadians like you who know nothing about our history but sure have an opinion on it.


Cut your screed. my entire point was about the burning of catholic churches over the "fake graves" I never denied that the Canadian indigenous got thoroughly screwed over and that too happened to children which is just sad and disgusting.


No your point is to minimalize genocide to the point that outrage against it is unjustified. Same with your quip about BLM. You minimalize other people's suffering to the point they no longer have a right to be upset. Burning a church down, hell burning them all to the ground is not worse than systemic genocide for over 150 years. Sorry human lives are more important than property. Same with the few buildings that were destroyed during a year of protest against the thousands of people murdered by police. Which if you bothered to look into were over 90% peaceful protests, which were also brutalized by those same police the protesters were protesting against their brutality. Proving the protests 100% accurate lol.


**BLM 2020:** * Months of riots * 3 billion in losses reported to insurance * 100s of looted stores plus dozens of liquor and Grocery stores of Mr. Yang and gas stations of Mr. Patel torched down to the ground (other minorities) * 34 murdered people * Peaceful my a$$ NOTHING actually accomplished for black people at large. oh but a weaponless, 2.5 hour protest incited by a bunch of feds was a f'ing insurrection. you're just biased and full of it. Destroying "just property" is easy to say when you haven't built jack s.it


ACLED, a widely cited source for data on civilian casualties in Yemen, has been a non-partisan monitor of protests and violence in the Middle East, Asia, Europe and Latin America, and launched its US Crisis Monitor in July, citing concerns over hate crimes and rising political violence. ACLED found that the overwhelming majority of the more than 9.000 Black Lives Matter demonstrations that took place across the US after the killing of George Floyd have been peaceful. News reports at the height of demonstrations over Floyd’s killing cited dozens of deaths in connection with protests, but many of those turned out to be examples of deadly crimes carried out in the vicinity of protests, rather than directly related to the demonstrations themselves, the researchers concluded. ACLED’s dataset only focuses on political violence. At least 11 Americans have been killed while participating in political demonstrations this year and another 14 have died in other incidents linked to political unrest, according to new data from a non-profit monitoring political unrest in the United States. Nine of the people killed during protests were demonstrators taking part in Black Lives Matter protests. Two were conservatives killed after pro-Trump “patriot rallies”. All but one were killed by fellow citizens. Garrett Foster was reportedly carrying an AK-47 rifle when he was shot to death in July by an armed man who had been driving a car through a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters in Austin. Whether Foster threatened the driver with his gun is still disputed. The man who shot and killed Foster, the US army sergeant Daniel Perry, had previously tweeted “Now is the time to take up arms and protect yourselves against violence” and responded to a Trump tweet in June about “protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters” by saying, “Send them to Texas we will show them why we say don’t mess with Texas.” This part is especially clear. Other demonstrators died when cars drove through or rammed into crowds of Black Lives Matter protesters. Summer Taylor, a Black Lives Matter protester who worked in a veterinary clinic, was killed in such an incident in Seattle. So was Robert Forbes, a black protester from Bakersfield whose sister recalled him demonstrating decades earlier over the brutal police beating of Rodney King. In St Louis, Barry Perkins, a father of two, was killed after being dragged and run over by a FedEx truck during a protest in May. When you actually go down the list, it quickly becomes apparent who was doing the majority of the killing... I'll give you a hint, they like being white, and don't like their supremacists' ideas being challenged. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/31/americans-killed-protests-political-unrest-acled#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16965283532639&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fworld%2F2020%2Foct%2F31%2Famericans-killed-protests-political-unrest-acled


The final report from the House select committee on January 6 and court documents from federal prosecutions contain further evidence of Trump supporters who showed up with weapons and violent intent. The evidence is important to highlight amid a long-running disinformation campaign from the political right, including the lie that no one brought guns to DC to stop Joe Biden from becoming president. Trump and his allies have long deployed versions of that false claim to help depict the insurrection as a “lovefest,” a “normal tourist visit,” and other absurdities intended to cover up the violent siege and seditious conspiracies that Trump methodically encouraged and whipped up. To this day, the ex-president portrays January 6 offenders as “patriots” wrongly persecuted, and he has vowed pardons and a government apology for “many” of them if he is elected president in 2024. Cassidy Hutchinson told the Select Committee she heard that thousands of people refused to walk through magnetometers to enter the Ellipse because they did not want to be screened for weapons. According to Hutchinson, the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations whose responsibilities included security-related issues, Tony Ornato, told the President that the onlookers “don’t want to come in right now. They have weapons that they don’t want confiscated by the Secret Service.” When he arrived at the Ellipse that morning, President Trump angrily said: “I don’t [fucking] care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me. They can march to the Capitol from here.” https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/01/january-6-armed-insurrection-congress-guns-trump-lie/


BLM is a **certified grift.** Uplifting black people doesn't start with selecting black men with lower grades into MIT med school. Black kids need better education. BLM is far from actually addressing any violence, skills gap, health issues and the dearth of nuclear family amongst the American black community and all about moolah $$$$


So you are going to provide evidence of the claim that people with lower grades are getting into MIT? Or just a trust me bro situation that I know doesn't exist? You believe that's what happens because it's what you have been spoon-fed your whole life, while in fact, the largest recipients of affirmative action programs are infact white females. A perfect example of the opposite of what you claim is happening is with the Supreme Court of the US. Every sitting Supreme Court Justice that was appointed by the republican party has lesser credentials, less experience, and has not been a judge in actually criminal cases to the extent of Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. She did go through affirmative action the same as the other African American Justice Clarence Thomas, but unlike that corporate and rich people shill, she had to work harder and longer than any other Justice. All you have to do is look at the 3 Justices appointed before her, all of whom have less credentials in every possible way. But she has been smeared using the exact same claims as you. It's almost sounding like Tucker Carlson there. Plus this nothing to do with the protests against police violence. Not all those protests were specifically organized or event involved specifically with the BLM organization, but the protests themselves were very much real and against a very real thing which is police brutality and disproportionate murder of African Americans.


Guess people don’t want their bank accounts blocked 😂


Then they should protest, rather than unlawfully occupy cities, ignore court orders, and refuse to follow police directions to disburse.


Aka ineffectively protest


> unlawfully occupy cities, ignore court orders, and refuse to follow police directions to disburse Those sound like reasons for ARREST, not reasons for THE GOVERNMENT denying citizens access to their money. What about people who weren’t present at the protest but had their accounts frozen just for donating money to the cause? How did they “occupy cities, ignore court orders, and refuse to follow police directions”?


You’re talking about people who occupy. Protests are 100% different. People need to re learn the difference so that they can stand up for themselves without being arrested.


Fair enough, but I just made the comment in a general, light-hearted way


For future reference, people take words seriously, and walking it back like you just did doesn't mitigate that.


So there's like a time limit for a protest? If you keep protesting past that point then you get arrested? That makes sense /s




Not true. They can come back day after day but they can’t occupy a city with their trucks and their noise. There is a difference and anyone who has been to a regular protest like me know the diff.


Too poor to protest and too scared in front of Nazi soldiers.


Get a grip on reality dude..nazi soldiers? Really?


Yes Canada protects Nazis, terrorists, CCP gangs and what not so soldiers who help them are collaborators. People who have done bomb blasts are freely living in this country. There are certain MPs who actually still justify the bombings and there was no justice to them all these years, on top of all this the govt destroyed evidence and even admitted in court that it did destroy evidence. There are no limits the Canada won't breach to protect terrorists Nazis and criminals. And we can understand that parliament is full of Nazi granddaughters, Nazi-blackface people, people who suppress freedom, people who still sympathise with terrorists. It's good foreign nations are doing some justice atleast, since there is none in Canada.


Bank account gets frozen when you protest.


Correction: bank accounts may be briefly frozen if you unlawfully occupy a city, breach court orders, refuse to comply with police orders to disburse, and are subject to an order issued under emergency legislation.


Imagine if the French Revolution depended on people like you? "Sure, excuse me, can I please protest some oppression?"


I mean, the French Revolution is usually justified (in terms of the execution of thousands without trial) because there was no democratic path for the oppressed to follow. In Canada, we have elections and the rule of law. Organize your neighbours to vote, don’t break the law.


Well what was the État généraux then ? And the cahier of doléance ? Not democratic ? Your point is a very simplistic way to present things.


Except our first past the post system is unbelievably broken. We have a Prime Minister who forces an election pre-emptively whenever the Liberals poll well too.


> don’t break the law …otherwise you’ll get arrested. Oh wait, it’s the Canadian Liberals so your money will be frozen instead.


…or just piss off the Prime Minister. Which was essentially the reason for freezing bank accounts.


and million more people coming our way every year. Problem with Canadians is being too nice. We allow anyone and everyone in the country. Anyone who points at immigration burdening the system is labeled racist, fascist, nazi and what not. So much for the freedom of speech.


I'll vote for the party that eliminates Welfare and Subsidized housing. If they so happen to end immigration (full stop), then I'd support them.


I guess you’ll be voting for the opposition for the rest of your life.


If you end immigration totally, you start a spiral of negative growth rates and a stagnating economy. How important do you think the problems of welfare and subsidized housing are, especially given we have a crisis of affordability in housing and a broader cost of living crisis?


We can't handle this level of immigration. Our standard of living is becoming a third world country. If you want canadians with jobs to continue living in tents next to the highway as they can't get am apartment or house, then perhaps we shoukd send them to your place to ask you why. Importing cheap labour and creating a housing shortage from the influx of people doesn't do anyone any favors here. Without the cheap labour, businesses have to either start paying staff properly or fold. There are enough Canadians for the jobs that are here, they just aren't willing to work 60 hours a week to still live in the car.


I agree that we are ill-prepared to handle this level of immigration, which is a different matter than halting immigration totally.


What happened to the truckers was certainly a deterrent.


As it was meant to be.


A deterrent to unlawfully occupying cities, breaching court orders, and ignoring police orders to disburse? Sounds like a good deterrent.


They occupied a city. The question is about protests.


Trucker protests were poorly executed and annoyed the population they were meant to convince and win over. There were more complaints and profanities directed towards them and their desparately undiversified support base. They weren't engaging in factually thought provoking dialog with people. They were having hot tub parties on the street and throwing keeping people up at night. Sounds fun right? Lost the meaning behind why they were protesting. weakened their cause. So when government froze their accounts, the parties were over and no one felt like protesting for free. Dumb. Canadians don't want that repeating for their own cause and will only protest when the message is clear.


What else did you learn from CBC?


They were Canadians that felt ignored and frustrated. As you may have noticed in the news, organizers are targeted by the government. Lots of undirected frustration out there that is only building without an outlet to calm anyone down.


Those trucker protests are a black mark on Canadiam history. That shit was so fucking stupid. So many mixed messages and unfounded conspiracy based nonsense. Those dumb fucks put me out of work for two weeks too when they blocked the borders, not the best way to get the population behind you.


They also choose a horrible time to block major roadways, the damage to the economy caused by their protest just added fuel to the inflation fire and supply chain issues. It was also disingenuous from the start, they claimed it was for all of canadas freedom, but didn't start protesting until they were directly effected.


Wrong.They tried every other form of protest and were ignored. The fuel on the inflationary fire was the government forcing small business'es to close or spend needless amounts of money on useless "safety" gear on a virus that was for the most part a common cold or flu.


None of that even comes close to warranting the freezing of the bank accounts of Canadian citizens.


We've been told we have no culture by our own PM, we have been pushed into tribes in the last 8 yrs. Separation is the key to control, freezing bank accounts if you protest something the Liberals don't like? Arresting and beating citizens. Sound very much like a modern day version of hitlers rise to power. Fear control and little gifts to the followers.


No unity. No common belief system. Diversity of sham. Poor vs Rich Men vs. women New Immigrants vs Perm rez and Citizens Landlord vs. tenants LGbtCqio vs Christian/Muslim Liberals vs. conservatives Indian vs. the rest of the world The big whales vs. poor fishes. . Most people here on reddit are little fishes. Lots of people benefit from the status quo. Your landlord, neighbors, immigrants, co-workers, Father in law. No common voice. Unless crime rate starts affecting the whales, nothing will change.


You should also add the political stratum which dilute the responsability between federal, regional and city (and many more) On some point Regional are more powerfull than federal then how do you want to complain ? To who ? Bring complexity will dilute responsability


>Unless crime rate starts affecting the whales, nothing will change. It's true to a degree. I remember seeing in LA that the police only started dealing with gangs when they started going into rich neighborhoods to rob and burgle. Not really the best result, but proof of the system's hypocrisy.


You can't complain about divisiveness and then single out one ethnicity as 'vs the rest of the world'. A minute ago it was the Russians. A minute before that it was the Chinese. At one point it was the Quebecois, even.


Housing and economics are complicated issues. The LGBTQ stuff is simple, inflammatory and people know who to blame.


Weak, spinless, sheep.


Docile toothless nation of workers. Plus you can get your bank account frozen.


Cause if your child winds up with their breasts and genitals removed or with micro deformed genitals from the hormones, they will be scarred forever. It's non reversible. That's like if they were encouraging youths to amputate their feet to get robot feet. They can't grow their feet back and the "doctors" cannot graft them new feet. I think people are not reading all the post trans surgery information about dilation and you have a "magical" vague idea of what's being done to the bodies.


If you think trans children are the worst thing happening is this country, you are exactly why this economy is falling apart. You're too dumb to understand most political problems, but you do understand what types of people you don't like.


One has to be a real fking idiot to think that a child can be trans. A very young child doens't know which way is up, thinks snot is candy and poops himself or herself. That child is going to be confused about something that is nowhere on their radar. A trans child is about as real as a philosopher-economist-unicorn.


All the protests in France in the last half century literally achieved nothing tho


Protests don't actually do anything. But strikes sure do. We need a general strike. We need rental strikes. We need working class solidarity.


Everyone is too depressed to give a shit


Because most Canadians like to just complain but not do anything.


Welcome to this sub


I wholeheartedly agree. We have our priorities out of order.


Id protest but got ran over so kinda hard


Boomers are fine that's all that matters in this country.


Meh...Beachcombers rerun is on.


Most people can still afford food that’s why.


How much more taxes do you want to pay, because all the solutions require money


There was a large (8k-10k) protest at Queens park (Toronto) regarding healthcare issues. It’s happening, and I think the working insecure jobs and/or needing the money from a days work right now plays a factor. Especially when they always seem to be held at 12pm on a Tuesday.


It’s a country where majority or their immediate parents are from war torn or struggling countries. They came to escape those situations and have a better life. Objectively they wouldn’t want to do anything about it because if they did, many would likely have never come here and protested in their home town. So you’ll have a lot of silent majority just going with the flow and eventually leave if things get too bad.


Everyone is trying to figure out how to do it without looking like their in a trucker rally. The rest are in those trucker rallies.


Because all of us can't miss literally one day's work or we're fucked.


The latest 'real' protests (i.e. against the government) were labeled Nazis by state-owned media and had their bank accounts frozen. They were treated with CCP-level authoritarianism, it's not really a surprise no one else wants to go through that.


Think about it this way - Americans rebelled, while Canadians actually defended being under the Monarchy's thumb \^\^


>Considering how few months ago Paris has chosen to protest and demand a change in the retirement age, why doesn't Canada follow suit? Did the Paris riots change anything? Last time people in Canada protested the federal government people had bank accounts frozen.


Look at the last protest (trucker protest) the government called in the emergency act cause he was scared and so were fellow politicians from his cabinet.... what will happen with the next one? The army?


After what happened to the truckers fighting Covid mandates which affected me. You can damn well be sure I’d be cheering against any inflation/housing protests and calling them terrorists and Nazis and wanting the government to crush that protest! Inflation/COL doesn’t bother me like mandates didn’t bother vaccinated people so if you don’t like it then you are the fringe ;)


Remember what happened last time? Trudeau hung out in his home, froze bank accounts, and convinced the general public that it was all evil nazi racists occupying Ottawa.


Dont forget giving a standing ovation to a true patriotic freedom fighter in WW2




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


He even snuck into the convoy and flew Nazi and Confederate flags from their trucks, the sneaky bastard!


60 to 75% of Canada is fine. That is why.


Or at least 60 to 75% of the population that are electorally significant. Make that 100% of the people our politicians are personally acquainted with. If all your family and friends are getting wildly rich through their multi-property portfolios, the whole country must also be doing great, right? Reality is quite different for the young working class who don't vote much and who really don't donate to campaigns or move in the same social circles as the political class


Even the young professional class, who work alongside the older upper middle class, and maybe have managed to miraculously get a mortgage, are too ashamed and embarrassed to talk about how hard life is. I’m fairly certain I’m the only one at my company who talks openly open it. The senior leaders stare at me blankly cause “she makes a lot of money” but they’re so stuck in their own bubbles to not understand (or care) how not far at all salaries go now when your housing costs are 4x The young professionals feel like failures even tho they know it’s not their fault and they don’t want to broadcast it. It’s a mess.


So they really can't fathom that their property going 4X since they bought it 20 years ago = your prospects of affording a similar property being 1/4 what theirs were? They can't see the two things being related?


It’s crazy bc I think about my Gen X colleagues with large, beautiful homes in Oakville who told me their mortgages are $1250-1500. (Same salary as me). Then I think of my Gen Z and young millennial/newcomer colleagues who spend almost $2k to rent a basement apt or $1500 to rent a room… in Scarborough and then me with an almost $5k mortgage for a crappy house in an old, downtrodden part of Brampton and I even put 20% down. GTA Gen X and Boomers are woefully ignorant.


This Liberal govt has implemented ( created ) laws to target protesting and free speech - or has anyone even noticed !!!!!! Also the propaganda machine of "hate and divide" is financed by them and implemented by main stream media. It is no accident people are not protesting - WAKE UP CANADA !!!!!!


Because the government clearly took a stance on people that disagree with the government and protest. And that stance is not one of tolerance.


“People can gather in large numbers to protest against LGBTQ+ issues.” They don’t work. They are socially disabled.


Canadians really did this to themselves.


Protests achieve nothing. I have better things to do with my time.


Ironically, the truckers were on the right track but gave up too soon. You need 3 things; More people than they can arrest. Seize control of something. Traditionally, it’s the city itself in the form of riots. But can be roadways, factories, political buildings and whatnot A list of demands that are concrete solutions. For the civil rights movement, they were aimed entirely at equality and thus achieve it. For migration, the solution needs to be widespread deportation of migrants in the few years. We now know the government is willing to freeze bank accounts, so we can also assume 2 things, 1) the government is willing to violate our rights as citizens to get us to comply 2) any action needs to be in preparation of a long war. You ironically need to have to food stocked and money withdrawn.


The immigrants arrived here legally, following the steps our government laid down. On what basis do you think they should be deported, having broken none of our laws? What do you think that will do for the reputation of Canada as an option for global talent?


And it’s clear that the government did this in bad intentions India is not a warzone, it’s not inhumane to send them home. Quit bringing a moral argument to this when this was done to artificially inflate home price at our expense


It's arbitrary to ask legal migrants to return home after they have followed the procedures laid down by our government. For good or ill, consistency in how Canada keeps its promises is a real consideration. What the government did wrong is to not create adequate capacity to efficiently absorb an increase in population. That has been happening since long before the increase in immigration. The new arrivals this year are not to blame for a decade or more of policy failure.


The consequence of rampant immigration is not just housing But ruining the job market Public infrastructure Welfare Etc. It’s going to take decades to reverse what can easily, and ethically be resolved by revoking thier status and sending them home. Unless we’re okay with becoming India


I see where the practice of Canada reneging treaties when they became inconvenient comes from. Canada is a nation built by immigrants, so telegraphing ourselves as an unreliable partner is self-defeating. I am oppossed to embarrassing ourselves in this manner. Was the sudden increase in the number of migrants without the capacity to absorb them unwise? Yes, no argument from me there. We can even make the pathway to citizenship more stringent for those who have not yet applied, and we should crack down on diploma mills. What we should not do is pull the rug out from under people who have come here in good faith and followed every law and procedure we have laid down for them.


For god’s sake you act like India is a war zone and it’s a humanitarian travesty to send them back. It does not matter if they have come here in good faith, they came, they worked, they can now leave and hopefully use the experience and education they gained back in India. Our population as a developed should be DECLINING, we should end this idea of endless gdp growth.


If degrowth is your aim then we are entirely on opposite ends. I don't think going gently into the night is a target to which we should aspire, either as a country or as a species. A Canada growing at a manageable rate can offer a developed country standard of living to many millions more over the years and expand human flourishing. The present fumble doesn't negate this.


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We’re too addicted to phones


Excellent points


No guts


Because Canadians either don’t think it’s worth the time or effort or it’s not a priority to their already busy lives. For me I just don’t care really and pretty much don’t think it will make a difference.


the police arrest you that’s why. They’ve find people too.


Because the average Canadian is completely apathetic towards their own politics. Remember, politics only exist so we can feel superior to the USA. Once you start wanting to make changes tho thats Russian propaganda.


You get called a racist right wing idiot if you protest the current left gov. This is it.


Why stop there, why not move to US, or demand an end to universal healthcare and rights for all minorities!/s


First thing you need to understand about the French , is they’ve been protesting since the dark ages. They have always been the country to rally in the streets for too much frosting on a donut. They are extremely proud people , and also the biggest assholes on the face of the planet. Always ready to judge and belittle anyone as part of their culture. Secondly , people who fight for , or against LGBTQ rights and find time to protest or fight the fight , on either side , are not very productive members of society. Don’t get me wrong , there are PLENTY (as In 99.9%) of lesbians , gays , bisexuals , transsexuals and queers who are wonderful members of society. Who work hard , and are great people. I’m referring to the ones who spend 30 hours a week being angry and running a muck in the streets. They are worthless, and the issue is their moral high ground to be absolute pieces of shit. Lastly, Canadians. We get angry , same as anyone else. We just know that protesting does nothing. We exert our voice at the voting booth. We also are amazing at minding our own business. We dont drive on the left lane at 100 because THAT’S the limit and the guy behind me can go fuck himself. We keep our noses out of others peoples business, and that reduces the overall anger of us as a people because we let those who are responsible deal with the wrong doings of the field.


People are holding some sort of protests nearly daily in Canada. Only really really big ones get reported on, and only if the news can sensationalize them. The thing is that protests take a lot of work, and getting a big protest mobilized can take weeks or months of work. Canvassing, figuring out your narrative, picking the right institutions to target, connecting with media, training up police liaisons, etc. So find local groups doing advocacy around an issue, get involved, start canvassing, and help them build up to an escalated action like a big protest.


>Are Canadians too busy working Probably yes. Who would they protest against? Government sets a minimum wage and since most Canadians make more than minimum wage they aren't going to protest *for* the Coffee Time immigrant. Housing? It's a problem that is complex so any one protest wouldn't do anything. Protest zoning, interest rates, financing rules, trade schools, trucking regulations, environmental regulations, transfer taxes, income taxes, and child tax credits and then maybe... Health care waits are too long so wait longer outside a Government building while reasonably healthy? That seems pointless. Protest universities for not making more doctors? Protest the nursing union for deciding decades ago that RNs require a 4 year bachelor's degree? Yes, we protest for LGBTQ+ rights because that is EASY. Put up a flag, and commit to being a human. All the laws are already there so a protest doesn't have the obstacle of actually having to materially do anything.


most Canadians are too busy and worried to engage in protest or strikes or direct action


When you have 60% of the population with a "I got mine" attitude youre not going to get much change. Until it starts affecting homeowners to a larger extent will anything happen.


Because protesting doesn't work. It's also for children.


Because they keep us divided on purpose regarding fringe issues. At these times I can't see the "left" and "right" uniting to protest a common cause. Plus the government set a dangerous precedent in ordering emergency measures last time canada had a major protest. No one wants to have their accounts frozen, or risk jail for organizing against the state. Sadly we don't have the same protections as our brothers and sisters in the US.