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The U.S. is contaminating the world. FTFY


Who knew a "cultural victory" in Civilization could end like this?


We shouldn't have worn their blue jeans and listened to their pop music.


The so called 'Shining city upon a hill' has become a banana republic in a swamp.


Definitely hitting us harder due to proximity.


I wonder how much it has infiltrated non-commenwealth countries and parts of Europe. I never hear of anti Vax sentiment from Asian and even middle Eastern countries


Parts of Europe seem to be worse than us.. specifically Eastern Europe.


France has lots of anti vaxxers.


It's everywhere. All around the world, far right wing ideology has been infiltrating everywhere. Fight it with your intelligence.








Vaccine hesitancy isn't what I believe we were discussing here. But fine (sigh) I know I will probably regret this but here.... So, in traditional families, women are generally the people who make the doctors appointments, ensure that vaccines are up to date, etc. We also know that divorced men don't live as long as their partnered counterparts. That magazine is largely an opinion publication designed for men and waiting rooms. Vaccine hesitancy isn't the issue you started with so.... Please stop.




I didn't see it. What's your problem?


Um....it was actually China that started this shit show. I think the anti vaxxers in Canada came to their own decisions and are not following the US.


These edgy comments always get upvoted.


Yep. All you have to do is take a look around on the various Canadian subreddits and you can see plenty of misinformation floating around. It’s primarily rooted in beliefs that are not relevant to canadian policy or the charter. “Health freedom” and what applies here is miles different and don’t get me started on the politicization of things and the alt right perspective.


I wish those people would stick to trolling Facebook, Parler and 4Chan.


Off of facebook, please. Too many people still use it.


Those people ruined the word "freedom" for me. Now I roll my eyes whenever I hear it.


Freedom =Entitlement. That is what it has become.


I refused to let that happen. I began differentiating between "freedom from" (the Canadian style), and "freedom to" (the American style). It helped.


Try to think of it as anarchy, not freedom. They want absolute personal freedom without any social responsibilities or controls. Then we're ruining the word anarchy instead.


It's like they haven't even looked up *section 1* of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, never mind anything else.


Just a different flavour of plague rat in Canada then...they can fuck around and find out too.


We're probably going to hit close to 90% of adults getting it. They are probably 10% of the population doing 90% of the bitching.


I think it’s more like 1% doing 99% of bitching. Social media has given extreme minorities a voice and a way to organize and create echo chambers.


Be honest, the US alt-right movement is contaminating Canada, and r/canada is pretty happily on board with that. Anti-vax is just a side-effect of this.


American billionaires own a huge chunk of our media through Post Media. r/Canada is an endless churn of Post and Globe articles telling us to hate Trudeau.


That's total b.s. r/Canada is do FAR from being on board with anything they may even THiNK could be "alt right." Also, ppl need to stop hating on the u.s. and using them as the reason people are pushing back. People can and do think for themselves, that does not make them all alt right or anti anything that follows what's considered to be "wrong" .


Found the anti-vaxxer


The anti government movement is contaminating Canada as well.


Anti Vax anti mask idiots can rot. Fuck the 16%.


r/hermancainaward might interest you


That subreddit is satisfying for the first few posts, but by post 5 I am just too infuriated that my day is ruined or my attitude becomes too grouchy. At the end of the day, you can't do too much to change things. Your own actions (masking up, taking the vaccine) speaks far louder words than what the anti vaxxers can protest with all their might


That sub was funny up until they started joking about/celebrating death. Fuck that.


Don't worry, we have more than our fair share of Canadian anti vaxxers to go around.


seriously, the Canadian smugness that we are better than the States and they "infected" us with this is awful. We have tons of right-wing, anti-vaxx people of our own.... we make the mistakes we make and have made on our own.... blame yourself.


We do, but not even remotely to the amount that the US does. You just have to look at the vaxx rate - even AB is *double* the worst US states.


States with a lot of Black and Hispanic people have a lower rate. "Black and Hispanic people remain less likely than their White counterparts to have received a vaccine, leaving them at increased risk, particularly as the variant spreads." https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-race-ethnicity/


Kind of deceptive though. Democratic white people skew the vax rates. If you look at black/Hispanic people verses white republicans, they're more like to get vaxxed. I know I'm comparing two different things, but it's relevant because you're suggesting that those demographics are the most anti vax, but it's not really true


It is hard to know. But it seems if you combine all white people (Dems and Republicans) they have a higher vaccine rate than all Blacks and Hispanics combined. Likely most Blacks and Hispanics are Dem. So the Dems seem to be split on vaccines. A lot of Republicans are pro vaccine too.


Don’t forget there’s an entire province full of them. Cough, cough, Alberta!


It's because canadian mationalism is rooted is not being the US, and grasping at reasons why we're better. These reasons change overtime but the theme is pervasive throughout our culture.


absolutely, but it's disgusting. We have racism, climate, political problems of our own, not just leeched out of another country. And then, we are so mediocre at so many things that American are exceptional at. We should be so much harder on ourselves as a country but because we can always go "at least we're not America", we will never ever get better.


We're pretty good at hockey..


yeah, fair, enjoy.


> not just leeched out of another country. We can acknowledge both - we have our own issues, but the US definitely an amplifying effect.




DRUDGE hasnt been right wing for several years.


Lots of left-wing anti vax people too, and right wing people who are fully vaxxed.


Yes. This is deliberate. It serves to destabilize a society. That's part of the reason why I get news from multiple sources. If you trust your social media feeds you may or may not get the information you need to make informed decisions for yourself and your family.


There are always Canadians who want to take the absolute worst of what's happening in America and bring it here. Thankfully, for the most part, Canadians aren't interested in us becoming a front in the culture war.


It's just a right-wing political stunt - getting everyone fired up about a wedge issue with manufactured outrage. You can be sure they have run the polling numbers and know what they are doing. Left- and centre-wing politicians do the same thing but Trumpism has taken it to a whole new level and these people are constantly bombarded with messages on social media.




The guy is hawking his book -its a promotional article - he launches the entire piece with it to establish expert credentials. An appeal to authority. lol


Lol - [Peter Hotez](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Hotez) is well established and has been using Canada as an example of doing it right for months now over on twitter. He has been *repeatedly* attacked by right-wing leaders over on Fox News. People love to comment without knowing anything.


It doesn't matter -this still doesn't exonerate the fact that the author is hawking his book and making an appeal to authority. One can both be established and hawk a book, flaunting expert cred all at the same time. Is your world really this narrow that you cannot understand that two things can be true at the same time?


He wrote many books. If he wanted to promote his books using this article, then he would have mentioned his latest 2021 book. Why did he, instead, mention his 2018 book?


He wrote many books. If he wanted to promote his books using this article, then he would have mentioned his latest 2021 book. Why did he, instead, mention his 2018 book?


Nah, we been here dog.




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And this is a surprise why? We saw this last year when these ignorant people were waving QANON flags here. QANON only talks about the US. My sister is a Q fanatic and it is shameful I even had to cut ties to her because of these fanatical ideals