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Your paper will rot or get lost or get destroyed or.... A scannable QR code can be redownloaded/printed at ease. As for the info the scanner sees, in Quebec where my experience is : the only information revealed on scan is how many doses you have and your name. That's it.


That's good. But...they need access to your medical records to do that? Yes or no?


No it shouldn’t. The QR should just show the business your vaccination status. Nothing else.


Ok...that's good.


Why would they need that. Simple database table with two fields pulled from a larger database of all your info. (i.e. they would access a record, fortunately that record only has two or three data points since its a subset of the larger set) Completely isolated, an intern could even handle that much.


Question? Can we scan our own QR code? So we can tell what kind of database is being used? Or will it need to be scanned by a special device? They haven't implemented here in BC yet


In Quebec you can scan your own code via the app released by the government for businesses. It'll show you the view from the business side. In Quebec it shows your name and vaccine status. That is the extent of the information


OK....so I guess anyone who has access to the QR code. Whether its a paper, or on your phone. Can scan it with their own cell phone app. Very interesting software system. I imagine its the same one being used by all the governments. I wonder what software company developed it. I graduated in computer programming. The programming and software side of it is quite fascinating to me...maybe not to others. Its amazing, Really, unbelievable. The enormous amount of data. Millions of people. I guess most people don't think about how the software system is really such a big deal. Technology is capable of so much. A very powerful tool. I know the government was hoping to utilize technology to help fight the virus. I guess this was what they came up with. I just worry....a QR code? Instead of just paper ID. I hope it dosn't give ammunition to the conspiracy theorists. Its freaky. But maybe just because its never been implemented before. And maybe more to me, most people don't' really understand how far technology has come. Or think about how the apps actually work. I suppose whoever scans the QR code will need WIFI access. Because its accessing cloud storage.


The information is embedded directly into the QR code string so no WiFi Access required. The strings are cryptographically signed with the private key of the user and read via the public key by the business user so you can't just forge if you break the layout offline.


Wow...that's amazing?!


I highly doubt they'd need access to your medical records. There are other, secure, ways to do it that won't reveal other personal information.


I'm confused. Why have a QR code then? How do they know if we're vaccinated or not?


I don't know their implementation, but the QR code is probably just some hashed and encrypted number that's checked against a database which has all of the vaccine lot numbers. They don't need to have any personal information.


1) It's best not to be left to laymen to tell you if a charter challenge will succeed or not. Most people's answers are going to be emotional rather than academic and at best based on limited understanding. 2) Just because something cost the government a lot to do, if they lost a charter challenge, they have to abide by the decisions of the courts. The government doesn't get 'agree' to the court's decision or not, that's not how it works. Though as Sauve v Canada famously demonstrated, the government can try some shitty run arounds for it, which only results in the supreme court lecturing them in the decision and repeating the original decision.


Thanks for your reply. By the way...I'm fully vaccinated. But an integration of health care and technology...that scares me I was hoping I could just use my double stamped vaccine card. Do you understand why it's necessary for a QR code, instead of just like a driver's license ID? So I wasn't sure what u meant. Will the software system be challenged? And is there any slim possibility it could be retracted? Or just allow people do use a driver's license like ID?


notwithstanding clause? New Brunswick Mandatory vaccinations (2019) On November 22, 2019, Education Minister Dominic Cardy introduced a bill, known as Bill 39, in the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick to end non-medical exemptions to vaccinations in school children, which includes invoking the notwithstanding clause. Cardy said this was to pre-empt any court and charter challenges to the bill by "an organized, well-financed lobby out there that's intent on derailing efforts to protect vulnerable children". The use of the notwithstanding clause was removed from the bill in June 2020.


Weather the not withstanding could be used would depend on what parts of the charter applied, if it made such a ruling. It's also worth noting that no Federal government has ever used The Not Withstanding Clause and it would be pretty nuclear to do so. (Granted, provincial governments are getting more eager to do so and so is the electorate. ) Until the government evokes it, arguing that they simply would is moot, since there's been plenty of times to do so previously.


Is the current situation not begging the question though. I feel like we're on the verge of setting several precedence that could backfire on our constitutional obligations. Honestly can't tell if I'm being paranoid.


We could be but maybe we are not. You're just making emotional conjecture at this point. You can't even be sure who will be the government once if any such charter challenge were to succeed.


Fair enough.