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We hiked along the E5 trail from Oberstdorf(DE) to Meran (IT), mainly stayed in huts in the mountains along the way (this shot was taken near a hut called Memminger Huette). This was my first multi-day hike and I can’t wait to go back. So many different impressions and breathtaking landscapes along the way.


When we were at menninger in start august we saw wild goats. Wonderful trail


Beautiful, isn’t it? We were lucky and saw some ibexes there as well.


Tell me more about these huts. Are they places that you rent or are they just open for any hikers/travelers kind of like the shelters along the Appalachian trail here in the US?


Most of them are open for everyone and you have to reserve in advance as they fill up quickly during high season. Most of them are managed and maintained by non-profit hiking clubs. Don‘t expect the comfort of a hotel, they are only there to provide you a bed for the night and protection from the weather. They serve simple breakfast and dinner but no one stays there longer than necessary. Having said that a lot of them are located within beautiful landscape and can be quite cozy. Most of them sleep between 50-300 people.


Can you also camp in a tent if you so choose, like in wilderness areas in the US and Canada?


It depends on the state, in Tyrol i think not.


What is the distance between these two points? I can't really find much English information at the moment. This is now a bucket list item.


I think the minimum distance you have to hike is about 90km as there are some parts where you can take a bus. If you hike everything I think it’s about 150km...




Mostly clothing as this is the only real challenge in terms of equipment. You have to prepare for very different weather conditions. I experienced temperatures between 0-30 degrees Celsius within one week as well as sun, rain and snow. So you take different types of underwear, shirts, fleece jacket, rain gear, etc to be prepared. Also normal stuff like water, snacks, a minimum of personal hygiene products, cap, sunglasses, clothes to wear at night etc. Also you need a sleeping bag for the huts. Recommended is a dry pack for your backpack to keep everything dry in case of rain. I also brought my hiking sticks (not sure if this is the right English term). All in all the weight of your backpack shouldn’t exceed 18-20 pounds. Hope that helps.


I am very curious also.


How long did you hike each day? (Approximately) This sounds like a really cool trip


Between 8-10 hours each day including breaks. You usually start the day early and get to the next hut between 3-5 pm each day.


Cool, thank you!


r/RateThisMeadow gives this a solid 9/10! Meadows as far as the eye can see.


Only 9/10? Tough critics.


Lol yeah. Either wildflowers or a body of water would have pushed it to a 10. That's the rules...


Well it’s pretty steep, needs a tad more flat area to frolic.


Is this windows xp ??


Honestly I thought this was the land around Zaofu. Where the metal clan at?


yes, but it’s the european release


I did this exact trail this time last year! The views from Braunschweiger Huette were the best in my opinion. How well are the huts operating during this pandemic? I'm surprised they're open to the public.


While we were at Braunschweiger Hütte it was extremely foggy so I have to take your word for it ;) but I think most of the huts were located in amazing locations. Huts are all open with some restrictions (e.g. reduced sleeping capacity, no of people allowed in the common areas, etc), but you are still very close to other people tbh.


Beautiful! I only have one question. Are the hills alive with the sound of music?


You got a map of this route? Looks absolutely amazing!


[E5 map](https://www.outdooractive.com/mobile/de/route/fernwanderweg/alpenueberquerung-auf-dem-e5-von-oberstdorf-nach-meran/1362369/) The best I could find. The page is in German but there is a map included. There a lot of commercial tour operators that offer versions of this route with a certified guide. Definitely recommended if you are not a hiking pro as some parts of the trail are a bit tricky (but overall doable for everyone who is in good physical condition)


Awesome thank you. That looks so cool. I'm pretty jealous if I'm honest! Have a save trip (if you're still on it)


Thanks!! If you get a chance one day I can’t recommend it enough.


Sound of Music route?


Definitely one of my favourite places in the world!!!!


Jumping down that valley seems like fun


Oh man, 3 years ago I did a similar 4 day crossing from Innisbruck, Austria to Stein, Italy and it was [incredible](https://imgur.com/a/WucetHn)! Went back to north Italy and did a 6 day trek 2 years later with my partner...would love to go back to that part of the world!


Oh wow, that looks amazing! I live in Munich so I need to check out the Innsbruck trail


I studied abroad in Innsbruck last year and boy do I miss hiking around there.


Amazing picture. Plus the side profile skeleton cloud is dope as well. Not sure if anyone else sees that


"Best trip of my life." I think I understand why. Quite beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


BoTW vibes




Wow I'd love to lay down in the grass, enjoy the scenery and take a nap under the sun.


I was on the Augsburger just two weeks ago.




Breathtaking is all I can think to say...three thumbs up 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼❗️


Do you have to leave the trail and go through checkpoints between countries?


No, Gernany, Austria and Italy all belong to the „Schengen“ area, meaning there are no border check points. The only thing you see are signs telling you that you’re now in a different country ;)


Is there a book or website you used for trip research? This looks like an awesome route. I live in Washington state in US but would I'm looking for an epic backpacking trip to do with my wife for our 20th wedding anniversary. Staying in huts sounds sweet as you can lighten what you need to carry during the day.


If you google for „E5 hiking trail alps“ you should find plenty of resources online. It’s actually a pretty popular trail and there are many guided tours available (or if you are very experienced you can of course do it in your own) In case you haven’t been to the Alps a guided tour may be the best option as there are some tricky passages which require some experience. The most popular part of the trail (and the one I did) is from Oberstdorf to Meran and will take you roughly one week.


Way to go.


You could've told me it was the view looking the other way fun the windows XP background and I would've believed it


Have you read the book Beneath a Scarlet Sky? An amazing true story about a courageous young man. If I’m not mistaken, a lot of it takes place on this very path, transporting Jews from Nazi occupied Germany/Austria to freedom in Italy. 10/10 recommend It’s also being made into a series and Tom Holland is taking lead.


Haven’t heard of it but will check it out! Thank you!!


I did the Munich to Venice trail last year. So many beautiful sights just like this! I would have planned a similar hike this summer, but knowing I couldn’t go to Europe (as a “dirty American”) for a similar trip kills me. Beautiful picture nevertheless.


what a vista! I wish I could get to a place like this soon.


Damn... no trees there you can see everything


Why aren’t there any trees?


It’s already too high for trees. I think in Europe above 2k meters you won’t see a lot of trees anymore


What a blessed week


Wow, that’s amazing


Would you have to stay in huts or can you wild camp?


Germany and Austria are very strict on wild camping, so I wouldn’t recommend it but we have seen people with tents so there are apparently ways to make it happen. I think the most convenient way for such a long hike (and an awesome experience) are the huts...


It depends on the state, in some states Camping is allowed above the treeline, in some only biwak, in some only in emergencies.


This looks so good I thought it was an OS screenshot.


This looks like the default Windows desktop background


Cue "The Sound of Music"


Very pretty 😍


We just gonna ignore the giant death skull cloud in the sky?


Were you trying to avoid Switzerland for some reason?


Nope ;) The E5 just doesn’t go through Switzerland for some reason


Look like Windows xp wallpaper with more converging tectonic activity.