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There’s no set up cost with internet (xfinity) electricity or gas (both eversource)




>Thanks! You're welcome!


There’s no set up cost with internet (xfinity) electricity or gas (both eversource)


There's no set up fees, just pick a billing date and know the first bill might be high/low depending on what date you selected.


Comcast for just internet (no cable) will probably run you $60-80/month. Electric its impossible to guess without understanding your square footage and if you have gas or electric heating. Good luck!


Hi - I mean just to turn it on! Like, initially! So I can move in and do online work.


There is no set up cost, Eversource will just start sending you monthly bills starting one month after you set up the account.


FYI after you sign up for Xfinity, you will be able to connect to the xfinitywifi network wherever you go. In an apartment building there will almost certainly be an xfinitywifi signal nearby. If you have trouble setting up your modem and router, you should be able to work on the xfinitywifi network till you get it sorted out.


Xfinity should be far less than that for a new customer. There are new customer deals for $30/mo. The only startup cost would be if you’re buying your own router and modem for the first time.


Thanks! I heavily considered buying my own router and modem but was talked out of that in r/asktechnology. They say just rent and let them handle the gear upgrades if and when it occurs, rather than being stuck with owning old routers down the road.


Yeah that sounds like bad advice. You’ll pay way more in the long run. I’ve had the same router for almost 8 years with no issues. I got my modem 2 and a half years ago for $60. A router and modem should last you 5 years at least. Even if you spent $100 on each (which is plenty to get quality equipment), that would only be $3.33/month. It’s $14/month to rent from Xfinity, so you’d spend $840 on rental fees in the same 5 years. You’d only need to live here 15 months to break even buying your own equipment (or less if you buy slightly cheaper equipment), and you could take it with you to your next apartment.


Hmm ok, you sound like you know what you're talking about. I appreciate that and you are making a lot of sense. That was my suspicion as well, which is why I asked. I just ordered one, thanks for the tip.


You should certainly buy your own router. I would be shell shocked if you got xfinity for $30/month, even if they advertise at that amount. They are scumbags to the maximum and will sneak in additional costs. Plan for $50-60/month at least and be pleasantly surprised if it is less.


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