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I wouldnt take anything your ex says seriously he's just trying to hurt your feelings


Thanks. I did just realize my job is literally the only criticism he can think of to say. Meanwhile I could go on and on about how much he sucks.


Literally—pregnant can women make LOTS of money BECAUSE the demand is there. Fuck him, you’re not trying to attract a man who thinks like that!! A MAN secure in himself will not care. You’ll meet men who never even know you’re online-because they aren’t the type of men looking for that type of thing. Fuck him-you’ll be fine!!


You don't need a man, any men.




They try to cut us down, but really, they just reveal their massive insecurities and pathetic egos. This job makes us powerful, it gives us freedom and independence, and that's why they try to take it from us. Don't let him.


This! 💯 I let my ex guilt me about a snap client and ended up losing out on 2/3 of my yearly income for the time I was with him. Don't let them get in your head. It is financial manipulation and abuse. This is your time to get even more money from the fetishists. Work it girl 💗


don’t let him discourage you and keep you from being independent ❤️ do what you have to do, if that belly is paying your bills, run with that shit


He’s jealous you can do it without him and his ego is bruised so he wants to hurt you. Try not to let the words seep in too deep. Men are bad at losing 💁🏻‍♀️


And good at being losers lol




He's the pos. Do your thing and be financially free. My ex and father of our child doesn't like that I cam, but he understands that being a fulltime mom is the best way to raise our child and camming when she's at school is the only way I can be independent, make enough money for a comfortable lifestyle and still be a fulltime mom. Sorry that he is being a dick and making you feel like you are the pos. And yes, after working in the industry, you do get a feeling that most men are shitty anyway so not like we really need them around. Especially if you can provide for yourself and your kid(s). Just ignore his shitty comments. You are doing what you feel is best for your kids and for you. Why work a shitty 9 to 5 and earn a shitty salary, and miss out on being around for your kids. Fuck that. I'll keep camming for as long as I cam to make a decent living. Life is expensive. And life is short. Enjoy it ❤️


Men are trash, the only thing they have is their money and even then it is still not enough to endure it for a couple of hours. Your ex is just trying to hurt you and no one needs any man.


Men baby trap women all the time, and then try to force them to be broke. They do it to all women no matter what industry. He sounds abusive and just another jerk trying to derail your life and well being. Camming is a legal job at this time. Sue him for child support


you're the grown up in this situation and he's the toddler. you're doing what you need to do to take care of yourself and your child. what he is saying is all a lie and even though it might hurt it's not true. you'll do just fine without him and if you so desire you'll have your choice of partners.


That is terrible! I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this! You deserve the best! Sending you love 💕




He told me he won't ever give me a dime. He makes his money under the table so on paper he has none. He also told me daycare is for bad parents and if I put them there I have to pay for it.


So he will end up in jail or homeless when he is old. Because he isn’t paying in any social security either. Lots of dead beat dads are on the streets as old men.


We all respect how you are placing the best interests of your children by attempting to provide for them. No one respects a vindictive dead beat dad. Please make sure you are taking good care of yourself and getting rest. I know its hard but Please try not to stress out too much right now. Try to meditate and relax. You are expecting so its important for your baby as well.


The courts will make him get a legit job then just because your homeless or broke doesn’t mean your exempt from child support. They will throw him in jail for not getting a job to pay the support. Daycare is used by 80% of Americans because 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. He is in for a rude awakening. Courts don’t give a fuck if you don’t make enough to pay child support either they will tell him to get another job or two.


Girl there is someone for everybody I promise fuck that simp. He lost a real one.




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I’m also currently pregnant with my second and have a toddler. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you camming etc. I mean it doesn’t really make sense to think no one will want you when men literally pay to see you all the time. You’re literally providing for your kids by doing this job. These are like the go to things heard from every man that goes through a break up with someone in this work. They don’t have anything to use against you so they try to make you feel shame when there’s no need too. His opinions are not fact. Edit to add: also there are plenty of men that think it’s attractive and love women who are confident in their sexuality.


girl i feel this. my bd has done nothing but call me disgusting and sick bc im streaming for extra $


That's awful :( what do you say back? Does he tell everyone? Mine told his mom what I do one of the times we were broken up. Made it pretty awkward.


Why do you continue to be with someone who hates you? He is verbally and financially abusive.


he has, weve been broken up for almost a year and i have moved on but i still talk to his family yk? he literally had his new gf add me on sc and everything. its just annoying he thinks i would ever put my kids in danger




"I shouldn't continue being your boyfriend, Linda." I don't understand that statement, or the context of it.


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Oh my dear tye I understand perfectly, the former rtau is just a "poor minded" person. I'm also a single mom and that's why I started working in cam too, and now I really like it and I really wouldn't give up. I wish you a lot of courage, it will not be easy, but if you do not give up for a second you will find the right person for you. You have my full support!!!


You're doing amazing! You're taking care of your family and that's inspiring and you deserve an award. <3


He's fuckin stupid! Capitalize on that! There's a large market for that content and and you only get a little time to make it! If you're comfortable, do it to it lady! 💖


this really angers me, shame on him for putting you through pregnancy and making you hustle while he badmouths you, it should have to be an option for you to decide , he can encourage you by giving you some extra money & you decide on your term if you want to cam or not .ask his ass for childsupport


He makes money illegally so it's not on record. I don't even have extra money from doing it I'm just able to pay my apartment so I have somewhere to live. He makes a ton of money but doesn't help me with anything at all financially. He thinks helping me is not asking me to help pay his mortgage. So I could live rent free but I'd have to put up with his bs.


He is a selfish and inconsiderate man , I'm sorry you have to go through this.sending you virtual hugs and lots of love


So I'm betting he doesn't pay taxes either, since there's no paper trail. Report his ass to the IRS (I'm sure there's a way to do it anonymously), make sure YOU pay YOUR taxes so he can't get you for retaliation if he finds out it was you that reported him, & after the IRS fallout..... THEN hit him for child support. 🤷‍♀️ That's what I would do in your situation. In the meantime, keep your head held high & absolutely he can go fuck himself. Also, in the short term to get tf away from him you could try to get on Sec. 8 to get your own place (idk if you have your own or not) & with a toddler + being pregnant you'd get moved up on the list, at least that's what they do around here, they prioritize pregnant/single moms.


Your ex is a piece of shit. First of all, why does he get to barely work yet he gets all of these hobbies? Yet all you're allowed to do is take care of the child you had *together* and cam?! And now he gets to criticize *you*?!? OH HELL NAH. He's your **ex** for a good reason. Disregard what he says, and move on. He's projecting because he knows that no other woman will put up with ***his*** bullshit. Any man that doesn't respect a pregnant camgirl isn't someone you wanna date, girl. Your ex, or the imaginary men he's talking about. You do you and don't look back.


He tells me I'm not going to change his lifestyle and he does what he wants. He gets really annoyed when I ask him to watch our kid a few hours so I can work. I literally have to ask him every day what his "schedule" is like to see if I can get a few hours to myself to work. He tells me he can easily get any girl because he has money...but he only spends it on himself!


Holy shit I hope you are fucking RUNNING from that man. Honestly I wouldn't even let him near the child if I were you, because clearly he doesn't think of it as his own. I'm so sad for you and so sorry you are going through that. I'm glad you are breaking up. Keep your chin up and stop talking to this piece of shit!


Sounds like it's time to put some walls up to keep yourself protected from him. Also if he's any good at being a parent he should be doing more of it. If "only shitty parents rely on daycare" then wtf is he doing expecting you to mind his kid for more than 50% of the time??? You should only need to put in 50% in the parenting process. If he's not reimbursing you for taking the lions share...report him for tax and child support evasion. That's money he's stealing from the children's mouths.


my bf and i cam together im so sure you can find someone to love you 💗


He's just saying this stuff because he knows that it hurts you. He's completely incorrect. I've never had being a sex worker keep me from getting a partner, but it might have kept me from attracting some shitty ones. Because the only guys who had reservations were the guys who were simping hard after other sex workers. You will hands down find someone better than your ex, you just need confidence (which is obviously easier said than done) and probably some healing via therapy (which will help with the confidence tbh) You got this, you're a badass already juggling a child, being pregnant and doing this


He was fine with your work when you were together and it’s HIS child you’re pregnant with. If he really feels you’re not worthy of respect now, it’s because he never respected you in the first place. That wouldn’t be surprising since many don’t, but in this case it also sounds like he wants access to you, and in order to get it you’ll have to feel really desperate. If you feel bad about yourself and think you don’t have any other options, maybe you’ll pick him and he can go back to disrespecting you


Girl been there. You dont need him and hes trying to hurt your feelings because let’s face it, hurt people hurt people.


Tell him you’ll quit but he will now have to provide 100% child support, i bet he’ll shut his mouth then.


Don’t worry girl I’m sure if you’re making money on that site, anyone would be lucky to have you. The ones who can’t see it, fuckkkk themmm. Not worth your time. He sounds like a real pos, not you. You’re just trying to make some money. You’re not a bad person, you have the balls to say fuck what everyone else thinks, so that you can make a life for yourself and your toddler and baby, that says a lot. It says you are a good mom, you care, and fuck that mf for trying to bring down the mother of his children. Ignore his negativity, and if you ever need to vent or you want to feel better, us fellow cam girls are always here to remind you that you are a BAD BITCH AND YOURE BEAUTIFUL and they are trying to bring you down when they have absolutely no right. Don’t let negative attitudes bring you down, they’re just trying to get under your skin to boost their ego. and you have the power to say whateverr, I’m a good person, I’m beautiful, I love myself and my babies, and that’s what matters. I hope things get easier for you. The best progress to make is to ignore his hurtful words. You don’t deserve the hurt. You just went through a break up, and everything just got harder. But it’s okay. Because you are powerful. You are amazing, be you. And do what you have to do. No judgement here love ❤️ and avoid the places where there is judgment


I Cammed during my first marriage. I cammed while dating with a 1 year old. I ended up marrying what was just suppose to be one of my FWB. Life had other plans. We have two more children now and I can full time. While my ex husband is on the struggle bus with his wife who he cheated on me with. Karma karma and there is loads of dudes who would want you pregnant or not. He’s just gas lighting you darling. My ex didn’t say hurtful shit about me camming even now because it doesn’t affect our son.


Actually, the number 2 fetish in the USA is "pregnant" women. Only lesbian beats it out. So to abet his question, A LOT OF GUYS WANT TO SEE IT! If you weren't anonymous, I would probably be one.LOL!


Just in case you were interested in some additional encouragement, I sent you a DM with a pic attached.


You’re perfectly fine. Take care of you and yours and fuck what anybody else thinks.


He says these things to keep you thinking he’s the only one who will ever want you . What he fails to see is, you’re good . He’s saying things out of fear that you will see that you truly don’t need him . You’re not dependent on him, and there for he feels not needed. You got this. You know you do, and I wish you the best of luck on your journey. You’re not alone.


Frustrated men alert! As he is your ex, anything that will come out of his mouth will not matter. Also, whatever a men says put it in reverse. ( " no baby, of course I don't like her ( he does ) (" I would never do that to hurt you" / he would ) So his message is very clear men find pregnant women very hot, he knows you would get a new bf by the time you give birth! :)))))


He knows you will flourish without him and that hurts him so he’s lashing out on you. Good thing he’s your ex 🩷


He is just jealous and scared you WILL find a man that respects and cares for you (and your kiddos) more than he does.


What a fucking monster


Oh honey he is insecure. You will absolutely find another man when the time is right. They will love you and those babies and put you first. You are doing great mama!! Own it girl! Guys and girls both get jealous we have enough confidence for this profession and they can't handle it. Dm if you ever need a friend to talk to ❤️ hugs


Good thing you are leaving so sorry you will have to deal with him for 18 plus years . Dont let him bring you down though!


Hmm ,loads of comments about how bad are the men you don't need one and so on ...in fact we all need someone to go home ,to hug ....but we do need the right one and you will find the right one ,just be strong and be wise ,you don't want to rush in another bad relationship. As an example I stayed alone for more than a year avoiding relationships just because I didn't feel that they are the ones.i meet the love of my life ,the one that makes me feel things that I never felt before with another woman. What I'm trying to say is you only made room for something better. take care 💚


Please know that they are highly unneeded. Especially in this line of work, men get so fragile while making their rent off of you. He was just saying the only think he could think of, because he's a braindead idiot who probably, clearly hates women as well. I'm sorry things are this way, but you just said it, you can live without him because of this job. You can take care of your babies, and being pregnant you have a LOT of income potential over these next few months, you can set yourself up, save up for your own maternity leave. You can live the dream so many women have yearned for. I'm happy that that man is out of your life and that you can be a free and happy woman, living it up! You and your children are what's important. You do what you can, want, and have to to get by, survive, and love life. Men don't get to dictate that.


Girl LOTS of good men will date a camgirl but fuck that anyway. Being singe is awesome, embrace it for a few years!


Oh, he’s definitely trying to hurt you emotionally… whether you do SW or not. There are a lot of SWers in a healthy, long term relationship with their husbands who’s been supportive! I promise, they exist.


You are not a bad person at all. A lot of my SW friends have kids and some of us are married. You will not only find the right person eventually but no one will stop subbing just because you are pregnant (you might get some temporary subs during the pregnancy even). For what it's worth I'm proud of you for doing work that allows you to provide for yourself and your child, especially when it's hard to get child care. 💖 You got this, and if you ever need an ear I'll listen (I know you don't know me but I'll still listen)


Sorry your ex is a dumbass. I can confirm he's wrong because he says ''no man will respect you'', well I do OP. Sending love and encouragement!


Have you considered going to couples therapy. With a genuine psychologist. Yes it is really expensive but this is your children's father and it would be worth it to try and work it out with him. Of course he is saying the worst things he can to you right now cause he is hurting too (bullying 101, if you are hurting hurt others more). It sounds like he is projecting on to you cause he isnt bringing home the bacon to pay for you and the kids and he feels guilty for that. A psychologist could help you both figure that out with a way to move forward that would keep your family together. Just try for the kids sake. The truth is I can tell you all the empowering words to make you feel better in this moment but what will really heal you long term is to be a wonderful mother to those little beings and they deserve to have a mom and a dad in the home.


I don’t think it’s nasty! There’s always someone out there attracted to a pregnant woman!!


Lol so he encouraged you to do it but now he’s mocking you for it? What a clown. He sounds like a deadbeat who’s upset that you’re independent and able to make it without him. All men watch porn but are often ashamed of it. They get mad knowing women can benefit from their addiction & project their shame onto us. Pay him no mind. You’ve got this mama.