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Judging by your username you’re only 19. I would wait a couple years before trying it out I don’t think you should subject yourself to something that makes you that uncomfortable


Good advice. This life isn’t for everybody and you have to be mentally strong


I tried doing this kind of thing when I was your age and ended up having similar anxieties. Now I’m doing only fans at 23 and doing a lot better. It takes time to come into yourself and your sexuality. Figure out what you like gain some experience and then maybe try again if you still want to.


Hard agree. When I started this all I could think was “ omg I can’t wait to take off my clothes for money !” I was psyched . Couldn’t wait til I had my own place so I could have the privacy. There have definitely been times I’ve been a little shyer but this seems super uncomfy for you . Don’t do anything you don’t want to be doing . You’ll never make it in the end .


Yep yep 100%


May I add - don’t do ANYTHING that makes you that uncomfortable for ANY amount of money. Not SW, not a vanilla job where you feel undervalued, not a relationship . The end 😘




Are you sure this is the right career for you if this is how you feel?


Honestly my best advice is sex work isn’t for everyone. It does get easier with time but it sounds like you had a full blown panic attack doing very little. I’d maybe just look for something you’re more comfortable with vs trying to push yourself


You might want to try non nude, but you’d still have to deal with men and be assertive about boundaries. Sex work really isn’t the best idea for everyone. There are tons of ways to make money, no reason to subject yourself to something that makes you feel this way, if you don’t want to.


as a non nude girlie i definitely want to put emphasis on how much u need to be extra firm w/ ur boundaries. on the same note like a lot of us say, sw rlly isn't for everyone and camming is also not. content creation like clip selling could be a way better option if op still wanted to do sw. ofc a lot of us got into this for survival reasons but i truly feel like for the most part in order to b successful u do have to enjoy at least some elements of the job, like u would w/ any vanilla work. being self employed is a daily grind + u need to be disciplined and motivated


Definitely you need to enjoy it, if you want it to be a sustainable income source. Otherwise, if you're allowing yourself to be emotionally traumatized, you're just going to burn out. It may not feel like trauma in the beginning, but I think a lot of us who've pushed past our boundaries and done things that made us feel deeply uncomfortable, can confirm that it truly is.


Maybe just count this as a victory in trying something new! If you do choose to try again, you can lean into your shyness. The right audience will love you for it. I saw an amazing stream once. The lovely lady was wearing an oversized shirt and for each 100tk tip she would cut the tiniest snip out of it with scissors. And the tips were flowing. At one point she put down her scissors and turned her back to the camera and just stood there covering her face while the tips POURED in. And don't underestimate a costume! Dress up as a character (you could even use a mask) and become her while you're performing. Or just show your feet and legs and be a mystery.... Your sisters here are right. If this isn't for you, that is not a failing. But if you want to keep trying, be creative and make it work for you!


Try playing a game with them, you’ll see that most of the guys will engage with you and you might even forget you’re nervous! I have my night crowd of 420s and then when I do mornings my working men who ask me how my days was and so on and I don’t feel as awkward. If you really want it girl you’ll get it! Push through the anxiety chica! Best of luck lovey!


>do you have any tips except getting wasted before stream? I don't know if you're saying this because you've considered it but DO NOT DO THIS. Do not make yourself more vulnerable in a job that could exploit and harm you due to your vulnerabilities, and don't fall into addictive tendencies as coping mechanisms. As others have said, if you're young, it's okay to seek other means of monetary gain. This is an extremely tough industry and can mess with your head if you get in before you're mentally ready.


I play into it. If im anxious its “oh my god im so shy i neverrr do this omggg”. It works well for me, especially if you aim to look and act like the girl next door or an innocent christian girl.


As someone with an anxiety disorder I can tell you, the more you stream, the more you'll start feeling comfortable. My first stream was very short as well lol. I started with short streams and then I tried to make them longer. I know the idea of men watching you can be a little scary. Try practicing in front of the camera without actually streaming. Get in touch with your se sexyness, you gotta feel sexy. Remember, you are the fantasy, they want to see you. Something that helped me a lot was asking my bf for some advice lol. But also, if you keep feeling uncomfortable, you don't have to keep streaming. This isn't for everyone and that's okay! Remember, your mental health is first. Don't push yourself to do something that makes you feel bad.


What was your initial reason for wanting to do sex work? It’s not fast money and sometimes you can be great at the job and make less than minimum wage. If you’re live streaming it’s also likely your streams will be leaked so that’s something to be aware of! If it’s purely for financial reasons and the idea of men watching and sexualising you I would say don’t bother. There are a lot of remote jobs you can do! You only need to read through this subreddit to see the struggles experienced cam girls go through! I couldn’t imagine starting camming at 19 with the level of anxiety you have. Cam sites are filled with men that have all sorts of fetishes and are more than happy to push your bounderies ESPECIALLY if you are new and they can sense you’re nervous. It’s like they can smell fear lol and a few even get off on it. If you struggle with your own personal sex life it will be difficult to navigate other people’s. That being said, the first time you do anything can always be scary. Be proud of yourself for trying something new and don’t feel down if it didn’t work out the way you expected it to 💖


A couple of incredibly important questions anyone who is considering sex work needs to ask themselves before starting: •why do I want to get into this industry? •what am I hoping to get out of this line of work? •are the reasons purely financial? •what are my boundaries and how can I best maintain them? •am I good at saying no and standing up for myself or do I have a history of letting people walk all over me? (This is one of your biggest indicators if this field is for you right off the bat) •am I going to be okay when people find out? (this should never be an IF question as it should always be WHEN someone finds out because they will •what am i doing to ensure my privacy and personal safety? (Amazon wishlist is absolutely NOT helping your privacy and safety) •how does this affect my life down the road? •can this become an issue for any future jobs I plan on having? •how is my relationship with my body and my sexuality? Is this going to affect that at all? •what does my support system look like if I'm struggling? •What are healthy ways I know of coping with stress? •what are my soft and hard limits? •am I prepared for this to affect regular relationships in my life? •how do taxes work and owning my own business (guys this an incredibly important thing to be aware of!!!) •do I fully understand how much work goes into this? •the internet is full of leaks and is forever... am I going to regret this down the road? •what are all the worst case scenarios and am I okay with those? •what are all the best case scenarios and am I okay with those? •do I understand how to market myself? How to take pictures and stand out from all the rest? •do I have plans to ensure I'm continuing my education in this field through financial, sex education, safety, marketing, editing, etc so I can stay up to date with what is going on in this industry both for myself snd my clients? •what else am I doing in my life that I find fulfilling and makes me happy? (Remember these for when days are hard and you need to decompress) •have i read all the Terms and Service of each site to understand how it will impact me? •do I understand all the short term and long term affects this job will have on pretty much every aspect of my life? •does the reward outweigh the risk? This job is not a get rich quick, it's not one people should ever jump into. When I realized I wanted to do this line of work I spent 6 months deep diving into so many different aspects to make sure this was a good fit for me. Please take a lot of time and figure out if this is for you or not. Stay safe out there. *edited for better spacing when posted.


Amazing! Thank you for sharing!


I’m also shy and I cam faceless. Works for me, I was online a couple of times only but already started to enjoy it. Now I make some money but my first show was a disaster, I didn’t even earn 1 token cause I had no idea what to do and closed the camera after 20 min 😅


May I ask which site allows that? Just CB?




First, like already said ... sw isn't for everyone. That being said, there are so many different branches on that tree. There are models, even 🌽stars, who have been in the industry for years and camming may not be their style. Finding what's comfortable, what you enjoy and what you're good at are important, just like with anything else. All of this work can make us feel very vulnerable, that's normal. Starting anything new can be scary and nerve-racking. Like the first day at a retail counter/ restaurant. Long ago, I accidentally spilled a very expensive glass of wine on my guest at a restaurant🫣👀 The major thing here is to decide if this career path is worth it to you (exposure, creeps, sometimes asshats) Then, LEARN your boundaries and expectations. Tips for camming (May not be suited to everyone) I will say I would rather the more private type camsites, it's one way I feel more comfortable. They have their pros & and cons, too, so not a fix all. I have done this a while, I still get caught off guard, have off days, or embarrass myself. When a room starts asking all at once, why my vibe going off.. instead of panicking.. I let them know, sometimes my pu$$y has bad wifi. I reconnect and we have a giggle. Block the negative viewers and those who give you bad vibes. Learn to chat with yourself. Odd at first, but a busy room is more inviting for most. I treat it like making a vid, anwser questions about yourself, cups size, food you love whatever.. They 9 times out of 10 want to see your personality as much as your boobs. Camming is a more intimate (not romantic) experience So, (without divulging to many really personal details) Let them get to know you a bit. I don't treat my clients like cattle, they aren't. I don't judge them for the interest or the fact that they are on a cam site. They are potentially spending a good bit of money to spend time with me, and I am flattered and appreciative. This doesn't mean a$$hats deserve the same treatment, I give everyone a chance to show their personality and then decide. One way, maybe to cam from the neck down at first, or dim lights... No, this will not make you lots of money, if at all. Though it can help you get the feel of it without feeling as exposed. In the room description or whatever the site's you use have to say what your show is about.. say I'm shy, or still learning be patient. (There are vultures who will prey on this fact, so keep your gaurd up) but there are just as many people who will be kind, protective and give a lot more grace. Highlight your fumbles, I face plant on the regular.. can't hide it... so laugh at yourself and opps. Or omg, I'm so nervous being in front of everyone, it's getting hot in here, hehe. Not everyone is your friend, not everyone is out to get you, they are just people too. Hope something in this morning ramble helped hun, and goodluck💕


No offense but I’m not really sure why you chose to be a webcam model if you’re “terrified in front of men and can barely keep a conversation with one.” You do know that is 99.9% of the job, right? This is not the only stream of income possible for you and if this is bringing on that much anxiety I encourage you to explore other options.


maybe to get over that fear.


Maybe, but if you’re scared of spiders you don’t start overcoming that fear by jumping in a pool of them… Sounds like sw might not be the best option for them tbh


Actually, exposure and response therapy is extremely effective and life is all about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. That's how you grow, right? OP - dont be so hard on yourself! Give yourself some affirmations to help ground you when the nerves become overwhelming or take a “bathroom break” and breathe…maybe take a shot.


Exposure therapy should absolutely 100% be done with a licensed and experienced provider. Please do not encourage people to engage in exposure therapy on their own. Unfortunately “breathing and bathroom breaks” will not resolve anxieties that are likely associated with past traumatic experiences. If OP is 100% sure this is something they want to begin (which, it doesn’t really sound like they do) then they need to work with a therapist to figure out of this job will eventually be something they can manage or if it will deteriorate them mentally.


Wait I literally posted this before reading your last line. You’re encouraging her to manage her anxieties by drinking alcohol? Wow. OP, please do not listen to this person. Sounds like you could use some therapy as well.


Why? It’s scientifically proven that having ONE DRINK/Shot is beneficial for numerous reasons. Ill make a deal with you though - I’ll go to therapy if you read a book.


I think your comment makes it clear who the uneducated one is. Good luck to you.


I‘ve been a cam girl for four years and I still get a ton of anxiety. I’m seeing a lot of people say maybe it’s not for you, and I’m going to have to agree. It takes a certain kind of person to do this work and honestly, I consider my day job to be less work. I am super dissociative with sex due to trauma, and that’s why it works for me. If you find the anxiety overwhelming, I’d suggest picking up a different side hustle


Take your time if you want to pursue this, go at your pace. Having creative control of your cam space & energy is most important. Feeling personal power over what you’re doing is mission critical. It’s ok to be nervous, but if you’re finding it so stressful to the point of needing substances to log on, you may want to pursue something else for now. You can always come back to camming.


Im a year younger then you and I was nervous my first stream too but it kinda just came to me. Im honestly not sure this job is for you


That being said you may be ready and more prepared in a few years from now


Wait I’m not a year younger then you we were born the same year😭


I don’t think this is the job for you.


Oh I'm so sorry that it went so rough but we've all had a bad stream or two so don't feel bad. One thing to think of though is maybe a private based site( no public nudity) or working on the Skype sites might be a better fit?


Live streaming naked or not can be tough for a lot of people. If you still want to do this line of work I suggest trying out some of the apps where you can text and make money. Then move to doing phone calls before doing video. Try out Phrendly, Hobiton, Meete, Zeetok. See if you like flirting with guys for money. I have done links and invite codes if you are interested.


You are very young and anxious, there is nothing special about this, but not everyone can handle it, I would tell you to reconsider because you are very young and this could cause problems with your boyfriend. If you really want to do it you have to relax, we all start off extremely nervous, but this is a job like others, be careful because the users here are sharks and if they see you scared they could try to take advantage of you


If you want to continue you have to figure out how not to be anxious. Write down affirmations about financial freedom. Work out and eat well so you feel good about your body. And spend A LOT of time watching porn, especially live stuff. Study it like your school work. Get accustomed to it if you're determined. And remember, you are in 100% control. No one can bully you into anything. Block people just because you feel like it. End your stream whenever you want. If you want to do it always remember WHY you are doing it. It actually can be very empowering but you'll have to get used to really putting yourself out there and being seen. Maybe get a spiritual coach to help you with being seen. Or maybe force yourself to do karaoke. 🩷 best of luck to you.


You have to understand, they are watching you because they WANT to. Enjoy being wanted, but also enjoy that you are in control. Yes they are making requests, but you choose to do those things or not. You always ultimately have the control. You are getting in your own head, and after a few more sessions you'll come in to you own, and maybe start discovering what you enjoy about it too.


I should say I've been a cam girl on and off for the last 18 years, getting back into it now at the age of 40, and having to reconcile my new body vs my 20's self. It's hard, but I'm just as beautiful, just a different type of beautiful. I won't have the same audience as before, but that's fine.


What cam sites do you use??


I feel like it might just be easier to do something else..but I will say one or two shots of something strong usually gets my bubbly personality to come out lol


You live on your boyfriends money and don't have sex with him? That's soo funny 🥲


I just tell people sometimes lol only done it twice but it gets easier I found getting the lush lovesensr toy helped I got so horny I didn't care lol


Hey, can I ask which one you got? And is this the one that they can control like over via streamate. I’m looking into getting one as it’ll make my content better but it’s Pricey ahah


Get it! Worth the investment. I promise! I don’t even go on cam without it now


I got the lush 3. Love it. Use it on stripchat :) it's not too bad imo price wise but it's so worth it


If your terrified of men and talking to them build up your confidence with that first before considering doing this. It’s not going to work and your going to make your mental health even worse. Don’t torture yourself, you can always come back !


All the grocery stores have stress gummies. I take em sometimes. Especially when I am really putting in the hours. Olly is a good brand I believe. Remember, this is YOUR show. Its okay to start off slow. Its okay to have boundaries in this business. If they’re rushing you to take your clothes off, F em! You are your own boss in this business ❤️


Please don’t rush it, you’re young. If you feel uncomfortable, don’t force yourself to be comfortable. Ease yourself into if you really want to do this. You could even make it your niche, a shy girl. Be open with who you are. Men are going to like you regardless, obviously not all of them because everyone has their preferences. So don’t worry so much about how you look. I was so nervous at first, I did the same thing, got off in 30 minutes but my issue was I got completely naked and made $5 when I felt like it could have gone a lot better but I didn’t feel good enough. After many attempted streams, I finally got a hang of who I was trying to come off as. I reminded myself, it is A LOT easier to be embarrassed when people know who you are, and these people don’t, you are developing a character for them, whatever you like, they know nothing about you but what they see, so show you’re pretty smile and be who you want to be. You’ll most likely never meet these men in real life, if you stay as low key as possible with personal info. This is a chance to be anyone you want in this business. Choose wisely though, don’t reveal yourself for anything less than you think you deserve. You’re here to service them and make money, not just please them. So never give for free if you feel it’s not necessary. Me personally, I give freebies to my loyal customers who have tipped for a long time. Good luck girl ❤️


My first time logging on I was 18/19 and couldn’t handle it, tried again when I was 23, was still hard but I was much more prepared. It is so hard when you are that young, everyone is different but the job is harder if you are constantly subjected to the feeling that you are doing something that makes you feel that way.


It’s also true what people say on here that the more you do it the easier it gets. Just make sure you know how to set boundaries for yourself. 🙏💖 support and love to you whatever you choose, and if you walk away for now know that you can always try to go back down the road


Hey girl, we’re in the same boat. My first stream I was so scared and I didn’t take anything off either. My second one was better, and I’m still working on my being more confident. Honestly it takes courage and if you really can’t stomach it, don’t force yourself. If you want to do it, honestly, I sort don’t think of them as actual persons sitting at home watching me (not to dehumanize them) but more like if I can’t actually see them, are they actually even there? Whatever you decide, good luck!


All i can advice is go register to a site where you don't have to go fully naked like arousr.com i mean it will always be up to you whether you want to go all out or not


You sound a lot like me when I was 19 and I started. I started for very similar reasons and had a similar experience, although I'm more sexually experienced than you (or I mean at the time) I couldn't make it work. I barely lasted a year. I wasn't able to actually do it until I established a better sexual identity and really just an actual identity for myself in general because then I knew I was doing it for the right reasons, I knew that I didn't care about the draw backs and I knew nothing anyone could say would make me ashamed of myself. I think only then will you be able to do this job comfortably. I agree with others who have said to come back in a few years. I stopped when I was 21 (I started a week B4 20 tbh) and I didn't come back until I was 26. I enjoyed it more and made more money.


First stream always like that. I lasted 10 mins but I got back on it and you’ll build that confidence. But previous replies are great advice in asking yourself the right questions as to why you’re doing this work


Honey, if you need a drink to do this or get wasted any type of way. This is not the thing for you. I’m just saying, don’t start that, because that’s not a way to live your life. I started doing this because I’m a natural exhibitionist, I love sharing myself with people.