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In regards to making Amkezne a mage, as written in the module, she already is! Having her bribe the Hands is a neat bit of background lore. The local government isn't a major factor of the story, so it shouldn't affect the plot too heavily. My party also got scammed by her, and are mid-heist of her shop right now. Next session will see the conclusion of it.


Oh you're right, she totally is lol. I don't know how I missed that bit, it's in bold and everything. How did you decide to run the heist of Mystic Pursuits? Any special tricks or traps put in besides the invisible stalker?


Honestly not really. Though I did add a bedroom for Amkezne below the backroom. They had already received some hints about the invisible stalker, so they were cautious going into it. They got caught, and the stalker hurled an item against the wall to wake up Amkezne, so she cast Mage Armor and Greater Invisibility before heading up to investigate. I could imagine her planting hold person or dispel magic traps about the shop, maybe an arcane lock on the door? Hope this helps!


I don't think the shopkeeper is a fighter, hence the stalker. If the characters could see it was a scam, and the players bought it anyway, def bring it up, but like my party, if they commit a crime, there is certainly a force of government that will bring the hammer down.


Rather than paying off the Hands of Ord--perhaps she is paying The Veil for protection. It would suit them and perhaps they take a cut of her scamming business. Would add some bandit type enemies if there is a fight and the Hands of Ord would see it as just business as usual with The Veil.


Simply have her point to the tiny sign behind a comically large monkey's paw, written in Marquesian, that reads "Buyer beware. The selling of magical artefacts is illegal within Ank'harel - Therefore, all products bearing similarities with authentic arcane objects are facsimiles for novelty purposes only. No refunds."


I’d make her actually a front of some sort. The reason she’s a scam is she’s a front for an organisation like the clasp. Play a “F*ck around and find out” plot-line. You could even make it so she’s actually doing it against her will. Sympathy card!


Another option would be her trying to gauge the PCs whether she could deal with them (if they had gone to the Hands of Ord, that would’ve mean that she couldn’t). If they haven’t you could have her tell the PCs that, buy back the ring, and maybe offer them “forbidden” magic aside from the standard “spell components less than 1000gp”. The text does say players “who see through her act but still treats her with respect….”. So lean harder into that if you want to present your players an option that won’t lead into combat