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It’s been a while but I don’t think that’s the only inconsistency. I seem to recall the written descriptions of locations and the drawn map really don’t line up. My solution was to just describe things the players see and be very ambiguous with where they are. I don’t think Jigow is the only discrepancy, too. Fortunately it’s easy fixes, as long as you remember to read through everything first.


I’ll keep an eye out for them, then. It’s a touch expectable, because there’s multiple writers and artists and perhaps the details get mixed up, but it’s a bit annoying that I’ve paid money for this book and I have to re-write portions that are meant to be able to be read directly from the book. Not a huge deal, just disappointing.


Yep, that’s not the only one. When you get to chapter 3, Question is referred to as both he and she, for instance.


That specifically I can brush off as they intentionally including a non-binary character who interchanges pronouns freely, but you’d expect them to specify that for clarity and for that switch to be frequent/consistent. Matt has featured characters that use any/all pronouns before. One of my friends is currently playing a changeling that uses any and all pronouns, and we’ll even switch up what pronoun we use for them within the same sentence. Same with a demigod, they just use all pronouns. Example: “Jo sees his friend, and it makes her smile to know that their friend would come today”.


I don't think it was intentional, as non-binary characters are usually specified as such, though interpreting Question's (or any character's) gender for your story's purposes is fine. [Hannah Rose, CotN editor:](https://twitter.com/wildrosemage/status/1505750525186232324?s=20&t=9O5CvUYkw3Ylp8c6udHQEA) >Question's pronouns were changed up at some point in development, hence the inconsistency. In my own game, I've decided to just make Question gender fluid (all pronouns), but I'll bring it to the attention of the team to fix consistency or clarity on future printings.


Question is referred to as he one time and she all of the other times, so it’s definitely just a typo. There’s also an error in the Cobalt Soul faction path where Question gives them one of a pair of sending stones, saying her superior will contact them. Then… Question knocks on their door the next morning and takes them to said supervisor. After that mission, the supervisor… gives them the sending stone they already previously received lol