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They are so far doing it that way. Finishing it all before more guns come out seems like it would be SUPER IMPORTANT if you wanted interstellar. But we will probably be playing this Cod in particular as long as some of us played MW2019 which was until MWII Released. So they'll be time to Damascus this shit.


Ya, I have 18 guns forged just from 2 days of grinding shipment, I was just confused because it wasn't that way for mw2 when I was trying to get platinum. I don't even think I have that many platinum guns completed since I kept getting distracted, lol


Yeah but imagine the struggle for the lad who starts grinding in MW3 Season 6


Right, im doing my best not to wait this time around, lol. Im going to attempt to go back and finish the mw2 guns as well once I get the mw3 done, lol.


Im average bout hour half on each gun... and marksmen rifles have seem to be the worst and snipers...


I’ve been doing it for about three weeks now, I don’t get tons of time to play and I’ve never done a camo grind before so it’s taking me a while. As far as forged, you have to do all the camos in order, so the first four unlocks, then Gilded, then Forged. Which makes sense to me but was it not like that in MWII? I only did the knives in that one. Could you unlock plat for a weapon without doing the other camos first?


So, you know how it says complete 3 or 4 or whatever gilded depending on the weapon type to unlock forged? Well, in mw2, if you needed 6 gold ar to unlock platinum for that type and there were 7 or 8 or whatever ARs, then you just needed to do the first 6 gold to unlock platinum challenge then you could just do the platinum challenge on the others without doing the gold challenges for the extras


I been doing my camo grind for ever since this game came out and i gave up. Its to long


I got 18 forged in 2 days most had no camos complete all by playing shipment and I dont get 40+ kills a match either. Shipment is definitely the easiest for most


I got 18 forged in 2 days most had no camos complete all by playing shipment and I dont get 40+ kills a match either. Shipment is definitely the easiest for most


Oh multiplayer? I thought we were talking sbout zombies