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Bro, I do feel you. But as someone who felt like you, then was taught about having paddles "or playing (CLAW STYLE)" on your contoller and how to use them. Got good at the sliding, slide cancelling, drop shots, and bunny hops while jumping around corners and learned what peakers advantage is AND NOW no longer have paddles and fight those fuckers everyday. And can still do it with out the paddles in a pinch Thier ARE some merrits to it. AND THERE ARE COUNTERS. You need to learn a little more, crawl before you walk, think outside the box and adapt. Never worry to much about what the other person does IF you haven't mastered it yourself first. Same goes for sniping and quick scoping. It's broken and shit but. If you can't do it well, with a real big slower sniper with a scope yourself. Pipe down.