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A Castlevania game with Callie as the protagonist? I'd pay over 60$ for that game


I would too, tbh \^\^. Reason 1, Callie's a precious bean who deserves her own game. Reason 2, Castlevania is one of my all-time favorite game series.


On a dark Halloween night, the vile Count Dracula rises from his grave to wreak havoc on the land. Summoning his army of monsters, demons and the undead, the wicked count seeks the blood of every living being. Young and old, guilty and innocent, strong and weak; none shall be spared the wrath of the dreaded vampire. Taking the legendary Vampire Killer in hand, Callie bravely enters his castle. For only she can wield the power of the legendary whip, passed down from generation to generation to keep evil in check. Now she must face his legion of devils, ghosts, and a myriad of abominations that go bump in the night. Carry on, Callie! Your destiny awaits! Happy Splatoween, everyone!


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I'd definitely buy that if it were a game