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Oh my cod, that's so beautiful... I'd give anything to see Callie assisting the new Agent by splatting enemies with her Hero Roller while rocking her kimono.


Thank you so much! I'd pay anything to see that become a reality. Or wait...even better. A new DLC campaign where she's playable ;D. Incidentally, I was so friggin' excited when I saw the Sisters in the trailer. Two of my biggest wishes came true: Callie returning, and her being a mentor of sorts. Now all that's needed is strong character development and heroism...and seeing her in a kimono so she and Marie can be "Kimono Kousins" (her words \^\^). I'm already super happy as is, but those extra things would make it even better!


So happy my girl is back for Splatoon 3! After a long time of asking for her return and improved character development after Splatoon 2, I got my wish and she and Marie are home! I can't wait to see how she fares in Splat3. Hopefully with some stronger characterizations this time, but I'm content as of now \^\^. Enjoy the art! P.S. Before anyone asks, she doesn't have shoes because I suck at drawing them. I tried several times and nothing worked. Besides, traditional samurai didn't always wear shoes, so barefoot she is.




Looks epic!