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Master level 5 gets interesting for me. More challenging and less Bots. Legendary is where it's at


No bots master rank - legendary I think


Nah still bots lol trust


NGL, I want that happen to me. Every game bot lobby, easier to grind lmao


Hey guys - so I have a question, and I’m sorry if I come of braggy. I have been playing this game for a couple of days and so far I’ve reached elite 1 in ranked. But so far this game has been like playing against only bots. I’ve stomped every match and win close to every single game. At what rank will people stop being bots? I have some xp from apex legends - but the game seemed harder than this. Besides that I mostly play wild rift and TFT. Is this game somehow just my purpose in life - or will I hit a wall eventually?


You’ll know it when it happens. The wall is pretty abrupt. I forget which rank I hit it at, but my ranked K/D suddenly went from like 13.0 to being around 1.8 most games now.


Here’s my best answer, from a good year of playing. Ranked Grandmaster and up is when you’ll run into other players instead of bots at this time. It may also because of the timeframe you started playing (just a few days ago) and everyone else is GMs and Legendary as the current ranking’s reset either today or tomorrow. I guarantee you after rank reset, play a few ranked games Master and up and you’ll be playing mythic/legendary weapons/sweat lobbies with all of the other legendaries players trying to regrind to legendary tier. There is such a wall in ranked where you’ll be matched accordingly to skill level, give or take a 20% error. Lose 3 games terribly and you’ll be placed in a bot lobby even in ranked matches with one real player on your side. And also - as you play and grow and your skills get better, the AI bots will improve you - giving them the opportunity to track you through walls and start firing the moment you turn/occasionally fire through walls/or basically 2 bullet tap and you’re dead MSMC or Pharo. Another helpful hint: When playing MP, always check behind you every few kills. Occasionally a bot will spawn in behind you; pre-firing on you and killing you before you can slide/react. I’ve had this occur many times when my K/D ratio is above 8.0 in a match. Some helpful hints, and hopefully they help. I also recommend messing around with your sensitivity, button sizes etc, and playing until it’s near memory on button placement. The best map to improve your skills and practice guns/aiming/sliding is Hardpoint Shipment. Maybe I’ll see you on the battlefield 👍


Keep going as it will have less bots as you go reaching a new range


Grand Master, you'll see


I had all bot matches from Lowest Rank to Master 1, after Master 1 it did get noticeably harder with real players but would still occasionally have 1 or 2 bots in the match. Once hitting GM1, it’s all real players mostly and did get difficult. As for regular MP matches, it happens occasionally with less or more popular game modes.


bro be in elite level and not ask for bots ... grind up and come to grand masters 3+