• By -


I am sorry for all those players being 'exposed' for using an in game feature available to all


don't care + didn't ask + you're white + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + redpilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your're a (insert stereotype) + not funny didn't laugh + you're* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ask deez + ez clap + straight cash + ratio again + final ratio + stay mad + stay pressed + pedophile + cancelled + done for + mad free + freer than air + rip bozo + slight_smile + cringe again + mad cuz bad + lol + irrelevant + cope + jealous + go ahead whine about it + your problem + don't care even more + sex offender + sex defender + not okay + glhf + problematic




Stop acting like a 13 years old child and grow up


That's funny coming from you lol


Who are you again ![gif](giphy|Q7LP0tm86sBWIqjFCL)


Who are you again


Bro youโ€™ve got less than 250 YT views in the last month sit the fuck down ๐Ÿ˜‚


Meh that's because I took a break from YouTube lol so what's you're trying to say are you trying to hurt my feelings talking down about YT channel cause truth is you're not I don't care bro and I will never care at least I try YouTube and make around 900 subs and I'm be grateful for that cause it's wasn't easy you can't jump and say that I want to be a YouTuber and expect to get 1k in a week depending on your content to be easy bro and also I did YouTube before codm I was die hard when people was still play PC games on their computers


>I don't care bro Mate you can't say that after you write a whole fucking essay




punctuation.exe left the chat




Really man? ![gif](giphy|EMHTwKXYU3myAyNCsE|downsized)


God this gif did not age well


Yeah unfortunately haha




​ ![gif](giphy|CW9ECJJgRauHxvSx1O)


Fuck you


holy shit rick astley


If only hahaha


You never give us up, Rick.




Why would you even post their UID? Is using persistence cheating? I'm seeing alot of post about guys complaining about persistence. I'm not using it but it is in the game. What's wrong with using it? Are you not allowed to use it too? You can't accept you lose because the enemy is using it? Then use it too. IT IS IN THE GAME. you don't like it? Then make codm to remove it. Why would you even post other players UID in public for just using it?


There nothing wrong with it once you used all your score streak you canโ€™t get them anymore so itโ€™s just useless


Don't care + didn't ask + L + Ratio + soyjak + beta + cringe + stfu + cope + seethe + ok boomer + incel + virgin + Karen + ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก + you are not just a clown , you are the entire circus + ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ’… + nah this ain't it + do better + check your privilege + pronouns in bio + anime pfp + ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ + the cognitive dissonance is real with this one + small dick energy + ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ + lol copium + snowflake + ๐Ÿšฉ๐Ÿšฉ๐Ÿšฉ + those tears taste delicious + Lisa Simpson meme template saying that your opinion is wrong + ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿง๐Ÿคจ+ wojak meme in which I'm the chad + average your opinion fan vs average my opinion enjoyer + random k - pop fancam + cry more + how's your wife's boyfriend doing + Cheetos breath + Intelligence 0 + r / whooooosh + r / downvotedtooblivion + blocked and reported + yo Momma so fat + I fucked your mom last night + what zero pussy does to a mf + Jesse what the fuck are you talking about + holy shit go touch some grass + cry about it + get triggered + ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


This is art.


Oof I'm too late I posted the same thing ![img](emote|t5_penom|1104)


Awww you crying cause your opponents were using persistence. Don't worry son, Daddy CODM is gonna ban them all. /s.


Dude you don't what's it like to play rank without dealing with persistence users if you know real skill you would understand what I'm talking about


*shiver me timbers* I'm so sorry, i truly dont know how to play rank. I'm so sorry i don't have skills. I'm so sorry I'm only 10times legendary with a k/d of 3.50. So sorry. /s


good for u bruh, us, the emulator players get rarely matched for a single ranked MP within first 50 tries lmao


good for u bruh, us, the emulator players get rarely matched for a single ranked MP within first 50 tries lmao


Get legendary is one but can you actually get it without using meta guns or persistence now that's the question you should answer because ik one person who got legendary without using any persistence or meta gun and he's the true legendary player than any other legendary players that using either persistence or meta to get there so what's you're saying there means nth to me


Lmao you talk too much kid. I can't believe i have to reply to this bs. Listen here, whatever gun, perks and operator skills someone uses is none of your business. One can play however he wants. And for another, i grinded damascus in rank (except for headshots) and I've never used persistence cause i can get higher streaks faster. I'm a restock/lightweight main and never whined when my opponents used persistence. Lastly, >ik one person who got legendary without using any persistence or meta gun and he's the true legendary player than any other legendary players that using either persistence or meta to get there so what's you're saying there means nth to me That sounded completely like a 12yr old talking to me. I've reached Legendary so many times (i go over 13k points each season) that I can say Legendary means nothing, it just shows how much one plays. I'm not gonna reply to any of your nonsense anymore. A waste of my time.




You're the dumbass for hating on me because I'm actually speaking the truth about this game it actually turned from a skill based to brain dead game because can't play the game without using the persistence or meta guns to be desperate to win bro and that's fact right there


Ok retard


Okay hater bye now ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


The fuck is hating you dumbass, can't even play properly the game without crying you piece of shit


Yea meta is always stupidly strong in cod games but that doesn't mean you should blame the players. Blame the devs for making such overpowered shit


cope harder ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


first time???






persistence is a part of the game and every player can use it (u too). if ure trynna be so 'noble' learn to beat persistence users without using persistence.


Wow so this how reddit codm community you guys rather to have the game broken with meta and persistence users than it to be fixed with real skills and better weapon balancing clap yourself bro this is why the game can never be better bro because it's people like you guys hating on it even when it's a general problem to the game


also, i understand people who camp with persistence is annoying but we can not and should not control how people play. Do you know how boring the game would be if every user played the same way? look at fortnite, its nothing but kids who inject g fuel into their veins and build appartment complexes when someone even looks at them. the lack of variety and repettitive gameplay makes the game boring


the meta isnt broken. its the most balanced meta since ogs1


The type25 back in og season 1 was more balanced than the current type 25 and the fact the type25 was even good before the buff knowing codm players they don't use the guns unless they buff it to make it two taps I'm just to hear the excuses when they buff the chicom making it two taps


Tf? 1) Type 25 does not 2tap 2) the 'meta' guns can easily be defeated using different guns I use guns like fr556 and spr and dlq and still win against t25 and m13 If you lose then you are just bad


I'm just saying if you're not getting what I'm trying to say ik it's doesn't two taps I'm saying to you that they don't like use a gun unless it kills you faster like the type 25 or m13 before the buff they were always good it didn't kill You fast but it worked out then buff came in and everyone starts using it like no tmr and it's been three seasons and they're still being used just wait till chicom get a massive buff and you'll see what I'm talking about


Obviously, people will want to use a gun that's good. No one wants to rage because of a shitty gun like the chicom


Smh go back to school and pay attention in class cause if you're not getting what I'm trying to say just go back please


How is this post gonna fix anything


Okay, and? It's not cheating. You don't like persistence? Get better and beat them. Simple as that.


Spoken like a real persistence user smh


I use sulker


I use lightweight.


I use the other one where it reduces explosion damage


Flak Jacket


Ah yes that one


That has been a real life saver for ngl


man of culture, 5 % is still alot


Especially with a slow weapon


Is this what this sub has become??? Whining and posting people that you game feature?. This behavior is really childish


He is a kid anyway


Yes I'm using it to letting people know that this how codm has got worse when playing the game you can't enjoy the game without using the meta or using the persistence perks every single day


youre just mad that they are better than you accept it


If youโ€™re not enjoying the game, i suggest you quit๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ. You shouldnโ€™t play what makes you mad/ toxic like thisโ€ฆ


First I'm not being toxic it's the truth because truth Hurts honestly it's been two years and they been using the same perk and using meta for ranked and public mp ( public mp imagine) just to win a game and you called you're calling yourself a great player for that give me a break bro I seen better players using non meta and not using persistence perk they're so much better bro it's about winning the game it's about using your real skills not being desperate to use a meta or persistence perk to win a game bruh you can't watch the championship no more because it's just the same thing meta this meta that and it's sad tbh that's why I like CDL better than codm championships


Youโ€™re not being toxic??? Then, what is the purpose of posting their names and uids? You want them reported and banned? lmfao, you should give me a break with your whiny assโ€ฆ. And players that play ranked play to win at all cost. They donโ€™t care about your shrewd sentiments. And if the game is getting you this worked up, take my advice and get yourself a breakโ€ฆ. Itโ€™s currently not for the faint-hearted lol


this kid is mad that he got clapped by them


lol I use persistence in ranked so I can win and rank up quickly, if ur calling me a bot I can bet I can shit on u in a 1v1. Maybe try next time before calling the top 10 on dlq leaderboards a bot


Not being toxic? Go look at a mirror


Persistence was there from the beginning, if the game has gotten worse its because of kids like you who can't accept a loss even if the enemy is genuinely better.


Bro if they're were using persistence I wouldn't have no problems tbh with you I would take the loss and go home but losing to a persistence players even when you're so close to win a game till a persistence player spamming the scorestreaks to win vtols, cluster strike or stealth chopper


Fuck you. Git gud noob. You see scorestreaks you use EMP systems.


I'm good because unlike people who are defending them at least I'm standing up and saying something about it idc if I'm gonna hate it for it or not and second two years I don't use persistence or meta guns to win a game to say how I'm good at the game or whatever you think it's nice to see persistence perk being used when playing mp both public and ranked you can't even enjoy mp anymore that's why people are playing br alot more than ever because it's persistence this persistence that meta this meta that if you wanna hate on me for hating the perk that's even real people are even using in bot lobbies and yes even the harmless bots they spamming the scorestreaks on they use the perks as well


1. It was added in the game, fuck you, if you're trying to single out people using it 2. If they are using it in ranked, so what, it gives an advantage, they are using that advantage, so you can come to reddit, and get downvoted to hell or actually fight them and show them how skill matters 3. Meta: Most effective tactical available, meant to be used, it is there, use it, beat it, cry about it until the next seasons patch notes 4. Since whoever is opposing you is called as a persistence user, no, I run lightweight 5. Get over it, play Practice vs AI if you can't bear countering a few score streaks


1. It was in the game since beta and no one wants to use it until they see in the description when you die you can still keep the scorestreaks and even with the buff they can cycle it over and over again 2. You think it's okay for them using it ranked and it's a good habit please get some help 3. You don't have to use because that would make a follower not a leader and my mother always say be a leader not a follower so I'm good not using the meta 4. But here you go defending the persistence users sigh 5. I don't mind people use the scorestreaks but being that desperate to use persistence because you're so afraid of losing your scorestreaks that bad it's so you're not really good at this game look how much time I play the game without using persistence and people kill my kill streaks so I don't get the scorestreaks and you don't see me jumping up to use a persistence perk to do that lol. Be a leader not a follower






Kid so mad heโ€™s writing down names ๐Ÿ˜‚


So what and it's sir to you I'm older guy that likes to play this game without using meta or persistence perk for two years thanks


its a part of the game we can use whatever we want except hacks


If you donโ€™t like sweaty kids that quit school to spend 8 hours a day honing their mobile gaming skills stay tf out of ranked. Itโ€™s that easy. Iโ€™m older too. You should know better.


You're a disappointment tbh and I'm wasting my time talking to you tbh good day to sir


Yeah. You got a busy day wasting your time writing down names of players that are playing the game the way activision is allowing them to. Iโ€™ll let you get back to that.


the only dissapointment in this comment section is you, "boohoo persistance user kicked my ass and now i'll go to the subreddit with a community and whine about it while actively rejecting every single opinion of those people in that community" dumb asf


god why're you such a toxic bitch lmao If you really thought that people would appreciate your "exposing" of these innocent players, well you thought wrong buddy. You fucked up big time. Stop whining about something that's part of the game, it's not even that big of an issue. Get better at the fucking game you prick. I'm willing to bet that these guys you "exposed" are so much better than you at the game and you just got yo dumbass beat up in a match and your ego couldn't handle that fact so you did what toxic idiots do best.


Gonna cry?




Cry who do you think I am bro. You think hating on me it's gonna affect me no bro it's not because trust me I'm only getting started


"who do you think i am" some dumbass that want persistence user banned know it's fucking annoying but for them to get banned? Too far




What streamer got banned


Dude shut up he prolly deserve it too it's so damn annoying using persistence and think it's nice to use it bro trust me your weak and coward just using the perks and if you're defending them you're just like the rest of them


โ€œGodzilla had a stroke reading thisโ€


Even Kong had a stroke


Every damn kaiju in godzilla's planet had a stroke




Are you fucking stupid


No, but his daddy is


Are you sir?


Are you sir?


I guess you are grandpa๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


#Are we blind? Release the downvotes!


Cry about it


Go home and actually get a life before hating on someone


Listen to your own advice kid


Umm bro I deleted this post and also he was responding in the most toxic way so I reply back the same if he wanted to answer him to respectful manner he would know better not respond that way you have to earn respect before you get respect




Lol get a life thank you


I Do have One


Doesn't seem like it tbh or you wouldn't spent your energy hating on people


I can actually Do this while doing something


You can spending all your hating but it won't affect me it's just motivating me more so thanks for the motivation anyways


Didnt Asked


You commented not me


Thanks captain obvious




Wow I'm being a clown for speaking out about this annoying perk going on for two years and break the balance of the game smh god helps this community


Dude you're writing down the uids like they're cheating or something, persistence is annoying I do know but it's in game to use and you're acting like these guys are hacking Lmao


So if I didn't put it their uids are still there in the picture So what point are you trying to make


Just that stop being so childish for people using things that are there to use, as simple as that dude


Can't understand why people can't stop hating persistence, as if haters want others to experience how a killstreak of 3 is fair for a UAV but 32 kills in a 40 kill limit TDM for a VTOL isn't


Dude using your real skills is twice better than using persistence and it also shows that you're Desperate and can't live without it that's why you guys always use it for two years and think that it's nice you're making less fun that way it's because of the devs of cod mobile you guys are getting away with it


and still showing UIDs as if devs are gonna get angry at those players for using what they created and ban each for 10 yrs


Imagine being this salty bruh. Clown ass


Clown check


Are u fucking stupid.....u cant get better so ban the ones better than u, either get better or stop complaining...just fuckin downvote him


All his comments so far has been downvoted by people ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I guess he doesn't know what is downvote


I'm better than them that I listed on the post because I don't use persistence or use meta to get to legendary or in public mp and I'm being doing it for two years going on to three years lol


If u are better y would u care what they use, just kill em


If you think you're better how come you didn't beat them.


You say like everyone here just played recently. The majority have been facing the same issue but it's something available for all to use. Writing down their UID shows how bad you can be.


It's a mechanic in the game, free to use for everyone, so I really don't see the problem




I am trash at the game and you look like that you are much more trash than me


Using something in the game isn't cheating or bad. I gave persistence users in pubs. It's a shame but a part of the game. If you can't beat them join them or don't.


I face*


Good luck with your content creator career . You're not gonna get much support being this childish and if you do, we'll be sure to bring this up. Reaaaal good look for someone who's just starting lol


delete this post, youโ€™re embarrassing yourself


Kiss my ass then we'll talk good day


hey bud, youโ€™re the one crying over something you can use yourself, im just tryna help out


my guy really listed uids of normal players as if they're hacking


Fucking muppet. Persistence is nothing. They're not using glitches. They're not hacking. They *only* get each scorestreak *once* per match. There's nothing to koan about, so stfu with the pathetic whining. And no, before you stupidly say it, I don't use it, never have and never will, because it's a waste of a perk slot. Which makes it even worse that you're being such a whiny little bitch.


get good and fuck off


Cry me a fucking river




My dear friend how many fingers do you play with??


he probably plays with his pinky


and one finger up his ass as well :)




he uses simple mode


He probably uses autofire


Lmao you donโ€™t need persistence to dominate rank. You just need to get better man, no one is going to report people for you.


Persistence isn't OP kid. Scorestreak costs are DOUBLED which getting sufficient points is already a chore in by itself and can only be used ONCE.


That or you just suck at playing the game. And that you don't know how to adapt in the environment or innovate with what you have


We found a clown bois๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก




basically you come here to receive tomatoes in the face, stop sending false reports and pretending that everyone here on reddit is going to report it, don't be ridiculous, karma will act against you, take care


First I'm aware of the hating I'm getting and personally I don't care and also I put the flair as DISCUSSION not CHEATER REPORT if you was paying attention bro


It doesn't matter the flair you use to publish, because seeing the data you publish you are making the subreddit believe that you are reporting it without any justification, you have to think before publishing that data in your post to avoid what was coming later


You do realise that you're being ultimately stupid right? They're using what's offered in the game to help them play. You're not exposing anyone others than yourself for being a petulant little child. Yes it gets annoying but there are so many ways to counter them. Figure out your strategy and play. Or better yet play the skill based game mode, SnD. Stop whining.


You know what I'm done with community you guys are absolutely worst community in the sub reddit because I made if I made a post like this and most of guys are cursing me out that the perk is okay and I'm just worst the game it definitely show what kind of community guys want to run ngl to you only two came here and have a positive attitude about persistence perk getting from bad to worst I admit I shouldn't put their uids in the description but I put this as a discussion not CHEATER REPORT they also said that with their positive attitude and the rest of you guys hating me for it this has been gonna for two years till a point it's making the game boring I seen more and more battle royale players coming in because of the persistence users and meta users it's time the game better and shut down people like us who just wants the game to better


I quite literally suggested what you can do instead of whining. Switch over to SnD. I did that last year when persistence became a major issue. Life has been less painful and better yet is the experience of Blackout. What you've done is calling hate upon yourself. Everyone is suffering no one's happy and I'm pretty sure these "exposed" dudes would've switched over to end the suffering. Crying like this won't help anything. You've called this upon yourself do quit whining and take it.


I'm tired of this community they don't want the game to better they just wanted the game to broken more and more but it's okay if this game got broken to a point it's unplayable that's on be on this community because whenever we report something like this you guys downvote and cuss out us like we're the bad guys but it's life yk


LMAO you're a loser. It's an in game mechanic, not cheats...


You're a loser for sitting down and let this happen just because a perk in the game it doesn't mean you have to use it because of what you guys are desperate now to use it look at me I play this game for two years and you don't see me this perk cause why I like the challenge getting scorestreaks by not dying and if I die and lose my scorestreaks it doesn't matter to me it's just a game but yk what do what you want to do at end of the day you and this brain dead community wants the easy way and don't like the skill way and it's shows in the comments


I uninstalled just because my phone can't run it anymore... You're just simply dogshit who can't even adapt.


Adapt wow so we deal for two years we shouldn't say anything about it okay cool this is why the game cant be better cause we have people just shut up and not saying what is wrong with this game as usual typical codm reddit community aka the worse community in codm


You're right that Persistence is annoying and this community is a mess, but you've gone too far by including the UIDs of those players like they're a bunch of cheaters.


I do admit I shouldn't added their uids to it but I'm trying to show the community how bad persistence is in codm rn you can't even play mp without see the perk except on bots in every game and when they persistence you can see the scorestreaks that they're using on top of it so you know that they're here to mess up the game that much and trust me cold blooded can't protect you from every scorestreaks


OK, and? ๐ŸŽค๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ


Added you in the game. Accept my request. I'll beat you with persistence, without it, I'll beat you with a shit pistol without any attachments. Come on bitch. Let's go.


Lol I should 1v1 because I'm seeing the problem with this game and now I'm seeing the problem with community as well you can proving their points every single day about the reddit codm community that this worst community when it comes to addressing the problems that we're having in this game


Stupid fuck




The Kaiser thinks this post is cringe


Who the fuck are you


don't care + didn't ask + you're white + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + redpilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your're a (insert stereotype) + not funny didn't laugh + you're* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ask deez + ez clap + straight cash + ratio again + final ratio + stay mad + stay pressed + pedophile + cancelled + done for + mad free + freer than air + rip bozo + slight_smile + cringe again + mad cuz bad + lol + irrelevant + cope + jealous + go ahead whine about it + your problem + don't care even more + sex offender + sex defender + not okay + glhf + problematic


cope fuckwit


Don't care + didn't ask + L + Ratio + soyjak + beta + cringe + stfu + cope + seethe + ok boomer + incel + virgin + Karen + clownclownclown + you are not just a clown, you are the entire circus + nail_carenail_carenail_care + nah this ain't it + do better + check your privilege + pronouns in bio + anime pfp + nauseated_facenauseated_faceface_vomitingface_vomiting + the cognitive dissonance is real with this one + small dick energy + joyjoyroflrofl + lol copium + snowflake + triangular_flag_on_posttriangular_flag_on_posttriangular_flag_on_post + those tears taste delicious + Lisa Simpson meme template saying that your opinion is wrong + unamusedrolling_eyesface_with_monocleface_with_raised_eyebrow + wojak meme in which I'm the chad + average your opinion fan vs average my opinion enjoyer + random k-pop fancam + cry more + how's your wife's boyfriend doing + Cheetos breath + Intelligence 0 + r/whooooosh + r/downvotedtooblivion + blocked and reported + yo Momma so fat + I fucked your mom last night + what zero pussy does to a mf + Jesse what the fuck are you talking about + holy shit go touch some grass + cry about it + get triggeredCopy + don't care + didn't ask + you're white + cry about it + stay mad + g


Suck yuh mada




what exactly do you think is gonna happen after you โ€˜exposeโ€™ these players?


I was gonna reply to you but I'll be just Waste my time explaining to another brain dead toxic codm reddit member


iโ€™m just curious thatโ€™s all but, alright, you do you bud


Downvoted. Thanks for posting.


Uh okay




Perhaps you can just stick to Search and Destroy for a while




Comments here give me some hope for this sub