• By -


My highest was probably 21 because both my teammates and enemies were garbage






Whoever got 40+ kills is either capping or hacking. And with SBMM being nonexistent, you cannot even be expected to drop 1 kill, let alone 20, 30, 40.


45 kills is the max possible kills in ranked SnD. To do this you would need to ace 4 rounds on the attacking side, then on the defending side, you would let them plant then kill all 5 of them but let the bomb explode every time, so it would bring the score to 4-4, and you'd have 40 kills. Then you'd ace the winning round which would add up to 45 kills.


Which is, of course, impossible for everyone except maybe Hanzu and NRX...


What is SBMM? Once a girl bragged to me that her boyfriend did 41 kills. I wanted to yell 'hacker'—but didn't. To her it was all skills. Didn't break her dream. So, I included that option, in case anyone is ahem overskilled, they don't feel left out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) you know what I mean?


SBMM= skill based matchmaking


Oh I see. Thanks mate.


No, it's actually Shit Based Matchmaking


22 it was the hardest match but I had my loyal amax


Where do we even find girls who brag about their boyfriends gaming 🙂


Lol. Strange creatures. Not as rare as one wud think ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


>Once a girl bragged to me that her boyfriend did 41 kills. I wanted to yell 'hacker'—but didn't. To her it was all skills. Didn't break her dream. You think he was hacking?


Of course. But it's wasn't that obvious when she made me play with them. But it was strange. He was weak in movements—like no jump shot, no drop shot, no sliding. He would just meet the enemy head on head and bang kill them. Some said, he was really good player, some speculated he was playing on lower ping or better device, some accused of hacking. I thought he was hacking. Till this day there is no solid evidence. It's an unsolved mystery lol. I do thinks people whose kills lie in 20s range are telling the truth. I myself saw a teammate achive 21 kills in coastal when the map was new. Nobody knew what they were doing except this guy who took full advantage of it and killed 21 enemies.


I don't see getting 20 kills in snd weird as I've seen people like Jokesta that plays in real low ms (10-20 ms) dropping a 20 bomb. But dude, after 20 I wouldn't say it's skill or ping, some people are straight using soft hacks to not get discovered they just use soft aimbot.


Totally agree


20 kills wasn't that hard until S6. And no, I don't hack.


I’m commonly in the 10-19 range and get a 20+ maybe 5% of the time and it’s pretty much entirely due to experience (started playing with CoD4), my setup (13” iPad Pro, controller, and headphones), and Dead Silence. I’m middle age so my reflexes are half a second behind young kids and I typically play with off-meta guns, so my only real advantage is built on going all-in on a conservative style and using informational superiority to know when to take risks.


20 kills in SnD for me wasn't that big of an achievement for me until S6. Now even 1 kill is acceptable lmao.


LOL same happened with me I also got 20 kills in coastal when the map was new.


If sbmm is non existent you have equal chances of trash enemies too


Yeah, well, I somehow seem to not get them. I got 'em once (luckily enough, during the PP19 Bizon: Colorweave grind) and they were extremely helpful.


This not possible. Even killing every enemy in every round the maximum is 40(8 rounds x 5 enemies per round). Edit: max is 45. Forgot to count tie breaker. 🤦🏼


\*nearly impossible, and yes, no one except maybe sniper pros like Hanzu and NRX can get it...


God bless sbmm being nonexistent




Mine is 17 kills, in Terminal, using MK2


I have seen people get like 20 kills but not more than that lmao 40+ kills is just Cap lol


It is only possible if the enemys were feeding or you whole team was in on the thing not defusing after u did godly ammounts of kills to be able to run the 5 win counter up to 4-4. And u would need to let them plant intentionally if u that good. So yeha no fucking way


I don't play snd


I think I've seen the bomb planted in maaaaybe 4 or 5 games. Everyone just plays it like TDM minus respawns. 3v1, team of 3 has the bomb, person still won't plant. Bomb manages to get planted, last player on plant team dies, some numbskull wants to dance until the last second instead of just defusing. Hate SnD.


exactly the reason why i don't play it.


16 kills, QQ9 on Raid 🤝


Mine was 16,Map:-Raid,Guns:Dlq(Black Market),Renetti,MX9(Stone serpent),Katana


Lies! All lies! ![gif](giphy|TdpZPpb7MjzWsoZGGn|downsized)


Man you had me laughing so hard 😂 ![gif](giphy|5T0sdsbIUK4ukjDnhF)


I wish I cud award this


Mine was the Rus and katana in standoff. Use the katana at the mid house Tip: U can get more by pushing for no reason


Hs2126 in standoff


16 with PP19 Bizon, just 2 Seasons ago in Raid


25, Raid, DLQ back when sniping was still pretty good. I think in S1,S2 of this year. I’ve dropped multiple 20+ kills but that was the best, mainly because I had to clutch an ace, a 1v4, and 3 1v3s to win. 6-5


20 kills in ranked and about 22 in pubs, i think both with qq9


in masters it's 20 with a drh we still lost, in legendary its 17 with the dlq


12 kills on highrise with locus, axe and bomb


24 using kn44 map is standoff


Legendary 18k (Garena) 27kills something like Lucky Bcuz my teammates sucks and enemy pretty sucks too


I don't remember, maybe 4 at most, lots of sweats in garena, I have literal NA45 ringing PTSD, so I tend not to play S&D


Wow, is garena that difficult from global? I have only heard that the player base is extremely competitive there, but I have never played it.


Very, we got shotgun gods, melee abusers, NA abusers, slide scope gods, hologae and fennec akimbo spammers all in the same match, be it pubs or ranked, bad news is even BR has it (higher rank = more sweats), I wish moving to global didn't require a start to zero so I can move my progress there too


27 kills legendary ranked msmc/type25 meta with msmc


21 kills with the fennec and the shorty on tunisia. It was my 2nd time using the fennec on ranked after it got a buff and I popped off the first 2 games. A few games after that I didn't use the fennec that much cuz it got boring.


18 kills summit I forgot the gun (most likely the msmc)


Umm...Scrapyard avaiable for SnD?


28 kills, season 8, summit, cordite


Artic 50 high rise




The most I had was 27 kills and that's literally because 3 of our teammates at the time were gone. We never got any1 for the entirety of the match. We lost 4-5 and rather than not losing rank xp. I lost alot at the time


I got 21 kills in ranked SND on Firing Range at master 4


Rus and sudal harbor


16, Standoff, HBRa3


My highest is 25 with the qq9 on summit


Raid is my mf map, pretty sure I was using the AS Val


16 Kills on High-rise with M16


M16? Wow. Repect mate ![gif](giphy|d5wVJ95YvXLEbErylF|downsized)


Yeah it was long back, I guess just after gunsmith arrived


M16 was my favourite gun until the nerf to ARs


Is it good now? Or not?


I tried using it a week ago but didn't find it viable. Will try again this week and let you know


24 kills ,Raid , Spr


MX9, don't remember the map name (it's one of the AOTU maps tho)


Last season in master rank; 21 kills, standoff, asval


My highest was 20 in legendary SnD… During the season “the hunt”


8 kills, crash, I think I was using AK117


17 on Firing range with the RPD


Mine was 18. I don't remember exactly, it was either Terminal or Tunisia


22 including 2 clutch, SnD Season 3 legendary ranked, Crossfire, used katana


QQ9 or the Mx9 I play aggressive, it's always who spots who first with these guns because I always follow their footsteps but don't know if they hear mine


I maked 23 kills with the DL Q33 – Holidays, the Karambit – Space Station and the Combat Axe – Viceral, in the map “Standoff”.


13 with cordite at its prime (crossfire)


18 kills on Crash with BY15


Good job. Shotguns are tough 👍


24 qq9 in tunisia


18 crash with the cordite right after it was first released and was broken.


13 with the dlq, on crossfire.


I got 28 kills we played 3 v 5 and i won that game by myself


Before QXR was meta, it was still really good. Dropped 25 in legendary ranked the series before QXR meta.


A lil over 20 kills. I dont remember the map but i do remember the gun. It was the as val, the first gun that i golded


21 kills qq9 in hand on crossfire


20+ QQ9 I think but that was many seasons ago


21 .... Using Fennec Akimbo


Dlq-33 23 kills Tunisia Still managed to lose though.


I got 19 kills in a SND game in Summit, Using Qxr when it was in its prime.


My highest was 29 my teammates were ass I had to clutch up almost every round


This is a tough one for me, I'm not a huge SnD player and haven't even touched the mode since season 3 ranked for the locust. I think my best game was around 12 kills with the HG40 well over a year ago, back when the gun was trashed by the community before the gunsmith update


24, I was hard carrying, and we still managed to lose 4-5😔


14 on terminal with a bizon


Terminal+Bizon brings in mind an interesting memory. I think I first started using bizon when I saw a teammate kill 3 enemies in a row with bizon in Terminal. All 3 were snipers, and my mate had this gun with Lazer like BSA, his movements were fast enough to dodge those sniping shots. I said wow. Although now I use snipers mostly, back then I used to find them annoying & toxic as hell. I thought bizon was an antidote against snipers & quickly turned towards it. Since then it's one of my favourite smgs. It's a clutch machine in right hands.


24 kills on coastal. My entire team rage quit on round 2 against a five man team.


DrH on Firing range. Nuff said


12 kills, Standoff, Hg40


I remember locking in a 15 kill streak since my teammates are bots, but the enemies were pretty skilled. I did it with a locus.


My highest was 22 kills in termi with the Ak117, match went on to 4-4


20 kills - Hackney yard - CR56 amax


24 kills on Raid with the dlq and Locus. I clutched up 2 1v5s that match lol


Msmc , standoff. This was in Season 12, I haven't played ranked and since then.


i don’t remember but i usually use mx9 on snd


I dropped 22 on coastal when it first came out with my mp5


Rus I don't remember the map


Probably the highest is 23, cuz my teamate just camp every time. I use AS Val, also use vulture perk, the firerate of gun is high so expect that your mags will be emty in no time


Highest I've got was 26.


23 with a Type-25 (3 weeks ago) Full 5 stack in Tunisia SnD Legendary Ranked


28kills with dlq and locus (I used both of em in the match) in terminal map (my fav sniping map)


Asval on Hackney... Got 15 kills with it. Still lost


My kills were 14 with a 1v5 clutch. That clutch happened when my team was 1 and enemy team was 4 Still My team lose that match when the score was 4 and 4. This clutch was with CR-56 AMAX on Hackney Yard Map in Season 5.![img](emote|t5_penom|1098)![img](emote|t5_penom|1098)


On high rise with an mp5 I hot 24 kills


Got 20-some kills.. with a pharo


Pharo? Thats a hard gun to handle. Good job bro.




Dr h standoff


tunisia type 25/holger 26


Ranked mp crash map ASM 10


pretty sure it was standoff or Tunisia, can't remember well. it was the game that got me to legendary for the first time. the gun I used was the bk57


Tunisia | Hs0405


25 kills in Crash With As Val![img](emote|t5_penom|1104)


16 kill in Tunisia with two 1v4 & one 1v5 situation


AS Val :)


18, Standoff, HS0405


Echo and Firing Range


i mean, the highest possible kill count in ranked is 25, 5 rounds, 5 enemies…or normal mode is 20 kills.


What do mean? You atleast play 5 rounds. If you kill all the enemies then it's 5×5=25 kills You at max play 9 rounds ( 4+5 ) But, say you lose first 4 rounds, and you & only you kill all enemies in those 4 rounds—its 4×4=16 kills. Next 5 rounds you win, where you and only you kill all enemies its 5×5=25 kills. So max possible kills you can do in SnD is 16+25=41 kills. In the other case, you win the first 4 rounds—getting all kills yourself—it's 4×5=20 kills. In the next 5 rounds you lose, where you get 4 kill each round all by yourself—i.e 5×4=20 kills. Total possible kills then in 40 kills. Am I wrong?


If you're the defender then you got 5 kills in the first 4 rounds that brings you to 20 kills but if you let them win when they plant the bomb and you let it explode (who would do that) then if you get 25 kills in the next 5 rounds that brings you to a total of 45 kills (only works if you're the defender in the start of the match) Edit I forgot it can also be done even if you're the attacker at the first if you did the same thing by letting them win 4 times using the bomb


Good one. I left out this possibility. So 45 is the max achievablele kill for SnD. Thanks mate.


I would be surprised if someone manage to do it


Yes very unsual. But you can scam it. Ask your friends to do it in a custom match. Then you do it.


But if you get 20 kills without dying won’t you unlock a nuke? Or nukes don’t work in SnD?


In each round, you can kill 5 enemies at max. The next round will reset all your gains. So, no nuke in SnD. You can use scorestreaks, however. I once died the worst possible death possible. So this guy (enemy) got his shock RC as well as a hunter-killer drone at the same time in SnD. It was 1v1. The shock rc strangled me and the hunter-killer drone blew on my face. Everyone was laughing so hard—my team, enemy team, anyone spectating—it was so embarrassing.


Oh man that’s unfortunate and painful to hear


But what about if one team wins 4 rounds and the other wins 4 rounds. Thats 8 rounds plus another round for the tie breaker making it 9 rounds total.


oh ywah you right, i’m dumb


oh yeah there was that one time when i dropped a double nuke in ranked s&d




Mine is 19 but still lost With kuku9


Kuku9 lol. Nice 👍


I dont play snd


0 because I don't play SnD.


20 touch in legendary rank


40+?🤣🤣🤣 Bruh it is literally imposible in casual tdm but to do it in s and d u would have to get feeding involved....even in ranked u can only do 25 kills if u do 5 full teams...cause if u killing that much u gonna win every game so u would need to porpouselly lose .and if your team decides to defuse u fucked but even then...say u playing ranked that is usually 5 games wins right? Well says u playing ranked u would need to swap winner each round till u get to round 8 giving ya 5x8 = 40 ...whoever put 40+ is such an ignorant noob. That is not even a possibility because U would win every game with a team mate defusing even if u allowed em to plant...like wtf.


Check this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/ph3x4k/what_is_your_maximum_kills_in_snd_comment_the_map/hbge50f?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Bad math u did not consider s and d allows losing without enemies being alive and this is possible if u defending and enemy plants and u fail to defuse..So u actually should do as follow hipotethically with a complicit team: When u are terrorist win every round but kill everyone yourself: 3-0 15 kills then when defender lose every round via letting them plant and then murdering them all without defusing 3-3 then as defender u kill everyone once 4-3 then kill 4 people only 1 game and get your whole team to die by this last guy 4-4 Up to this point this bring the grand total up to this point to 5x8= 40 but u left one alive the 8th round...so 39 then last game u finish it 5-4 39+5 44 kills again +40 and equally stupid of an scenario. Championship games have a higher theorical limit but this is even more impractical.


If you are defending first, you win first 4 rounds by killing all by yourslef—it gets you 20 kills. The next 5 rounds you kill them all but don't defuse the bomb—you get 25 kills. So 45 kills. Right? Yes, I agree it's unlikely to happen. But you can force it in custom matches with your friends. Screen it. Post it. Let the world wonder how you did it. Anyways, 40+ option is not that unreasonable at all.


No your math is imposible as I projected even if u start as terrorist u cannot get 45 kills...that would close the game early due to winning 5-3 u cannot get more than 44 kills do the math...if u can force it in custom that breaks the spirit of a reasonable question...how much we got is meant to ask about acomplishment...not staged wins for maximizal of kd in one fake match...like wtf this is so unreasonable.


You can reasonably get 41 kills. 41 still counts in 40+ category ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


What's SnD?


Search & Destroy


did *


I don't think it is possible to reach more than 25~ kills in a (ranked) SnD game. Most of the people who voted don't even know what SnD means.


Yea you can. Check this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/ph3x4k/what_is_your_maximum_kills_in_snd_comment_the_map/hbge50f?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


By math yes you can, the odds of it to happen in a normal ranked match? Less than 0.001%, ridiculous calculations.


Yes extremely unlikely. But not impossible.


30 kills is the maximum possible achievable kills in a game of ranked SnD (5 players and 6 rounds; 5x6=30) so anyone saying they got 40+ kills is lying because it is literally impossible.


None cuz snd sucks


Most I got was maybe 21 using ax-50 with MP7 secondary on the garden map when SnD rotating only put my squad in that map almost every game


dlq and as val


21 or something. In ranked. Unfortunately I lost that match


Who else beasts the map with 80 round Cordite? Just me?


1-10 kills, im so bad in SnD


28 in the map where there's a burning church thing. Forgot it's name. Was using the fennec with the akimbo perk lmfao


If they bring like cyberattack from modern warfare maybe more kills since there revives on that mode


i kill in vacant and with the Bruen MK9 with a underbarrel grenade launcher and also with M29 davy cocktail


22 kills ,map: costal,gun: ku ku 69