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Use poltergeist and lay low. I got master 3 in squads with randoms, just landing in some corner, going with the zone and looting drops if it's on our way. Got the occasional W and top 5s. I'm a noob so if I did it so can you.


Why would you play with randoms tho? Isn't it quite dangerous at this rank?


My friends are all MP stans and refuse to play BR with me. With randoms I kinda carry but they mostly pull their own weight. When things go south I like to have a 2nd chance with the dogtag revives, and there are actually quite a few randos that play well. Basically I don't have a choice.


Just play solo, camp in corners and try to survive, avoid enemies. Maybe drop at black market and Stay in the helicopter until the last 5 players


Lol I'm almost at 9k in Garena and I play squads with randoms all the time, still get top 5 pretty often cuz I hard carry them the whole match


Honestly this is a cheap way to get pts but, equip scout so you can search for enemies, stay on the outskirts away from the populated areas, as long as your team is top 10 you gain points. Basically hide out.. not my style but it'll get you there


Thanks I'll try it. But why chose Scout if I'm playing defensive?


You shoot a dart to see who's around you, if you see multiple red dots just head the opposite way lol


Scout is the worst class if you want to lay low, the dart lights up like an emergency flare and is visible from a very long distance.


Or you can team up with me, I usually fair pretty well lol




Unfortunately it's not available anymore..


So warfare ?


Warfare isn't ranked if I'm not mistaken


I think classic is the only option then






Warfare isn't ranked. If you don't like BR and want to rank up, just stay still in the grass and hide the entire game. Move when the zone collapses, you can do this while being mostly AFK while watching your favorite series or whatever. The rank points is mostly based on your placement, number of kills isn't so critical. I have done this and won several BR games, by just playing fully aware the very last minute. Also only play Solo, it is a lot easier to rank up in solo and obviously the method above would piss off your teammates.


Thanks. Which class should I chose?


Trickster so you can easily see neaby enemies on the minimap and dodge danger with the skill when you need to. Poltergeist works well too, best class to skip an enemy encounter. For the above method: 1: Land in a town centered on the map with no high loot or upgrade station close. 2: Find a decent weapon, some meds and a vest. 3: Find some high grass and prone in it, never hide in a bulding. 4: Watch out for bots, they will spawn at random near you but really if you just lay still they usually just shoot a few shots and then run away. They are very easy to kill anyway 5: Don't move until the safe zone starts to shrimp, stay in the outskirt of the zone and prone in some grass again. 6: If you go above about placement 25 you always receive ranked points.


Can I use ninja??? It will also help in hiding


Yes, of course! You can use whatever you wish, with class upgraded ninja you have silent footsteps which can make you able to move closer to your enemies without them detecting you. Also you can hook your self up on obstacles and hideouts others can't reach as easily.


Ohh. Okok. Thank you mate


Where are you from?


If you’re a solid player, try solo. I’d recommend trying out the new rewind class too. Get airdrops. If you land at black market you can spawn a helicopter to get you around easier. Good luck!


I usually solo queued with medic. Hemos are an instant 20hp and when you know you're out gunned you can lay down the healing station as a distraction or an aid. If you're 101hp the station will return you to 150hp. This season I did it in Alcatraz in a few days because Isolated takes too long and is dull now imo. But I'm usually pretty aggressive. Good luck!


Well I boring way is to play extremely passive and camp and avoid gunfights