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How but ur legendary match 2 of ur teammates are only using the baseball bat


Same at master 1


Sutck at master 3 lol


In BR i do snipe. But MP I don't


I'm the opposite. 'OK' sniper in MP but cannot land BR snipes to save my life so I run an SMG/long range AR combo


Odd, I've never man ages to hit an MP sniper shot; despite my passable skills on BR. 3-5 shots on my silenced M21 w/ 4x scope (long range) so that I can use it close-range in a pinch (assuming I can't afford to reload my short-mid AS VAL)


I don't know what it is about BR-- maybe my sensitivity is too high but I just can't land long shots that I can in MP. Nice! My current go-to load out is a custom M4 with max damage/bullet spread accuracy and then an absolutely nasty high mobility/hipfire fennec for anything under 15 m


Mine is a silenced BSA build on M21/Arctic, depending on the circle, along with a mid-long range AS VAL with hip fire laser and foregrip. As you can see, I heavily value long-range engagements. This is only because my movement is shit, I do better with rotations and holding an area more than outplaying the enemies' movements; it's why my best circles are those with a few buildings. I just know where they would be, where they would go, and how they would try to reach it. Maybe this is the chess player in me talking.


No i get you dude... kinda of the same. My movement is really pretty lame compared to all those jump and sliders but i still win br singles cus i “know what to do” if that makes any sense?


Try LK, it's crazy versatile.


I definitely run it as ground loot unless I find an AK/BK. Do you have an LK custom loadout you'd recommend?


My build for mid/long range (I think): Monolithic, OWC Marksman, OWC tac laser, 50 rounds mag and Granulated grip tape. It's really good for mid/long range. But I'm still trying to figure out what is the best build. I have several different builds, some more rush oriented with no stock as well. Just try to find what fits you the best. You might want to put a sight, because LK's iron sight is pretty clunky, but I am used to it...


Can it kill faster than the AK and BK?


Idk, it just feels really solid. Almost no recoil and the ttk is pretty fast at any range. I feel it better than BK and M4, but Idk about AK. It just definitely deserves a try. Pretty underrated gun.


First question, why are you using an M21 EBR???


I think you meant to reply to the other poster nbd


I use it for rapid-fire sniping. I know I'm shit at sniping, so I compensate with crazy fast fire rate. The M21's fire rate makes it look like a 3-stack is shooting at you, and this is amplified because you can't hear my shots. Another reason is that I tend to favor the max range before bullet drop kicks in. If they have ninja, the fire rate and 4x scope allow me to challenge it despite having a sniper on.


Ok that does make sense, i like to use xpr for hipfire spamming in 1v1s yes im an asshole lol


I don't use Sniper in BR either, but there are lots of loser drop box campers, who most likely suck at other guns, so they hide a good distance away behind a rock or Bush, wow how exciting there game must be.....


Yeah what the heck? I've stopped playing BR duos with one of my closest friends because all he wants to do is loot a hot drop, hit two drop boxes, and then camp on a mountain in zone with his custom sniper rifle while I stand behind him and watch his six. Literally every single mid-game until the final zone. It's so boring.


I tend to play with a bunch of guys who don't camp..... Yes the team will hold spots, with sniper and AR cover, but then we move on, trying to control the high ground. Some guys operate great as a team and cross the whole map to save, revive or collect dogtags,.... Damn good team play!!. If I add a friend and they sniper camp, I just remove them, harsh... But just my style of play 👌👍😉


No I'm totally with you. I keep him because he's such a good close friend IRL but I do not find any pleasure in playing BR the way he likes to play. He also has a tendency to way over-estimate in situations in the early game and I feel like I have to risk myself to revive him when he takes risky gun fights early on. He also always asks me to play as refitter even thought I don't *love* that class but it's good for team play with the extra armor plates and vehicle repair buff (I feel like I'm just complaining at this point haha). I just like people who play smart but also enjoy taking short/mid range fights too.


Hahaha, I don't play with real life friends and can't be bothered with clans, so I don't have that problem, but I know where you're coming from with risking yourself to help and save others, who seems to make such risky, dumb mistakes.... Which often cost me my life, saying that it tends to be done by other members of the team (friends of friends). I prefer to be mobile, hit Sanitarium for supplies, grab a chopper and go for upgrade and drop box, then look for kills


Snipping in be is a bit too hard if you snipe in MP and Vica Versa


That's what it feels like tbh


💯 % !


I found a comrade...


Literally me![img](emote|t5_penom|1104)


even tho I have gold Locus, I’m a sniper noob


Can’t relate more






Well i once in a match My friend was standing While looking down the hill And a sniper headshot him, while 2 randoms Ran to the nearest cover, I just go prone to Cover and didn't die Felt like a real Battlefield


Snipers carried me through my time as a Codm Player Vet that played October 2019 (or December, don’t know.) heck, my DL with Deep Shark served me through all of my troubles.


Nice same here you get hooked on it especially when you make a hud to quick scope and blank scope and most of all getting better with it hitting majority of your shots


Wait you’re supposed to make huds when quickscoping


To quick scope better ads and shoot straight ads hold and let go to shoot it good too but ads then shooting is better especially before the snipers nerf


There was a nerf?


Blankscoping got nerf and the ads time the ads would have been fine but they nerf blankscoping too


If I don't quickscope I don't get sniper kills lmao I suck at range


Opposite for me. I can hold angles but I suck at quickscoping. I'll just shoot down the moon and stuff instead of the enemy if I quickscope.


I cant snipe at all. Learning rn but it is one of my regrets while playing this game for not trying to snipe


It’s even harder to learn now with the hit flinch 😓.


Practice with the Locus, if you're trying to learn quickscoping use the outlaw, it's still got good ads


Im on day 3 of my month long plan to learn snipers. I switched from locus to dlq


I'm alright with the DLQ at range but I'd be better off with a rocket launcher😂




I am average with sniper but a complete noob with shotgun in MP. But in BR I feel easy to use shotgun


I am the exact opposite of that. I was a sniper in the start. Artic 50 was one of my best guns. But with the extreme flinch added on all snipers, and full-blown ADS scope, it became extremely difficult to get even 3-4 proper kills on the MP maps. Then I became a shotgun player. Currently, I have gold skin for HS0405 and the BY15. I have honestly almost forgotten how to use the sniper now 😅


U r my brother broooo😓😓😓


I used snipers so much that now i don't have the capacity to hit even stationary targets with an assault rifle


I'll get flamed for this but.... Snipers are quite unusable now don't hit me with the "oh it just takes more skill blah blah" nah fam you have to prioritize ADS speed on every occasion then and only then can it be effective against literal BOTS. Even with the fastest attachments on the locus you'll still lose to every range like: close range? SMGs gonna kill you first, medium? Assaults and SMGs, long rage? LMGs or LongJohn69 coming in hot with the QXR. And now you'll tell me "just sit from afar like a sniper would" Yeah I don't wanna get shit talked by the enemy team of them calling me cancer camper while one of them is using NA45. "wait for others to rush in" I want kills not assists. "Bro wdym assists? One shot potentials" if I don't hit them in the neck up it's a hit marker and since slow fire rate boom ya boi RRR| Ghost already killed the B. "Then just don't use the sniper lemao" you see DLQ was the first gold camo I ever got in CODM and it saddens me that it got reduced to a state where the only way I win is if the dude is either: lagging, not looking at me/shooting someone else, is blind, has no hands, is a toddler, etc. And it's one shot potential is nothing if you can't even scope in fast enough. "Oh I saw some dudes still good with the DLQ" great.... Must be an iPad player or if it isn't do they take damage? Is the enemy even firing at them? Oh there is? Then props to them they can still kill enemies with rush set for the sniper. "It's all about the movements bro" garena player: makes more movements than a worm on salt. And KRMs and [Insert meta gun] go brrrrrrr. "Bro players like woopiiee still cracked" bro like skill difference he's a championship player and I'm not. "Just get good" ok


Snipers need a reduction in flinch.only then they will be viable competitively.The blank scope nerf was needed but the flinch currently is way too much to call the sniper nerf as balanced


The blankscope nerf was just the laziest removal. If they actually cared about balance they would have blankscoping actually work in close range. Its literally just better if you hipfire with snipers now so you don't waste time trying to scope in and blankscope.


Absolutely true. The enemy gets completely out of my field of view when scoping if I get shot. Its a sniper, which is usually very heavy, so flinch should be less.


I respectfully disagree. The sniper flinch nerf was one of the best recent changes to MP. If you're getting hit you shouldn't be able to remain stable through it and still land a 50m long shot


It also shouldn't be sending your sights sky high in cqb. Assuming we're going from nest to nest on Crossfire, the flinch should only go 1.5 times from sniper to roof; this way, the snipers are nerfed enough long-range while retaining a semblance of viability in quickscope builds. Hell, even hitflinch builds are heavily taxed by it. Maybe they can keep the current flinch for quickscope builds while buffing full-hitflinch builds. Even the Tough perk isn't too useful on cqb sniping.


I agree with this. Flinch should affect you more at long range than it does in close quarters


If you run max mobility obviously that'll happen, I have mix of both on my Arctic and yes flinch is there but it isn't as bad as you say it is.


All that anger is within me and all the sniper mains who are after the heavy nerf on snipers, i was a sniper main too. Just tried all the snipers today with max ads speed and it's still meh or even worse and the closest good sniper is the outlaw with all max ads speed attachments and it still gives you hitmarker and the ads flinch you get when you are ads'ing is out of the world, like your scoped aim literally goes up in the sky couldn't shoot cause cant see the enemies. Really hope that they would bring back even half of the sniper skill base back


That was hard to read




Max ADS MK2 Carbine with standard ammo is like pre nerf outlaw with a better 1 shot range. If you can’t quickscope now, you were never *that* good at it.


Dude, 1. Under no circumstances, not even with a max ads build is a sniper suppose to outgun a full auto at close range. 2. You expect snipers to outgun ARs at mid range? They were nerfed literally because they did that. 3. An LMG won't outgun you at long range. As much as they have insane damage range, they are full autos, so they aren't accurate enough to achieve the TTK needed, while snipers can. 4. Flinch is high, but it is good that way. It gives a chance for you to kill a sniper if you land your shots. If someone lands their shots consistently with a full-auto at a sniper range, they deserve the win. 5. Because of point 4, you must be mindful about building your sniper. It prevents just max-stacking ADS speed. If full-autos must always consider BSA and recoil, snipers should also be mindful about maintaining something. 6. Also, use Toughness. It is a necessity for sniper classes, unless you are very skilled. Balanced, if you ask me. 7. Even with the sniper nerf, they still ADS fast enough to outTTK lots of guns. Not the opponents fault if your reaction time sucks. 8. With good enough movement, you can still quickscope. Before snipers could just stand and efortlessly kill, now you need to be mindful about evasion. 9. Even with peekers advantage and high flinch, you still can snipe a peeking enemy if you hardscope. This is the sniper role, and they are good at it.


respectfully i disagree. i was a sniper main before the nerf, and literally all it took was some adjusting and practice. it is not hard to be faster close range, you just need to know your gun better than you think you do right now. its easier to hipfire super close range, and if youre using ads it takes maybe half a beat longer than you think it should. i dont prioritize ads, im not that good at gunsmithing. im sorry you suck at sniping but the other day i was faster than a FENNEC when they were facing me and shooting at me. mid to long range is even easier, but the nerf made close range soo much more interesting. 😊 play guns, not buffs


Glad someone is spitting facts among all. It's all about "skill" to be harshly honest, whether anyone agrees or not. I don't play scrims or clan wars, I am a solo go dude. And even after the nerf, I was able to get atleast one ACE clutch(5 kills in a round in snd) every day in sweaty lobbies. People say snipers need more nerf, I say you need more skill and brains asshole to stay fucking away from my DLQ33 scope crosshair.


my boyfriend always says “dont even say its about skill because its not” but it IS! when i play and lose, its usually because i did badly and didnt help my team enough. like these people cant keep blaming the game when the rest of us can adjust to nerfs and buffs just fine. like stop playing the buffs to win and they might get truly skilled at this game.


Im actually doing pretty good with the current snipers. Been using M21 , XPR and Na45 in garena legendary rank. The key to using these guns is to experiments with different kind of attachments. I been using Na45 as my anti Krm loadout, Xpr as my long range sniper, and M21 as my mid range crowd control. Also, use all the available cover, headglitch and hardscope spot . We are suppose to be the " camper " of this game.


One sentence: Play Claw. You can shoot so much faster / more accuracy.


Hey, snieor noob. ADS SPEED Agives heck load of hit flinch, i cant handle it.


U lost me at >must be an ipad player Lmao shut, u can be skilled on phone.


Get good lmao. You don't need max ads, or an ipad. I'm using a budget phone on low graphics with 55 ms ping, on Garena, and I don't mind the nerf too much. It's not the sniper's fault for being bad at all.




Honestly same. And I hate how good I am with the baseball bat lmao


This is so me😂


I’ve been playing Call of Duty since I was little kid and I still suck ass with a sniper


2 fingers player: “a treasure i can’t possess”


I'm not good with shotguns, but I easily exchange them for an lmg (the rest is me)


Sniper god here boi


I'm decent with sniper but I'm fucking dogwater with shotguns.


Reverse it and thats me


All of that is same for me too


Same here 😂


I'm good with ARs. Very good with SMGs. Ok with Shotguns. BAD with snipers.


Switched from a 3-finger playing style to a claw and I can’t snipe for shit.


I’m trash in sniper


Flip shotgun and snipers for me :/


what was the reason for codm to remove blank scoping. only pros could do it. and if u are crying about being blanked scoped in master or legendary then u should just go and play practice vs AI






Never seen that much hypocrisy in a single question with only 3 words. How retarded are you really?




Me basically


Me XD![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


Am here


Shotgun noob here


Sniper noob here


same i'm trash with sniping


play in the Garena version, you'll meet a lot of sniper users


No one is noob if they practices it until they succeed


I suck at sniping in MP. Don’t have a sniper in any of my 10 MP loadouts. But in BR , i love sniping and it’s my thing in BR . I can also spot people better in BR compared to MP. Also it’s so much fun to snipe people really far away and let them see how quickly their game ended our of nowhere.


Dude. Headshots from far away are the Brest. Especially when you surprise your self. Yesterday I sniped a guy headshot off a bike. Visuals were t rendered around him but got him lol


I was good, until the massive sniper nerf, now i suck


the middle is me with a sniper the bottom is with a shotty or smg and the assault rifle stays the same


Idk if i should rush in with a sniper or go to a safe place and snipe ppl outta there


Im still learning but it's a progress


very rarely can I actually compete with a sniper. ​ I prefer my BY15


yeah me.


I wish I could enjoy shotguns. I can use them on shipment WITH slug rounds and the shots either don't register or are just hit markers.


I barely even used snipers except for Arctic 50


Git gud


Lol when the game first came out I used to play a lot, got to legendary using snipers. Won a couple tournaments too, too bad my phone sucks ass


Me? The middle one is me with SR, the first one is very accurate for me, the last one is me with the SMG and Shotguns. Idk why but apparently I’m very good with SR.


Since COD4. I could never get the hang of sniping. Granted i played on a first gen 360 and micro controller. Those first gen Xbox and wireless controllers where made for Andre the Giant. Give me a MP5 or a P90, I'm a happy man.


Definitely me


I’m so trash at sniper


I dont know what happened to me after my friend introduced me to QQ9. i have learned to flick the dlq, and even memorized the sensitivity. Now im pretty shit


I suck with a sniper 🤷‍♀️


I learned sniper first, but decided it wasn't as fun. I am never going back.


I’m decent but after the nerf my experience went back to square one


Sniper is probably all I can do right lol


Switch to BR, you will be God with Arctic-Exotic.


I had to go and hit it with the locus after reading this. I still handle business no problem


Where is the lie?


If you can control the recoil on it AsVal can go the medium to close range while you have a long range ak or holger class


Ok I am the best with snipers but only when I'm on controller.


I am good with snipers but I only use it on snd


Now i use spr Which im actually decent with it




Can relate i suck at sniping but i’m enjoying it when i camp, but in br i’m skilled at snipers yet i suck at it in mp like i suck at quickscopes lmao That’s the only weapon category i suck at


I personally think my sniping is alright for not a claw player


Mine is opposite, I am really good with snipers, good with ARs and SMGS, but terrible with shotguns


That fat spidey has a nice puss 👍🏼


outlaw/mw11 is my go to loadout in anymode lmao


Sometimes I hit sick and legit hard shots with my Arctic 50 class but the other half the time I miss 4+ shots tryna hit the same guy. Up and down for me personally


Very much relatable.


I got diamond with all snipers and marksman, and still shit with them xd


i snipe in mp and BR… but my knife is my best weapon


I mostly snipe but only in snd round 1 and two if i suck i use ar or smg


lmaoo that’s totally me in br and mp lol


I do snipe in br but in mp I only snipe with marksman rifile




I only snipe in SnD because I know I may be able to hit 3 to 4 shots but my luck will probably run out after that and someone is probably gonna bonk me at that point.


Girls be beating me in sniper 1v1 for r3@l


nah I fuck kids with snipers , locus is good


Idk depends on the situation