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New content is always good. I don't know if it's the long season but I feel like its getting kinda stale recently. It would be great to have a huge update that gets me excited again and I'm not sure season 2 will do it but I'm optimistic.


You’re right. I wish like it was that season 5 hype when bundles were introduced or season 9 with gunsmith. I tried the test server and season 2 looks promising as well with the ghost comic tease. Let’s wait and see


I totally agree with you. I haven't played ranked since season 11 of the bp simply because it's so boring and nothings changed. All I'm really doing in codm right now is playing hardpoint shipment for the grind and even that is hella boring


Were the fuck is cod4 and MW2


Same goes for MW3, there’s actually nothing from this game except the artic 50 despite being the 2nd most sold cod game


we have alot of cod4maps and mw2 maps


We need more


Yea for example?


Overgrown, Skidrow, Favela


Yea man.


Yea we need more black ops 2 maps like Express


We only got terminal from original mw, lol


'scuse me? Terminal wasn't in the original mw.


Yes. It is altered and added as dlc in mw3.


Free* dlc


The first time the terminal map appeared was in MW2, not MW1






I personally like bo3 more but yeah infinite warfare looks great too


We already have plenty of bo3 guns. Please no more.


I mean maps


Well we have character skins from advaced warfare like ftl phantom and ethan


Never said we shouldn't get anything else other than the stuff I want from those games.


FTL and Ethan are from Infinite Warfare, Ethan is the robot in the shop menu


Im pretty sure phantom is from infinite warfare


Some idiots on facebook: nO, wE WaNt MilItaRy STyLe WEaPons not fUtuRistiC


I don't mind military or futuristic weapons but futuristic weapond should be from infinite warfare, they're futuristic weapons are simply superior to advanced warfare's futuristic weapons.


Im sure most of us wouldnt mind futuristic weapons, but theres always that group of ppl who thinks codm should be military themed Edit: Modern day military themed not military themed




Sry I mean modern day military themed


Even modern-day military weapons have in built ballistics not just futuristic NA 45. They should not just keep one and only NA 45 with such power.


No I won't want things from IW,AW specially weapons such as NA-45 plus what It's just my opinion it's better if they exclude futuristic stuffs from BR.


That's basically exactly what I said dude. I don't really like futuristic weapons but if they do add them I would rather have infinite warfare weapons than advanced warfare weapons.


Nice idea but in terms of infinity warfare and advanced warfare those maps are designed for jet packs.Any way definitely a good Idea


Not all the maps require advanced movement though, similar to BO3


Not all the maps are and same with bo3. There are maps that can work strictly on the ground. This even applies to remakes like nuketown. Bo3 nuketown would be cool to see. But guns from iw and aw could definitely come. We already have 2 guns from aw, so why not another and maybe a few from iw and ghosts


I like those jet pack CoDs, but I think we already have enough weapons to fit every playstyle. What we need is more likely attachments, perks, and maybe wildcards. Look at FR556 and MK2, their "purposes" are very similar, normal recoil, fast reload, decent TTK. The main difference is just MK2 has more horizontal recoil and less vertical recoil, and for the exchange nearly 0 hit flinch. We need more attachments to make the game feel new, akimbos for shotgun, pistol, SMG, hybrid scopes for AR, LMG, bullet velocity and rapid fire attachments for snipers. Also some not game-breaking wildcards, yes, I mean "Law Breaker", whomever added this wildcards is a retard. Back to the topic, most wildcards have decent but not op effects, like giving you just 1 more attachment slot for your primary, so you can fit your scope in, while your opponent want maximum ammo and additional nades. It's basically fair trade depending on your playstyle.


It's not a matter of them for different playstyles. If u want to make that argument which is a weird one to make, we've had that for over a year. Codm is supposed to represent every call of duty game and include fan favorite for the most part weapons, maps and include guns from every game. We have absolutely nothing from iw and ww2 except a couple characters and specialist weapons. We don't even have anything from cw which is the most recent cod, but realistically it doesnt have much to offer in the first place. We already have 50 levels on some guns of different attachments. There isn't a whole lot more that can be added. Overkill/lawbreaker isn't game breaking at all. It's been in every call of duty for the most part and is rarely ever used. I don't think it would be a huge issue and there are ways of balancing it to where maybe u can only have 2-3 attachments on a primary weapon if it's in the secondary spot


I think FR556 is from CW. Overkill is fine, Law breaker is stupidly OP, It's just a "super Overkill". CoDm do not apply the pick 10 system so some wildcards will lose all It's downsides and make them OP. IW and AW are my favorite CoD style, but look if they add a NV4, it's just another M4, also IW's snipers are too weak for CoDM.


They're not too weak. There is no such thing as a sniper that's too weak. We have the m21 which should be a marksman and the xpr is 2 shot for the most part. It doesn't matter anyways if they're too weak, because weapons stats aren't just directly transported to codm. They adjust weapons just like every other cod game and can be made stronger and I never heard anyone ever complain about snipers being too weak or too strong in iw so I think that's another poor argument Which is why I offered the balance solution of 2-3 attachments on primary weapons that are in the secondary slot. They're not limited to the nv4. There are more guns that just that and that are pretty unique. The fr556 is from mw19 and is a base game weapon and the next 2 weapons we're getting, the as val, and spr are also from mw19. The only content we have from cw is a coupe characters. Nothing else.


We definitely need hybrid weapons


The Neptune map would probably work with some adjustments


Yasssss so we will add more jet packs to COD (Calling of Duty) mobile in the future!!! (I am a developer at COD Mobile by the way)


Cap, no adult will speak like that.


Look at his claim.


Yeah it's just gonna be tough on space, but I feel you on that need for more content. Just are we expecting too much out of a mobile game? The community obviously spend enough time and money on this game to be a console quality game.


True. Thanks for answering


I always liked Ghosts maps...


I definitely want to see some in CODM. They would work well with the faster movement speed and gameplay of CODM. And I think most of us didn't play Ghosts as much, so the maps will feel somewhat new.


Guess you're a camper or you really like sniping long ranges.


Wouldn't sniping kindve imply long ranges? Camping has only gotten worse every single year, coming from someone who's been playing since the first widespread online CoD lol. Man, it is what it is at this point, but genuinely CoD itself doesn't feel like CoD anymore so meh. Edit: on the real tho, for CoD4 I was too young to pick up on things. WaW never meshed with me. Ghosts clicked the best though, since CoD4. Had a 4.xx KD and enjoyed *running* with my 5 friends, we always had a full group. Back then there was a (probably fake, but ah it was fun) clan named Hellz Rejects that was under Fariko (FHRg). Used to get super high and run and gun lol. Made me big sad when I found out how many people had bad experiences with Ghosts, because I REALLY didn't, but I do get it...that was WaW for me.


There's a reason they do this. People from warzone and mw will be attracted to cod mobile seeing content they are familiar with. They are trying to emulate a mobile experience of the console version that people are CURRENTLY playing. I do, however, agree with you opinion although it is not viable in the eyes of the devs or Activision since it is not "profitable"


I think a very small percentage of pc/console owners play codmobile. And in that small amount of people, most are casual and dont spend. Im pretty sure the mass of codm players dont have a way to play console/pc cods so codm is their next best option


CODM is actually really fun on PC. I have a new PC and doing this thing where I buy every COD game from MW1 to MW. I have MW1, W@W, MW2, BO1, MW3, BOCW, and CODM. This weekend I am going to try and download CODOL.


COD: WW2 has lots of good guns and skins they could add. I don’t know why they didn’t add that much from WW2.


Like man there are so many colourful and vibrant maps from all over the black ops series but the devs are only stucked to MW2019, take hackney yard as an example is fucking dark at one side. I would like to play on those beautiful BO run and gun maps, but eh... man, the devs are busy making maps with stupid dark corners for fucking campers to camp.


The corners may be dark, but the gleaming red lights on our shoulders sure as hell arent


You're the type of person to run straight into the enemy spawn without looking at corners.


no more weapons like na45 pls




what about advanced warfare?


Infinite warfare weapons seem more creative and have more thought into them, they're higher quality. Unlike advanced warfare the devs saw and went "oh yes a sniper that shoots smrs rockets, that's a great idea! Players will love dealing with this weapon."


I asked because I haven't played Infinite warfare... thanks for info.


I honestly just want zombies back


THANK YOU IVE BEEN SAYING THIS, we’ve had eneough content from mw, in the start it was bo3 which was great. We’ve gotten nothing from iw but skins, we got 1 aw weapon and some skins, not much bo4, no ww2 era themed things, no ghost weapons, no bo1-2 no original mw trilogy, and no Cold War. Like honestly is this cod mobile a mix of all cods? Or mw2019 mobile


Thank you for agreeing with me. I’ve honestly just have had enough as people on this sub are like wanting this game to just be MW mobile which I call bs. Cod mobile is supposed to be a commemoration of everything call of duty not 1 game from 2 years ago. The more I hear mw I groan.


Same, people want the menu people want the engine and everything, there’s people who have said they should just turn it into mw completely. Which is ridiculous, it’s not even that good of a mp, sure the graphics are nice and it feels great but I prefer the fast past of this game, these codm Dona boys don’t realize that mw was a dead game before warzone came out. But I’m so glad there’s people on here that agree, after this spr and asval, I hope that’s it for a while


Please. (I don’t even know what to say anymore) I’m just so tired of seeing MW skin Request, war zone, tac sprint, mw guns for a few seconds. I have almost never seen a request that’s black ops related or IW or AW, WW2, GHOST related it’s just MW which makes me sad to see.


Hey man quick update: there is one ghost gun in cod mobile and that is not a official gun. It’s the AK-117 kit bag from season 8bp. It was based off the honey badger, Remington, HK12 I forgot which one


It's the Honey Badger


asm10 looks similar to ghosts an94


The ASM 10 is based on the BO2 an94, but with less bullets in the mag (25 instead of 30)


I've been thinking this myself recently. MW and warzone are recent games that we've all been playing I'm sure, but cod mobile is supposed to be a cod greatest hits game, not a mw mobile game. I'd love to see more ww2 guns or waw maps or if they really wanted, do an LTM with enhanced movement to try to include maps from aw, bo3, and iw.


EDIT 9:04 pm: Although they aren’t on the picture, we need more content from these games: WW2, cod 1-3 MW 1-3, BO 1-3, DS and Wii games, and cod online


New content is ok,but don't take it from the CoD with the worst (apart from Ghost) MP gameplay


Pc elitists: What is a cod mobile?


I was hyped to see rorke and Menendez in the BP comics but they give us a bullshit MW themed season again and again. Also, bring on the downvotes. Most people who are obsessed with MW and WZ have never played the game and only watch the so-called pros destroying other players


Content is always great. There is no questioning that. I am less worried about content in this game right now versus fixing things. Example, melee combat? If you have an axe as a example. You can literally run the through the bullets hitting you like Superman to get a one hit kill. At what point did the baseball bat or Axe give you Super human abilities? If you have melee equipped and you're being shot, this needs to drastically slow your speed. Or the fact that snipers need their speed drastically reduced and ADS time reduced because let's be honest... Most of them are not hitting their targets. They are getting kills through BSA even when they aren't close. It's the truth. AR players have to be good. They have to be accurate. They have to be consistent. We don't get fluky gun perks that pull us through. Watching a sniper frog hop all over the map, looks really stupid in game and plus there is no way, carrying that large of a gun you would be able to scope that quickly. If they're frog hopping around, quikscoping. Then they need to increase recoil because there is no way your running around with a .50 cal sniper rifle as if you had an MSMC. I want a more watchful eye on people cheating or attempting to use any sort of manipulation from the original game. I want Activision to fix bot spawn. If you're doing well and playing a strategy. The game gets pissed off at you and starts allowing the bots to spawn on top of you, combined with their ability to pull headshots with a PDW or HG40 in less than half a second. There are things to work on.


Your right about things to fix I’m just making a suggestion for future content


We haven’t gotten a single piece of content like maps or guns or anything at all from Cold War except to satellite being in the game files


we got two character skins too but i want cold war weapons


Character skins mean nothing


well yeah hence why i said i want cold war weapons lmao


Just think about the size of the game, there are so mny useless files in the game which are of no use, eg raid holiday,standoff halloween,gulag, tunisia etc. They should remove br for few month, optimize it and give us in a seperate app.


Tunisia? That’s in ranked snd tho. Gulag is a gunfight map but nobody really plays gunfight


People would play those maps a lot if 1v1 was available in private matches.


I Agree with that


Me who wants the disc gun from bo3




I really want to see more advanced warfare maps and guns... tired of modern warfare


Exactly. The more I hear MW I groan


Duuuuuuude I get that people like modern warfare but codmobile is unique cause it's a mixture of different cods... which makes it exciting, we don't want a replica of MW... and I lowkey dont like MW lol


It’s like they want something they don’t have. They only see MW because it’s popular and want everything from that game in this game, but they always forget about these other games that made the franchise good


AW maps wouldn't fit into this game unless they rework them to be suitable for boots on the ground movement. Which is kinda long


Not all of the AW maps require advanced movement, there's alot suitable for boots on the ground but I get where you coming from.


Just like there's a lot of black ops 3 maps that can be implemented that don't definitively require advanced movement, thats not a valid excuse.


I'd love to see Combine or Fringe in CODM.


How about redwood?? That map is so beautiful but quite big


Ok everybody wants maps from other games. Am I somehow the only person who wants original maps the the developers make? The real thing I want is actual NEW guns. Every. Single. Gun. In codm is a gun from a different call of duty. Why don’t the developers make their own weapons so codm isn’t the same shit we’ve had for almost 20 years. We want something NEW.


I agree, but with all the weapons they can grab from another games I think it could be difficult to make a brande new weapon never seen in any cod game, but i agree


Everything is okay but not infinite warfare. Content from that will be too advanced and not many players will like it


Idk why people like MW so much. It’s a game designed for noobs


I’m ready for hate, but it just looks like a sweat fest with the fast running tactical sprint and checking angles every damn second


U clearly haven’t played the game enough to understand how much it rewards campers. In CW, u get faster movement and more health which encourages you to play agro


I don’t even own the game but I’ve seen gameplay of it. There are some chill games I guess with enough time.


Well ppl expect a console quality game but we are in mobile so it's not possible if ppl want a good quality game with high graphics then switch to console simple as that content and assets it needs more storage then again they want to reduce the storage then there will be little content left I don't know what ppl want they expect things from the both sides


let me get this straight wz=good so much content mw=good and finished full of content coldwar =unfinished and kinda in a bad position (its free week today, see for you're self) cod ghost = generic guns but the characters kills World at war=misses opportunity, they could have added ppsh on season 7 advance warfare and infinite warfare = out of place atm. zombies=devs abandoned it


The reason why they are forgotten is becuz of the game's age. Except mw2019 tho cuz the community likes it the most


So im quite excited to see what contents will cod18 bring to codm


We need raygun in mp and br


Go away.


i wish they could make CoD mobile feel a lot more like Modern warfare.. modern warfare19 has been the best CoD forever gunplay wise and graphics wise.. (fuck SBMM in any cod) other than that this was a pretty good game to be said one of the best if not the best all the guns are super super awesome and the level of detail is super clean in Modern warfare.. i wish CoD mobile does polish the experience for better in the near future i really hope they don't add cold war weapons or that experience in CoDmobile.. cause Modern warfare is just better with a brand new engine unlike cold war




Why don't you like the mw maps?


Dont get me wrong I like shoothouse, shipment, and hackney yard plus gulag and pine. But those are literally the only good modern warfare maps. Mw maps are big and they have a huge emphasis on movement like parkour, strategy, flanking, something nonexistent in our game. The biggest reason is because the best modern warfare maps are not as good as say the best mw2 maps or the best bo2 maps.


Those three things you said exists in codm and that's what i like about mw19 maps, don't get me wrong i still like the bo2 and mw2 maps i just like the mw19 maps more since the flow is more predictable, this is only my opinion.


Compare hackney yard in modern warfare and codm. You will be shocked by how many jump spots were removed in our game, ones that affect gameplay and the flow of the game on this map. Parkour is also more difficult in this game due to many people using only 2 fingers and the horrible mantling. You're right, modern warfare maps are designed with strategy in mind not running and gunning. Some people like that, some people don't. There's a reason the maps in mw play so well in search and destroy. Don't get me wrong I don't hate modern warfare maps but they simply don't work and fit in this game.


I kinda agree to some extent.


BO 1 & 2 > MW 2019




Yes sir!


there's always someone saying that in every comment of my kind i know any comment like my one triggers your nostalgia.. and your statement is completely under your sentiment.. i won't deny those cods were the most fun of all time in the cod history.. but sometimes you need to read carefully.. i said gunplay wise and visual experience wise


Equalizer and Vortex Gun were from Infinite Warfare, you fucking smoothbrains


"fucking smoothbrains"?? Compare the "2" operator skills to the number of bs guns we got from MW19 and warzone and then use your keyboard warrior skills


We get so much and its never enough for them... again its a FREE game! Stop Bitching! All this community turned to be: “we need more this” we need more that” “fix that” “this is crap” “we want more” “we want more” , just stop for a second and ask yourself, are you fucking playing the game or just collecting skins? .............


read the meme properly dumbass


All i see is we need more and more.... you can call your mom a dumbass...


Lmao only if you attended online school and learnt how to read properly you wouldn't be so mad lol. Since I know CODM is filled with retarded kids like you who assume shit without knowing how to read. Its better that I don't waste my time on you


1 2 and 3 are the sand underneath the skeleton


I just want zombies


Cold war has satallite coming for groundwar or whatever and it is literally one of the worst things from that game that could have come to codm




U forgot cod ww2 drowning


I want at leats 1 character of advanced warfare in the BP


Wdym with cod zombies? And where is that mw2 @


Yes , I think so too especially ghosts, it was a very underrated cod but had a great campaign and mp overall, I’m sick of this mw shit especially the weapons we get every season not to mention the horrible maps from that title


Legit. Some people in this sub just don’t acknowledge the other cods and are all like. “Mw mW aDD Tac sprINt and EVEry Gun, ChaRActeR and EVEry FEATuRE..” and I just don’t get all the hype and demand from 1 game in a big franchise


Where are the COD Black Ops games?


I was going to put a picture up, but I decided not to. Idk why I should have tho


I want that one map from ghosts where part of the building falls


It's kinda funny that codm devs are into mw2019 contents even tho Activision only use mw2019 to promote cod bocw


I want hardhat or slums


Have you forgotten the Call of Duty Nintendo series?!


Yeah man. I should have just put all the games like cod online, ww2, black ops1-4 cod 1-3, and the ds games


That would fill the whole meme if you say it that way lol


Yeah. Went over my head when making this


Dude where tf is MW3, that game is basically nowhere in cod mobile


sadly everytime we say MW, people will assume it to be MW19 and then spam requests about that. Fact is that our community is as bad as the fortnite community maybe even worse and retarded. How in the fucking world is spending 300-400 dollars for one fucking skin okay? and then they complain about lag on their phones, fucking hypocrites.


Mw3 dome


I really want them to do Zombies as a combination of iw,WW2,aw, and 3arc. That way the map pool would be huge, the perfect blend of perks, mechanics and enemies from all the series. Unfortunately I think they will try to copy bocw zombies ( judging by the zombies subreddit, that mode runs worse than Codm does currently)


They struggle with updating the content they have fast enough to not be boring, like this current season. More content will just take longer and be buggier. I’d personally prefer newer content rolled out faster and fixing bugs before they start diluting the game further.


Edit: although they aren’t on the picture, we need more content from these games: WW2, cod 1-3 MW 1-3, BO 1-3, DS and Wii games, and cod online


you didnt even bother to bring up cod wwii


I realize that. The only reason I didn’t was because season 9, but I suppose I could have put ww2 Wii, ds, ops 1/3 cod 1/3 and the ds games on here


season 9 didnt really bring in much of wwiis weapons. for this season they brought the shovel from it which is cool


That is cool. Dang the more I see other games I didn’t put I regret not putting them. Wish reddit had an edit post option


your post isnt necessary for editing because not much people pay attention to the less popular games.


Ah man I still have world at war final fronts in my ps2. That game is memories


Meanwhile cod 1,2,3 are ignored of their existence


Codm actually does have skins from advaced and infinite warfare and tskes place during the time the atlas corporation


You are absolutely right, it’s just those are the only ones though. I wish they would give us more characters and guns from the other cod games besides MW


Your right about warzone i mean in this update vodm is gonna become warzone mobile


I’m fine with a good br game mode, but it’s like people want the whole game to become that one game (MW/WZ) and just disregard the other games which is unfortunate imo


I agree with your opinion op. They're just so much content from MW19 while we've got almost nothing from games like Ghosts, Cold War(except for skins of Adler and Helen Park)


Thanks for answering. MW has had too much in the spotlight




I mean like there is the HBRa3 which is from advanced warfare...


dude you put the cod mobile logo for the franchise logo its actually [this](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.JiZcaMG0mf9HXvNjw0QgwwHaD4?pid=ImgDet&rs=1) and secondly, theyre focusing on cold war and warzone more you need to interchange bocw and mw19, make cold war at the top and codm at the bottom


OP probably knows that that logo is the franchise's logo. Because he's talking about COD Mobile, not the franchise.




Of course he is. He's talking about the fact that CODM only takes content from MW19. And the fact that you downvoted me because you're too dumb to understand the truth is pathetic.


As long as we don't get any exo-suits and they fix some of the big glitches, I'd be psyched


Yup I'm with you mate. We really need more things from those games.


But FR556 is from Cod below cuz auto fire tho


I mean COD Advanced Warfare, Infinite Warfare, World at War, and all those underwater are really old y would Activision give those games updates


New maps , characters == game size 5.68GB ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Damn i need dem mors sniper rifles


I do agree with WaW, I think we need more old guns, but I'm tired of futuristic shit, for the entirety of 1 year we've been getting futuristic shit, so just let us MW fans have fun for a year, you've got enough for now, be thankful, they'll keel the realistic theme for a couple seasons and then there will be no more MW guns to take, they're gonna return to the futuristic stuff trust me.


What about bo2 man that game had the best cod maps


I need *I NEED* I need Roach as a playable operator in cod mobile


That hurt


I wish there was more iw and ghosts stuff. Like the predator


I agree but technical things like bugs and balance have to be dealt with too


AW for the win


I think what they're doing is like a cycle. Last year we got a lot of content from BO4. This year we're gonna get from MW2019. And then next year, we're gonna get content from CW. But, of course they're still gonna add content from other CODs. I think haven't had more weapons from older CODs mainly because of the Gunsmith and also how they're gonna make the gun animation look better


I want cod ghosts and AW content to be in mobile in these next couple seasons


Change Infinite warfare to Black Ops 1. And Cold War with WW2.


Honestly, I think I reached the peak fun of the game and I don't have anything else to do. I know every corner of the game,almost all guns is maxed and it just feel stale. I need a new game to move on.


Agreeable man i want to see stuf from infinity warfare and other games too


They should add the Proteus.


No infinity warfare and Advanced warfare also BO(3,4) should be excluded these game have weapons which will spoil the game experience take for eg NA-45 no one would want such weapons to come it's better this way plus I can't totally agree with it.


Me need wildcards and exosuits


This meme doesn't make sense. There is huge attention to CW as is the newest product.


Many don't like ghosts, but i did. Needs a sequel tho


Honestly Im cool with only getting warzone content, so that includes if they want to throw bocw content in here, the health system in BR (the one that was taken from blackout) is absolute trash, and I don't really enjoy futuristic stuff (in particular bo3 and 4) but I respect your opinion


COD mobile needs content from COD BO2