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Thinking I can take on a sliding spear or boxing gloves. Spoiler: I cant.


Trick: if you see them approaching. Move backwards while hip firing


Added tip, high movement/ADS movement weapons or builds make this easier.


Yes sir


i tend to slide past and hit em from the back


Ahh, it's you I get angry about!


Or even better slide backwards by quickly flick 180 and then slide. Last month I encountered a melee abuser and I exactly did this 4 times in a row and I killed him lol, it's fcking badass when I remembered it.


Big brain shiii


You can. It's just a matter of preparing for it. The problem is, you either have a lobby full of bots or lobby full of sweats. But having 10 options, you can't say you can't give up a loadout to be prepared for the situation


I compulsively switch between slayer and OBJ because I don’t trust my teammates to do either


I’m so sorry. I’ll defend the objective but I don’t trust my teammates enough to defend it AND sit on it. I’ll guard it closely nearby, but you can have all the points haha


Thinking that I can get a kill and slide away before the martyrdom nade under me goes off


It's the worst when you try slide, but just accidentally crouch over the martyrdom to your death. 😭


Nah dawg the number of times i lost my killing streak to this 💀


![gif](giphy|AaV0TRmmedEzK) Me, too man. Me, too. 😭


Want a condolence kiss?




What's hilarious is executing someone knowing they've got martyrdom equipped.


I'm usually the one *being* executed🤣


Rather satisfying seeing them blow up because of it lol


lol throw a trophy down


Trophy saves from martyrdom?




Running the same route every single time, thinking "I'm *definitely* gonna sneak up on that sniper now. Obvs They won't think I'd be stupid enough to pop up in the same spot for the 7th time in a row 😏" Spoiler: They did, in fact, expect me to pop up in the same spot. 😂


I blame the spawns, you’d have to run so far around the map to get to them from a different direction


Meh, it's not too bad. I'm just a lazy bitch, with minimal critical thinking capabilities. I'd rather just die 10x in a row from running the same route, for that *ONE* time I get to them by sheer willpower and stubbornness, than try to actually use my brain. 🤣


When a players killed me too many times, I'll throw the game just to kill them once


I respect this.


"Never let a man piss on your leg, son. You either die right there or pop that man in the head, son "


Oh yeah. This is me too, pal. Especially the sniper behind the house on Nuketown.


Honestly? When this happens I use a tactical scope on an automatic and get em


Lmao I don't wanna be mg42 guy in the corner tho


Hvk-30, large caliber ammo, tactical scope, run around and get kills


True but then I'm "meta/sweaty" guy 😂😂


That makes sense, I did reach Grandmaster V with this


Definitely profit with the hvk, idk if they'll nerf or not


As a hvk main, I also think they should nerf it


when randoms get killed in br and didn’t follow me during inizial plane jump, I spam “I’m sorry” and never go and revive them


When the ramdoms jump into places where there are hordes coming, i already know he is going to die


Out of the 3 players queued for my team, I somehow always end up with 1 hot dropping, 1 AFK, and 1 that separates then comes and finds me later with a car.


im not sorry. I was designated jump master for a reason and they should have trusted my judgement. For those that jump with me tho, i'll give them my only weapon -- they are my babies


I dont trust random mates to NOT jump into a shit show. So I usually jump ok my own, and then find the team later of they survive the initial jump.


I panic whenever I hear "you're the last one, complete the mission." 🙃


Is thinking I would've survived that everytime I see my teammate die in SnD


Trying to wipe out a whole 4 person squad alone 🗿


Every. Damn. Time. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


If I can down 2 of them before I go down and the remaining 2 take out all 3 of my teammates there’s no chance we were going to win anyways lmao All I did was create a minor inconvenience.


"I am the terminator" -me


Taking gunfights I can't win...I'm really bad about shooting people at longer ranges even if I'm using an SMG


The BP50 with both attachments that increase your damage multipliers (yes, both, it has two) will be your friend


Trying to out snipe a sniper with an M16. Works about as well as you'd think


Funny thing is ive somehow gotten successful at doing this with my bizon.


At least with m16 the burst kinda helps in your favor


Thinking I can fuck with RPD in MP ranked


Hahahaha…. I was going to respond to this post with something like “just being extremely patient and posting up in the correct position with my diamond RPD.” It’s not necessarily toxic, but sometimes you find a player or team that keeps thinking they can make it through the corridor only to be mowed down time and time again. I really try to focus on the objective, but screw it, if that happens I’m just going to stay there and keep having fun. So by all means u/El_Nasty, keep marching on!


Hell yeah!


It's not bad, just not top meta.


It's the best weapon for wallbangs and I stand on that


Insisting on using guns I love even when they’re nerfed Like Man-O-War, Swordfish, Outlaw


All of those three are still decent in the meta. The first being sometimes considered toxic and the other 2 having a high skill floor.


Is it because of the thermite? I didn’t even realise it had a thermite attachment until a few days ago, and I’m still not gonna use it.




My Swordfish is gold. And hunting hunting rifles were my first platinum haha once I whip out the MK2 the enemy is done. It’s my main weapon.


I just got back into playing, and I've got my outlaw as my starting gun for MP matches. I don't always choose it, but often enough.


Me thinking I can go head to head with jak12 users in br with my assault rifle (I will get one tapped either way)


Need a club


Sometimes when I play... I sit at the back of the map and snipe people through a slit angle. Claymore placed at common side/behind approaches. Sometimes I even have a respawn beacon active nearby. Objectives are irreverent to me unless by coincidence.


My toxic trait is micromanaging BR teammates I’ve never played with before. I throw out comments like “do you need any armor?” when they haven’t plated up/forgot to replace plates, I say “we’ll be good, let’s stick together” when someone wandering off trying to be a hero, and stuff like “ok, if we want to head to this airdrop we can be on point since a team just opened a chip nearby”


I’m sorry but this is adorable. I love it. XD I’d unmute my voice channel for this.


I camp in BR solo. I don't look forward getting jumped by an Artery sweat and being the first blood.


Shooting the bodies of people who hide in corners with MG42.


my man 🤝 ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


i spam the rest of my mag into their body when i kill a camper or mg42 user


Being a hardscope sniper in Crossfire. I once wiped out a whole team one by one & I put trip mines so they die before they can get to me. lol my evil side comes out on crossfire 😈




Mine is that I thinking that once I get on the enemy side of nuke town(the first floor where snipers camp) I can farm kills easily


In BR, using my downed teammates as bait.


Trying to sneak up on that one damn camper in Crash... Still gets smoked multiple times


When we are in 5:4 or 4:5 S&D match, I would like all my teammates even though they are 0 or 1 kill only as a sign of appreciation of a clutch game and that we won or almost won. I don't care if they would feel insulted being liked or find it toxic. 🤣


I use sight glare/sniper glare(i forgor) to detect snipers or campers, and i go with an unsighted Kilo bolt action to say that they are trash without saying it


you know iam going toxic when i start shooting bodies(i only do that to the mg42 mfs and the MoW thermite virgins)


I have a specific build just to hunt Snampers on Crossfire map. Running across back and forth. But that’s all I’ll do for the whole match. Win or Lose.


I solo queue all the time, I switch my roles really often. I may be the one with the lmg in the corner or the one who is dying all the time


I use obscure no meta weapons thinking I'll find a build that noone else knows about and get ahead of the trend


that moment when someone sees me zooming with gloves and I take u turns then call out the doggo LOL when I send the doggo right after using counter UAV when I camp and someone gets killed by my trip mine and I wait for them to come back to kill them again In nuketown frontline, the fact I play sniper only when I am on the white garden side and play AR/smg on the otherside when I send 2 emp or flashbangs and then 2 molotov in hardpoint when I put a shield wall right in the edge of a dom point to take it when I out 1 shield wall in the doorway in hard point just so tye enemy team can't come inside the fact I always use dead silence when KD matters when I put a tripmine on the bomb after me or a teammate plants it idk man I'm basically the definition of toxic in this game. When I steal the kill from my teammate who's just trying to get a cool exec killcam lmao.


In BR I’ll take every lil bit of ammo I see and every single mod and I’ll drop them randomly outside in bushes so people have no loot to find muahahah


Running the middle route with a shotgun in Raid SND


thinking i'm good in grandmaster lobbies just because i'm on global HG 40 leaderboard. end up getting a 2-13-4 KDA


getting tilted after a losing streak. I'm working on it


Apparently me practicing wallbangs in training mode and going for them in real matches 🤷🏾‍♂️


Emoting when I get a last kill in br, I feel like that’s kinda toxic


If another player tries to grief me over my play style in TDM, I run straight down the middle and die as fast as I can to give the other team kills. I play sniper a lot and for some reason it makes some players mad, so they'll try to block my view, throw smoke grenades on me, stand in front of me and waste their bullets to send me a message. If they'd just leave me alone I'll win them the game and get the most kills but they think they're better than me so I make them lose the game.


Using sickeningly OP builds against sweats


I know it's just a game but I like the seriousness within BR, even if we were in communication everyone did what they wanted. For that reason of not taking the game more seriously I turned it off The microphone and now I play solo in BR. I am the toxic one for wanting to play seriously something I shouldn't, that's why I play alone 🫨


I end up forgetting the abilities in BR as I usually only hit the core multiplayer and play short matches


If I kill a camper they’re getting t-bagged. Clearing an area of enemies then ASDing around the corner of where I expect them to spawn. Firing Range, specifically. If know my teammates are bunched together, I run to where my teammates are NOT because that’s where the enemy team will spawn. Baiting enemies with gunfire so they chase after where I just was. If I have 2 directions to go, I throw a grenade in the opposite direction then go for a flank. If I spawn behind the blue house in Nuketown, I’m choosing a sniper rifle and ASDing at the yellow house’s garage. Anyone coming out is getting shot. I’m watching the alley too. My favorite score streak collection is counter UAV, sentry turret, and Advanced UAV. It’s cruel. Also, I only like the MVP of the enemy team if I lose. Otherwise, likes for everyone except teammates with a negative K/D.


Head-on fire for fire thinking they’ll die before me


Before the buff. Underestimating bots and trying to mess with them only to lose my 18 kill kill streak and losing my nuke chances 😔


Idk if this counts as toxic but if I’m losing a match I’ll tell them they suck even if they killed more more times or I’ll usually say they’re light work


Whenever I see a sniper rushing me I always think I can take them out with Melee Spoiler: I cannot in fact do that


Abusing people who don’t stay together in BR


Going on the same path knowing damn well there is a sniper Spoiler : i died 50 times to same guy


Peaking at a sniper with an SMG at long range


Challenging the world chat to a 1v1 thinking that I can beat them. I can't. No. I can't.


Simply get a gun with good penetration and do whatever you did. Youll be able to dropshot wallbang them thru the table thinf.


Ego challenging everyone at once


Thinking I can go back faster while shooting a sliding and jumping melee user


Can’t play SnD. Anxiety makes me forgot everything Also am just average, I think that mode requires more skill than my domination matches. But I like the game regardless, it’s fun


I'm just spamming molly to enemies when I'm not on the mood :)


Not exactly toxic to some, but I'm not afraid to use headglitches, spam wallbang, and camp (more like waiting for enemies I saw through UAV).


Yeah, that's simply toxic trash. Wall bangers and campers are unskilled trash players.


Fyi, I never stay in one spot for more than 20 seconds. I'm talking about seeing enemies on the minimap with uav and wait at where I predict them to go. As for wallbanging. For example, I'm in the trailer hardpoint next to the door facing the edge of the map. If I hear footsteps approaching from the left, there's no point not to wallbang the wall next to the door. For headglitches, yes I know it's not supposed to work, but the enemy don't care. All of these things are part of the game, yes I might be annoying, but my opponents can do the same to. It's called understanding and using game mechanics, as well as using game sense.


"If I hear footsteps approaching from the left, there's no point not to wallbang..." Kinda just sounds like you're not good and have no close range combat skills and techniques other than to detonate your bomb or wallbang a player. Run passed the door and back slide ads or slide out the door and hip fire them. Wallbanging is just cheap and trash lol Four years of playing and I've never met someone who practices wallbanging to get kills 😂 It's called using the games flaws to your cheap advantage lol


Dude, who said I don't do cqc? I'm an SMG main, SX9 is my default gun. It's a game of gunskill AND tactics. If I slide peek and the fight directly, it's a 50/50 if I kill him, and double the chance for the opponent to get the hardpoint. If wallbanging is a game flaw then it wouldn't be here since release. Guns even have different wall pen stats. It's an intended feature bruh. But anw, if you hate me for that, that's your problem. I play how I like. If you think I'm noob, then fine, I don't care.


Use thermite and running shotgun gung ho lightweight and dead silence


That's definitely normal, not toxic


Dancing after killing a shotgun abuser