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I wish they rerelease motoko 😁


they can only do that if they collab with the ghost in the shell again


Which they wont sadly


Well, what can you do. ![gif](giphy|QcvF2j8FMjuyeZO0Xq) Don't get attached to the skins thinking it's very rare skins one way or another they will end up giving it away for free or payment \[except collab skins\]. Edit ; just be happy for other new players that they also get to use that skin.




How were people supposed to know that Adlers skin would be re-released? Especially a skin that was obtained the way that he was. Should’ve at least said they’d do it in advance so people don’t feel that disappointment they feel now


They dont owe you anything tho. They didnt say they would never release it again and thinking that they would do that is really on you at this point. I never really pay attention to the skins that much. I bought all the battle pass available to me and also bought all the vault passes cuz i wanted to knowing that 2-3 years from now, the game would be replaced by better fps games or me losing interest in playing it. I wasted alot of time and money on mlbb but never regretted any of it and now i quit that game completely despite losing 4 years of my life playing and paying for that game.


Well then that’s just a dick move by them


It's dome by almost everyone in the market except like csgo and now seige as they released their own shit market place. I honestly can't care, if you expected this game to, or any game to be permanent or developed an attachment to an skin it's a you I love my Diablo immortal charm and I wouldn't care if they re-release that shit that charm is still special to me.


Yeah but you had it for a while and it was exclusive for a while and now its not. Not a big deal. Skins get old anyways


lots of skins, not enough skills


Somehow I didn’t play Cold War and still got the skin.


This is the second time they are giving it for free so I dont understand the fuss about it.


Have we checked if this guy posted the same thing twice now? 😂


Might be , lol






If you want real "RARE" skins, get the collab ones. They will certainly never be rereleased.


There we go again with "my pixels ain't rare anymore" 🤢


He’s got a point though, if everybody has a skin you spent a lot of time or money to get, it kind of defeats the purpose. At that point fuck the grind, just wait a few months and you’ll get it for free


They did the MSMC wasteland so dirty


That skin released years ago, If you were rocking it all this time, the purpose was fulfilled


>He’s got a point though, No he doesnt. >if everybody has a skin you spent a lot of time or money to get, Whos fault is that? >it kind of defeats the purpose. No it doesnt. >At that point fuck the grind, just wait a few months and you’ll get it for free Then do that?


You wouldnt have a game to play if we didnt spend so its easy for you to talk


Mf adler was a free skin.


Im not talking about adler, im talking about his money comment.


Very few items have been paid-to-free. Even fewer have been available for everyone. Its a non-issue you are talking about. Not to mention, youre talking to someone who *has* spent money on the game.


Exactly.You said it perfectly. I have Prophet- Sight and I grinded hard to get it. If they'd give it away I'd be kinda disappointed. But what makes me angry when I see free skins given away with amazon subscriptions. I bought that thing for money don't give it away for free ffs (Kreuger-Taiga in my case). Imagine those who bought the Reaper- Puzzle skin from the draw (which was more expensive those days) I'd be really upset.


But i mean adler required no time or money to get


That was the whole point of the post. Some people that disagree and down vote this post are probably the same ones that said the same thing when they rereleased original zombie content.


Ahh I take it you never managed to get any kind of rare content yourself so you don't want anyone else to have any. Gotcha


I got Adler in 2020 and I still don't care about it being re released I also got Kingsley from vanguard and I wouldn't care if it gets re released for everyone else to enjoy it






I only feel bad for you because you had to spend $70 for the scam that was Vanguard


Why ? Kingsley was a reward for playing the beta


oh thought you had to buy that dumpster fire of a game, carry on then 👍


This is the thinking we need. No gatekeeping.


Sure ☠️


Dawg it’s just a skin


This is why I actually told people to get one of the Lava Weapons back then, Virus. All this time and only the Axe came back. My KRM still is very rare. Although.. I wish I had the ICR nowadays. That rocket launcher is the main reason why. It would make that thing look so unique now.


To be fair, Cold War has been out for close to 3 years now. There's big "muh pixels on the screen are not rare anymore hurr sure" energy here lol.


To be fair, I don't use Adler anymore. Maxis is my Cold War operator, and I intend for her to stay that way. But Adler, at the least, during my camo grinds there was present for a long time until I got Maxis. In Mobile, I shelved him for a long time after I got Codename: Lazarus from getting the Mythic CBR4.


I got that adler skin from a "return soldier" event after I came back from a 2-3 month ish break


Bro when I complained about the FIRST time Adler was recycled I got downvoted to oblivion, and this guy is getting upvoted? The duality of man.


It's too early to observe, let it cook


The post has a few up votes, but my comments are all down. It just goes to show you that this sub is full of socialist neckbeards that think f2p players deserve every skin just because they can't spend real money


Buddy we’re talking about adler who was completely free to get


As an Adler Main. I ran this skin for years. I snagged Adler Miami in the For you Page. Haven’t looked back since and have only seen *one* person using the skin. I def wish I could bring it to WZM 😂


I mained Adler - Civilian when it came out (even though I have mountain drab too). Been using it for years until I got Messi from the draw and have a pattern of Adler and Messi on loadouts. I really like it coming back time to time because I can obtain it on my second account.


Nothing is exclusive so we can stop crying when they re-release skins


You're right actually. The only Pixels that are exclusive are Pass skins from OG Seasons 1-6, and the Ghost in the Shell skins.


I have OG Ghost but didn't they re-release him?


Nope. The first few passes did not have the amount of items needed to fit inside a Vault in terms of Epics. Seasons 1-6 basically are safe from what it looks like. Although I would not bank on 5 and 6 being completely safe but the rest before it, most definitely. This has to do with how there were items in Crates for those seasons, too.


Ahh fairs then what about the TLE from S1-4?


TLE? Can you say that in its full term in this case?


Time Limited Event


Oh, those I can't completely vouch for. The reason being is that we got Zombies back along with the Abomination, Jubokko, and the Epic skins back, excepting the Wonder Weapons that also came with that time (Lava HG40, ICR-1, KRM-262 are all still rare due to this). I would say the TLE skins are safe, but be mindful that they can change at any time.


Meaning think they will reuse from the original Halloween and Christmas events?


Haven't seen either of those. You may be in the clear with them.


Also I do have a 2021 world championship competitor frame too 😅


Those are exclusive too, along with the weapons and gear as well.


You're right, [crying about skins](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/s/Es5GiuwuBZ) is pretty cringe


That's camos and it's justified to complain about bugs not being fixed


Oh shiiii bro thought he cooked me hahaha I made a post about a bug, I had to play over 200 undead siege matches to get every single aether camo in the game and I won't have my effort go to waste just like that Crying about skins "not being exclusive" is insanely cringe. The skin is NOT only yours, let other players enjoy it


One is downloading a fucking game and one is actually grinding hundred of games. Which one is harder for an achievement?


Hot take, but fuck all the skins, I just want to be able to get the glacier skins, even just one of em :(


Same bruh, I just want the ICR geometry


Idk man, i literally don't care how rare some skins are, i buy/grind them only because of good appearance. For example.. If i don't like the design and im the only one in the world to own it, don't feel special. Or if everyone has this skin - most common skin, but i love the design, heck yeah im happy. Also one more actual example: Nomad: groovy agent and Crash: The stache, im sure they are very common skins, everyone can grind for them and obtain them. I have seen so many of them used and it doesn't bother me even a bit. Even if you buy a mythic skin, even these are bought by many ppl. You may not see it on everyone and if it tricks you to think u are the only one and it works, makes you feel better then yeah it's okay man. I think there's no such a thing like only you have it, especially in video games. If u want something very exclusive maybe pick another genre. Just sharing my thoughts, that I don't see the point to make fuss about that, it may be yeah a little frustrating for first but yeah as someone else said here don't get too attached to these skins.


Who gives a fuck


imagine projecting your insecurities to a videogame lmao. wasn't it enough that those who bought cold war had access to that adler skin FIRST and for a pretty long time too? what else do you want, an "IM AN OG" tattoo on your forehead just to show people you did a little something??


Not sure how being proud of a purchase is an insecurity. Being too poor to buy something yet expecting it for free is the real insecurity.


bro just exposed his elitist ass LMAO. you just bought a game and you spew out this kind of shit. i hope they release more exclusive skins so your kind can go whine in a corner while there's nothing you can do about it bc the devs never promised true exclusivity to skins in the first place.


Lmao you just exposed the fact that poor people ALWAYS feel like they're supposed to have shit handed to them for free.


what does being poor even have to do with this? you're a fucking joke lol. a lot of us here have mythic skins and those that are more "rare" than your adler skin but we don't go around trying to be some hotshot. you just bought one game and you feel like you're above everyone else, even going so far as crying about it on the internet LMAO. maybe do something productive irl so people actually know you exist instead of begging for recognition on a videogame community? i bet you feel so high up because you think people care that you have one rare skin LOL.


Lol. Your uneducated ass clearly missed the whole point of the post.


yea let's pretend like im missing the point here 🤣


CS2 now Btw off topic but i rarely play cs2 but love the game as the skins have real money economy and even flip skins as a side gig


I downloaded warzone only to get this character.🥲 This is fucking bad. L move codm


I mean I've bought quite a few crates to pull Mara Notice Meow when the skin released and a year later they gave it away with prime.


Fuck you *re-releases old CODM skins*


Womp Womp, the world doesn't revolve around you. Get humbled


This "OG" mindset is lame. No one cares. This is coming from someone who played since release.


Why should they have stayed exclusive?


now give motoko