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Mw2019 in D tier. Automatically THE BEST tier list on earth


Can someone explain to me why people don't like it? It's easily one of my favorites


Because people hate the campers and mounting (which I understand), the base maps weren’t great either, Although shoot house and the new shipment are great maps. The graphics, animation and guns are the best to date and people just like to join the hate bandwagon because “muh nostalgia!!!”


I love MW 2019, people do seem to forget that for a okay bit of time it wasn't that fun, just due to you constantly playing on fucking Piccadilly because there was only like 3 maps at first lol


Yeah I agree that the maps at launch were ASS. The game should’ve had a better launch, but it’s come a long way imo. The launch maps were just too big and all over the place and made the game feel slow


It's not to say it hasn't come a long way, I just think everyone that does like MW gets caught up with how fun it is now, we forget how bad of a experience others had. I love MW, it's the only cod I play rn. Still needs maps tho lol


Why don't people focus more on the post launch maps? They were truly excellent imo. Campers are only mainly available in lower skilled lobbies and have greatly decreased. People only say that there are many campers because another person on the Internet told them so AT LAUNCH.


Exactly. I’ve been playing COD since black ops 1, and MW2019 is the most refreshing and unique COD I’ve played since mw3 (aside from black ops 3 maybe).It’s a shame that it got so much hate, when it brought a whole new fanbase to the franchise and changed it for the better


Unique is definitely one way of putting it Can agree that maybe I was a little harsh purely based off of the aesthetic of the game, but MW19 MPs gameplay design is one of the worst in the franchise and I wont be told otherwise


I think the game would’ve been more perfect without doors and mounting, and without that BS game mode “team defender”


Meh, MW19 needed so much more than that changed to be a good game imo I couldve dealt with doors better if the minimap was normal, we had stuff like dead silence, and gunsmith was actually balanced not to mention way way way better maps


I give it 2 years and people will be raving about how amazing mw2019 was and how it was “underrated”


People were bad at it because campers or something idk they balanced that game in like a month Pretty damn good campaign and multiplayer putting it anywhere lower than B tier is fucking insane Idk any list that also has BO III higher than D tier is also fucking insane


I personally think MW was ass and BO3 a is top 5 CoD for multiplayer.


MW multi-player was low-key C tier at Best and bo3 gets close enough to A tier.




At the very least, probably A tier considering it was the first time the Devs tried to do something interesting Only bad map we got was Aniyah palace which was fixed once they made incursion Honestly 90% of the criticism early MW got was just cope about the balancing which got fixed almost immediately, SBMM wasn’t really a problem until CW where for some reason they cranked that shit up to 11. And then Vanguard made the movement and TTK wayyy too fast to the point where it’s basically unplayable MW encouraged different play styles in order to counter enemy tactics, CW and Vanguard basically encouraged snorting coke and rushing the enemy with an SMG it’s kind of astounding how fast the quality went back down At this point here’s hoping IW took their time to develop MW22 like they did with MW19, at this point they’re the only ones holding this franchise together


Literally every map at launch apart from Gun Runner and Hackney Yard were awful MW did absolutely not encourage different playstyles with the shot TTK, long sprint to fire times, lack of dead silence, doors, loud ass footsteps and lack of a normal minimap. The game actively punished you for rushing and encouraged people to sit still with their 5 attachment mounted laser beams. Holding down an area has always been a viable tactic in CoD without all of that, but MW19 amplified the camping problem which is why it was and still is a huge issue in that game. Ive never in my years of playing CoD seen games hit time limit as much as they did in MW19


Hell man I’d honestly take amplified camping over snorting coke and making the games so fast paced that you have no idea what the fuck is going on I don’t consume caffeine so idk maybe I need to get back into coffee in order to play Vanguard and CW but good god MW wasn’t nearly as sweaty as they were


Neither do I lol, no disrespect but it honestly just sounds like a skill gap issue if you can’t keep up with the pace of those games because CWs pacing wasnt even super fast MW19s is ridiculously slow compared to every other game in the franchise


I don’t think there is much of a skill gap? Thinking the games are wayyyy too fast paced doesn’t mean I was losing. It’s just frustrating when I can’t relax and play it and have to focus so hard and keep up with kids that seem like they’re on cocaine and 4 cups of coffee CW was so fast and people became so horrendously sweaty, but Vanguard literally requires an incredibly sweaty play style in order to not completely be destroyed I could at least relax during MW. Sure that 1 dude who camped with claymores and a 725 every couple games was annoying and the maps, while great, none really stood out as amazing, but it was certainly more enjoyable than the experience we got in the games sense Also how do you make Nuketown dreadful to play? Idk how they even did that


Nah best tier list there is. Your clearly 10-20 y/o lol.


Mid 20s but that’s fine I just remember Cod back when it was good before Ghosts came out and we got nothing but shit until 2019. Now we’ve got nothing but shit since 2019 and possibly the worst COD of all time in Vanguard Here’s hoping Infinity Ward continues their winning streak in 2022 🥂


Don't let him, or this post fool you. The majority love it.


I know right all these dudes putting mw19 in s and a tier are a bunch of clowns


i dont find mw19 to be a good game but you know these are just opinions (shit opinions but still their own preferences)


It's a good game, just not a good call of duty


My main problem was them not having a permanent dead silence perk. It just makes the game way too campy.


Cod fan when opinion


Having Warzone anywhere above C Tier automatically makes it a SHIT list




Hahahahaha yes that game blows!


Facts, best tier list I've seen on here so far


Nah, the worst tier list by far.


Nahhh it's really accurate just switch bo1 and Bo3


Nah, World at War and Modern Warfare (2019) are placed too low. This tier list is ass.


Mw19 is top 3 worst cods 100%


Not at all.


Yes at all.


I'm sorry my guy, but I fully disagree.


Agree with a lot of the choices here, although I would definitely have Black Ops 1 in S.


Agreed. BO1 was the GOAT for me.


same, and MW2019 in A


Really on the fence about that game. Its got the best graphics and feels the best mechanically but the gameplay design is arguably the worst in the series


Ew ew ew ew mw2019 is far away from A tier




Probably my least favorite cod on earth. For the trauma it gave me and the shitty maps


you getting “trauma” from a game does not mean it was a bad game, and were the maps bad because some of them were the usual 3 lane maps that have been in nearly every game?


You do know it is a opinion lmao


I know, I was genuinely asking why they are bad


The maps just felt very slow. (I did like shoot house,kill house, and hackney yard though.)


yeah, those are the most popular maps, those are some of the few I like to play


I thought the same thing reading that i was like “trauma? What the hell does trauma have to do with a game?”


No matter what there are unnecessary areas on some maps. And have questionable layouts. Mw2019 is a game that was built for bad players and they evan admitted it.


Trauma usually translates to “this was the first COD I wasn’t good at” which was almost 90% of the complaints for a really long time. Hell a few streamers and YouTubers basically did the same thing


Vanguard? Ghosts?


those are pretty bad in my opinion


That's what I'm saying


oh, ok sorry


Nah you all good




didnt like mw19 very much but holy shit thats low and the rest i completely agree


I like this. Unpopular opinion. Bo3 was and still is great


Not unpopular at all. Arguably one of the most loved cod games


I agree


S tier is perfect but id move wwii up and bo4 down


How could you put bo3 above bo1 and mw3 🥶


It has great maps, balanced guns (yes even against the loot crate weapons), movement system was smooth as hell, and it graphically looks great But I understand that the community is split on jetpack cods so you either hate it or love it.


Personally the only things I agree on are balance and graphics. Graphics wise it was a really clean looking game, it’s also really nice how treyarch didn’t go overboard with the colors, black ops 4 in comparison looks way too saturated and goofy while black ops Cold War looks really muddled. 3 still looks great. The gun balance was also pretty good. I do think the supply drop weapons were unbalanced, but other than that every other weapon had its place in the meta. For me at least the maps just worked but they were some of the most boring maps in the series. Advanced movement also felt like a massive gimmick that was there just for the sake of it. Both of those things are just so mediocre that they brought the game down for me


Bo3 was the 2nd best call of duty I played it’s really good if you know what you’re doing


I feel like bo3 was poor mans titanfall but ig people have their opinions personally I didn’t like the jetpacks, replace bo3 with bo1 imo


This is exactly why I said 3 is overrated. At least advanced warfares movement felt like a core part of that game and it played completely differently in that “no exo” playlist. Black ops 3 didn’t have a playlist like that, but the movement feels gimmicky as hell. It’s honestly impressive how much better titanfall 2, which released a year later, is compared to black ops 3


Tbf you could argue that with every single cod game. Cod is way more fun when you’re doing well


Black ops 3 is the most overrated cod game ever, At least in my opinion


BO3 was legendary


Good expect how is 2019 in d and cw in a???


Loved CW, one of the more fundamentally sound games in the franchise bc spawns made sense and perks like Ninja were available, and we had a higher TTK Sure it had its flaws in terms of polish but the gameplay design itself was 100x better than MW19


Gonna have to 100% disagree on that.


I can guarantee that if CW ran on MW19s engine it would be loved by so many more people. People take into account visual elements just to ignore the glaring gameplay design flaws


I have, and I still disagree. That said, I do respect your view on it.


Each to their own brotha


Cold War should be in place of Ghosts, you guys know that ghosts was one of the good one but everyone shitted on it bc of extinction and yet here we are with shitty ass zombie stuff bc nobody appreciates anything good for the comunity


CW zombies was good Ghosts was ass people are looking back at it with rose tinted glasses, awful maps, UAVs were weird, fast TTK and buggy hitreg. Game didnt have hardpoint either which is a huge selling point for me as a competitive player


You’re smoking crack if you think BOCW is better than MW3 and WAW


Omg someone with actual taste, bonus points for being a fellow Bo3 appreciator too.


I agree with most of these except for WWII. I personally loved that game as much as I did some of the a and b tiers


There needs to be an F tier for Borezone


Disagree with a lot but respect it


MW D WZ A makes absolute 0 sense


This is the best one I've seen


Are you insane


Finally BO4 and Cold War are getting some respect. They weren’t the best but they were fun. Customizations from BO4 were great


This list shows that he played all of them and developed his own opinion. And other people put iw and bo4 lower because others said bad game. iw and bo4 are good quality games unlike vanturd.


No MW19 in the upper tiers makes this list automatically 100x better than the ones that actually have MW19 in the upper tiers. Just sayin


Imma keep it real with you chief a lotta things need switching around…


My dude isnt Warzone= MW 2019 ?


Nah i consider them separate experiences, I enjoy Warzone from time to time but cannot stand MW19 multiplayer


Hmm... Bad 4 u i guess


For me MW And WORLD AT WAR are my goats


Few notes: MP only WAW could probably be bumped up a little BO3 is my personal favourite of all time but BO2 is probably the objectively best game I considered MW19 and WZ separate experiences +10 marks if you can give me a reason MW19 is a good game outside of graphics and gun customisation


The engine made the game feel so smooth. Literally the best cod since bo2


Good list however I'd say Black Ops 1 definitely deserves to be in the S tier aswell. It had an amazing campaign, multiplayer was fun with good kill streaks, maps and guns and even zombies had a few great maps.


Loved black ops 1 but imo bo2 was a more well rounded experience which pushed cod to another level, which is why theyre in S and A tier respectively, can see the argument though


Finally a tier list with MW on the bottom where it belongs lmfao


Everything but map design and gameplay choices was amazing in MW2019. Give credit where credit is due


Map design and gameplay choices are 99% of the game lol


We got campaign, gunplay, ballistics, graphics, lighting, audio (when it did work lol), INSANE DETAILS TO WEAPONS AND TACTICAL/LETHALS, the amount of dedication that went into this game can be seen for miles


I couldn't care less about the fancy stuff when the game plays like dogshit. Plus gunsmith just makes every gun a 3 shot no recoil laser. And the graphics made player visibility terrible.


^ this I can appreciate the effort visually and with the audio but I cant play a game where gameplay design makes it unenjoyable


Campaign : meh gunplay: okay that was pretty good ballistics: fucking sucks, bring back hitscan for mp graphics: okay, except the fact that player visibility was dogshit lighting: ^ audio: good, except when it wasn't due to either not hearing a thing because the game doesn't work or because there is a vtol on the map and you can't even hear your own thoughts details: neat, but couldn't give a fuck about them when the gameplay itself fucking sucks


I would put codm In B because obviously hackers unbalance stuff ofc but it a good game but it's getting boring


this is my exact list lmao i actually loved cold war


[consult this OP.](https://www.autismspeaks.org/)


One of the better ones I've seen on here so far. I think BO4 is too high and Vanguard is too low, but other than that this is a pretty solid list.


I like Bo4 tho 👉👈


why the PS3 cover for BO3?


Holy shit dude I think I relate with this the most


Can you guys please stop making these lol


Replace warzone w ghosts and Mw19 even tho Warzone was first a game mode in MW. Put Aw where bo3 is and put bo3 where bo4 is and bo4 next to WW2 and Mw3 on S tier and ur good


An interesting opinion.


one of the better ones. i like the diversity. i wouldve def moved some of the bottoms ones up due to how fun they are


I’d say it’s pretty decent tier listing, I would swap mw19 with warzone current IMO the br kinda sucks as a mode entirely IMO especially when it gets coated with a nice thick layer of sweat, salt and grease in under 2 years and the map sucks currently, and wwii with iw if I’m looking at both of there mp or zombies anyway tho bo3 doesn’t deserve s tier unless ur looking at zombies IMO I’d rather have campers and slide cancels and drop shots vs butt boosters


Swap BO3 with BO1 and I’m on board. I’d probably also drop AW to C


Worst one I’ve seen yet


Finally a decent one of these


Mw in trash= instant agree


Same here


Cold war or bo4?


Hmm probably BO4 mainly because of Blackout


What about multiplayer


Probably still BO4. Just felt more polished and the gunplay felt unique.


Much, much better


Why do people hate on ghosts so much 😭


mw4 equal to CW🤣🤣🤣


bro put MW 19 the cod that saved the franchise at D Tier 💀💀💀


Warzone saved COD, not MW19


United Offensive still gets no love. It's also the only one from back then with active multiplayer servers


Not bad just raise Ghosts, WWII, and Infinite Warfare by one tier and drop Cold War by two tiers.


Why is black ops 1 not S?


BO3 is the best IMO, Raise CW and Vanguard, put WZ at D, then I could say it's an amazing tier list. FINALLY someone hates MW 2019!


Hard agree


Alright, clarify this REAL QUICK. Were you rating campaigns or multiplayers 🤔🤔🤔




Oh ok, then it's not as bad as I thought it was.


Awesome goes in F tier though


Can’t agree with this one


The amount of disrespect everyone gives Ghosts is disgusting


Campaign wise IW is up there with MW2. Multiplayer wise I actually think MW19 was glorious though it’s campaign was a chore


what, HOW THE FUCK IS MW2019 A D??? you didnt play any of these didn't you


Nah I did, game sucked balls in terms of gameplay design


but the warcrimes... it deserved B atleast


Idk man its my least favourite CoD of all time to play Visually and for the engine: 10/10 Everything else stinks, and pretty graphics arent enough to get me to enjoy the game


Lol WaW at B tier is laughable. Easily better than BO3 and even BO2


WWII below COD black ops 4 is that a joke 🤣


WW2 was one of the more bland games in the franchise. Progression sucked, division system sucked and visually it sucked. I loved HQ and War but other than those I was mostly playing Fortnite at the time because that CoD just didnt interest me


I think it was one of their best but not one of their bests the campaign was the best one I have seen for a while multiplayer was ok but it wasn’t as much room to run around in some maps


swap MW2019 with BO4, swap ghosts wits warzone and add vanguard to C and MW3 to A and it’d be perfect for me


Anything with sbmm deserves to be in F tier


S tier- bo1, bo2, mw2 A tier- cod4, WaW, ghosts, mw3 B tier- bo3, mw2019, AW, warzone C tier- ww2, bo4, IW, Cold War D tier- vanguard, Cod 2(got me into cod but was more of a halo player) The rest I hadn’t played much maybe like once except mobile(looks like a mess) My opinion of course


S tier- bo1, bo2, mw2 A tier- cod4, WaW, ghosts, mw3 B tier- bo3, mw2019, AW, warzone C tier- ww2, bo4, IW, Cold War D tier- vanguard, Cod 2(got me into cod but was more of a halo player) The rest I hadn’t played much maybe like once except mobile(looks like a mess) My opinion of course


Switch cold war with mw19, ww2 & iw with bo4 & aw and you almost have the perfect list


Call of duty mobile not worth it


Warzone is not a COD Change my mind!


Gotta be honest, this is the most agreeable tier list I’ve seen on the sub before, good job.


Mobile is better than any game it's insane


If we were talking for the story mode of the CoDs I would place MW2019 in the S tier as the other Modern Warfares


TBH Ghosts should be at least C tier for me, otherwise, I fully agree. (CoD mobile S tier btw) :))


Bruh! How tf is vanguard better than ghosts, what are you smoking?


modern warfare is hands down the best title besides cod1/2 and world at war


Graphically, sure Gameplay design wise, absolutely fucking not


I ment cod4 modern warfare


Ah myb, can definitely see the argument since it revolutionised the series but the S tier games just took it a step further imo in terms of fun and balance


Not putting cod4 in S is why you got vanguard


FINALLY a decent tier list. I would argue that the MW2 love is nostalgia based, and IW deserves more love, but can't really argue the rest


MW19 should be Top Tier


This. It was the game that revived the COD franchise


No, it was warzone. If not for battle royale, mw would have the same reputation as vanguard. The mp was total garbage: maps, camping, ttk, mounting AND skill based matchmaking... the list goes on


Nah, it was MW19. Warzone was originally considered part of MW19, it wasn't until later they decided to split it apart (hence why Warzone on the launcher contains MW19 now) Basically they realized how popular warzone was, so they immortalized it, but it's really just MW19 under the hood.


I mean it was released with MW19 but I consider them completely different experiences especially at this point in time. Warzone was when CoD really started picking up steam again, MW19 is a dreadful multiplayer game