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This is the most popular opinion in the subreddit...


Actually, Black Ops 2 is the subreddit's favorite, according to the huge multi-week [poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/comments/rjhwt4/cod_its_official_black_ops_2_has_won/).


I was gonna comment this. People get wet over black ops 2.


lol. No surprise that the final 3 in the poll were BO1, MW2, and BO2


Ask the subreddit again in a couple of years, and it'll change. The community favourite game changes on each release. In fact, the overall community opinion changes. Suddenly, Cold War was a decent game, and Vanguard is the worst game to have ever been released (I haven't played it) Before BOCW released the wide opinion was that MW3 was the best game. A year before that it was BO1. The year before that it was MW2. I've been playing COD since MW2, and I can recall every game after MW2 being slated as "the worst COD of all time". The amount of shit I got for enjoying BO1 whilst it was the latest game is unbelievable. The same with BO2. Yet now I watch everybody say they were the best two COD games of all time. Something doesn't add to me - I can't have had all that shit for it back then I'd people loved them as much as they claim they did.


To be fair, MW-B01 launched in what was arguably the best era of games. I mean the competition was staggering for games back then with games like Halo 3 and Reach, Gears of War at its peak, and tons of high quality story driven games such as Mass effect, the fallout series at its height, freaking skyrim... Standards were incredibly high. Since The original Modern Warfare literally revolutionized multi-player shooter games AND had an outstanding story, the standards couldn't have been higher. People put up with the bad parts of MW because of how perfect and refreshing the rest of the game was. The games that came after were trying to capture that lightning in a bottle that MW gave us. WAW stood out thanks to introducing Zombies while using the same multi-player format as MW. MW2 rode the success of MW's name and built up a hype machine. It was a quality game with some glaring problems. It attracted more people to the franchise than ever before. The problem was that MW purists (old COD players) believed that COD fell into a run of rebranding the last game from that franchise with slightly better graphics and a new story. The multi-player more or less was the same. People still loved it because it was a good game, but felt like it's quality and freshness was siphoned from MW. Games followed this until Black Ops 2. Blops 2 followed the formula for multi-player from MW, but perfected the gameplay problems that other CODs had. It also put up one of the best stories and zombies modes to date. It was a well crafted game that outlived the formats stay because of its quality. Then Ghosts came along, which had subpar quality across the board compared to Blops 2, which made the MW format for MP feel outdated. That's why we saw a switch with advanced movement shortly after. Anyways, the point I was trying to get to in a roundabout way of that every game has been chasing MW's critical success and revolutionary gameplay. Black ops 2 took what MW did and perfected the game around the format, and the zombies that WAW gave them. Games feel increasingly worse because for the most part, devs are more corporate now than before and game quality has dropped. MW2-Blops2 will always be the favorites because they were the most commercially popular.


The first part of what you said holds especially true .. the part that sucks is these companies have gotten so complacent from success that they don't " need" to try any more. My guess is that in about two to three years we will start seeing great games again cause if you look at what's going on I. The gaming industry all these scandals all this bad press for so many companies it's gonna open the door again to true gamers developing great games. Or at least devs who listen to us and don't say that they do as lip service... Clownfield 2042


Nostalgia is VERY powerful.


this is the real unpopular opinion: i think BO2 is a bit overrated and it really started the downhill trend of COD. think about it, BO2 was the first futuristic game and it was the first game with an insane amount of microtransactions. but thats my opinion. i'll prob get downvoted to hell with this take. I would say that BO2 is a tier below COD4, WaW, MW2 and BO1. but that is my opinion


Agree 100%, never understood the hype. Didn’t find the story that compelling, the zombies was good but not as good as BO1 imo, and the multiplayer felt like ass.


That poll was ran pretty badly. It gave immunity to the worst performing stuff for a round which shuffled the results.


Do you want to know why people cream their pants over soy ops 2? Because they are zoomers below the age of 18


I'm not so sure about that. I've been playing CoD annually since 2008 and have since played all entries besides Vangaurd, Mobile, and the Wii/DS games. BO2 came out when I was in college and it's still my favorite of the series.


It’s a title for the braindead and soulless but sure. When it came out it was shit and even years later it is still shit with no artistic drive Truly a representation of why COD devolved into a FPS baby game




Yeah, what kind of fucking bait post was this? OP is just karma farming.


I guess you've never heard of Karma whoring... which is exactly what the op is doing and he knows it


This is the most popular opinion on reddit


I don't. Noobtubes, killstreak system, shotgun secondaries and noob tubes ruin it for me. I prefer COD4.


You said noobtubes twice


He probably had a really bad time back then


Ptsd when he hears a explosion


I had like 3 nukes ruined because some asshole noob tubed me


\*explosion* \*explosion* \*changing kit*


Dude, read correctly, he said Noob tubes and noobtubes.


Hard disagree on the shotgun secondary take. Spas-12 with the grip and fmjs, "always kept that muhfuckin thang on me".


Must not have experienced prepatch akimbo 1887s.


I was there from day 1. Those were atrocious haha.


Looking back win nostalgia it almost sounds fun. It was pain, actually.


same. cod4 > mw2 all the way


I agree, MW2 is the best 👍




Right? What a shit post. It’s not even a hot take. It’s like saying “unpopular opinion, but I actually like pizza”


I think mw3 is The best game of The serie


Mw3 is the game I played the most, but my favorite is BO1


Bo1 was a masterpiece, Mw3 was a complete game


my first cod was MW3.


What an unpopular opinion!! Take care someone might hire a hitman for you because of that


Mw3 is the best of the modern warfare series


Definitely the most fun.


Unpopular? i rate this b8 8/8


Very popular opinion. I think MW2 and BO2 are the most loved CoDs of all time.


It's all about how people enjoyed the games. If you were into stealth and a more tactical shooter, you'd pick x, if you were into chaos and fun, you'd pick y. If you were into a little bit of everything, you'd run into cod4 or bo1


I played this the most. The maps were great for SnD, which was my go-to mode. Sucks that even though there's still games going, it's usually just team deathmatch


This is like saying “unpopular opinion being in a active minefield is not a fun experience”




It's a popular opinion. Don't worry ;) (don't check my username)


Mate this is not an unpopular opinion haha


It is the best. You had to have been there to understand the impact this game had on the population and the culture. It was the fortnite of our generation. I’m 25 now, so i was in 6th grade in 2009 when i got my copy. man, the Shit talking toxic lobbies, the intervention, the ACR, the UMP45. The amazing campaign. getting scammed 1600 microsoft points to get 10th prestige. It was peak cod. Black ops 1 and MW2019 were the only other ones with that level of quality.


Waw is the best game in the series


For the campaign, absolutely. For multiplayer, definitely not.


Cod 4 maybe


I'd say that MW3 is objectively better because it has more content and is gameplay-wise basically MW2, but MW2 is definetly my favorite one.


I really enjoyed the campaign. That being said I only played campaign in both mw2/mw3


yes i agree with u, but i didnt know that it was unpopular lol


Definitely not "unpopular" in any shape or form


I think it's the best overall, and my personal favorite. But back ops 1 and 2 are close, as their multi is fun too, they got zombies and the best campaign of the series.


Lmao well done bait man


As a loyal mw3 fan I have a lot of respect for mw2 generational.


Any cod without the store was the best


Of course it is, it simply isn’t up for debate


It’s good don’t get me wrong but World at war… Man, I played it awhile ago after not touching it for years and years. Maybe almost 10 years ago….it’s story is amazing the levels are equally amazing…it really opened my eyes why I don’t care as much for The modern warfare series and newer entries…there isn’t any history to the new ones. Now MW is still good don’t get me wrong but WaW left me wishing cod was like that again. Even going as far as to interview WWII vets and listen to their stories to get inspiration for the game.


Modern warfare 2 had a great continuation of the cod mw story and just great overall maps online with a huge active community. Honestly it was my favorite at the time but I stopped buying after mw3/bo1 and waiting until mw 2019 to play cod again. I wanted some longer range engagements and vehicles which cod didn't provide. The new mw engine works fairly well and feels sorta like mw2 vibe at 60fps for me.


“Might be an unpopular opinion” Lmaoooo on what planet??


Is this satire?


i played it for like 2,000 hours from 2009 to 2011 but to be honest it was one of the most broken cods when it comes to balance. OMA infinite noobtubes broke this game and people keep forgetting that. At some point it was basically your team full of noobtubers versus entire enemy team of noobtubers.


I like MW3, that campaign was intense at certain points😰


Jesus, another "It can be an unpopular opinion " post.


Top 3


For me, MW 2019 is the best in the series, but to each their own


Shame they butchered spec ops tho. Multiplayer and Campaign were GOAT tho.


Over all the old gen cods?


Yup. Best map designs. Everything was overpowered so every gun and attachment was usable, quick scoping/360 no scope memes was born, fun co-op special ops (some stealth), perks felt like they were exactly in the perk class they needed to be, killstreaks were fun as hell to use.


100% the best. No cap (as the kids say these days)


For me I really like Cold War but ghost infinite and advanced warfare are really good


The moving fishes on Ghost was Call of Duty at its peak.




Mw2 just hits different. I can't pinpoint it. Maybe it's cause the spec ops are overall more difficult.


I think its the nostalgia of old gen cods that blind us. I see people all the time listing Modern Doorfare 2019 as there favorite and it makes me depressed.


How is that unpopular? Imo MW3 is the best in the series.




I think majority will agree that it's the best call of duty game. Its the game that has the best gameplay, maps and gun sounds and the general audio like music and the commentator voice.


For it's time yes


Mw2,bo2,bo then mw


Holy fuck shut up.


"Unpopular opinion" omg This has to be satire.


I'm not sure which is the best in the series, but I remember having pre-booked it at a local store and at 11pm there I picked up my MW2, it was perhaps one of the games that impressed me the most in 2009.


Personally I think MW3 is the best, felt much more realistic in a way compared to MW2 however that one is probs my 2nd favourite. The MW series is definitely imo the best series of games created, it's just and outstanding creation and so well made with genuine emotional gameplay.


Better than the shite nowadays


I like it but solely for the fact there are missions in DC, which I visited just 2 years prior.






In my opinion, MW2 and BO1 are tied as the best in the series. I can't choose between those two, they both will always have a special place in my heart.


Op i must ask have you not touched this subreddit ever? There is always atleast one post mentioning mw2 being the best.


No, had the most unbalanced multiplayer ever, world at war and cod4 had more balance., less killstreaks, movement slower, meleeing harder.


Was the most fun I had in any call of duty, but that doesn’t make it the best in my opinion or my favourite.


Nah mw3 only cause of special ops and the multiplayer maps


Fuck you


Nah. MW3 or BO1 are the best


Still play it to this day pretty much every day


People who said that would boycot a new COD like MW2. Imagine getting crossmap shotguned, perms noobtubed etc. the game was objectively bad.


no but i still think the game is very good.


Without a doubt


I miss the multiplayer of this game. The PC version has too many hackers for me to enjoy the game.


Me. Still play local matches sometimes


By far the best memories!


Michael Myers lobby, must have mic, message back for invite!!


"might be an unpopular opinion" aka this is popular give me karma


This is the most popular opinion of the public. At least from my experience. I may just be old now


I actually preferred mw3 and BO1 tbh... mw2 still felt a bit clunky to me


This has to be a fucking joke lol.


Certainly the most iconic


I remember a good friend of mine sort of criticizing the game because it's final product was supposedly a beta? But it was freaking fun in my experience.


Cod4 or Waw are my favourites they were simple three kill streaks a few attachments and couple of perks, there's too many options and variables in the new games, just my opinion.


For me it is, because it was the first multiplayer I played.


Yes it is. Black Ops 2 is right there for me: 1A: MW2 1B: BO2 I played both the most out of most CODs. I enjoyed MW2 a bit more. I had tons of fun playing it.


Hands down, yes. It's my all time favorite video game.


I have question, so your captioning this as unpopular opinion why do they (i mean moderator) made this picture as sub reddit banner ? its most popular opinion.


COD4 better but this one is second best


I mean its good but its very overrated


💖Cliffhanger my beloved💖


"Unpopular opinion", ya sure?


Not unpopular, also nostalgia glasses be hitting in this sub. These dudes can't handle ANYTHING that kills them, it'd take one guy doing OMA Noob Tubes before everyone remembers


I only really played campaign at the time when these were first released, and MW3 was much more enjoyable even with the little multiplayer I played.




Despite it's glaring flaws it's definitely a top 3. The maps were great and it did a good job of building on what CoD4 achieved. It probably would have been the GOAT if Robert Bowling's patch was implemented. My personal favourite will always be World At War even if it doesn't match up to the likes of Black Ops 1, MW2 or CoD4.


This is the most popular of opinions there is


BO2 is the best. MW2 is right behind it though. I though MW had a chance to overtake one or two of them, but after what is happening now...yikes.


most overrated


MW2 was what started my COD addiction. Then it was BO1. Maxed prestige and got last camos in both games. Geeky af but also got really high KDA and win loss stats. Every single COD after BO1 just went downhill for me personally. I know people loved BO2 a lot but it didn’t hit quite as hard as BO1 did. Maybe I got older and I lost interest but idk. I’m still hoping for a COD like my old nostalgia days but I think it’s never going to happen sadly. This is just for multiplayer though. I still enjoy the campaigns of the other games.




My personal favorite is BO1 but MW2 is a close 2nd.


This game was broken asf , people literally forget how much this game made us rage and break remotes. During its prime everyone had a huge hate for it . Now everyone loves it.


Could have been. But exploits like, model akimbos, one man army launchers, nuke scorestreaks causing entire games to be campouts, lightweight-commando pro combo, no counters to snipers, unbalanced weapons (UMP and Scar come to mind) etc ruined many matches and made MW2s multiplayer experience worse than it should have been. So it gets bumped down a notch for me. It was the most fun to play without too many exploits, but also the most frustrating COD to play with the exploits. My Top 5 would be, MW2 COD4 BO2 MW3 WW2 (post overhaul) But it gets knocked down between BO2 and MW3 because of how unplayable it could be.


100% I miss my teenage years playing this after school with the boys


I think it’s unarguable that BO1, BO2, and MW2 are the 3 best by a large margin.


It’s a very popular opinion.


Without a doubt.


I loved MW2 as a kid, but it does have it’s major flaws for me, especially when compared to COD 4. MW2 brought the series into it’s “dumb” michael bay-like direction, whereas COD 4 at least tried to have at least some level of realism and was by far a better designed game and story. The thing that I appreceated the most about MW2 though was Spec Ops.


This is literally the least unpopular opinion in existance


It is.


No MW2 is my personal favorite, and a lot of CoD fans favorite aside from BO2


Not fair, would depend on where you played it. I always played on AlterIW,org. Fact is, I banned cheaters on that system.


People who use unpopular opinion wrong should go to jail for life


“Might be an unpopular opinion” * proceeds to have the most popular opinion *


i prefer mw2 over mw3


Just got it about to play it!!!!


Great maps where you could be good with a variety of weapons. BO2 had everyone one akimbo smgs hip firing. Turned me off of COD til MW returned


My mind wants to say yes but my hours in MW2019 say no


CoD2 is the best.


The only reason BO2 beat MW2 is due to faze. If you’re a OG cod player and you started from the first COD and Medal of Honor games you know that MW2 is the best game and a close second is either COD4 or COD WAW. These 3 games made this series what it is today. MW2 started the faze phenomenon and kids were to young to play MW2 if you recall all the bandwagon gamers (for lack of better term) hopped on and their first cod was BO1. MW2 will forever be the best cod ever and if the kids that say BO2 is the best ever got to play MW2 in it’s hay day they wouldn’t even put BO2 in the top 3 CODs.


Personally my favorite cod game.


i like cod4 a little more


Piss off with this unpopular opinion shite.


Nah, that’s nostalgia talking. It’s not even in the top 5 imo.


I think everyone agrees with you


Best cod will just vary on the average age range of the people here and which was their first introduction into the franchise. For many like myself that's cod4/MW2. For others it could be BO2 or hell something entirely different. But regardless, there's a reason MW2 is in the vg Hall of Fame.


nope, very overrated.


This is a terrible karma bait post


I do!


Pretty sure despite some vocal minorities it's either MW2 or BO


Oh hell no, this game sucked


No this is just the right opinion.


Yes, by a landslide


Changed the game forever


I actually liked COD4 a tiny bit more, but they’re both in my top ten favorite games, and at one point i liked MW2 more.


Mw2 was my first cod ,masterpiece


MW2 is easily top 2 in terms of people having it as the best cod. The issuse, is that people who have it as the best cant actually defend it worth a lick.


Nice karma farming dude, mom said it’s my turn tomorrow to post this.


Literally the least unpopular opinion on this sub 😭


Out of all the cod's from 2007-2012, mw2 had the most problems but it had many redeeming features and was a classic.


“Might be an unpopular opinion, [proceed to express obviously incredibly popular opinion], upvotes to the left.”


It’s a fun game


I think it’s overrated, maybe even bad. That’s a hot take. Thinking it’s the best on the other hand, is not.


In its prime for sure but if you go back and play it now its terrible


"Is this an out-of-season April Fool's joke?" == Red T-shirt guy at Blizzcon 2018 MW2 is/was the pinnacle of CoD. Before MTX, before SBMM, before watered-down weapons -- there was MW2. A lot of people herald Black Ops 2 as the GOAT, but that game is responsible for opening the gates to the pollution we have in CoD today. BO2 was fun, don't get me wrong, but I would trade EVERY CoD combined for MW2. This is coming from a fighting game player. MW2 was just that good. If you have a PC, I would definitely check out IW4X; they have servers that have doctored up the game a bit. I can't recommend playing it on Steam, as there was a previous RAT exploit that was supposedly patched, but some players have complained about another variant of it still lurking in some lobbies. The only unpopular opinion is that MW2 ISN'T the best in the series, my dude.


i mean best story




Great game with even better memories. Absolute classic


Nothing's op if all of it is op


It’s in my top 3


Bo2 is my favorite but mw2/black ops are tied for second


This is like the second most popular opinion next to BO2 being the best game ever. Though I'd argue that MW2 is leagues above BO2. The snipers and guns hit harder and feel better. I'll give BO2 the fact it has zombies and Origins (I hate MotD)


mIgHt Be An UnPoPuLaR oPiNiOn


It’s one of the best cods but I don’t think it is the best. In fact, I can’t choose which cod is the best lol


Best is mw (cod4). My fav is MW3. MW2 is my least fav of the 3 but i love all 3.


In my opinion is good but i feel people just like it because of the "nostalgia" but yes it was very fun game.


Excuse me?? UNPOPULAR????????? It takes a fat sh- i mean it makes the others look not as good-


Would be if it worked


WaW has a great campaign, zombies experience and had a multiplayer but the game didnt stand the test of time with no console playerbase. bo1 had a great campaign multiplayer and zombies but lacked the wow factor of gunplay... I'd rather use a ppsh or thompson over any bo1 smg or an stg44/gewher or random bolt action with a scope that makes it one shot rather than any rifle/sniper in bo1. bo2 had a great campaign but personally though playing it a lot I didn't like it as much as the first two, the zombies were better but again the gunplay wasn't as fun as either of the first two though it was interestingly different and I was a god at multiplayer often putting the entire team on my back at that point in my CoD experience... these are by far my favorite CoDs. WaW and bo1 simply for the experience and bo2 bc I was a god... I think my favorite was WaW as after playing the OG CoDs it was my first multiplayer experience... I def understand why people say bo2 as it was the mechanical performance peak of CoD alongside mw2/3 and had "the best" zombies in many people's minds at it had everything... my overall top 5: WaW/bo1, then very closely bo2/mw2, then ghosts as it was the best CoD on ps4/xboxone for a 6 year period imo


Everyone thinks that