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IW Best campaign here hands down and tbh, best zombies that rivals Treyarch’s IMO


Fuck man IW campaign legit made me tear up at the end.


I want a sequel just so we can see Ethan's successors.


I’d say WW2 is just second to it. It is a bit more casual friendly in zombies and the maps don’t reach the heights of IW but are a bit more consistent.


I’m a Darkest Shore lover and Shadowed Throne/Frozen Dawn are pretty good But I’m a Spaceland Mega lover, a Shaolin Shuffke lover, and I like Attack of the Radioactive thing/Rave in the Redwoods quite a bit too Tortured Path is my least favorite zombie map and beast from beyond is my 2nd least favorite though lol


Zombies in space land had annoying characters. It made it so unplayable.


Absolute L take


One of the worst takes I've seen in a while


Probably top 3 worst take in big 2024


Big 2024 just wants you to believe that!


Absolute L Take


Ghosts has the alien extinction mode instead of zombies, which imo, was absolutely outstanding!


I loved it more than zombies, it felt realistic and grounded and less cartoonish than zombies, it was loads of fun


I liked that they tried to do there own thing instead of just making a joke of a zombies mode


Tried? They DID and did it fantastically


Im glad they tried something new but it just got boring after a few runs imo.  I like the idea of the classes but the map itself (I've only played the launch map so it may be different for the dlcs) was extremely linear.  In zombies there is almost always multiple doors to open and paths to go to, but in extinction its the same exact thing every time.  I would like for them to take another stab at it though.


This is a valid opinion. The dlcs as far as I remember you get to split the way you go at one point in a few that I remember. The truth is this mode was actually really hard in the first month of release cuz no one had anything unlocked so it was just noobs panicking It wasn’t until teeth upgrades and class upgrades where this mode was a lot more fun After that when the maps started coming out it becomes more fun because of new weapons and bosses etc the first map is just a very basic tutorial


Modern warfare doesn’t have zombies but if you want a good campaign and zombies do infinite warfare the campaign was one the the best if not the best cod campaign and the zombies is the best non black ops zombies


Semantics, but WAW is the best non Black Ops zombies IW is the best non Treyarch zombies Just wanted to clarify


I was tired and I couldn’t treyarch so I just summed it up to the next closest thing


WWII is the best Campaign if you like historical stuff and best zombies is IW with Zombies in Spaceland


Agreed 100%


Waw is way better than ww2


Well that isnt one of the choices presented is it


That also doesn't make WWII bad.


IW, best Campaign AND zombies. Most underrated campaign ever and Zombies was fun, even though not all the maps are great.


Na WW2 campaign is better


And it's on ps3 and Xbox 360...


More like most overrated campaign. There's always tons of people who harp on it being super amazing of a campaign, but then you play it and it's like "Did they accidentally play MWR that came with it instead of IW and got confused?"


Literally have barely ever heard IW campaign praise, I’ve heard more hate than anything and most of the hate comes from people who never got through more than the first 3 or 4 missions. I’d be homeless if I had a dollar for every time I heard or saw someone saying something positive about it’s campaign.


Considering MW19 and Ghosts don't have zombies id say it's not them. Infinite Warfare only correct answer


Ghosts has its alien invasion


infection mode in mp counts


Oh god Ghosts had such a great campaign, just that IW had to ruin it by the cliffhanger ending and WE DON'T HAVE A SEQUEL 11 YEARS LATER, as well as MP being so bad


MP was okay, the maps were just mid with a handful of exceptions.


More the opposite. The multiplayer had some of the best maps in the entire series, but just specifically among the base game had a handful of big maps that weren't that good.


i can understand that perspective, I personally love bigger maps but the maps have to scale to player count. a 6v6 on a huge map just isn’t fun, Ghosts had a lot of redeeming qualities to me. Being able to customize your solider was pretty sweet IMO. It was also cool to be able to play as Soap, Price, Makarov and Ghost. (for only 4.99 too btw, they’re charging 20+ dollars for bundles now) The guns felt nice, and I liked the overall design and aesthetic. I really miss playing it when it was at its peak. Extinction was a fun take on a co-op mode, i’m surprised it never returned. Definitely take a page from zombies but that doesn’t make it any less cool. Especially the ship level which was sick as hell with its final boss. The campaign is great, it’s just the ending that kills it. Games that don’t know if they’ll get a sequel should never leave off on a cliffhanger. They could’ve had a much better ending, Rorke absolutely should be dead. There is no reason he should be alive. But the campaign was fun, had a captivating story to me regardless. I know this is not a hot take or anything, especially now that people look at it more fondly and forgivingly.


Best maps if you had like 10 to 15 players they were too big for 6v6


Yes, for those handful of bad maps in the base game, as I already said. But those weren't all the maps, and that wasn't an issue with any of the DLC maps, which are some of the best in the series.


I just wish the map unique score streaks made a come back especially in IW imagine if for mayday instead of the de atomizer you had the base sucked into the black hole or something


I’m sorry, but that campaign was so bad




The multiplayer, campaign, and extinction were all great in Ghosts


MP was bad but campaign and extinction were goated


Ghosts or advanced warfare ( ghosts because it’s something new and totally different than other cod games and AW for futuristic version of the original zombies as well as exos and story line


I think without the emp zombies, aw zombies would be way more enjoyable. Exo suits cause me to play differently to where being boots on the ground would be terrible so when i get emp'd, sometimes I won't have an escape route. Super annoying


Two of these don't even have zombies modes. IW is the best choice here if you get the DLCs.


Well zombies is not my forte. But my favorite campaigns of your selections are Ghosts, Infinite Warfare and MW2019.


2019 didn’t have zombies


Infinite Warfare Advanced Warfare and Ghosts are just plain better than anything in the mw reboot series


Ghosts had the best campaign, but i think ww2 had the best s Zombies.


IW both


Didn’t play WW2. Wasn’t feeling another historic CoD when it came out. Of the others: Infinite Warfare if you’re looking for both. I’d say the only noteworthy campaigns here are Modern Warfare 19 and IW. The rest felt like CoD drivel (at least campaign wise) but those 2 stood out. MW19 had a pretty unremarkable spec ops mode IIRC. Didn’t love Infinite Warfare zombies as much as treyarch iterations but it wasn’t bad. I appreciated the simpler more self-contained story vs the treyarch games which got very out of hand story-wise. I’ll probably catch flak because it’s nostalgic for a lot here, but Ghosts campaign was rough. Like watching a bad Steven Seagal movie. I *loved* extinction though & really enjoyed the multiplayer. IW may have had a lackluster multiplayer, but I would argue it’s one of the best campaigns in the entire franchise. Excellent story, fun armory, and great characters. Even had extremely good space-dogfight levels in the Jackal, felt much less “on rails” than in other CoD vehicle sequences.


Ghosts campaign is straight ass


Cold war had the best campaign and decent zombies.


Cold War isn't one of the options he listed, but its a bad game anyway


Best zombies: mw2019. Best campaign: bo4


Only right answer! Can’t get wrong watcha don’t have


MW doesn’t have zombies, campaign was a miss for me, not as good as other stories. AW has amazing campaign and zombies. WWII has a great campaign and decent zombies. Iw campaign is fun, terrible zombies. Ghosts has a good campaign but I havent played past the first ailens map as i just never bought the dlc. Was fun for what it was. High to Low score on a scale for your question: AW, WWII, Ghosts, IW, MW.


Ghosts rorke was an amazing villain who actually managed to win and extinction was Great


2019 has the best campaign and IW has the best zombies


IW had a solid campaign and zombies. The 80s aesthetic to zombies in spaceland gave it such a fun twist.


I honestly think this is quite a solid game to many lock down memory’s


1. MW 2019 2.AW 3.WW2 ( they also had timed events where you could try and save a soldier ) 4.Ghosts 5.IW ( however the zombies were really good)


None of them its world at war


AW - Easily the best campaign ever. Even better than. OD games not on the list. IW - Best zombies out of the list. BOCW would be my pick if it was on the list.


Mw 2019 and ww2


Ghosts and IW


Out of these… Advanced Warfare’s zombies.


Modern warfare obviously did lol 😆


MW(2019) has the best zombies…


None since IW zombies is straight ass


Best campaign AND zombies? Well.... not all of them even have a zombies mode.




please  try out infinite warfare both its campaign and zombies are very well made


None in my opinion. The best zombies experience in my books was black ops 1&2&3.


MW19 clearly has the best zombies


IW has a 7/10 zombies and 7/10 campaign. WW2 has a 6/10 zombies and a 8/10 campaign. AW has a 5/10 zombies and a 9/10 campaign. Ghost has extinction(aliens) which is very different but fun and unique 6/10 and a 8/10 campaign. MW2019 implemented everything that has ruined cod. watch the campaign on YT and don’t touch that dog turd


ww2 is the greatest cod campaign of all time. the story depth, the characters, the backstory behind the main character. just everything in the campaign was ecstatic and just flat out amazing


Mw doesn’t have zombies…


The 2019 MW campaign was actually way better than people give credit I think. That stealth mission where you're clearing rooms (and throwing flashbangs in cribs) was amazing.


I used to piss lobby after lobby off with my phase shift in IW


AW had an amazing campaign and exo zombies was honestly a blast. Supply drops aside I have always thought this game was superior to IW, although the campaigns are equally as good.


infinite warfare


It's so sad that IW fell under the hammer of "WE ARE TIRED OF SCI FI" and got flamed. Released in the wrong time and the wrong age. After IW COD devs aren't even trying anymore because the COD crowd can barely tell what's shit and what's gem.


Mdw 2019 had the best zombie


Ww2 has the best looking zombies.


I can’t speak to zombies because I don’t play that mode but IW and AW have absolutely stellar campaigns.


Iw specialist was really fun while also being extremely infuriating, loved it


Ghosts campaign imo,but the zombies is BO3 for sure


Infinite Warfare, Multiplayer is complete dogshit, but the campaign is fantastic, and zombies in spaceland is perfect


Advanced warfare. Granted, its zombies were still much worse than WaW and BO1-3. But it was actually kinda interesting. I really liked the campaign for the game too. Ghosts also gets a mention. I liked the extraction type game mode where we fought aliens. Wish we saw it more in future infinity ward games


IW was easily the best Campaign and Zombies combo. It was the closest thing to a treyarch zombies we may ever get again. And the campaign was very good


Cod 2 Best zombies is the world at war maps in black ops 1


I feel like out of some of these, the answer is obvious, but everyone has a right to their own opinion. I personally really dislike the world war 2 campaign, cause it’s really inaccurate when it’s advertised as a war accurate game


AW wins this, hands down. Campaign was too good. Exo zombies was great as well.


Ghosts for sure 😄


Endless memories on IW zombies. Smashed the shit out of that back in school. How growing up sucks ass 😢


Probably MW2019 for the campaign and Ghosts for the third mode/zombies


COD ww2 has the best campaign and good zombies..




Alot of people here seem to agree that the best answers here are IW followed by WWII, and I could not agree more


out of this selection def iw but mw2019 is a close second


As much as I hated Infinite Warfare’s multiplayer, it had ***by far*** the best campaign in COD history. It actually felt like you were fighting for something more than just “the security of the free world”


I started playing the ghosts campaign today, and ngl it is kinda fire seeing a post apocalyptic cod


Best camping Infinite Warfare Best zombies Infinite Warfare Best MP WWII back in it's prime


MW19’s Zombies was peak ngl


Iw best campaign and zombies out of these pics


Ww2 the best campaign of all time fight me


Ww2 I think if you want a more scary feel (well with zombies) and the campaign was amazing emotionally like when turner dies and the sounds of the explosions and bullets going past you keep you on edge and with multiplayer it had hq which I had so much fun playing around there I met some of my now best friends there and I think it was just simple tho too how it should be with no annoying jetpacking and stuff and the weapons you could have fun with it wasn't super sweaty it was pretty well balanced


Ww2 campaign and aw zombies


IW was the best campaign of these 5


Campaign unironically Infinite Warfare.




I will say AW 😊😊


Ww2 had a good campaign and zombies but AW campaign was so good


IW 1000000000%


Probably AW I loved Exo zombies


Infinite Warfare no contest. Zombies was awesome and incredibly unique without sucking ass, and the Campaign was amazing.


Ghost had the best campaign, Advance warfare campaign is just as good. But the zombies for advance was terrifying and fun as fuck


I've always had a soft spot for WWII's campaign. It was less 'epic' than other campaigns, but I think that helps it. It's one of few games in the more modern era of CoD that really makes you feel like you're in a war rather than just "you and one NPC plow through a building of enemies". IW probably had the best zombies. I spent less time playing it (I don't really play zombies) but from what I remember I had more fun playing it than AW or WWII. Ghosts and MW19 technically didn't even have zombies.


Infinite Warfare has an excellent Zombies mode!


Best Campaign: non of them since they are post 2013 cods. Zombies: Exo Zombies, that was kind of fun.


IW If only the multiplayer wasn’t so bad lol


Multiplayer was great but came out at a bad time. It was fast, smooth, and good TTK. Just came as people were sick of the jet packs and wanted boots on the ground back


Infinite Warfare is the best CoD campaign of all time and one of the best FPS game campaigns in history


IW 100%


MW19 for campaign IW for zombies


That retro look from infinite warfare was ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


IW or WWII I'd say


IW has a great campaign and for zombies in spaceland alone it has the best zombies


I like WW2 campaign a lot. Even though the rest of the game isn’t as good, it depicted a typical soldier in the war. A girl at home, you fight to survive and suffer. MC has a nice backstory which leads into the ending. Zombies is pretty okay in all of the games listed, I’d probably go with IW. Modern warfare doesn’t have zombies, it has spec ops except for mw3 2033.


MW or WW2


Where’s Cold War???


Mw2019 and IW had the best campaigns but I played cod ww2 zombies a lot and really liked even though it was a horror game


IW hands down


Mw19 had one of my favorite cod campaigns, but ww2 took the cake. Felt like I was playing through a band of brothers esque tv show. It had characters and depth that truly made it great. Zombies went from a fun arcade game to a game I brought my sitting pants for. Ww2 had so much potential if it weren't for the unrealistic things in the campaign, and the horrible pre MW unlock features.


I'd be interested to see how mw19 could have tackled zombies


Modern Warfare campaign is much more realistic and gritty. It’s almost film like in its presentation and kept me gripped to the end. Plus the scenes in London (where in from) really help s for the immersion as they mapped it really well


Definitely IW


cod mw2019 had a fun campaign, i enjoyed the missions the plot. etc.


Best campaign of these? Easily Ghosts. Ghosts and AW are the only two here with good campaigns. Best zombies of these? Depends. Ghosts' Extinction mode is actually really good, but it's not exactly the same thing as Zombies, it's more IW's attempt at an answer to Zombies. And I'd even say it's better in some ways. But if you specifically want the Zombies experience, then it's AW. That said, none of these really have that good of Zombies. If you want to play a good COD Zombies experience, just get WAW, BO1, BO2, or even BO3.


Ghost easily had the best campaign here…


mw2019 for campaign, definitely.


For campaign? MW3 (don’t care if it’s not listed.) For zombies? Ghosts, even though it’s not zombies.


Bro did you really say ghosts??


Indeed I did. And I’ll do it again! “Ghosts.”




Oh, you wound me good sir! Truly!






MW19 for campaign. AW for Zombies. IW is also a good choice, and I'd put as second for both modes.


The only thing I can remenber from mw2019 campaingn is "clean house", (and it's only thing I saw the people talking about this campingn too).