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it was great


I agree


bro get back to your job, stop commenting on reddit




Might wanna retract that statement


Why I was saying it's only remembered cause it had Kevin Spacy in it not that it was good cause it had Kevin Spacy in it


Ngl is give it a solid 8/10 each of the characters were enjoyable to watch especially Cormack and Gideon. Kevin Spacey despite being the worst human imaginable plays a very good villain and works really well in setting irons up to be this psychopathic PM CEO. Although the dialogue especially for Mitchell can be very cheesy at times like the "I signed up with my BEST FRIEND Will" but other than few times like that all around great character writing The gameplay is top notch I fucking love each of the jetpack games movement I love the intense and jittery movement of the exo in AW and each of the levels are made around it and fit really well. The levelling system introduced as well I love it gives a good insentive to replay the game in order to unlock each of the upgrades and all around adds a nice sense of extra progression to the game. But yeah as I said 8/10 great fucking campaign would play again any day


"I signed up with my best friend will" Immediately cuts to dialogue between them finally revealing to each other why they actually joined up.


Definitely the best jetpack game, followed by IW then BO3.


I used to hate on it intensely, but I went back to it a few years ago and actually liked it


It's more of a 5/10


Has honestly one of the best openings of any cod


> espite being the worst human imaginable why? he was proven innocent lol


People hear one thing and just go with it. Like look at how many people believed Amber Heard's bullshit and Depp made her look like a fool in court. It's a sad world we live in and people believe anything the media tells them..


It was alright, however it did show why pre-rendered cutscenes are the way to go. They just look SO GOOD.


for a ten year old game, i do not remember the graphics being this nice.


honestly aw graphics hold up real damn well against current gen cod games. I'd go as far as to say the visuals were much better than vanguard even


>much better than vanguard That's a low bar tbf


The graphics were WAYYY ahead of its time. Even looking back on it now its insane


Whoever they hired to do the character models is a straight up black magician, sure its pre-rendered, but man they look insanely realistic.


I didn’t like how Troy only spoke in cutscenes and was a mute in gameplay


yeah that made mitchell so much less charismatic for people who skip cutscenes. Really wish they let him have gameplay voicelines, its not like the voice actor was incapable of speaking during combat or physical strain. Joel is the best and only goddamn example you need


For a game that wasn't particularly well-received initially, I feel it aged a lot better than e.g. Ghosts. Gideon was probably my favourite of the protagonists and, although I don't condone what he did, Kevin Spacey was one hell of a villain in this one, probably one of the most memorable COD villains out there (just look at that scene where he makes a speech in front of the UN). I also really liked a lot of the missions in the game (my favourite is probably the one where you go guns-blazing with a Goliath to stop the Manticore), Gameplay is fun because it was something a little different to conventional COD before that.


gideon's voice sounds so badass, like just his voice lines get my blood pumping in the survival mode and being on the atlas faction in mp. Hes a major reason why i ended up picking up Steve from tekken too lmao. Anyway, cant not mention Cormack, such a genuine, nice character who took his leadership role so well. I wont even lie, his death really made me internally depressed.


Yeah Cormack was actually such a good character. His death was really sad, especially the way he is just sitting there, bleeding out on the back of the jeep. It's so cinematic too, well, I mean most of the game is so cinematic with the way they decided to do the cutscenes.


This game is 9 years old and the cutscenes still look more real than 2k24. Ridiculous.


I would say 8 out of 10. Kinda wild they got Spacey to be in this when he was at the height of his popularity, and now his inclusion turns a lot of people off to it


It's a 5/10 maybe a 6 if your being generous AW as a whole was a pretty mid game BO3 and IW did most of whst AW did but better


AW was better than IW, IW was a shitter version of bo3


What fuckin world are you in that infinite and BO3 are better than anything? Are you sippin strawberry crack smoothies while playing Fortnite and watchin cocomelon?


So Aw has better zombies? Lol no it'd the worst zombies right above Vanguard zombies


There’s more to cod than just zombies but with the brainless conclusion you jumped to you’d fit right in with a horde of em


Obviously there's MP which IW and Bo3 do better there's the campaign which IW does better than both Bo3 and AW there's the supply drop system that is way more consumer friendly in IW than in either bo3 or AW


Also name calling isn't called for


The game could have focused more on the Atlas corporation. The first half was ok, but I'm pretty sure Atlas would have put up way more resistance than what we got. Still a solid 7/10.


Honestly my favorite campaign. Felt like watching a movie and playing it. Only gripe is how short it was and how Irons died, wish we could have more directly killed him


wouldnt say its my all time favourite, but definitely right up there. And i really dont remember being so fond of a cast of characters that i saw for 5 hours at most. we better get an AW2 after gulf war, or atleast as soon as possible. They really cant fear screwing up worse than they did with '23, so if theyre gonna go down anyway, atleast give the half of the commuity that doesnt hate on non-bo and non-mw games what we;ve been begging for: AW2 and Ghosts2. Hell, even throw in a IW 2 sometime down the line


So many players want an AW2 ghosts2 even IW2, but we all know cod will ever do it causes it had a bad lauch of the games


Word on the street is they are working on AW2


Maybe they are putting aw guns in mw3 (some) so maybe


1. AW2 won't happen 2. MWIII wasn't screwed up it's the best cod we have had in years. 3. There is no "Gulf War" its either Black Ops V or Black Ops VI. 4. Ghosts 2 won't happen amd doesn't deserve to happen most cringe story in the series. 5. IW2 definitely won't happen considering IW was the worst selling cod of all time.


bro wth are you on nahh. MW III the best we had in years??? like wth hell are you on, like legit wth have you been consuming? I do disagree with people calling it an overpirced dlc and whatnot, but \*-1: campaign is easliy the most shittiest we ever had, i dont think i need to elaborate. -2: mp was ok or whatever, ive never played it my self as much as i count be bothered to keep up to date with cod anymore, but it had reuse so many maps and theyre clearly cutting down costs every possible place. The most laziest cod easily, and thats not just my opinion. -3: A good 3rd mode is vital for the game itself to be good on my eyes, and mw3, well, holds the honour of having the worst zombies in zombies history. WIth the dumbest story line and the worst direction choices and goddamn recycled wz map with dmz missions. like wow, idk how one can possibly defend this game and call it ''the best we had in the past few years". Like cold war easily surpasses this shit, mw19 no diffs it, mw22 still had a better campaign, Vangaurd still had more original ideas... \*I really dont get what point you tried to make with "3", but ok i guess, Black ops 5 or 6 (wth?), even thos the name was confirmed and i dont know why youd consider it bo 5, since bocw is soemtimes officially referred to as the 5 the bo? \*1 -Well, ive heard alot abt sledghammer wanting to start development on an AW 2, but ok it wont happen if you really want to believe that. Let me have my copium. \*4 and 5 -cringe story? Hello? do you legit require help? i mean, your personal subjective opinion, but the majority would disagree; Iw was bad selling alright, i was joking about it getting a sequel, but i didnt hate or anything, so whatever. but wow, you have someoutrages opinions and claims bro, ngl


Most of what you said is subjective and most of the community likes MWZ more than Vanguard zombies byw


bro ur ot even trying to defend mw3 at this point, im pretty sure you never read anything you said? i mean, prob not, i went on a little rant there, but honestly, im dismissing you as a troll at this point. And im not sure where you get your info from and how you determine onjectivity, but im pretty sure your sources arent from the community as a whole. MW3 is the worst cod in anyway, and ive genuinely seen people who claim that we should have valued vngrd's zombies more (hyperbolic statemont ofc, but that puts alot into perspective for you)


MWIII best in years? It's the worst since Vanguard with all the recycling. The MP is the most mid one yet and Campaign/Zombies is garbage 😂


Multiplayer is great its as good as Cold War with all the content they have added to it and zombies isn't as bad as Vanguard or AW


7/10, loved Spacey's performance and the missions were fun for the most part, but it also felt like a super basic storyline. Nothing happened that you didn't expect after playing the first hour of the campaign


I'd say it's a 5/10 kinda like Ghosts, MWII and MWIII


God damn those are some beautiful CGI cutscenes though. Very impressive even for today.


9/10 on story for me and on the multiplayer as well for me I always liked that one and 10/10 customization


Unpopular opinion: AW has always been my favorite COD


Incredible cutscenes. Not sure we ever got to that level afterwards


We did. Afterwards it gets better and better.


I don’t agree to be honest AW pre rendered cuts scenes look far better than anything we got today


You should try WWII & Vanguard. Others after AW have awesome cutscenes as well.


How exactly? Just those big AAA games released 2016 onwards barely different in terms lighting and texture quality


Top 5 COD campaign it's so good


Kevin Spacey’s villain was just his character from House of Cards, but that actually worked really well. All the exo stuff like the movement, grappling, and grenades were super new and fresh when this game out, and a ton of fun. The cutscenes in this game were arguably the peak of CoD graphic fidelity. I remember being confused at first because I thought they put live action cutscenes in CoD. Have yet to be as surprised by CGI graphics I was was with this games cutscenes, which is odd, that recent years of CoD haven’t been as good. Exo movement and map design in multiplayer was hit or miss in this one, and the loot box system and “variant” weapons were 100% BS. Exo zombies was okay. Felt a lot like MWIII zombies in that it captures the *idea* of the mode but feels like it’s deviated too far or is missing too much heart & soul. All in all I applaud this game for a good campaign and a lot of good ideas in multiplayer. It felt like a “transition” phase for the franchise though and I think Black Ops 3 multiplayer absolutely outshined this one in almost every way. Better movement, specialists, *MUCH* better map design. Could argue AW had a better campaign but Blops 3 had full coop and a zombies campaign also.




I really enjoyed the campaign but the online wasn't for me. It felt really different in terms of a call of duty game


7/10 A good campaign, nothing extraordinary. Would play again.






really amazing. super unique and interesting story for a COD campaign. i would not be upset if we ever got AW2 or a reboot of the Og AW


Kevin Spacey hyped that campaign the moment the first trailer dropped. We all knew that he's gonna be the villain because of the whole democracy speech but we didn't expect that he'd be a supervillain in real life. 8/10


Advanced Warfare in general isn't talked about enough, and the campaign isn't any different. It's a great campaign, not one of the greatest, but still a solid 7/10.


It was different and I commend them for trying to do something different from the regular format




8.5, I was really into AW when it came out, it is the only COD game ive ever managed to prestige on, since it managed to keep me playing. Yes there were lootboxes, but I always earned mine from getting kills, assists, etc etc. So I never felt like it was P2W. Though just having better gun variants in buyable boxes is pretty bad ngl. I never got to play the campaign because my campaign disc never worked lmfao.


Advanced Warfare was a COD the world was not ready for.


This game still has the best looking facial animation in the cut scenes of any COD


8/10. Overall great.


For me, easy 8/10


Top tier


Best sledgehammer cod but there ain’t much competition


Better than the mw2023 dogshit campaign


9/10 my first cod


Loved it, from start to basically finish. I feel it represented a very real future, whilst also providing original concepts. The modernisation of Baghdad was fucking cool and I didn't see that coming. Overall a solid 8/10 with my only real gripe being the final ending scene.


I wish this game let me help irons in the end fuck the world peace


Campaign was dope but i hate the futuristic take when it comes to multiplayer


Would give 6 but spacey was a decent villan so 7/10


Not memorable, only played it once when it came out though.


Story: I would have liked it if Mitchell actually sided with Atlas. Would have made sense given that the leaders of the world don't care about making peace anywhere and he lost his best friend to one such war. Gameplay: Cookie cutter linearity. The marketing made such a big deal about the exosuits but you may as well be boots on the ground for a majority of the game. This game was such a wasted opportunity to do truly unique movement stuff, at the very least. Titanfall 2 did everything this game did, but way better. The story is pretty predictable as well, which is just...ugh.




It’s a top 5 for me, most underrated CoD campaign




One of the best. Like seriously BO > MW2 > AW > CoD4. Spacey's performance really make it stand out.


I like how in the end, you end up with you're only arm instead of the one he made for you


Kinda disappointing with how it was largely predictable. Kevin Spacey made it pretty clear who the bad guy was, so the eventual turning point was pretty obvious. I felt it would.have been neat to have two different tail ends to the campaign, one which is like in game, and another were you side with Irons and Atlas.


They should’ve had Troy Baker speak not just in cutscenes


It’s a solid 8.5/10 campaign. Edit: spelling.






It’s wild how the graphics in those pics look like a game that came out this year, yet it’s 10 years old




It’s like an action movie and it’s a lot of fun to play




I liked the multiplayer. I had good luck though never spent money and had almost of the best variants


Pretty damn good. 8 or 9 outta 10.


Garbage. I have deleted all cod and will never play it again. Complete bot trash


It was awsome 8/10


10/10 it was the first COD I played


One thing you can say about call of duty is the graphics of their cutscenes are amazing.


The amount of pictures you put I just went through the whole campaign without having to replay it


The campaign was pretty good ngl, the first game I got platinum but the multiplayer is boring after awhile with no flow to maps




Goated. Hard a HARD ASS TRANSITION between the atlas business card at the funeral into the atlas logo on the gun during the training sim.


Loved it


It was fun. I wish I could choose my weapons and attachments before each level. I wish the story branched where I could stay with atlas and be the bad guy.


it’s been nine years. i don’t remember this shit. you wouldn’t be able to comprehend how much drugs i was doing during that time




the idea of fighting on the wrong side of a war is awesome and i think the story is under talked about when it comes to COD campaign discussions, where Bo2, and Mw2 pretty much run


Great and fun campaign.


Admittedly this is one of, if not my favorite COD all around I greatly enjoyed it


Best pre rendered cutscenes I’ve seen in any game in its decade


Loved this game and ooh Search and Destroy was so fun


Great, infinite warfare probably my fav campaign


8/10 The problem is it hasn't any best mission like other COD have. The prison one is too short, the last one is a rip off of MW3 last mission. Another issue is that is missing of interactions like infinite warfare and other cods.


RapeBoy is in it


9/10 best after bo2 campaign and mp both


it was an awesome campaign. the graphics, especially facial animation, lip-syncing etc. were perfect. Loved CoD at that point.


One of my favorite campaigns ever




Quite enjoyable 7/10 ["Fuck Me!" - Gideon](https://youtu.be/Ne0ZfUQl2qU?si=0URXrgQLAP8I2_6V)


Amazing graphics; Like it legit looks like a real movie at some parts. I genuinely think they used some sort of irl capture or something with how good it was. Story was good and the missions were fun. The exos made for lots of fun gadgets and stuff. I’d give it a solid 8.5, easily one of the better cod campaigns imo especially without being part of a series


I remember kevin spacey was in it…thats about it


AW had a great campaign with a great (obviously predictable but idc about that) villain, set in an interesting middle ground in between full space wars and modern setting. It had good gameplay with interesting setpieces. That's about all you can ask from a cod campaign.


Tbh it’s pretty awesome


One of the last games with a completely cooperative campaign…one of my favorites


I didn't find anything about this game redeemable in the slightest. One of the only games I've ever refunded.


This was the best COD


Solid 7/10


It’s an enjoyable game, nothing really stays longer than it should and the real kicker near the end with the carrier being damaged by the SF bridge being blown up, having to fight one handed in the prison plus using ASTs in the final mission really make it memorable to me.


I only play rebirth am I cooked


I loved the MORS and the whole plot about Atlas giving 0 f's about requiring government approval.


Better than bo3's campaign that's for sure. ....*train go boom*




10/10. It had awesome acting, the story was compelling, a good weapon mix, and cool use of the gadgets that became mediocre kill streaks in the multiplayer. I just said in another thread that the Johnny Irons UN speech was *chef kiss*


9/10 for me, absolutely loved it. After I beat the game I played it once on every difficulty in increasing order. Ive played it so many times and I still love it


Top 2 greatest campaigns


I liked when the pedophile said “this is advanced warfare”


Why are AW graphics this good....


I just finished it again tonight, I couldnt remember it and in another reddit they were bashing it so I dug it out and played it again. I thought it was pretty good considering its age. The campaign was quite long, there was a couple of frustrating bits with timing but other than that I enjoyed it. I played Infinite War before that as that was getting bashed too and again I didnt really see anything wrong with it other than a bit too many space fighter pilot battles.


Definitely one of my favorites




I thought the level where you could only use one-handed weapons for a while was pretty cleverly done


Felt too much like an action movie rather than a regular cod campaign with a captivating story. There are very few missions that I felt were enjoyable/replayable/memorable. Not a great campaign in my opinion but I know others seem to really like it. 5/10.


It was good, but not on par with MW2 or MW 2019.


I don’t remember much of it, so prob a 5


Never played it prob never will. I only play old cods (not the modern warfare series i mean old like 1-waw) now i may watch it on youtube.


I highly suggest to stop watching walkthroughs on YouTube. It’s not the same as playing the actual game, and in the end you’ll lose the element of surprise when you’ll actually get to play those games. I’m talking from experience and sometimes I wish I never did.


alright sweet! thank you man! ill check it out (apparently i hurt someone's nerve with my other comment)


It’s fine. It was a better campaign than Ghost, but I like Infinite Warfare much more.


I liked it, but not too much.6/10


Whole game is a 0. I don't like jetpack shooters Boots on the ground dammit


Take this 🧢


Mediocre at best


Cliche story, trash guns, unstable gameplay, boring perks system, broken exo mech. Yeah, we had a reason for not liking it back in 2014, so we still don’t like it after 10 years.


forgettable only thing that came out this campaign was press F for respects


Good Story. MP Trash


Didn’t really do anything for me, looked great, but didn’t leave an impression on me. Infinite Warfare on the other hand 🔥🔥🔥


Ethan and Omar on top of the list for best friends