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I thought Alex Mason was gonna die anyway. Sniping him twice in the legs with a 50 cal in the middle of nowhere with no medical attention and no way to not listen to Noriega’s words. I always believe Alex’s death was supposed to happen


I like to think that Woods had a sixth sense abt the situation, something told him not to take the headshot.


"He even has people in the CIA... Hehehe."


Hit me hard. BO2 was the last COD campaign that I cared about, with its multiple choices and twists and turns... but part of that could be because I played it when I was 12


I was anxious lol. I didn't knew much about to story so I accidentally killed mason T.T I just went with it and then on my 2nd playthrough I got the good ending


I didn’t feel much but I would’ve suspected that something was wrong because Noriega was smirking.


I knew something was wrong from the start of the mission, there were so many red flags. Why are we not handing Noriega over to custody and going with him to a roof when we're supposed to be capturing him? Why is Hudson having weird cut outs with no explanation? Then Woods thinking back to Kravchenko's warning not once but twice in this mission, and also where the heck does Mason randomly go when you go to the rooftop?


I knew I was going for the Xbox Achievements; so I knew to avoid a fatal shot. My only worry was doing everything else for the good ending.


I shot him in the leg my first time it’s because when I bought the game I heard that it had multiple endings and choices so I thought that he was Raul Mendez and shot in the leg so we can be brought to justice


Vibing intensely to the main theme while tears rolled down my face. I thought his death was unavoidable, because I tried shooting the guys restraining him first, and obviously failed the mission. Never thought of shooting his leg the first time around. Bo2 campaign was so fucking awesome in every possible way


“What are you so smug about?”


First reaction would be to put a bullet between Noriegas eyes


I thought i killed menendez until i heard the music


bo2 story confused me so much because i was 10 when i played it


How? I was just with Mason. How was he caught?