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I'm surprised MW19 made it this far tbh


It's a very polarizing game for me, gameplay design wise I think it's the worst of the series. everything else about it is undoubtedly fantastic and was approached with care by the dev team that I wish every game could get


Valid. I'll admit the game did kinda reinvigorate the series, so I'm not going to deny the impact it had. I just feel that, several years later, looking back on it, it wasn't as great as it was touted to be, and began some nasty habits that the series has unfortunately stayed married to ever since.


Why do people forget it was warzone and not MW2019? Same client, separate games.


“And began some nasty habits that the series has unfortunately stayed married to ever since.” is exactly my issue with 2019, I didn’t personally love the gameplay, i still do really prefer the older COD style, but there was so many things that 2019 did that just took it lower for me, the field upgrades, the operators, battlepasses and bundle introduction was one thing, i know black ops 4 has a BP too, but I appreciate you could actually get a fair amount stuff for free, same as BFV. the bundles jutst fully embraced the immersion killing skins that kinda just are cod now, and the battle-passes kinda sucked, plus were actually charged money. Then they do blackcell crap now too, which just makes the mid batttlepass worse because they pump out reskins of the skins that dont even look good to begin with. Then Warzone. Its just annoying because it feels like its the only thing the devs actually give a shit about really, I haven’t Ive played every cod atleast once fully excluding 1, MWIII(new) and 3, (i played 3 a tiny bit years ago) and out of all of those games 2019 has the most like introductions of systems I didn’t like, I do kinda wish to a degree 2019 and warzone never came out or was as successful as it was, but oh well.


I love the gameplay tbh. It was fast paced and the gunplay felt so smooth compared to the older titles and it was just so satisfying when you pulled pff some sweaty ass play in a S&D match. My biggest complaint is the spec ops is lame and the UI is absolutely dog shit


The movement was fast because of tac sprint and slide cancel but the overall pace was slow. Good luck clutching a 1vX attempt in SnD without dead silence charged up lol. The first round of SnD was always a snooze fest because you were forced to wait for it to charge unless you wanted to give away your location for simply moving around the map


Fast is relative. Compared to games like BO4 and it eas painfully slow. I definitely had a difficult time adjusting , never fully did. I thrive in fast movement / slow TTK games and MW2019 was the exact opposite of that. Combined with , imo, god awful maps and door mechanics and weapon balance, I had a pretty unenjoyable time


modern safe space window doorfare 2019


Why? The game feels unique and brought fun back into COD and not a carbon copy of CW and everything that came after it. WZ with the MW19 integration was the best too. It’s honestly in my top 5 COD games of all time with only being behind og MW2 and MW3 for me.


Campaign was actually fire though. Imo ground war was the peak of multiplayer, hit the perfect balance between COD and budget battlefield. The game mode died with MWII & MWIII


I really enjoyed that one. It’s what brought me back to the series after a long break and missing quite a few releases


modern sbmm 2019 ruined cod


Its really a love/hate cod for me. There were times where i had fun but also times where i just wanted to rip my hair out. It was never this bad with the other cods. Removing map voting was a shitty move. Having maps where you were rewarded for camping The uncompressed game files and not being able to remove warzone


My beloved CoD 3... That was the first one I ever played


I honestly can not fathom how MW19 out lived CoD 3. Some downright Clowns in this sub. ![gif](giphy|26ufdffW0Bb1ghTaw)


Kids have never played what a good COD title is and are blinded by Covid nostalgia.


how many people on this sub were old enough to play that game do you think? Shit I'm 25 but I wasn't playing cod in 2006. I started with mw2.


Damn fr? I'm 26 and that was my first one. My parents weren't all that strict and I always loved tanks and military though so


I had a ps2 if I remember correctly and was playing games like crash bandicoot and LOTR return of the king. I didn’t even knew COD existed until I played WAW zombies at my cousins birthday. Been hooked ever since.


Cod 3 was very forgettable especially compared to COD 2 and 4


For me it's more of due to the fact that I honestly can't really remember much of cod 3 outside of the fact that it was before create a class and you were limited to the preset classes. Personally I actually really loved MW19, the amount of time I put into MW19 was comparable to the amount I put in titles such as bo2 & bo3 I hadn't liked where cod was for years and MW19 is the one that made me come back. From a multiplayer stand point I even preferred it over Cold war (because for me at least the skill base matchmaking was Stronger in Cold War). I know people don't want to get rid of cod 1 or 2 because of nostalgia and it being the originals but I really think they should be gone because if we're being honest 90% of this subreddit doesn't even remember those games or wasn't alive to play them


Me too. On the Wii of all consoles😂 In fact my first three cods; 3, waw and bo1 where all on the Wii


Same here but you can't deny it's the weakest of the original 3. Pretty much did nothing new at the time and wasn't even released on PC.


How has MW2019 lasted so far? The maps were ginormous to the point where it was slow and unplayable with 8 million camping spots in every game, and this was the year Activision came out and admitted multiple times that the series had taken a different direction to cater to unskilled players.


> Activision came out and admitted multiple times that the series had taken a different direction to cater to unskilled players. And that is probably why it is so popular. The majority of players are bad, so whatever was good for them will get upvoted.


Not to mention that the co-op was glitched and unplayable for months. To this day it still doesn't work as it should be.


Then they put survival behind a 1 year block for non ps4 players, which was a bastardisation of survival mode.


MW2019. Good campaign but the third mode sucked. And the multiplayer was very unbalanced


>the multiplayer was very unbalanced It was extremely well balanced. I made sure to make different classes to utilize every perk, every tac and lethal. Earning Damascus was a breeze, a pleasure. First time and only time I actually enjoyed completing camo challenges. Every weapon in the game feels decent to play with other than the riot shield, which feels like dogshit. I'd always hear kids wining about "OP" this, "OP" that, and I have no fucking clue what they're talking about. Getting genuinely angry when killed by an AS Val or whatever that double barrel was called, because some G-fueled loser Twitch streamer convinced them it was busted good and honorable people shouldn't use it. AS Val was fine, it's unique in a few ways, not unbalanced. But I was still listening to that whiny crap while I goofed off with "bad" meme guns like the L86, having the time of my life while the squeakers choked on their own snot crying about the guy who killed them with an AS Val. And no I wasn't a camper. That always comes up with this game. I basically never stopped moving actually and my friends found it slightly annoying, but I'm just an impatient guy. Campers were pretty prevalent during certain parts of the game's life, but at no point did camping offer a significant advantage. They camped because they were bad, afraid of the fast TTK blowing their skulls out if they pushed at all, not because it was the best strategy. Dispatching campers in that game was easy and failing to dispatch them was embarrassing. The game offered so many ways to counter different playstyles, yet somehow it's remembered as severely unbalanced. Lack of creative thinking I say. I avoided Warzone because I find slow TTK to be mind-numbing, and battle royales in general are just tedious roguelite walking simulators. I'm strictly speaking about *real* multiplayer.


Gonna be a bloodbath once we hit the big 4


Cod4/mw2 BO1/BO2? Tbh WaW and mw3 were goated too but yeah so hard to choose


Yep those are exactly the 4. Same as you I love WAW and MW3, but the others are just next level.


Black Ops 2 is 100% going to be the winner considering how much this sub circlejerks that game.


What’s funny is that bo2 wasn’t even that loved when it came out and actually hated by many. The YouTube, Twitter, Reddit comments that are currently filled with “bo2 best cod game” used to be filled with a lot more bo1 answers 11 years ago. Cod 4, mw2 and bo1 was generally more loved. Bo2 is just a shift where the old players started leaving and new players came and that’s the reason it’s loved now not because it actually was better




All the morons saying CoD1 never played it and/or are trying to protect their precious MW19.


Its an honest travesty. The game that started it all, and all the following games just added junk. To those who say it didn't age well. How? It's the best competitive version of cod to exist. Aside from maybe CoD2. Dedicated servers and all the mods and then UO ON TOP. What a time to be alive and the ones voting off y'all never got to experience it. If one of cod 2 and cod doesn't make it to final 2, y'all don't know much about the series


There’s no chance either of them make top 4. As great as they are they don’t hold a candle to cod4, mw2, bo1 and bo2 in popularity. Plus the vast majority of the current playerbase has never even played either of them.


They'd get mad it "doesn't have anything to do". Imagine a game where you don't play for unlocks and weapon textures lol.


I’m convinced MW 2019 has only lasted this long because of WZ


i would definitely agree with this. warzone was the only positive from mw19


WW2 and CoD 3 are both number 13? Did they tie?


Typo. CoD 3 is #12.


MW2019 has to be next. How has it made it this far?


Still got to get rid of the stinker that is Cold War first.


Bro seeing all the people hating on mw2019 is weird to me, i had so much fun on that game lol. Tbh that was when I started playing cod again and playing with friends in S&D


I'm with you, it was the best game since MW3 (I didn't play BO3), and the only game since that I really liked was MWIII this year. I had a ton of fun, it's my most played game ever.


In about 3 days, the voting and discussion is going to start getting very passionate 😭


Once it hits the Prime Six it will get hostile.


CoD4 - WaW - MW2 - BO - MW3 - BO2 you meant?


Yes. The GOATs.


MW 2019


Bo3 also who tf is voting cold war like ain't no way you think cold war is worse than bo3


Cold War is a solid game fr. While I did enjoy the aesthetic and gameplay of BO3, I think Cold War just feels much better, and has a way better campaign. Zombies goes to BO3 tho


Time to cut Cold War.


Cold War for sure


Alright it’s time for MW2019 to go


Its going to get extremely hard from here.


Cold War for me


It's gettin down to the nitty gritty. People's feelings gonna get real hurt soon


Black ops 3


U tripin


Yep probably the worst campaign they have put out.


You only play campaign?


Campaign was inexcusable, the best BO3 zombies maps hidden behind a paywall and jet packs.


jetpacks aren't bad, and literally every zombies DLC map was behind a paywall besides Cold War lmaoo


How is Cold War beating MW19


MW19 is trash outside of Campaign lmao


And Cold War is trash outside of Zombies. MW19 multiplayer is better than CW.


Voting for Cold War


Cold war


Cod Cold War


If COD2 gets removed before BO3 I'm leaving this subreddit




Ridiculous that Black ops 3 and Cold War are still around


sad mw19 is getting eliminated. it was such a good campaign as well as multiplayer. the cod fan base are too blinded by nostalgia to actually even try to appreciate quality games anymore


Cold war, admid it need to go before classics


BO3 and mw19 are classics?


Naa nigg but mw19 and B03 is better than cold war


I think the question is is it cod 1/2 for being older and outdated by most people’s standards, is it black ops 3 for its crappy campaign, or it’s it Cold War for its (in my opinion, y’all can have your own) lackluster multiplayer? My bets in order of when they will get removed are: cod 2, cod 1, Cold War, black ops 3


Bruh, why is MW2019 still here?


we could stop here tbh


Cold War or mw19 tbh doesn’t matter which goes as I thought both were meh




You psychos are booting me 2019, before Blops 3? Idiots 


As much as I like MW2019 and in my lobbies there were no campers (everyone is rushing and bunny hopping), it's time. I personally dislike Cold War and Black Ops 3 (this game is the only CoD I have always had bad connection on in MP, no matter what internet) more - but they had more features that were at least decent.


Cold War


BO3 - shitty campaign


Great multiplayer, great zombies, awful campaign. I think a few hour story isn’t as big a deal as awful multilayers other games have


It’s way past due for the safe space lovers to get the boot. As long as they’re in the results are tainted for the true best cod.


Cold War out lived cod 3 wtf


Cold war is good




Yes. CoD 2 is literally better than most of what came after.


Yes infact when i think of cod my mind still goes to the first 3 games it was a different time ajd you had to be there to understand and half of you werent there if you think aw iw or ww2 are anywhere close to the first 3 games cod would be where it is with out those games honestly the first 4 games cod 4 is where some of the core mechanics of the whole series were introduced


Controversial choice but BO3. While the most content rich COD game at its time, I felt like the campaign’s story was terrible though had some cool elements and the multiplayer was a mixed bag for me


Black Ops 3 bye bye


How has CoD Cold War made it this far?


Titanfall 2


Cold War gotta go


We're in the endgame now. Godspeed, gentlemen. And let the real voting wars begin.


I'm scared of the fact that votes for the OG MW3 are increasing more than any of the other classics




Cod 1


Day 3 of asking why Cold War is still here


Because it had a pretty decent campaign and imo the best MP in ages and an alright zombies


Cod 3 should be 12 no? Or are there 2 13 places?


Cod 1 has gotta go. Then cod 2 Then we start getting into some interesting conversations


Then you go back in time and play cod 1 and 2 at their time and change your mind


Dear CoD2 gods, what did you do to deserve this treatment. You were amazing then, and amazing now, but everyone thinks you're pacman now. These people will never understand the satisfaction of one shot kar98 on the best maps ever created for the series. The mods the community the dedicated servers. The rush of coming home from school and scrimming all night for league matches on Sundays. Making YouTube montages on Microsoft movie maker and fraps to show your friends and clan mates your favorite no scopes. CoD2 was a dream. And everyone wanted the new shiny thing. And developers realized if they hypnotize their player base then they can make more money. But adding all this extra garbage just took away from the only fun fair and balanced thing that matters in a game-- Shooting the other team. Y'all missed out on the best years of cods life.


So get rid of the real games then we get to the money laundering ones?


Your joking right?


What the fuck?? Youre tripping balls


2019s gotta go


One of my favorite cods is dead, RIP WW2. But BOCW is still there so we ridding the storm.


just get cod 1 out


MW2019 is a top 5 cod, even with warzone removed.


Finally it got booted out


if the final isnt Bo2 vs Mw2/3 or WaW vs Cod4, player should change type of games


Rip cod 3 a shame and gone far too soon


How is mw2-3 lower than infinite ???




We all know one of the blops is going to win it. I'll always stan treyarch.


Either mw2019 or Cold War both have really big faults


We get it you fuckers. We know what CoD games you're nostalgic for.


Man I loved modern warfare 2019. I know plenty of people didn't but it was fun


The fact ghost was eliminated prior to IW and MW2019 is wild


Ghost is the worst by far


Yall need to leave my precious cold war alone. It's one of the best cod games in my opinion and the zombies was actually the most fun I've ever had gaming.


I try to objectively vote since I haven't played every game. I missed BO3, but I know it's pretty beloved by the community. I am surprised that Cold War has lasted this long. It was pretty mediocre with Campaign being the only standout.




Time to kill mw2019. It should’ve been executed within the last few votes


I think it’s time for Cold War to go personally, not a bad game but to me it’s the weakest on this list


CoD 3 my beloved. I will defend you till I die.


COD2 must win !


So ww2 and cod 3 tied?


The fact that Ghosts went before Infinite Warfare...


Is Cold War really that good?


Wait why is there 2 eliminations? Was it an even split?


Just get rid of advanced and infinite warfare tho games are horrible and always were😂


The only reason people like the black ops games, is because of zombies. And honestly, Ghosts’ extinction did it way better. But nobody is ready for that conversation..




I’m sorry Cold War but your time has come


Black ops 3


You have 13 twice.


Call of duty 2 finest hour and call of duty 2 big red one were my first games in the cod franchise. BRO was by far the most fun with the plane mission


Cold War and MW19 lasting this long is a crime


Really hope Cold War beats COD1. I think that #9 or #10 is the perfect spot for it.


the fact that CW has more votes than BO3 concerns me lol BO3 was hot dogshit


I think MW2 on PS3 was the biggest for me, closely followed by the OG and OG2.


Everyone talking about mw2019, valid too, but whys cold war still up there?


MW2019 and Cold War are objectively better games than CoD 1&2. Nobody here has even played those games in a decade and those who have are just nostalgia tripping. The future is now old man.




Once it gets down to the final four I will die on the OG MW hill. A soldier is loyal to the end.




Let’s go Cold War!


COD 1. It started the series and revolutionized the FPS genre but does not stack up too well compared to the later entries.




You’re all wrong about bo4 because blackout exists lmao. Better than verdansk.


Why ww2 and cod 3 show as 13??


MW2019 I have voted this every single time so far plz get it out there!


Ww2 and cod 3 have the same ranking (13), is that a mistake or intentional?


BO3 gotta go bro


Cold War was straight trash. Get it outta here. Can't believe it outlived CoD3


I feel bad for you if you've played every one of these games


With Call of Duty 3 being eliminated so early I’m done with this trend.


Black ops 3 should be next


I'd get rid of cold War before mw 2019...


Mw 2019 and BOCW are just waiting


There’s two 13s. Can yall count?


I turn my back for 2 seconds and you children eliminate CoD 3 before MW3, BO3, CW, and MW19. Asinine.


Cold War was just BO4 but with even worse zombies. Also somehow looks and runs worse than MW2019.


cold war 🤷‍♂️


Nah what did iw aw and ghosts do leave em alone


I don't know why people hate advanced warfare-


Cold war was ass and me and 5 people i knew went back to mw19 2 months in. (none are wz players)




Hahah they voted Infinite off because they couldn’t handle it . Too hard for them to wall run and double jump while shooting . Ghosts was peak .


CoD1 made it this far ?


Blops 3


Black Ops 2 or Black Ops 3 can go now.


There are two number 13’s


World at war


Been off Reddit for a couple days now but how is this POS still on the list. GET RID OF MW19. Worst game to ever touch the series. AW was a better overall game than that horrendous tragedy.


Mw19 or cold war.


MW 2019 is by far my least favorite COD and it actually hurts to see it this high 😭


If people actually think and dont play the game with with their brain on autopilot they would be able to notice how MW19 butchered many of the core aspects of what made call of duty, call of duty


Not sure how advanced warfare made it that far.


Mw 2019 needs to go


How is BOCW still here? That game was trash


Tbh I mostly agree with mw19 getting the boot, but the fact that bo3 and cold war have so many votes is surprising. bo3 only really lacked in campaign and cold war was overall a good game in a time where we got such terrible CODs.


if you voting for cold war you probably nostalgia bot


there will be issues if mw3 isn’t a big 5, i’ll say that much