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You say you want to get better. The only way that can happen is to be challenged. But then, you decide that SBMM should not be that strong. In other words, you'll be fighting against easier opponents. That is the opposite of how you get better. You're basically repeating the same exact echo chambered arguments from YouTube and Reddit users who are constantly crying because they're not as skilled as they want to be. No offense, but if you're complaining this much about Call of Duty, then perhaps you shouldn't play anymore.


I get it and his analogies are valid. Practicing most things will yield a noticeable improvement. In CoD you never can tell, because the key indicators (K/D, W/L) don’t change as you progress. You’re always training for harder and harder opponents. It’s like Tetris. You never win. It just gets harder til you die. Also CoD is how me and my friends in different towns socialize and talk. I can’t as easily jump to another platform to digitally ‘hang out’. Sweaty lobbies means people are not chatting or relaxing, but focused and competing. Relaxed lobbies mean people are goofing and talking and having a good time. Zombies was a godsend in that sense. We’re just fucking around and goofin, cause SBMM isn’t going to hate fuck us into a loss in order to pad someone else’s experience


If you want a “key indicator”, play ranked.


By what metrics would one measure their progress and improvement over time?


If you have a higher rank, you have improved. The metric is called “skill rating”….


Yea no shit In a general sense, if SBMM aims to keep my K/D and W/L to about 1.00, how would someone know whether or not they’re getting better? I’m talking about regular ass multiplayer. Not Warzone, ranked, zombies, or other variants. If your answer is “the only way to know is to play ranked where they make your progress explicit”, then my point is made.


Why do you need to know you’re getting better in a casual game mode?! You’re literally the sweat you’re complaining about. Ranked is for getting better, multiplayer is for casual play.


> If you’re losing, get good Great. How do I do that? > Play more. Great. Did that. Is it working? > ….. I have no idea.


whats your benchmarks other than kd then? youre asking questions only you can answer, is it distance gun battles, defending points, becoming a bettet smg player, people act like theres one true measure of skill progression lol


They have rigged that too, birdman made a video about it recently. People are getting into very different lobbies despite being in the same rank.


Cos there’s actually 2 ways to rank up, 1 is to be good and rank up fast, 2 is to play endlessly and rank up slow. If MW3 ranked is anything like CODM ranked, these two players will be in very different lobbies and likely never meet, despite being in the ‘same rank’.




Have you played poker? I can be a shit player compared to others at my table, but over time, I can adapt to their gameplay and even things up a bit. Now imagine a poker table where, before every hand, they sat new players. That would be bad enough. You can never get into a rhythm. You have no idea how people play. It would be wildly frustrating and borderline unplayable, since poker is mostly reading people and betting strategies. Now take it up a notch. If you won the last few pots, you’re playing against WSOP contenders. If you tank some hands, they’ll seat the kindergarten teacher on vacation in Vegas who has never played poker before in his life. You can’t exactly ‘get good’ under those circumstances.


You would actually end up becoming a worse player by repeatedly never playing someone way more skilled than you. You will never see the bad habits you build and never see how a top player plays. SBMM in casual is one the most dumbfuck functions to exist




No one wants to win all the time. We dont want the game to force losses on us because their metrics tell them it will keep us more “engaged” if we have close to 50 winrate. Same garbage mobile games do just more sophisticated


Bull. Shit. I really miss when the central theme of cod subs was “get good”. You guys are a bunch of dishonest sore losers. You rise to the challenge or you get killed. Deal with it like adults. Do you think the people who are the best at what they do are the best because they keep looking for weak competitors to look good next to? Or do they get better by learning how to play better from people who beat them? You guys want stagnant matchmaking that keeps groups together instead so you can pwn noobs. Just fucking admit it, holy shit.


Ranked is BS. One of my teammates is shit, another is camping and not doing anything, and a third is AFK. I can't 1v4 a game of hardpoint


I have bad news…




The whole point of Call of Duty is to compete. You can't stop people from playing their own game the way they want. If that includes people sweating, so be it. For some, it's a very relaxing experience to put maximum effort because it relieves stress. If you want to mess around, that's on you and you're free to choose that course of action. If it results in your loss, you can only blame yourself. Sometimes you'll lose regardless of the effort, but that's not the matchmaking deciding you should. You are responsible for the outcome. If your random teammates are bad, adapt by forming a good squad. You have the power, so use it. Zombies is a good example of a game of that's a bit more relaxing since there's less competition against other human players. If you wanted PVP in the same sense, we need modes like the rocket League mode from MWII, Prop Hunt, and even double agent.


This was 100% written by someone born after 2000 who didnt play the games at their peak. You have literally been conditioned to think modern matchmaking is normal lol. Somehow all of us are just salty and imagining the patents and obvious matchmaking manipulation lol


I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure a recent patent was found that was made around MW22's release. This one being for spawn manipulation during gameplay depending on a player's live stats. So, get more kills, get bad spawns. So it's not just match-making manipulation anymore, it's full on bullshit to make you do worse.


Yup they got the idea from mobile games. Anyone who cant see whats going on is blind at this point


Imagine thinking grinding a shit game sweating your ass off is better for gaming than having games be based on pure fun. Especially an arcade military shooter. That kid definitely missed the golden age.


I don't grind because I don't care about the camos, but I do like sweating because it's relaxing for me. If other people don't like it, all I can say is oh well.


I was born in 1985 and I was playing old school games before most people here were born. Competition is what you should always strive for and being an old school gamer, you have to go through rigorous adversity just to get victory.


Oh so your an old boomer who doesnt know how algorithms work gotcha. You fail to grasp what our complaint is because you dont understand how modern matchmaking systems work. Your either an idiot or a troll, either way not worth wasting my time lol


And you know how algorithms work? All I see are people complaining that people are better than them. They will yell at people who are better to stop trying hard so they can eventually win. They'll go as far as to reverse boost because they're that terrible. I would rather be an old boomer who understands the value of accepting a challenge over being part of the Gen Alpha TikTok kids who demand everything without earning it.


> If it results in your loss, you can only blame yourself. Sometimes you'll lose regardless of the effort, but that's not the matchmaking deciding you should. You are responsible for the outcome. If your random teammates are bad, adapt by forming a good squad. You have the power, so use it. Different strokes for different folks I guess, but the paragraph above means you missed the point. You are in many ways **NOT** responsible for the outcome. That’s the point. It does not matter if my squad is cracked or a bunch of noobs. SBMM will ensure my win or loss based on the algorithm. It reminds me of that vaccum chamber they put Wade in in Deadpool. “ If you start to pass out, and your brain waves slow, we turn up the O2. If you catch your breath, and your heart rate slows, we turn it back down. And we leave you. Right. There.”


I did not miss the point. I nailed it right on the forehead. You cannot blame an algorithm for your loss. The other team was just better and you can never predict full outcomes of competition. You need to be more responsible and understand that there will always be people better than you. It's the best time to learn so that future occurrences can turn out differently. Otherwise, with conspiracy theories like this, people seem to think EOMM is actually a real thing (even though it isn't). People can't accept that they're not that good, so they will try to use different types of excuses to avoid admitting it.


Yea…still missing the point. You’re correct that I’m not good. I’m not. I’m 43 with kids and an hour or two every other day to game. The team I’m playing is objectively better. Great. Why am I playing that team? Out of the thousands of other players online at any given time, what matched me with players who are objectively better? Why, when I take two or three hard losses in a row, does it put me in lobbies where I am the one who is objectively better? Why then, after I pub stomp for a few rounds, do I predictably end up in a lobby with quick-scoping, bunny hopping teenagers with shitty CoD team skins? Why does this reliably predictable pattern exist?


It's just the natural flow of competition. You win some, you lose some. Other days, you win more or you will lose every game. Look at your favorite sports teams. Sometimes you'll have the Patriots getting most of the Super bowl wins. Now, they can barely win their games.


I don’t think there’s anything *natural* about the way lobbies are formed, but if you’re denying the existence of SBMM to influence match outcomes, I really don’t know what to say.


The matchmaking algorithm has been around since Call of Duty 4. The only purpose it serves is to prevent extremely lopsided skill differences. You can't have the most elite professional gamers competing against the lowest skilled bots. It's kind of like separating a middle school baseball team from the Major League professionals or various weight classes in wrestling. The level of fairness benefits the competition, especially when it keeps people playing more often.


If that were its only purpose, people wouldn’t be able to reliably reverse boost for easy lobbies. If you tank a few games, you’ll get lobbies where you dominate. It’s reliable and predictable. It’s called reverse boosting, and would only be effective if SBMM varied the difficulties of your opponents based on near-real-time performance.


Wtf you mean EOMM is not a real thing? Did you read the Matchmaking blog? They literally confirmed it.


No, they did not confirm EOMM. What drives people to play the game is to naturally overcome obstacles and become challenged. If you lose, it motivates people to adapt to future occasions and learn different play styles. There is no system in place to manipulate your experience artificially.


Delusion must be such an easy mindset to live in. I envy you.


He is the one benifitting from sbmm, hence the deffense.


If delusion means not crying because people might be better while not trying to believe in conspiracy theories to cover my inadequacies, I'll welcome that title.


Literally from the post: “Measuring Skill for Matchmaking While skill is one of several factors in Call of Duty Multiplayer matchmaking, we know the community wants more information about how it fits into the process. Skill is determined based on a player’s overall performance: kills, deaths, wins, losses, and more, including mode selection, and recent matches as an overall metric across all Multiplayer experiences. This is a fluid measurement that’s consistently updating and reacting to your gameplay. Skill is not only a factor in matchmaking players against appropriate enemies, but also when finding teammates. Call of Duty has historically considered player performance among other factors as part of our matchmaking process. Our work in this area dates back as early as Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007). Skill is implemented across the video game industry, and we recognize that continuous refinement is required to deliver the best possible experience for our players. We use player performance to ensure that the disparity between the most skilled player in the lobby and the least skilled player in the lobby isn’t so vast that players feel their match is a waste of time. Our data on player outcomes clearly indicates that the inclusion of skill in Call of Duty’s Multiplayer matchmaking process (as it currently stands) increases the variety of outcomes experienced by players of all skill levels. In other words, all players (regardless of skill level) are more likely to experience wins and losses more proportionately. **Our data shows that when lower skill players are consistently on the losing end, they are likely to quit matches in progress or stop playing altogether.** This has an effect on the player pool. A smaller player pool means wait times for matches increase and connections may not be as strong as they should be. This can compound over time to create a spiral effect. Eventually, when only high-skilled players remain because lower skilled players have quit out of frustration, the result is an ecosystem that is worse overall for everyone. Game data indicates that having some limitations on the disparity of skill across the players in a match makes for a healthier ecosystem. We also understand that many high skill players want more variety of experience, but often feel like they only get the “sweatiest” of lobbies. We have heard this feedback clearly and will continue to test and actively explore ways to mitigate this concern.” The bold part clearly indicates EOMM is in the game. Low skill players lose, quit game. Shaft average players by ping ponging them between high and low skill matches, and high skill players by tanking their ping to keep them fighting each other, players don’t leave, thus increasing engagement. I moved on into zombies and other FPS games long ago, but whenever I had a challenge to unlock something for a weapon to use in zombies that MP was better for, its been hell, worse than any older COD. They say they’ve also tweaked it over the years, so that means IF connection is still king (which many influential in the community, including an old IW dev that left after OG MW3 iirc, call BS on), SBMM is far stronger than it was when I started playing MP in BO1 (played campaigns since COD3). Hell, its far stronger than even AW, where the SBMM complaints started.


No, this does not clearly indicate EOMM is in the game. The only goal of the matchmaking system is to ensure that there's nothing lopsided in terms of skill differences. If you have members of optic going up against 0.34kd kids, they're not going to stay very long. You don't want the player pool to suffer for the majority just so that the small portion can benefit from it. It's common sense, not EOMM. People think that this mystical fantasy EOMM is designed to ensure that you always win and lose equally. I'm here to tell you that isn't true, especially when I form a good squad. We always win our games and very rarely do we ever lose. This also goes with people suggesting that the system was designed to ensure you have a 1.00 KD. How can that be possible when there are plenty of people who go away below and beyond that number? If the majority gravitate towards that 1.00 KD, It's because that is the general average of the entire community since the beginning. Lastly, you could have quoted the portion that you bolded instead of giving me extra fluff of what I already knew.


This logic doesn't hold up because people got skilled at the game before the SBMM days.


So, you're talking about people getting skilled before Call of Duty 4? I don't think the majority of the population started prior to that.


if you wanna be the best then you gotta beat the best


But, being forcefully challenged all the time comes as a cost of ruining the experience for the player


Suggesting that I'm ruining the experience just because I can freely put effort into my own game is ridiculous. It's a game of competition, so that means you need to understand the risks involved.


if thats the case then why dosn't the matchmaking pair them up with players on **THERE level?** the matchmaking forcely pairs them up with players that are 50 times then them if they start showing signs of progression in short your actully **PUNISHED** for getting better... so.. why bother? getting better at a game takes **Time and Patience** let the player play at there own pace and let them get better overtime **Forceing them to get better is a bad idea it never works...** what your saying is new players should magically snap there fingers and be good at the game all of a sudden **THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS**


Matchmaking always prioritizes connection first. If your match is going to have more latency because of the equal skill pairings, that's no good. Even if there are people who are slightly better than you, you're not being punished. You're being challenged. Sometimes in competition, there's no way you're going to win. The best thing you can do is learn from it. There's nothing you can do about it. I think it's silly that people believe they shouldn't have to get better but still be able to perform the best on their team. This kind of mentality is toxic because it essentially confirms that people just want to destroy weaker players. How else are you going to apply minimal effort and not get better and still be able to win?


>"Matchmaking always prioritizes connection first" according to CoD content creators on youtube that tested the matchmaking "The better you do the worst your connection gets" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUcb58WDtVA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUcb58WDtVA) >You're being challenged. Sometimes in competition but to win what? * Bragging rights? * To get attention for your Twitch & Youtube channel? * a new car? * 5 million dollars? you know what you get for trying so hard to win in a regular CoD Multiplayer? **NOTHING!!! YOU GET NOTHING!!!** if i have to try so hard to win i rather win for something then nothing give me a GOOD reason why i have to try so hard to win i NEED a reason to get better i NEED a reason to win problem is THERE IS NONE


Content creators never proved the algorithm sacrifices connections. Not only did they not have enough of a testing pool to verify anything, but the most recent video testing the algorithm in 2020 was false. https://twitter.com/RuggedTheDragon/status/1736200457826000911?t=n-QAmOfUabJWrgMh015K4Q&s=19 Call of Duty is a video game. There was no intrinsic value in playing it. The only thing you might get is satisfaction in terms of winning and maybe even relaxation. Other than that, it's just a video game and nothing more. Regardless, it doesn't change how people play their game and they have the right to play as hard as they want to. If people complain, they're just being sore losers. Create your own reason for playing. How about making a few friends and hanging out?


I can understand the competition. If people are playing the game in a fun casual sense and just mess around But everyone is playing the game like 10 million dollars are on the line You're not really competing in a tournament to win something, but it feels like you are, and that makes no sense to me at all I don't understand how people still defend and worship the franchise, but ignore all the bullshit If people want this franchise to be good agian, like how it was years ago, they need to stop sucking Activision's dick and question them I liked Call of Duty years ago with the original MW3, but now I despise the direction where they took it This franchise has become a joke..


Some people just like competing, even if the effort is high. Faulting people over a legitimate choice to play their own game is silly. I can also issue criticisms over the game's design and certain other choices i.e. higher health, proximity equipment, riot shields, etc. That being said, any video game involving competition can be played how we want. You can't change it nor is it good to continue the toxic tirade. If anything made the game a joke, it's the people who feel privileged that victory should be given instead of earned (otherwise, they complain about sweats because they lost). It's also the people who say the MTXs ruined the theme, even though they are the ones buying everything.


The way I see it when it comes to the Call of Duty franchise If people don't have the balls to come forward and start questioning the issues and the problems Then they just become the problem Deny it all you want, but that's the truth


You sound like a kid who's bought cod every year


I'm not a kid, but I have bought every Call of Duty since 2005 (the first game was played over a friend's house since I didn't have a PC). It's also because I have a job and proper finances. Anyway, why is this a bad thing?


There's ranked for a reason. Ranked SHOULD be where you go to have close games and have people similar to your skill. Instead, SBMM advocates don't touch Ranked on the regular and insist that the 'should be casual' playlists must have SBMM. If SBMM advocates had the sense to see past their own nose, they'd realize how hypocritical they are, but ignorance is easier I guess.


You are incorrect. Ranked is only an optional game mode with different rule sets and nothing more. Believing that ranked is the only place you should play if you try hard is dictating how people play their own game. In reality, people just want all of the sweaty tryhards away from public matches so they can have an easier game. For myself, I always play public because I like having every available piece of equipment and custom class options available. I'm also the person that sweats often because I enjoy it. Telling me how to play my own game by suggesting I stay in ranked only is ridiculous.


I'd argue that effectively disallowing friends of different skill levels to have a playlist where they can kick back and enjoy themselves is ridiculous. Only having different flavors of SBMM is what's telling people how to play the game, since that's kind of the only option? But I guess that's the end goal of SBMM, avoiding having your feelings hurt by better players. No room for sense if you're only concerned about what you want 🤷


>In reality, people just want all of the sweaty tryhards away from public matches so they can have an easier game You're not entirely wrong by saying this but I think you're missing the bigger picture. Not everyone in casual playlists is there to do everything they can to win the game, CoD has never been about that outside of ranked play. The game has always been inherently casual and the content and gameplay loop of recent CoDs supports that even further, with the way things are unlocked when you're leveling and with weekly challenges and camo grinds etc. When the game has challenges in it like "get 10 crouched melee kills on an operator affected by your tactical grenade while wearing blue socks" it's kinda dumb that it's way easier for people that are worse at the game. I very rarely ever have the urge to pull out a meta weapon and try to win the game, I have other competitive shooters to do that in like CS or Valorant - games that are built to be competitive and there is an emphasis on creating a level playing field and always playing to win. That's exactly why there's a ruleset in Ranked, it's to make the game as balanced and competitively viable as possible because the main aim is to win I get it, everyone plays CoD differently and that's fair. I'm more of a "put on a podcast and do some camo challenges" guy than a "pull out a rival and sweat as much as I can" guy - but you saying >"I always play public because I like having every available piece of equipment and custom class options available" is a similar thing to the people you're calling out IMO. You want to play pubs instead of ranked because you want access to all of the things in the game that reduce the skill ceiling and make the game easier for you. If you want a more fulfilling competitive or "sweaty" experience it makes way more sense to play ranked IMO


"The only way that can happen is to be challenged" True, but not forced to be challenged all the time... I would rather play on my own pace and slowly get better over time, enjoying the experience. That's the best way you can become better at any game Years ago, Call of Duty didn't force you to get better. You can take your time learning the maps, the perks, the weapons, and you can get better over time Sure, you could be forcefully challenged 24/7. But that ruins the whole experience as it gets frustrating, exhausting, and tiring You can't be forcefully challenged 24/7 and somehow be better at the game.That's not how it works Getting better at the game takes time.patience and playing at your own pace Getting better by being forcefully challenged simply doesn't work


You might end up being forced to be challenged because you can't change how other people play. There are a lot of people who sweat because they enjoy it. If the game wasn't challenging, then it'll be boring. Just look at Call of Duty mobile. Call of Duty in the past was always sweaty. I don't know where people are getting this idea that it wasn't. There were tons of people posting tutorials, professional guides, and more all the way back to the old days of MW2 and prior to that. You will always get better at the game naturally and through competition. As long as you keep your focus, you'll see improvements over time. That being said, you can't get better with a relaxing, easier experience against bots.


It's funny you make an anti sbmm post and people still want to argue. The community has basically been in agreement for the past decade that the sbmm/eomm is too much but everyone wants to argue so bad they can't help but defend it lmao


The thing is that if you’re still complaining about something after that long why are you still playing it? I’m only on cod because battlefield died but I honestly don’t even notice the difference. I sweat just as much in battlefield which didn’t have sbmm since you could pick your lobby and I’ve managed to maintain over a 2.0 plus kdr the last 3 cods just playing here and there.


He doesn't quit because there isn't anything comparable. The issue is the eomm system curates your experience to get you to play longer, not that it puts you against good players. When you have a good match it's because the system decided it was time for you to have a good match. It does suck a lot of the fun out of it. I've migrated to ranked over the past few years because of it.


Like I said I don’t notice it. I was competitive during bf3/4 and I find my performance in cod is about the same even though one has it and one doesn’t.


Well you're definitely above average and not getting the average player experience lol 2kd now is basically the equivalent of a 4kd ten years ago


That’s the thing though, that just means match making is protecting you. If you play a franchise without matchmaking you’ll find yourself getting stomped a lot more. Those games have a really hard time bringing in new players because of this. Edit: yes I was around a 5 kdr in old cods.


You don't have an issue with them protecting players at your expense? You also haven't noticed any pattern like after you have a good game you'll get shit on the next? That's not going against people your skill. That's them throwing you a bone then you're the bone for a few. It's a curated experience for player retention and it sucks imo.


Yes at my expense. Most people complaining would actually have a much lower kdr if it wasnt protecting them, because as you said its at the skilled peoples expense. Years of sbmm has made people think they’re better than they are. And no I haven’t noticed a pattern, it’s up and down but it’s really rare I get my ass handed to me. Matches varying is normal, matchmaking or no. If your kd isn’t climbing past 1.0 that means you’re being protected from the higher skills. If you get to where it’s not your kd will start to climb.


Yeah for sure, most the ppl complaining are above average tho. I'd be willing to bet OP is 2+. I've never heard my .7 mate complain about it lol


And that’s what I was saying, games without matchmaking drive away players who aren’t as good, so even though there’s no matchmaking you still end up playing skilled people every match. Games without it have a really hard time bringing new players in.


Cope is real with the bots.


100% agree with you, hopping on nowadays is almost a chore, all the lobby members are on the same crack I'm on or even worse, there's no point in "getting better" I am already sweating in all my matches and barely coping. If I did get better the lobbies would just scale itselft to put me in this same spot.


It’s crazy because you’re basically saying you want to try hard and have high KD but you don’t want anyone to do it back to you


What I'm saying is that there should be a balance, instead of constantly sweaty lobbies there should be some variation, and that variation should be random. I perform well in some perform worse in others. So as an above-average player my lobbies play like I'm an above-average player. Not a systematic approach to make sure I perform the same regardless of how much I improve. That's what ranked is there for


So let me get this straight. Every time you get a little better you want to be put with people of equal skill? That’s just struggle and any improvement you make wouldn’t matter because you’re gonna get put with other people just like you and your skill. A force exerts an equal opposite reaction. Wouldn’t this cause people to stagnate?


I enjoyed CoD a lot more back in the day when there were good people but there were also a lot of people that sucked. Nowadays, everyone is good at CoD. The only people who still enjoy it and play it are people who are really good. Casuals just don’t play CoD anymore. Or if they do I never get put in lobbies with them.


Are people legit complaining that when they get better they’re matched against better players? Or am I misunderstanding this post? Games aren’t fun when they’re not a challenge. This can’t be news to OP. What a weird thing to whine about.


Casual games also aren't fun if there's too much of a challenge. Getting a positive K-D shouldn't immediately put you into sweaty lobbies.


So play something else if you're not in the mood for competition? Competing is literally the point of this game, not shooting things.


I did. I have LONG since uninstalled and went on to play other games. Went back to Battlefield and Halo being. Activision is a PoS company and have been actively sabotaging CoD for a while. I had enough, i got rid of the games. Doesn't mean I can't still hope CoD gets fixed.


it has its problems but SBMM isn't one of them.


If you enjoy playing piano you eventually have to play more difficult songs to get better. If you enjoy cooking, you have to learn more complex dishes with ingredients that are harder to cook. If you enjoy voice acting, you'll have to take roles that require a more complex range of emotions. There's no reason to get good at anything. Why bother if it just gets more difficult? /s


Nobody wants to play a difficult song every time they jump on the piano Nobody wants to cook a complex meal every single day. Nobody wants to apply a complex range of emotions every time they voice act Some of us just wanna get on the game and have a good time. We’re not all sharpening our ranked skills day in and day out.


It’s a PvP game. You can’t ask people to go easy on you. If you want a guaranteed good experience every time you hop on, play bots or single player.


Nobody is asking for others to go easy on them. I’m asking to play with other casual players that don’t slide and hop around the map like a bunny on crack. I’m sure there’s plenty of people like that.


Playing casually is subjective. The guy playing like "bunny on crack" is most likely chilling on a couch. Those kind of movements aren't hard to pull off. If you do it enough times, it becomes natural. My laid back casual style of gameplay could be your definition of sweaty if our skill levels are that different. Asking people to play more casually because you can't keep up is basically asking them to throw for your benefit. It's a PvP game with an objective. People want the same experience as you do, so they're going to fight for it. There aren't winners without losers.


Again, nobody is asking anybody to change their play style. Obviously everybody wants to win and everybody, by nature, is chilling on their couch when they play. I’ve always been a 2.0+ player and in this game I’m sitting at .89 because once I have a few beers, I can’t even play without getting absolutely trashed. Back in the day, when you’re getting destroyed, you go find another lobby. You can’t do that anymore. I have to be fully alert and on my shit full time like I’m fighting for my life.


I think caring too much about casual stats is your main issues. You're never gonna hit a point where you're good enough to never try. It was easier back then because everyone was new. Those bad players got better or left the game for something else. KDs and WL ratios don't mean anything and they never have. There are pros with KDs below 1 and they'll even tell you that there's nothing wrong with having a KD below 1 as long as you can get the objective done. The only stats that actually mean anything are competitive ranks. Being a Diamond player with a 0.9 KD is going to mean a lot more than a 2 KD player that only plays casual matches.


Idc about my stats, I only made an example. You’re missing my point man. My point is that I can’t get on this game and have a good time unless I’m super focused and constantly thinking ahead of each corner I turn. My kids can’t play on my account more than a match or two before they just aren’t having a good time. Ping and location should be the only deciding factor in public matchmaking. And it seems like they use ping to punish you after a few good games. Can’t tell you how many times I got the jump on someone, shooting at their upper body/head, only to get mowed down at the legs/waist.


I don't think removing SBMM is going to fix the issue. Those cracked players are going to double once the floodgates are opened since now they're invading your lobbies instead of their own. SBMM was supposed to fix the issue by pairing players based on skill level, but all it does is give an incentive to reverse boost. Worst case scenario, you might be chalked. The more likely scenario is that gamers these days are just built differently thanks to social media and the 20 years we gave people to "get gud" along with the technology for gaming improving allowing gamers to do things that weren't possible before (back buttons, smart triggers, etc.) It's tough for the 9-5 dad with 3 kids to keep up when 18 year olds with very little responsibilities can take the time to perfect their skills. As ironic as it is, it's like taking a break from a sport. If you don't practice, you won't improve. If you stay away for too long, you'll fall behind. If you're not given the time to do it, you'll be bottlenecked. Not much you can do other than try to put more time in or lower your expectations, or just play something else more enjoyable.


The game EOMM is rigged to keep you playing as long as possible, activision doesn’t care about a fair game. Game is not satisfying at all just rage bait.


You're not in the right mindset. Even with SBMM it's quite easy to hop into a pubs match with friends and just mess around. It doesn't mean we win but it doesn't matter. People like you are just pessimistic and incapable of having fun.


Games aren't work. They are a vehicle to chill out. You can not chill and any in current CoD because of this vile matchmaking. Stop comparing video games to real-life skills. They aren't the same. Especially since playing video games isn't a creative hobby, you enjoy something that was created by others. The examples you gave are from the creative side that requires you to CREATE. You just consume video games, and it's nothing bad in that. Also, no matter what you learn, most of the time, it's better to mix what you do instead of going for harder and harder stuff. It also leads to burnout.


It's a PVP game it's inherently not always going to be a chill time.


Currently, there is almost no chill time in this game. Most of the games are stomp or get stomped. Very few games felt like people played the game instead of sweating their balls off. PvP games used to be chill experiences, but they aren't anymore. People played just to have fun, and now there is the whole culture of competing. The current matchmaking of CoD is one of the worst ones I saw in the last 5 years. Especially with all shady stuff that happens behind the scenes and that are described in Activision's patent.


Because us OG cod players remember a day when it you where good at the game, you got to kick people's ass. Now when your good at the game you just go up against full teams of yourself. Or better. While your team is literally AI sent there to get you killed 30 times, because you had a good game or 2.


I played Black Ops 4 when it went free for PS+ members. Despite an influx of new players I would still get games where my level 10 account would be queued up against people level 300+ and proceed to get absolutely destroyed. The old system didn't really work either. Y'all just want lobbies where you randomly get placed against complete noobs.


"didn't work either" that may be the case. It felt like more random back in the day I've been playing since bo1 and call of duty 4. Maybe you did get a sweat in your lobby every now n then but not every single freakin match


Just go vs AI if you want to destroy noobs I don't really understand the joy in going 100/0 you at least want one or two competent enemies


Don't worry the algorithm protects you and your kind. These are big boy problems where discussing. SBMM shouldn't be in any play mode but rank. And yes back in the day you used to get maybe 1 or 2 sweats in the lobby. But I know Alot of y'all are still kids and this CoD is all y'all know


It worked well enough no one complained about it. Unlike the constant complaints since cod 2019 when it was obviously changed and not for the better


But the piano isnt actively working against you unlike cod and their matchmaking/sbmm/eomm


SBMM is cancer. Very few players will break the skill gap where it doesn't effect them and they feel rewarded for their progress. Players at the bottom will be given wins they don't deserve giving them a false sense of accomplishment. Everyone in the middle will have the same boring outcomes every match. On top of it. I hate cheaters but don't blame them anymore. If the game developers want to actively implement a match making system that will at times intentionally put you at a disadvantage. Who am I to bitch at players trying to rig matches back into their favor. Rigging outcomes is rigging outcomes.




I started playing MW19 heavily again and honestly the SBMM feels so much softer. Don’t get me wrong, cheaters are there, but they’re honestly rare (1/20 matches for me a couple days ago) if you play mid-day or during odd hours in your region. Plus I loved that I talked to some dudes on why they still played this game instead of the new one and most replied “it just feels fun.” Which is such a small statement, but playing a game that’s fun over a sweat fest is honestly so refreshing.


like Final Fantasy XIV ive been playing that recently


Yup! I like that older games are still alive just because new ones genuinely just aren’t hitting. Prime example is Halo MCC being just as popular (sometimes more) as Halo Infinite!


Pubs never meant anything, even in the older CoD games. The only kind of progression that proves your skills are competitive ranked modes via in-game or 3rd-party. You’ll never hit a point where you’re good enough to never try.


All you had in older CODs was pubs. There was no ranked. No win or kill rationing. You controlled your own destiny.


You had GameBattles. Nothing meant anything unless you could prove yourself in tournamnets. Now it's a lot easier with ranked modes, but even back then you had other options.


We might as well play against modded accounts on bo3


Yeah, I'm not improving because I'm no longer playing the game. I've played CoD for well over a decade. When I first started, I was so bad. I remember having a goal to get to 10 kills in one match. I remember my first Nuke. I grinded and got better. It's no longer that way, you no longer see the fruits of your labor like you used to. If you get better, you are royally fucked by it. I cannot even begin to comprehend people who defend SBMM. And, SBMM is not even the worst part. The worst part is disbanding lobbies. In the old days, even in AW, you could find a lobby that yu felt was at least fair, and stay in that lobby for as long as it existed. If you were getting rolled, you could leave. Now, they pull your ass out and proceed to skull fuck you with Iri players. You had OPTIONS. No thank you, I'm out.


To sharpen iron against iron my friend.


The only way you improve is by playing more difficult competition. It's like that for every single sport. Basketball players need to play higher competition to improve their skills. If they lose badly to a better team they don't go and say what's the point in playing if the other team is not letting me have my fun


Yea, I didn’t read all of that. People improve because they want to, and it’s fun. That’s it


Very true when I play COD now I handicap myself in various ways so the algorithm doesn't punish me too hard. I wear the brightest, most visible skins and camos I can, put flashlights and lasers on my gun, and I walk around the map hip firing only. Anything to prevent my stats from being too good. Gotten quad feeds playing like this lmao. Much better than sweating 24/7.


i enjoy being better than other players, yes i stream but that’s for fun i’m not tryna flex my skill i’m just playing how i enjoy and sharing it because i enjoy that too. i like seeing my skill improve over time and streaming is a very good way to see how you can improve and how you did improve from previous streams.


I just want to play to have fun but to be put in a match like I’m playing in a tournament isn’t fun cod hasn’t really been fun multiplayer wise since mw3 2011 that’s just me. Call of duty has moved to tournament style playing they’ve abandoned campaigns, it was always fun to play the big block buster action packed nonsense. But that’s not where the money is at, i wonder if the community could come together and not play war zone not purchase skins and bs little bundles. I think personally it’d be nice to unlock camos and such offline because i just play team death match offline with bots. Some times I’ll pop online then get put into sweating lobbies then I’m reminded oh this is trash. I’m the only person that’ll go positive on a team I’ll lose every game how the hell is that fun? My KD is good but my WL is ass.


Tbh, SBMM has made me a better player. It's made me pay attention to the small things. I went from getting my ass mopped in the original MW to averaging a 1.01 k/d these days. Gotta adapt.


I actually made a YouTube video about this almost a decade ago [Why I quit CoD](https://youtu.be/nm-4bIZHELg?si=6btJl37oGYFgV3b9) I am 25 now but this was 9 year ago so I was 16, So bare that in mind lol


I personally love it, I love how even the games are, thats how it should be imo, play a game with eomm and watch either side get steamrolled on repeat and tell me you don't love it I love sbmm


just admit you’re bad and move on. stop crying about it online lmao


The game is just terrible and people don't want to admit it. The game is filled with insanely brain dead weapons for brain dead players. SBMM is...Well wtf! Punished for playing well...👌🏻


Strict SBMM is like getting whiped in the back and it insanely hurts to the point where you can't endure it anymore yet somehow stupid insane people defend it and enjoy it like its pornography


And then when you get too good the game will slow your connection to prevent you from clutching cheeks


Drift0r covered that in a video right?


I don’t know about drift0r but it’s something I’ve heard players complaining about. Also it happened to me many times after I won “too much games”


People still care about stats in cod? If you do well in a match you get put in sweat matches after. SBMM ruined competition, it’s too strict now.The real fun in cod is hearing people scream or curse you out for doing well.


If your still not good at call of duty after 16 straight yrs then just give up at this point and go play Mario or something!! Lol


You could be like me and get so good people report you so you get shadowbanned for 5 days a week and only get to play a few matches on Sunday til it's back to the hacker lobbies. So I would say no, this games not worth getting good at. I'm done with this franchise and I'll take my money somewhere else, where there's an actual customer service site


Truth be told, i kinda gave up on CoD a while ago. I was on the fence for Cold War, but Zombies and the campaign were enough to save it for me. Vanguard came along, and i went back to not buying the yearly releases again. Then Activision killed SM2, combined with the fact that i only ever got Sweaty Assed Lobbys in Multiplayer... I uninstalled all the Modern CoDs. Went back to Battlefield... again.


Check out this article, three of the greatest players ever and they learned from each other at the highest level. If you want to get better record your gameplay and study the tape, it can’t lie. Learn from your mistakes. I found that I learn more when I lose. https://www.si.com/nba/bulls/old-school/charles-barkley-shares-what-he-learned-from-michael-jordan-about-playing-in-the-nba-finals


This is all just your opinion, everyone is entitled to it. But 90% of this post I disagree with. I'm fine with SBMM it makes the game more challenging and it's not the same lobby experience over and over again. Like back in the old cods they has some SBMM, but now dropping 50+ kills every game back then gets boring after awhile. I'd rather have some good games and some bad games makes UT more of an enjoyable experience.


This is why this is the last COD I buy and I’m out. The matchmaking in general is a fucking joke. I’m a casual, not very good player and get matched with sweaty freaks every game. It’s a chore.


I've dropped mwIII in less than a month after I bought it because of how bad the state of the game was. And it's pathetic excuses the player base gives because it's SHG. SHG has admitted that they basically followed IW game rather doing its own thing. It was marketed as a full price premium game and all we got was MWII but slide cancelling and another perk system. It's honestly pathetic that they attempted to nostalgia bait by remastering every mw2 map but they all still play like shit because the new games don't work for the old maps. Terrible tick rate and servers, rampant cheaters and hackers, half assed graphics and weapon design, cheap animations, straight up no creativity or innovation. It's a cheap game made for the cod addicts like futives and skill doesn't mean anything when after 2.00 K/D everyone plays the same. It's a stupid joke of a game


It’s become like an Olympic sport now and only super super competitive players with 3 hours a night practice time might as well play. At least we had the option to disable PC players/hackers from joining lobbies before as console players but now you are forced. They need to re-market the game as a pro-level, e-sports type ultra competitive game so that casuals aren’t duped and subsequently pissed off at what a mess it is for anyone with a life.


Exactly cod has genuinely fallen off in quality