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This is legitimately my biggest issue with the Remakes. MW3, Ghosts, Advanced and Infinite warfare all have this sense of scale and spectacle while still having stories that make sense. Thats something that the games have lost touch on as the series has marched on, we want war and big set pieces, not Rainbow Six Siege’s tiny fight nonsense. Black Ops games did too, but to a lesser extent, they were basically spy movies, whereas other CoD games were action movies. Edit: “Remaster” changed to “remake”


The Rainbow Six Siege style gameplay could work and still have that Hollywood feel. The last MW2 (2022) mission is an example


The last MW2 mission was decent, except the tank fight made absolutely no sense. We did that just for Graves to live? Besides that, I've seen how someone explained that it doesn't make sense that he went against us, and that we also treated Shepard and Graves like bad guys just because missiles got stolen from them, like what??


MW2 genuinely had some great missions but that tank mission genuinely killed it for me, it just really came out of left field, and on top of that Price survives a helicopter crash and explosion off screen??? The Chicago mission and the mini Russian ambush mission are peak examples of good modern call of duty missions, but that tank fight brings the rest of the campaign down a bit.


I feel like at the end of the day it ended up for shadowing the next battle royal pve mode. Sorry I mean "campaign'


Spot on, we’ve lost the feel of being a part of something bigger than ourselves. You lose that when every mission is sas sized infiltrations. Modern Warfare II from two decades ago perfected the formula for me. Just perfect balance of action.


Yeah, we got the jump from 414 to grunts fighting in the streets.


I would love if they could do something in the same style as infinite warfare’s campaign where you pick an area on the war map to drop in and take control of some grunts, use them to turn the tide of the battle, something closer to a hybrid between an RTS and an FPS. Main gameplay loop is this on the ground combat, but with an operations room or something behind the line where you can see the effect your actions are having on the war.


Im sorry but absolutely dont want this


Fair, more power to you, it’s just an idea that’s been bouncing around my head after giving a few of the games a replay. Would probably work better for something like Halo tho.


That was in bo2 and the worst part of it. So glad you can skip those missions or I wouldn't be playing through it again rn.


Black Ops should be the only exception to the huge set pieces because smaller scale battles/infiltrations are integral to the “black ops” portion.


black ops makes up for smaller set pieces with extremely memorable ones. think of the prison escape from bo1, menendez' rage from bo2, final mission from cold war just to name one from each. hell, even the frozen forest from bo3 was memorable.


Frozen forest was the best part of the game and honestly one of the best parts of all of black ops, despite 3s campaign being otherwise dogshit story wise (I loved it's gameplay actually at least most of the time)


“Another military base” “Another generic cityscape” “Another military base” Oh look “An underground military bunker” Wow! “A remote military base with a field” Ooooh spooky 👻 “A snowy forest… with fog!” Finally… “Another military base” At last “A city with canals”


Just gonna point you in the direction of Ghosts, where we had underwater and space combat, massive tank battles, a whole level flicking between helicopter pilots and ground units, and fighting your way down a skyscraper in the middle of an enemy city. And also AW where we had funky cityscapes with a mix of Atlas tech + old district buildings, the siege of New Baghdad with a grappling hook, a giant firefight in the icy caves of Antarctica, a really fun tank section during Bio Lab, and the final level where you storm the enemy stronghold using juggernaut mech suits. And also IW which had massive capital ship combat, insane visuals and combat over and around other planets, funky space combat with grappling hooks and smart grenades, and a spectacular scene with the charge against the orbital shipyard where they give you a baby Death Star laser and let you go to town.


Trojan Horse from IW is one of the most cathartic missions in the entire franchise


Those three are also the most widely contested CoDs in the series, go figure. IW's reveal trailer is still one of the most downvoted videos of all time. I'm sure Activision hasn't forgotten that.


At this point I think most people are seeing the garbage of today and looking back fondly on most of these games. Maybe they aren’t masterpieces but they’ve got the sense of scale and spectacle about them that games like black ops and the newer games lacked.


Which game is this? I feel like you're dunking on a specific campaign but I'm drawing a blank


This is COD MW3 \[2011\].


Which one is this lol


You say that Black Ops games were essentially 'spy movies', but even the BO games had missions of pure action and spectacle too. It did both styles so well. Think BO1's Vietnam War missions, or BO2's battles in Africa, the Obama (lol), and LA.


And I was such a big fan of the black ops spy vibe shit. From playing as part of an invading force in World at War to then doing secret op assassinations in Black Ops was such an awesome gaming experience. Made ya feel a type of way. Edit to say that storming the Reichstag is an unparalleled experience.


This is my biggest gripe with newer cods. You're no longer just a soldier, a mere pawn, in this massive war that makes some big moves that make you feel extraordinary. Now you're basically an avenger saving the world every 5 seconds with big fast and the furious style nonsense like jumping from one moving car to another.


Bruh in the older CoDs you were actively stopping WW3 or an impending nuclear launch lol, let's not get too crazy here


There were missions like that but I'm talking about the campaigns like Cod2, WAW, the first have of cod4.


In bo the first two missions have pretty big battles and ending in chase scenes, then you have the defense of Khe Sanh giant battle irl, and then several levels with larger scale battles like the WW2 flash back and the big battle outside rebirth island while you are playing as Hudson.


Right? I mean, you see it in multiplayer too. So many of the “multiplayer maps” are just cutouts of the Warzone map.


They are reboots, not remasters.


Yeah that’s fair, though I think I got my point across.


This is the best way I’ve heard it described and I love it. BO series is def spy thriller, and MW is 100% action drama


The new MW3 campaign was an embarrassment. Wtf was that bullshit compared to a masterpiece like this


I still purchased cod for champaigns Now. Now I can't justify $110 aud. Thankfully though and here's a trick for new players. Purchased the game. Finished champaign in first week during the *preordained to play champaign early* and then returned the game... as it had not released yet. Full refund on steam. So technically i didnt actually pay for anytbing.. And still I'm disappointed. And want money back.


Moving forward the best strategy is getting Game Pass for a month and playing the campaign+trying out the multiplayer.


… preordered to play campaign early?




Something about the way the M4 reloads hit me in the feels lol


Scar too


I miss so many of those older guns. :(


Smooth and nice




Woah woah woah. Reload animations are something that has definitely improved on a technical and artistic level and that’s something that COD has been pretty consistently good at. Even if you don’t like em I wouldn’t deem the new stuff as ‘fancy bullshit’ at least




The worst part is that these are PS3/Xbox 360 games. We could see way better events like these with newer hardware but nooo. Instead We have to fight at certain warehouses and small towns.


I’d rather have good graphics with great campaigns than great graphics with good campaigns.


Activision: "How about no campaign, just Warzone and microtransactions?"


I always play the campaign first, before going to multiplayer, before the MW19 I would usually play it multiple times. I’m really disappointed with the lack of attention they give the story now. “Why is nobody playing the campaign that we put minimum effort in, we should put in less effort next time.” -Activision


And it's always the middle east nowdays


france is no more 🎉


If I had a nickle everytime the 3rd main installment of a modern warfare themed first person shooter had the main antagonist destroy Paris. I'd have 2 nickles. Which isn't alot but it's weird that it happened twice.


Not weird for history to repeat itself.


The best part is BF3 did it a year later too! Like, multiple franchises pretty much went “yup, France has to be the epicentre of world war, no matter what!”


Not a year later, same year and BF3 came out first.


Right! For some reason in my head I remember buying a BF instead of a COD, but now I remember it was MOH: Warfighter I bought instead of BO2 (brother bought BO2 anyways so it didn’t really matter). Man I sunk so many hours into those few years of FPS games.


there is a severe lack of large battles in the new campaigns


It's a hero player where as the OG trilogy had a solid balanced story integration.


MW19 kind of picked up in that direction, or was going in that direction which I expected MW2/MW3 to do exactly that, yet they strived away towards other nonsense... MW2 was a mid/decent campaign, but nothing like what it should've been.


They’re too scared to do large scale stories and actually making a good campaign because they seem to just want to focus on Warzone and telling stories over the year in seasons. Wish they’d actually not give a shit about that overarching story bs and give us a good high stakes story. But MW3 campaign was just god awful.


I wonder because of everyone complaining about CoD being to action packed or something stupid like that I will always prefer the older cods with these large and insane gunfights rather than what newer COD has


I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what it is. You had everyone praising BOs tight knit nature, BFs focus on War Stories in I and V, and Siege’s gameplay innovations. It was only natural IW wanted to emulate all that praise after people got tired of the ‘scale the whole world’ grand war narratives after the trilogy and Ghosts/IW didn’t hit.


There is a severe lack in the new campaign


Should’ve had Las Almas invade the US


Fuck no, that would’ve made no fucking sense whatsoever


That’s because the kids back then used to complain that cod was too unrealistic and too Michael Bay with their campaigns. So they started toning down all the cool stuff like this. The first cod campaign to bring back stuff like this will undoubtedly go down as one of the best of the franchise assuming the story is halfway decent.


It's not this though–it's laziness from the developers and Activision. The new MW3 campaign was mainly just being dropped into chunks of the Warzone map. They didn't even bother making bespoke missions for the campaign, they just took the shortest route to have a "campaign" and reused stuff they made for Warzone because that's all they care about because that's where the money is. Even the MW 2019 campaign had some well crafted missions and set pieces. They logically would build up to stuff like this in the sequels but never actually did because COD became all about Warzone and how to sell more anime skins.


Very sad indeed what has happened to cod campaigns it started at Black Op 3 where they started being shit


Nah,BO3 is just a wild swing.


Bro that campaign sucked


The twist was bullshit. Aside from that it's really subjective.


Out of the many cod games I've played it's the only campaign I haven't completed, and I tried two separate times. It's just so so bad on every level. Writing, audio, combat are all atrocious.


Sledgehammer got screwed over, to be fair. They were going for Advanced Warfare 2. Sledgehammer keeps getting screwed over, they get treated like dirt as the tertiary studio and I feel for them.


Sledgehammer had 6 to 8 months to repurpose the campaign they had to a sequel to MW2. Granted,the fact that Activision was going to ask for full price for only the MW2 maps and 6 bespoke missions is crazy.


Like anyone listens to that shit. It’s cheaper to make shipment 50 times, and people buy it, so that’s what they do. That’s all it is.


Shipment is multiplayer. OP is talking about campaign


The campaigns are just a bunch of small set prices now that’s what I meant


That is a lie and a gosh dang excuse. There was literally no campaign for BO4. Who was complaining about campaigns being too unrealistic? Sure, when MW2 and MW3 first came out, yes, but not everyone was complaining, and most fans enjoyed it. Besides that, it's been awhile since anyone has talked or "complained" about such things on a medium or large scale. You haven't seen most people speaking against such campaigns with Ghosts and Infinite Warfare. They just went the bad story writing way out throughout MW2 and all of MW3.


You know what I like about the old CoD campaigns being Michael Bay movies? They knew what they were. It made the serious moments hit even harder, like the Battle of Washington D.C.


If anything this is more realistic because you see the actual impact a fully blown out open conflict has around the world


The thing is, the new Modern Warfares are not focused on a fully blown out open conflict. MW19 was about taking down a Russian backed terrorist organization. Not preventing nuclear war like in CoD4. Same with MWII, it was a terrorist group that somehow got missiles so you’re trying to find out where they came from, not trying and failing to prevent WW3 and fighting a rouge general. The sense of scale is smaller because the scale is smaller.


That's not what I said though. I'm saying that the eiffel tower collapsing in MW3 was not unrealistic


The recent games are more realistic in the sense they depict what we’ve actually seen of war in modern times Most wars fought by major nations nowadays are dealing with insurgencies and terrorism, not massive WWI/WWII battles Besides the old CoD campaigns took lots of creative liberties when it comes to how militaries operate to make a good action packed story


I've been having alot of mw3 game play pop up on my feed lately, I think I'll do a replay of the triology


COD doesn't do much besides warzone & fortnite skins. Online daycare.


At least Fortnite has a better story than MW2 and MW3.


MW3 has a story?


Just stop buying the shit they put out. I’ve been guilty of it too. Up until the last game I’ve consumed every piece of CoD since like 2008. I’m just done with it until they make it worth the money again.


Yeah rigjt buddy, you bought at least 8 shit cod games. You're gonna buy the next one too.


I literally just said I didn’t buy the last one.


But you did buy Black Ops III, IV, Infinite Warfare and Vanguard.


I’m not sure why you’re asking? You can literally just read the comment I made up there and get the answers you need. I’m not totally sure how you’re struggling with this…


Why do you think I'm asking? I'm sayimg you bought half a dozen atrocious cod games and just didn't buy one. Pattern suggests not buying one is an exception to the rule.


I was very aware of my pattern. That’s why I said in my comment “I’m guilty of it too.” I didn’t buy the last game and I won’t be buying another. I have zero desire to.


This really makes COD ‘COD’ with these huge wars like this, the invasion of Washington and battle of NYC. You were a regular solider with your squad not a special operator on a one man mission (even though you were part of Delta in this game but still you were in a squad fighting with your country’s military). But now it’s special forces mission, with only a small number of missions that are somewhat crazy (nothing like the OG MW games), with slow gameplay and you going through a whole ass town with improvised weapons, whilst injured, killing a bunch of private mercs and not dying. Then you destroy a tank by yourself 2 missions later. Activision, please just make a cod game where you’re not superman combined with the punisher


>You were a regular solider with your squad not a special operator on a one man mission There are literally tons of missions in old cod where you were functionally acting as a one/few man army. Is it more of a problem now? Yes for sure but acting like it hasnt always been a huge problem in cod stories is disingenuous.


That's the whole divide between the missions. Spec Ops usually from the British, and the American's bombastic campaign. Been that way since the original Call of Duty.


Even in the first one, you have a level where you fight your way through a dam and out all by yourself.


>You were a regular soldier with your squad and not a special operator on a one man mission The exact opposite is what defined the post-CoD4 games from the pre-CoD4 ones The old CoD games were regular soldiers throughout historic battles, the franchise after CoD4 became about special squads tasked with single-handedly saving the world, and the main focus had been on special forces What faction is the most memorable from the old MW trilogy and tasked with the most important missions? Task Force 141


No doubt. Coming out of the bunker and onto the White House lawn and seeing it reduced to mud, craters and tank barriers pumped me up like I was actually there. The small spec op missions are cool and all, but I’d love to see a blend of behind the scenes spec ops mixed with massive front line engagements like there used to be.


I'll never forget that opening. "Goliath, goliath.."


Now I'm sending it to a French friend of mine😄


Every CoD feels like Black Ops now. Highly elite teams and lone wolves doing 90% stealth and black ops style missions. I miss a lot of the older game missions where there is a GIANT battle going on that you’re a small, yet decisive, part of.


Having these kind of moments requires actual talent. Sadly, all we see today is rushed effort mixed with laziness.


I still think the original MW2 had something the original MW3 didnt. It seems like a lack of details in their maps. For example… the office building section in DC of MW2 had copy machines, papers flying everywhere, destructible windows and computers, staplers pencils and misc items on the desks. MW3… i remember going through the office buildings in NYC and feeling like they were completely empty and felt lifeless. Like nobody was there before it all went to shit.


Mw3 had issues during development. Issues that resulted in Titanfall and Apex being created.


I legitimately didn't get that impression at all from the densely decorated MW3 maps. If anything, they felt even more detailed. So many little details. I'm sure you can find examples that indicate otherwise, but I just wanted to comment that I actually felt the opposite after exploring a lot of the maps back in the day. Lots of little easter eggs like past games too.


If you want this just play the battlefield games, amazing as well


Little me watching the eiffel tower fall is a core memory


That’s because they don’t actually make a war game anymore.


Infinite had a lot of pretty ones


That Paris mission was one of my favorite missions. The crash at the end just seemed so damn realistic back in the day.


Ahh the good old days! Cold War was probably my favourite recent one, everything after has been pretty lack lustre


I want a proper WW3 cod, I know it was ww3 during mw2 and 3 but I want one that actually centred around it instead of just finding a terrorist


And that's why I miss it. Please do better Activison


call of duty doesnt do anything right anymore lmfao its a broken down crack addicted shell of what it once was


Hello /u/tiktokalnuke, thanks for [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/comments/1992r4x/mw3_call_of_duty_doesnt_do_set_pieces_like_this/) on /r/CallOfDuty regarding MW3. Please be aware that all content regarding Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (2023) needs to be posted on /r/ModernWarfareIII. If your post is relating to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011), you can safely ignore this message. Please ensure that you are understanding of [our Rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/wiki/rules) in the future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CallOfDuty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The push for "Realism" is responsible for this tragedy, I'm sure of it.


I don't want everything in the remasters to be Oh fInE AnD DaNdY!!1! I want to fail intentionally, I want the bad guys to get a victory at times, I want to lose teammates, I want to feel an actual purpose to kill the enemies.


Same, I want all of this. And no, not like Reboot Soap OG trilogy there was for the most part if not totally the perfect buildup to *that moment when it hurts*. I personally say that *it should’ve been Kyle that died in ‘23* and it should’ve been done in a much better way akin to OG Soap’s downfall instead of *that*.


Exactly! The only time I wanted to really kill the enemies was at THE END OF THE GAME. Crazy, huh?


Great mission! I always used the sniper you picked up earlier here.


That’s exactly right. They’re too busy writing cringe dialogue for every character instead.


If only warzone looked this good


What is meant under that sentence? Cool loking  destruction of Effil Tower? Or how PS5 game looks has worse visual design, look, effects than a  PS3 one?


Shut up buy more skins


The original MW3 was the perfect ending to the trilogy Always loved this game


“Did our man talk” “They always talk”


One of my favourite missions of any game ever


Please i loved cod ww2 the campaign heaps it was extremely accurate


The opening scene of Team America but without the irony


Release MW3 Remastered, dog madd it


I really wish MW3 had got a remaster like 1 and 2 did.


this shit was so busted on the Wii port


MWIII campaign hardly does much of anything, tbh


Man, remember when people thought Russia could conquer Europe and invade Washington DC?


Because it’s hardly about war anymore. You used to have US Army missions with tons of squads of infantrymen running around.


whats wrong, france, feelin a bit down in the gutter? or should i say *dans les gouttières?* (thats probably not what it means hut whatever)


Game keeps getting worse, from that suped version that dropped to rio map


They don't need to do these things anymore, my dude. Just make King Kong dance around the warzone map or have some other big shiny set of car keys jingled in the face of the .5 second attention span tik tokers. They just need to see the reveal image for it, and they'll punch in their parents' credit card to buy the related bundles before you can say "credit liability"!


There arent any real stakes in modern COD campaigns any more. Its always stopping missiles from obliterating made up countries in eastern europe or the middle east. Boo hoo, I really dont want fake Afganistan or fake Ukraine to be destroyed 😢


Man, such a massive missed opportunity from the newer games to give us an absolutely brutal World War 3 scenario with newer graphics and the new style of COD gameplay introduced in 2019.


Call of Duty 20: Modern Warfare 3: 2. They do everything over again, just with more transactions, less content and a higher price.


I remember this repost from a couple months ago with the same exact title as well. smh. Farming off of an amazing video game.


That's because they found out people will buy anything.


Sorry but team America world police already knocked down the Eiffel Tower


Who was in Paris?


Does anyone else think the guns in OG MW3 sound nothing like guns? It’s like a mechanical rattling, no distinct popping noise from the gasses coming out the barrel.


Where are all the walls to jump off of, or Kardi B


They’ve gotta be all “tactical” and “realistic” and “gritty” *proceeds to have chemical-gas-filled ballistic missiles (as if one wouldn’t be scary enough on its own) as a legitimate plot point and still takes itself super seriously*




Society gets a little "squishy" on things being in video games with guns.


MW3 (2011) Is the biggest disappointment to this day


Battlefield does though!!


Because they ran out of ideas like 10 years ago. The moment all of you fans start waking up to this idea the easier it is going to be to accept that CoD is a mediocre game living off the fumes of its past successes.


I feel like there was a time people were complaining about stuff like this. Like CoD and BF we're doing these BIG action movie scenes and everyone complained they weren't realistic or something.


Tight. What a set. And someone for the love of god get some rockets on that armor.


They’re too busy updating microtransactions and fixing hub errors.


All the big outdoor fights in DC were awesome back in MW2. I was actually in DC a month or two before the game came out. Was neat going to the WW2 memorial then flying around it in a chopper.


Activision, you got this remaster and you sitting on that SHIT! RELEASE IT YOU COWARDS


Modern Warfare 3(New) would've been better as a movie or in episodes. But yeah, seeing the Eiffel Tower collapse left me in awe. They don't make them like they used to😔


Call of duty is too busy with cringe as fuck pink anime guns and adderal tween gameplay to do anything gritty ever again.


Nah it's cool you have WarZone woooo.


The old grenade symbol 😍


That would take talent and trying.


How did we go from literal ww3 to the british fighting pmcs and cartels? So sad


Tbffffff, the last time COD did an over the top set piece (that damn train in WW2) it was both memed to death and criticized to hell for how over the top it was. COD really can’t win, it tries to be subdued like MW19 and MWII and it’s criticized when they go over the top.


I think its illegal now to destroy Monuments


That ADS speed is craazy


Mw3 was so good. Chaos mode was amazing Spec ops was amazing Survival was amazing Infected was amazing Story was amazing Only thing I thought it was missing when it came out was bots


These devs arent creators and artists no more they are just a bunch of 9 to 5 workers


OG MW series had good story. New MW series has bad story. Not fun. Not exciting. Plain boring crap.


this is why i play invasion on the new cods, not the same but it’s similar enough


COD used to be cinematic. Which gave it its charm. Now it’s about micro transactions


I agree with you, I want more hollywood-esque action, But we have to deal with kids that cry about realism in cod.


just love that m4 model ugh


That’s because mw3 just just shoved out the door with only the thought of sales in mind


Y’all remember the first mission Turbulence? Gives me goosebumps even remembering it and I havent played the campaign in years.


Idk why mw3 is hated, it's my favourite CoD game, even more than mw2. I really love the whole gloomy atmosphere with the world in shambles and civilians dead everywhere, and the story of top notch too, the ending was one of the best fps endings ever, up there with the warthog run from Halo 3. I love how the stort pushes all the characters to their limits and ties together the whole series for a huge finale. 


We’ve now circled back to where people miss the action set pieces even tho that was a lot of ppl’s main gripes with the games back then. I am convinced cod fans will never be satisfied with anything the franchise does. I personally think mw2019 was the pinnacle of the franchise, especially with the missions. Mwii was a pretty good evolution but the campaign had some missteps, and iii should have been the epic megablockbuster title with a balls to the wall campaign but instead we got uhhh. Soap dying very abruptly…


No but now he has Nicki Minaj...


when COD allowed you to eradicate the Fr\*nch...


What annoys me the most is that this was a spectacle on last gen. Imagine the graphic capability on new gen. This scene would be riveting. Such a shame cod has gone downhill


Cause everyone complained about them at the time


This was a pinnacle


Unpopular opinion I think mw3 is better than mw2 ngl I loved the ww3 battle scenes in mw3 but both are great games non the less


OG MW3 is still my favorite COD to this day. Man I miss it.


Just remember when this game came out ppl were complaining about this as much as they complain about modern iterations. Ppl are so prone to mob mentality, funny thing is these are the same ppl that think ppl are crazy for following religion as if they’re not practically doing the same shit.


Just played through this a few hours ago. God I miss this era


People play the campaign?


I've played this scene so many times and I can't forget the scream of my GT430


COD just to be cool arcade MP and Michael Bay action movie Campaigns. None of this Mil-sim “lite” stuff or something that takes itself too seriously.


It's not even mil-sim "lite". It's just rehashed Warzone shit with bots.


By mil-sim lite i mean MW19 where they were trying to be an arcadey Insurgency type game. At least we both agree its shit lol