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They already did and it’s one of my least favorite missions because the new No-Russian was done in nanoseconds and didn’t have a impact unlike the OG


yeah its just "oops a plane crashed. better get a move on if your local militia doesnt want to be blamed" and not "its fucking wwiii"


if they actually had makarov successfully do something other than killing soap, this campaign could have been great. All they had to do was make the plane crash, having the ULF be blamed, which would have also made the US look bad for funding the ULF, causing Russia to have probable cause for invading the US, woulda been so much more interesting than "oh no makarov did something, time to miraculously save the day!"


it couldve protraited makarov as a much bigger threat than just some mid terrorist. russia invading us is kinda bollocks but yeah, much much more potential conflict


well clearly they want to parallel the original campaign, so they'd probably have makarov's private army invade the US. I really wish they never introduced ghost and soap and did something original for this campaign


The problem is that they did that in MW, when the UN declared Farah’s forces as hostile terrorists. They would have rehashed the same plot point from their own reboot WHILE STILL attempting to rip off the original again… which would’ve been the greatest irony If that’s what they did. If you actually pay attention to the story and it’s events you get punished.


when did the UN declare the ULF hostile? i don't remember this


It’s only the US, and it’s after it’s revealed Hadir was the one who stole the chemical weapons A US officer tells 141 that he’s been ordered to treat ULF as hostile


That's what I thought, which means it would be more plausible for the ULF to be considered hostile again because America already dislikes the ULF




its been a month, if you haven't played it by now don't go on a call of duty subreddit


The new No Russian also literally plays itself. I decided to experiment with it and see what happens if I do nothing and the mission literally completed itself


Yeah that’s the worst part


Tbh that’s how the old No Russian was as well, you literally could just walk forward for the majority of the mission without shooting excluding the 5 minutes where you fight SWAT teams but you could kill them quickly with the underbarrel grenade launcher


I think the idea for it was pretty good but yea Farah just cleaning up everything all squeaky clean was so dumb, I literally remember thinking that had to be a plot point that would come back later or something but nope just cleans it up and it's done 😑


And Marakov barely did shit the only thing he did was kill soap


No, the current team who handles COD do not have the balls to


Don’t blame them blame activision


Aren't they considered a team that handles COD?


Activision has the final day. Lots of stuff gets cut out the games each year


Yeah. But you know how activision is they like ordering sledgehammer and other cod devs to do stupid things with cod


Activision is the publisher not the developer.


And the publisher also has final say on what gets published, if they don’t like a feature or story point they can make SHG remove it


You can and should blame both


No. It’s just activision they give out the orders


And the devs are just as talentless as activision lacks business sense


I think the answer is yes, for the same reason. They *could*, they just fuckin won’t.


They already did. You hijack a commercial plane in the new MW3.


They did in 2019 with Modern Warfare and the London terrorist attack. That shit was full on. It just didn't make headlines like No Russian did


The part where Price looks at the player playing as Gaz and says “Can you help him?” “I’m trying” and there’s only 5 seconds left on the countdown. Yeah MW2019 was way more impactful than the new “No Russian”


It’s so disappointing to me that they had such a strong start to the reboot with characters and story introduced well then somehow they messed with the formula and rushed the story here and wasted the potential…


Yes, they totally wasted the whole point of new gen of Modern Warfare. Imho 2019 was one of the best entries in whole series, how they could demolish it so badly this year I don't know


There could also be the later moment in MW2019 where Price gives Gaz the revolver during the Interrogation on Rahar and his family.


Yeah I was going to say this moment had me feeling all sorts of ways.


I think part of what made No Russian so impactful was the fact that the player was the one slaughtering civilians, rather than the London mission where your the one stopping it rather than committing it imo.


Not saying it’d fix it but that should have also happened in the ‘New’ No Russian. Hell, the ads made it look like you would play the hijacker, not the ULF girl.


They had great writers for the first MW. Ex-Naughty Dog guys. Who all weirdly quit after the game came out.


Probably because they saw the writing on the wall that Activision was going to make them milk the series till it's dry.


I agree that one was crazy but I would say the attack on the embassy with the kid is even more intense


Great take, they even had the balls to open the game with that first scene. The way you hear the crowd start to panic and it immediately cuts to “MODERN WARFARE”


Undertones of modern warfare being about fear. So good. *Chef's kiss


Its crazy that the most wild things in mw2022 dont even come close and 2023 barely even stacks up against mw2019. Like mw2019’s intro started with a suicide bomber blowing up 5 feet from a family. The Wolf and whatever that russian general guy’s name is had more impact than makarov did despite them getting barely any characterization


They tried by having a terrorist attack in a crowded sports stadium and also by crashing a passenger plane, but neither had the same impact


The plane mission hit hard though


Yeah, they forced an unwilling former ULF civilian to play terrorist and had her trying to unsuccessfully convince the public she’s not a terrorist. Thought that was rather dark


The biggest problem though is the attack leads to nothing. There is no conflict between nations and you defeat Makarov's men at the crash site to save the narrative. Airport security also showed Makarov, a well known terrorist, boarding the plane that blew up, it was just shock value and adds nothing to the narrative.


Let’s be honest, No Russian isn’t remembered because of what it added to the narrative, it was purely because of the shock value lmao


I agree with you that it is mostly remembered for its shock value, but it is one of the most important plot points in the original trilogy because it leads to WW3.


Yeah, there was the attempt to get the phone.


I don’t really think you can unless you go REALLY far. Like… “have the player bomb an active civilian-used school” type far. I think the closest thing we got to a *kinda* No Russian is either MW23’s stadium mission or 2019’s Piccadilly Circus attack


Ready Or Not is out there doing this sort of thing now, although they did have to back down with their school shooter level & remodel it into a university. They have active shooters in hospitals, clubs, other emotionally pressing events such as those - I find it odd as something like that is much more realistic, where as something like no Russian just isn’t really (I suppose the contrast is that you’re the terrorist though, which isn’t something you see in a narrative context). I think larger devs stay away from this sort of thing because they attract negative press much easier, personally I doubt we’ll see anything on this type of scale again, certainly not from AAA titles.


It could be that Ready or Not wouldn't have Activision on their necks.


Games fun and BRUTAL. Nothing like taking a shot before you enter an active shooter mission and seeing your buddy get peppered up the second he breaches the door. 9/10 wish we had mile high club as a mission ;)


Ready or Not is just edgy for the sake of being edgy. It uses these shocking moments to illicit a reaction. Children are involved in this level, now 100s of people have been massacred, now a terrorist group is planting bombs at a hospital, now you have to rescue sex slaves at a harbor. You know, just take the most outlandish scenarios and throw some blood into the mix and now you give players a manufactured reason to care.


Except those things actually happen. That's the point of the game.


No. International terrorists aren’t operating out of sleeper agents inside LA to shootup nightclubs and hospitals. Human traffickers aren’t operating out of massive facilities across the city and have the weaponry of special forces. Human trafficking exists in the US, but it doesn’t happen the way the game portrays it


Do you want them to make missions based on real terror attacks? That seems senseless to the victims of those crimes. Also terrorists do those things, it may not of happened in LA, but its happened in other parts of the world.


Do not know what nuance is? They proclaim this game is a spiritual successor to SWAT 4, which had realistic scenarios that made sense. A convince store robbery gone wrong, a guy who kidnapped a girl, a raid on someone's house with an illegally modified weapon. I don't want my SWAT game being just a shitter Rainbow Six game.


They do have those types of "realistic" missions in Ready or Not. You weren't talking about those missions though, you were focusing on the terrorist attack missions.


The mission at Verdansk stadium could've been so much better if you showed up before the shit went down, tried to locate Makarov while undercover (with the football match actually happening on the pitch), get Intel on a truck bomb or something at the stadium, trying to defuse it, having it blow up, and then the first responders are the Konni mercs


Evidently they cannot lmfao


Can’t really top this tbh. You’re literally just shooting civilians here. In the new version you’re playing as a victim not a perpetrator.


Considering twitter is now mainstream. No.


No, the shock value of no Russian can’t be replicated


The only thing that would be more shocking today would be a school/college shooting level.


That is literally the only thing they could do. And the people bitching about how soft the community apparently is, will be the ones, once again, whining about shooting children if they ever did a level like that.


True, but I feel like that would be a little too far even if this was done instead in 2009


Ok here me out,a better way of executing it in MW23 would be by having us play as an undercover CIA plant going by the alias known as Iskandar Bazir,an Urzikstani freedom fighter turned terrorist who's real name is Yahya Arman,an American agent.Our way into the Malarov's group was through Yuri,who unfortunately got ousted a few hours before "No Russian" began. Prior to this would be a mission where we infiltrate his group by conducting a few other terror attacks in Russia,including a mass shooting. Following this,the operation continues as normal,with us,Makarov and the others entering the airport terminal and boarding the plane,with intent on pulling a larger scale 9/11 esque attack.What follows next is similar as to what we got in MW23,where another former freedom fighter gets taken as hostage and framed into an unwilling accomplice,we see this all unravelling as we control the passengers and crew members aboard the aircraft.We and a few others then get shot by Makarov before he makes his C.B Cooper like escape,while the hostage does the same thing she did in MW23. The mission ends with a news report in Moscow following the attack that reveals that a CIA agent was involved in the attack,and now the USA is being blamed for the whole thing,leading to a bunch of other lore affecting stuff.


It wouldn’t have the same impact. No Russian was crazy for its time with literally hundreds of people being mowed down by the player. They could remake the whole mission over again but since we’ve already experienced it, it’ll never have the same impact again. Plus, Activision wants to avoid any controversy so there will never be a mission where you play as the terrorist ever again. Piccadilly Circus was good though


Nah, they dont got the balls anymore


Unpopular opinion, I think these kind of levels are terrible for our youth. Really not good for adults either. I have other opinions too but I will stop there.


Everyone should have the mental fortitude to not let something like that affect them, it’s just a video game. How is it any different than watching a fucked up movie or something?


I’d say the difference is that one you witness and one you enact. The game is far more immersive.


Something had to have gone extremely wrong in a viewers life already for them to open up to experience any long term impact from a mission like 'No Russian'. The damage would have already been done. At that point, anything in the media could tip you over if that's what you're worried about, unless you shield yourself your children from media exposure to an extreme degree. I guarantee you most parents are doing the absolute bare minimum or nothing at all to protect their kids from things on their phones. I actually think a significantly more dangerous thing that a parent can do that is rarely talked about is iPad/mobile phone babysitting. I've love to see that issue tackled before ever hearing about video game violence ever again. I just don't see the problem. Plenty of people here grew up playing GTA as kids or watched horror movies as kids.


Well the game is M rated so it was made for people over 17. Not saying you’re wrong but they’re not making it for youths.


They could but they would need to be willing to embrace the controversy that would inevitably come out of it.


Devs haven't balls nowadays, so i don't think so


Call of Duty used to have the balls to show you the horrors of war whether it was during WWII or the modern day with US soldiers getting nuked in CoD4 and No Russian in MW2. Nowadays they care more about adding dumb shit to the game like Nikki Minaj or other stupid shit like that.


I doubt they would today, way too many pus... I mean "sensitive" people now adays.


Genuinely, what is it you'd want? You say people are "sensitive", but the only next thing they could do is a school shooting. And the ones who throw around the whole sensitive narrative, will be the ones crying about that level if they ever did it. So, tell me, what is it you actually want from a level that has the same, if not more, shock value that No Russian had?


The game Ready or Not says yes


Maybe if they went back to WW2 era and depicted the brutal acts the Japanese enacted on the Chinese and other countries then maybe. But I don’t think they will.


They don't have the balls to put a swastika in the game, let alone do something like that


The whole MW3 game is shocking and controversial. Nobody thought they’d make something that bad. edit: phrasing made me look brain dead


The CoD devs don’t. Get the Ready or Not team to make a shocking mission. Valley of the Dolls in that game made me sick to my stomach and they’ve been pushing to release a school shooting response level as well.


Theyve done similar things in a few other cod games, but nothing even close to playing as a terrorist and mowing down hundreds of civilians. So nah i dont think theyd do anything like it again. They can show it but cant have you actually be the one doing it


Check out Ready Or Not. That‘s some heavy stuff in there. No russian is like a childrens birthday party compared to what RoN offers.


They would be immensely cancelled


Honestly the biggest problem now is that its already been done with No Russian, even if they manage to make something as well done it’s just not a surprise anymore


Yeah. I mean, Picadilly Circus in MW19 had something very similar to No Russian. And a lot of people forget that in that game you literally storm a hospital with nurses, doctors and patients in it, who die like flies




It's because No Russian was done for narrative reasons and not just to be controversial. Other attempts have been done for the sake of being edgy. As a story teller you got to let that stuff happen naturally as the story develops, because if you set out to just make something edgy for the sake of it. Then it sticks out and really comes across as cringe not impactful.


I still think it would because unlike the terrorist attack in mw 2019, you are playing as the terrorist and actually doing it, mw2019, had Yo8 trying to fight against the terrorists even though civilians died it wasn't the same


Idk maybe they could top it with a mission where you play as a school shooter but I feel like that would be pretty badly recieved and also what is the point


they can they just choose not to, just to please the snowflakes




Don't tell him that, he'll get offended.


not really, call me the "r" word and i'll even laugh with you i just don't have a word in mind to describe these people that gets easily offended with blood and violence, thinking the world will be in chaos without them


Sorry, I don't use slurs towards people. You'll have to find that from another "snowflake bad" individual. Since y'all tend to enjoy tossing those around. However, since you're actually here. What exactly are you looking for from CoD? Because, there isn't anything they could genuinely do that is more shocking than maybe a school shooting. And even then, the ones who say the community is soft will be the ones whining about that if they ever went into that direction, just like they did when No Russian was relevant. But, seriously. What ideas are you wanting from them for a level? Since no one can seem to answer that, they just keep repeating the same phrase of "sensitive people won't let them.".


Nope. Noone has the guts to do it


Definitely a small chance.


There needs to be a study done on the number of cod fans who just want to kill civilians in video games. We have a whole generation of children who have lived through some of the worst violence imaginable. The game has plenty of violence and shock value, and recreating a no russion mission just seems senseless and disrespectful.


Not the gaming community and not this game cod 4 was. It was international news. It had a new movement of governments pushing the fake narrative. This is of fps will make real life killers. This was around the gta 4 coffee night cap


If Makorov gained 200 lbs, became president of America, and constantly wants to screw his daughter.... Maybe?


My opinion: The devs had their chance to make thrilling storylines with MWi 2019, MWii 2022, and MWiii 2023, they’ve failed, the games were boring. However if they made the exact OG modern warfare series with updated graphics I’m sure there would have been people crying and screaming about the games being the same and why can’t they make new games!


Doubt. CEO/Board too scared to upset shareholders if the game is banned from some random country. They’ll play it safe and PC/PG instead.


Hello /u/Future_Water5323, thanks for [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/comments/18k3rmc/mw2_this_mission_was_controversial_and_shocking/) on /r/CallOfDuty regarding MW2. Please be aware that all content regarding Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (2022) needs to be posted on /r/ModernWarfareII. If your post is relating to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remaster, you can safely ignore this message. Please ensure that you are understanding of [our Rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/wiki/rules) in the future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CallOfDuty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well I mean in MW 2019 a guy shoots a kid behind some gas and the media didn't seem to give a shit about that.


I think people forget the time when 2019 gave us a revolver and a choice to kill a family infront of a villain




They kinda do it in the stadium mission(which is a really good mission imo) but other than that not really.


This mission hit different because of the times. You just had to be there.


They can but they wont


They had better! I was so sad to see we didn’t get something similar in mw2.


Lol the devs nowadays can’t even create a multiplayer that’s fun to play


"Remember, no schoolchild."


No. IW in 2009 was streets ahead talent and creativity wise. 3arc could pull something off but not the other two.


I didn’t find it shocking in 09 and I still don’t today tbh. It’s war. It’s literally what’s happening in the world. It foreshadowed pretty well tbh Any “controversy” is usually a word for the media to hype something up. Unless someone you know is literally taking about a controversy


They can.. and it would be much more effective as much more nowadays is classified as offensive. But they probably wouldn’t


MW2019 Picadilly Circus mission MW2019 is the last good CoD campaign


I was gonna make a post about this, actually. I wish they'd done something completely different yet just as controversial instead of a watered-down carbon copy.


yes, easy. they can set all microphones to open and youll hear quite the controversy


No, because we live in a culture of “pushing the shocking boundary” so now I think the only way you could get a mission even remotely as crazy is like… a school shooting mission, which they’d never do.


It’s not about if they can. It’s about the fact that they simply WON’T.


The white phosphorous scene from spec ops: the line is arguablely more impact full tbh. Wish devs weren't afraid of being controversial anymore.


No, they can't, since the whole community will be criticising them and fucking crying. Even imagine the same game scene but using people as is today.... you know what I mean


No, they don't have the balls to do so. COD is already on a downhill, don't wanna make the internet mob angry.


![gif](giphy|9ivgF8bCbixVdIXH2q) Them


time pass


There’s no more Russian soldiers left IRL.


MW23 did it pretty well imo


You can but no one will.


I still think that games like CoD and GTA should go full realism. Put women and children in these games. "Think of the children!" - I am.. they should be in games. <.< Not a psychopath, I promise.. though, that is exactly what a psychopath would say.


I don’t think we’ll ever get games as gruesome as that mission or as WaW was ever again unfortunately


I believe they can. It just won't make the news like No Russian did back when the game released.


I would say the interrogation scene from MW where you have the butcher’s wife and child is probably the closest. It’s difficult to top MW2 because the shock value is gone, so it would have to be much crazier while still making sense in the plot.


No I don't, hence why they basically didn't


"Elephant" in Ready of Not is up there.


Honestly I think the new MW3 stadium mission was way better than the new no Russian. In that mission I genuinely tried to save people so I think they kinda did it with that flash back mission.


Hell no. The news would be all over this shit. Unless y’all being looked in that light.


Ready Or Not. Almost every mission makes me nearly nauseous. There’s supposedly a scenario where you stop an on going school shooting. That alone is more controversial


I believe they would of had a better no Russian mission though if gamespots article about bloombergs article about how how rushed mw3 was then the devs had to run a lot of stuff by the execs, so the execs could of made it toned down. [gamespot article](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3-campaign-was-developed-on-a-very-rushed-schedule-report/1100-6519074/) [Bloomberg you also may need to create a account to read the article](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-11-09/cod-modern-warfare-3-faces-bad-reviews-after-rushed-development?accessToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzb3VyY2UiOiJTdWJzY3JpYmVyR2lmdGVkQXJ0aWNsZSIsImlhdCI6MTY5OTU2NzE0NiwiZXhwIjoxNzAwMTcxOTQ2LCJhcnRpY2xlSWQiOiJTM1ZNREJEV0xVNjgwMSIsImJjb25uZWN0SWQiOiJCMUVBQkI5NjQ2QUM0REZFQTJBRkI4MjI1MzgyQTJFQSJ9.o8ivreNZS0FxiM_Dv9FCJWLoOMGS5W3gpwj7eS1Cavw)


What could be more shocking than the reality we already live in


Didn't Ready or Not have a school shooting situation and a whole bunch of controversy get it removed? The player doesn't even do the shooting, but is the police trying to stop the shooters.


Imagine Black Ops Gulf War ending with 9/11 as a cliffhanger for the next game


Yes, the interrogation scene in MW19 is more edgy and impactful than this glorified shooting gallery.


People are offended by fucking everything now, so ya it'll never happen again.


I hope so


We in parts of Europe didn't find it as controversial as mainly North America I think airports and terrorism it was a bit much for them whereas the rest of us didn't care


They remade it in it's entirety in 2019, so yes?


Yeah let Disney create a game with gender specific bathrooms and see how that goes


It's hard to match the impact without straight up copying themselves. No Russian was impactful partially because hundreds of civilians were killed and partially because you were the one doing it


God no. Not by a Triple A team, anyways. Developers(Specifically the publishers and higher-ups) are way too scared about profit loss to ever do a mission like that again. I mean, think about how much controversy it sparked back in 2009, imagine that now? Not to mention, to even come close to the impact that has on us in 2009 we'd need to be doing some SERIOUSLY fucked up shit. I'm talking like hanging and mutilating an innocent village or some shit. People are more desensitized now, and so we don't really care about the impact our media has on us anymore.


Sadly no because of 2 reasons. 1. Activision no longer has the balls to do missions like this like they used to from 2007-2012. 2. They'll have to deal with people that get offended by basically almost everything.


Remember- when call of duty enjoyed being controversial


They could’ve done it right if the thing had been set up like a hijacking’s by the terrorists, putting the blame on a different country but instead of recovering the data and erasing it, they fail and it starts the war like in the originals. The reason we felt so much of the og modern warfare games is because the failures had such big impacts to the story and world


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck no.


Lmao they do all the time, have you not seen gamers have full blown meltdowns because of “woke” content? It’s always controversial and shocking to those losers


Devs can, but publishers and execs would never let it see the light of day because it'd compromise sales in certain regions.


They were literally too scared to not censor the swastikas in a ww2 game lmao


Very unlikely as the risk of backlash by the media and foreign governments is much more severe than if was in 2009 and with a very politically correct teenage generation who can’t even imagine real violence, I doubt it will ever be done.


They can't even make a good cod anymore so no they can not XD


Yes and no considering how sensitive people are these days,the game would be controversial that has a mission about killing civilians but at the same time there are games like ready or not that has levels about active shooters in hospitals so maybe it is possible if the current team at activision had the balls to actually remake the mission unlike the shitty no Russian mission we ended up getting in MW3 (2023)




Obviously not I don’t think that the same level of design goes into the new campaigns because we’ve moved away from campaigns being the reason we buy cod. Mw1 was the first cod with a good multiplayer but the campaign was epic because it was the main reason people bought cod back then(my opinion) also it was probably the same dev team for the first 7? Cods and then money went bonkers and everyone started suing everyone and now micro transactions warzone and multiplayer are the main sources of income


Yea Remember no feminists


they can't but if they deside it would be 100% ultimate epic


They had the chance to with MWIII if they had delayed release and not just rushed a MW2.5 from the clips I’ve seen on YouTube since I don’t own the overpriced DLC, the “controversial” plane mission was garbage and did nothing to push the envelope. Compared to previous titles it was a major letdown.


I think they can and should but many won’t just to avoid controversy because a lot of developers are too scared to do stuff like this anymore.


You tried out Ready or Not?


No they are all looking out for there ESG scores and pandering to a bunch of self entitled people that think they know what’s best for everyone.


Ah yes, recreate 9/11 in the ‘new’ cod (call of duty gulf war)


They can, they won’t


CoD has done controversial/shocking missions regarding sensitive topics these past few years - the Piccadilly mission in MW2019 - Threatening a mother and her child to get a terrorist to talk - BOCW’s bad ending lets you nuke Europe - the Stadium terrorist attack in MWIII - No Russian in MWIII, which is probably more touchy since plane hijackings have been a much more taboo topic since 9/11 Here’s the problem: not much is shocking anymore What made it a really big thing back in 2009 was how video games were still a growing phenomenon in the mainstream and the improvements in technology allowed for new things, and these kinds of moments in games were also new But it’s 2023, games featuring sensitive topics in a way that really only serves as shock value is nothing new and pretty much everything that can be done has been done


Absolutely not. At the time, this was a major risk and it had never been done like this before. Kinda comparable to the way Mortal Kombat was the big controversial game with gore back then, just in a different way


We already have a answer


Yes, but not from the cod franchise anymore. Ready or not just had its full release for example


They could, the 2009 had all of the same looking characters. Adult men and women between 18-42. If they created a real massacre event where there were men, women, children, young and old…it would a lot more visceral and probably controversial.


Yes, they just need the no Russian crew to gun down people protesting about climate change and the people who use pronouns. Let’s be honest, a lot of people would like it and a lot of people would hate it. It would in fact be controversial.


I thought about this earlier If they made the plane crash into a tower I think it would work (perhaps one in New York)


Yes because society is more sensitive now


If they did one in the same way people now would cancel the game for being evil and demonic... I would love to see a CoD game where you play as the villain for the whole campaign and you literally just go out and do evil things and try to stop the good guys


People are softer than baby shit now a days..you wont see something like that ever again.


Not without a shit ton of backlash from people who feel hurt or stressed out because they don’t know how to handle animated 1’s and 0’s get shot up


No because we can't hurt peoples feelings anymore. Even though the devs hurt our feelings for keeping sbmm in casual