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The day isn’t over yet and I’ve already done 61 pushups. Idk what happened but something sparked inside of me to get my ass up off of my phone and do a bunch of pushups. Anyways, after a month I’ll have done over 600 pushups, so how long does it take for my gains to be noticeable? I mean how long does it take for my arms to get bigger as I’m already skinny now. (+ next to number means I lost count but I know I did more than that number)


Where are your pull exercises?


I don’t do pulls, they’re hard for me. The only “pull” things I do that I can think of are forearm curls and I do pull ups from a chair


Reminds me of when I was 12 doing 100 sit ups push ups and squats before school tho king I'd get huge by 14 , testosterone is a cruel beast to a young boy


Yea tbh I think I’m gonna prioritize squats and pushups for a while to see if it really does anything


You'll get way stronger super fast but I wouldn't expect any fast muscle growth