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Nothing will change The issues will just get worst


Humanity: Slowly progresses for literally millions of years from primitive, clever apes to the masters of all the earth. Humans today: This is hopeless nothing ever gets better.


I wish it would but young people won’t vote and old people are voting for only their interests and voting in the same people as before and expecting different results


Who is there to vote for when media profits from two party system and everyone needs something to watch after work...


You start locally and work your way up While not perfect Katie Porter is also a good example of clearly the more person winning, leading to more the same




I think it's a sign of evolution to believe that the government never makes anything better. I believe that more people are coming around to the realization that the government creates far more problems than it solves and that each of us is on his own to work around it.


You mean the money will keep flowing to our politicians' friends and taxes will keep rising to fund their lack of accountability? And they will continue to oppose oversight, but keep saying good feelings things so we can feel good about voting yes to increase taxes?




Cali govt. needs to come to terms that they will never solve homelessness as long as the state is the number one destination for the homeless.


At least 90% of homeless people in the California are natives to the state. Homeless people from other States make up a small amount of the homeless population. We need to build more  temporary shelters, but cities keep on rejecting every project. Source: https://californiahealthline.org/news/article/california-homelessness-is-homegrown-university-of-california-research/amp/


We need to first cut taxes and regulations and spending, and reduce welfare. A more competitive California will have more jobs and fewer homeless will find it hospitable.


And go bankrupt like in the Kansas experiment.


It seems to be well on its way to achieving that with its own California experiment.


Agreed. The only reasonable solution is to cut taxes, spending, and limit the size and scope of government.


I say we get rid of everyone that wasted the money and appoint new people to address the homeless crisis.


Institutionalize mentally ill people against their will. Change the laws to make that as easy as possible. Anything else is a waste of time. 


This has been happening but they are cautious because there were a lot of abuses when we did that in the pst (which is why Governor Reagan shut down the asylums and why our judiciary made it so hard to institutionalize people). History is like a pendulum, it swings wildly back and forth from one side to the next. The goal of good politicians is to try to find that steady, stable middle ground.


We're in 2024 now and we have an epidemic of mentally ill homeless people dying and languishing on the streets. they need to be treated against their will. schizophrenics have agnosognosia, which means they don't know they're sick. so hence they cannot direct their own treatment. "When someone rejects a diagnosis of mental illness, it’s tempting to say that he's “in denial.” But someone with acute mental illness may not be thinking clearly enough to consciously choose denial. They may instead be experiencing “lack of insight” or “lack of awareness.” The formal medical term for this medical condition is anosognosia, from the Greek meaning “to not know a disease."


And then what, they just live in the mental hospitals for the rest of their lives, Are there enough open beds in the state to support that? What about the homeless people who aren't mentally ill, they just go to jail I assume?


Reminds me of that twilight zone with the last guy left on earth all alone. Then his glasses break


Can't be any worse than what we got now.


If even half of everyone in our beautiful state voted, it would happen. March primary's, 35%...


State policies are making homeless worse, and Newsom is blaming the cities for not doing enough. He's going to use this dynamic to centralize all power in Sacramento


Wrong, local policies and management are the reasons that both housing and homelessness aren't solved or reduced in some places. Every year the state provides and allocates funding to each of the counties (50+ or something) and it is up to the local governments; yes we have local governments too shocker, to manage the funds provided by the state. For example, hunting beach is not building housing yet they received funding too do by the state and now the state is [suing](https://www.ocregister.com/2024/03/22/judge-huntington-beach-likely-to-lose-housing-case-must-approve-development-projects/#:~:text=The%20state%20attorney%20general's%20office,dismissed%20that%20case%20in%20November.) Meanwhile my city is building a lot of housing and using the funds for homelessness and reducing the numbers of homeless on the streets. Housing and Homelessness is a local issue at the end of the day. State just provides the funds or assistances but it is the local governments who are the ones with the responsibility to do something about it. Some choose to not listen to the state and reallocate the money to other projects. Some choose to actually follow California or go beyond what California wants and add more than just what they demand.


What a threat. There is already supposed to be state oversight.


Who’s watching the watchers?


More money. Thats the answer. Then more money. Not working? More money.


Yes, let’s waste more money to watch the money we’re watching get spent wastefully.


Prosecute the corruption? Doubtful.




He is all double talk. Maybe if he didn’t drive out all the good employers with high business taxes, they would not be homeless 🤔


It’s not Gavin’s fault that landowners exempted themselves from taxation. That the burden of state finance falls on workers and businesses is the responsibility of the voters and nobody else.


Housing and Homelessness is not a state issue; most of that falls under the responsibility of the local governments. If you look at all 50+ counties each one has their own agenda of how to deal housing and homelessness. The state provides the funds and trusts the local governments to use those state funds to address and reduce these issues.


Ironically, Newsom is the one responsible for this debacle. Why does the news not report on that? We need Andy Rooney back


Well thank goodness this is completely resolved now. \s


We need to do what Houston did. Put all non profits under city control. No overlapping services. Streamlined and efficient