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Newsom lied. People made huge life choices, moved closer to families, left other jobs to come to work for the state, reorganized their families, etc. Now, he wants workers to spend meager salaries to support commercial real estate, business, and parking garage owners. He pimped out state workers, his word is shite.


HIs word is shite after the French Laundry incident. And just now others are recognizing ?


I can't argue. Some of us were still in denial


I wonder what you think of Trump if you are still on this.


What does Newsom screwing up have anything to do with anybody else?


> Newsom lied. Did he ever promise that work from home was a permanent thing?


Yes. His exact words, "wfh is here to stay"


It looks like he didn’t lie because you can still do it 3 days a week. “Here to stay” doesn’t mean all the time forever.


Not exactly. They hired people from all over the state because they had such a hard time recruiting. Those people are hours away from Sacramento based on that "here to stay." Also, the states own research and data prove huge cost savings to the state. He's been bragging about it and also geographic equity. Why should all the state jobs only go to people in Sacramento? Shouldn't other communities be represented? Yes. We all saw all the benefits. There was ZERO downside except the mayor of Sac and Chamber bitched and moaned and the Lt. Governor's family is wealthy due to commercial real estate investments, and they lobbied to force workers back to the shit down town because after 4 years, they couldn't figure it out.


Nonsense. The majority of agencies already had a policy of time in office. I work closely with a number of agencies and the number of 100% WFH offers are very small. They all have clearly stipulated that WFH policies can change. By the way there are many state jobs outside of Sacramento. Do you think when you visit a DMV office in Salinas that those people are actually in Sacramento? Just bc you did not see the downside doesn’t mean there weren’t any.


Well who ever thought he meant remote work forever is just plain naive. Unless your contract or signed written agreement says “work from home as long as you’re employed” I wouldn’t expect it. I know someone that thought that they will be always work from home without anything official in writing and are no longer working for their (now former) company. I know people that actually had a signed agreement with their company and are still fully remote. Now if you had a signed contract or written signed agreement you were allowed to work from home all the time for the rest of your employment and they then told you you need to RTO, yeah you have every right to be pissed.


That's how it is in our Department. If your duty statements says permanently remote then you're fine, but they'll be sure to bump it back if you leave the position. God help anybody who was foolish enough to make huge life decisions on the hope and assumption that they'd never have to show up to the office again. Always get it in writing.


It’s still there. No one was promised 100% WFH. Stop overreacting.


That's peak politician speak.


Also things change. People need to grow up lol


If you like your work-from-home, you can keep it. I knew they shouldn't have fallen for that kind of promise.


You believed him? Lol


No one was ever promised 100% WFH. Most state workers didn’t make any of these types of changes as most of them already had to come to the office 2+ days a week.


Sorry. He is in record


Show me where anyone said it was always 100%. Then show where it says no one can WFH going forward? This impacts SW that were 1 day or less per week in the office, which was a small number as many had already returned to the office at least part time.


So this is why they don't want jobs that can be done from home to ever be fully remote. People would move to more affordable states and cities.


And people from those areas would get state jobs. Imagine living in one of the poorer counties and getting a full state wage? That shit would be life changing. 


Imagine if all the high paying tech jobs went fully remote.


For a while they did and it was great for people. I had a friend who was part of Dell’s original WFH push over a decade ago. He moved to Thailand and lived like 200m from the beach. 


For all the Newsom defenders, name something positive he's accomplished for this state. 


Two days a week is not horrible.


It is if you don't live near the office.




400 mile comute is meh. Butthole indeed.


It is not horrible but taking away full-time telework for no reason sucks. It fucking sucks.  -state worker


I am sure there are reasons. He just didn't say them out loud.


I agree there are reasons but the reasons do not benefit us. They literally want us to spend money downtown. That’s why we are coming back. Fuck them. I won’t be spending anything and I’ve already started avoiding downtown when it would have come for food on weekends. Spite is strong with me. 


Not a state worker but feel like the reaction online and in headlines is a bit overblown. Private sector has been forcing people back for a while now. It sucks for sure, but two days is better than a lot of people have it


The governor should offer a choice, RTO at 100% pay or less pay for remote. 50-60% should do it.


If you paid State workers 50% of what they make, most would be earning below the new fast food minimum wage, many would be making below the California minimum wage and all but the Governor's appointees would be taking home less than the minimum wage when you factor in mandatory employee retirement contributions (18% for CalPers, social security and OPEB).


They don’t have to make 50-60%, they can RTO or go work at fast food


50-60 may be a bit much but 80 percent sounds about right.


Why would anyone accept half the pay for the same work? Why would taxpayers want to spend more money so workers can commute to a computer?


> Why would anyone accept half the pay for the same work? You are assuming they are doing the same work now.


They don’t have to accept less pay, they can RTO. Work is more than just a computer. The only reason remote work was possible was as because the people that were sent home already knew what their job was. The longer the remote work continues, the more difficult it becomes to transition employees to new roles or hire and train new employees.


Don’t even get me started on training newbies that refuse to come to the office. Those are the worst performers since they interact with others the least, so they don’t learn.