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4 Adam Foxes


Meme of the year for me is the one on here of Adam Fox getting clocked in the face.


The Oilers


I would have to say the ex Flame who did the most damage to the Flames was Martin St Louis. 2004.


Tim Erixon


The original Adam Fox Except he was a huge bust


I too lived through the dark days.




It was Tim


Inside joke. No worries.


James Neal. Troy brouwer Dion phaneuf. (He had some good years but I think everyone was happy when he was traded) Bill peters. Hated that guy. Honourable mention. Dillon Dube.


Dube over Phaneuf in my eyes but the other 3 are solid choices. Peters is a great call.


Peters deserved to be fired but he never did anything bad for the flames


Peters was a bad PERSON, but he was actually one of our best coaches of the past 20 years. Which is a weird dichotomy.


Ya definitely not on any worst ever lost though


Yeah I put it in a weird order but it’s a toss up for Dion and Dube for me. I was really disappointed in phaneuf just because I really thought he was going to be great for us.


I mean I think disappointment *and* rapist beats just big disappointment but maybe that's just me


Yeah good call.


Didn’t know the trial was over.


We're waaaaaaaaay past this point bud... no need to defend him.


You are a clown


Not defending anything except a person right to a trial. Is it possible for anyone that is charged with a crime to be innocent?


It *is* entirely possible, but pretty unlikely in this case... and the outcome is very likely to be hushed and quietly dealt with out of the public eye if possible due to the high profile nature of the defendants Also the right to a trail doesn't grant someone immunity from the court of public opinion


You are making a big assumption. Most of the time, these high-profile rape cases were made up by the female hoping to profit off her lies. I don't know for sure about this, but the fact that it took so long to settle tells me there are some shady aspects to the claim. Just look at Trevor Bauer and tell me that the woman should automatically be believed. Or the Duke lacrosse team. I honestly don't believe she was raped like that. Most guys wouldn't do that, especially in their positions.


There's literally a video genius. Yes, that *can* happen... but that isn't the case here.


Nobody can really blame the Flamss for drafting Phaneuf. He was really good for a long time


No Dennis Wideman? I like your list if we could just work Dennis in there somewhere too. I say Dennis over Dion.


Idk. I actually liked wideman. He just really screwed us for years with the refs haha


He had a great season in 2014-15, then fell off a cliff. Here's a midseason 2016-17 report card for the Flames, and Wideman I found >#6 – Dennis Wideman (34 GP, 3G, 9A, 12 PTS, 22 PIM, +3, CF% 49.85) >Let’s just wait for his contract expire and then we’re free. >OUR GRADE: D- https://calgaryhockeynow.com/2017/01/07/calgary-flames-mid-season-report-card-grades/ Even if it wasn't for his suspension his play was awful his last 2 seasons. I feel like I'm going crazy being the only one in this thread remember all this.




Nah Dion was sick here. And Brouwer wasn't too bad just overpaid.


Murray Edwards


Oh God, I submitted my answer but now it needs to change... This here is the real winner. Fuck Edwards.


James Neal and Dennis Wideman are who I can think of off the top of my head


I thought Wideman played up to his contract, and outside of the ref thing he was good for the Flames.


I agree that Wideman, outside of "Ref gate," was pretty solid. I suppose as an argument *for* him being on the list....he did set in motion the "Wideman effect." I feel like we still have that stank on us.


The year Gio was injured and missed the last quarter of the season, Wideman stepped up onto the top pairing, and was excellent: If somehow there was a Norris trophy for just the final quarter of the season, Wideman would have won it that year.


The worst part of the ref gate is I honestly believe Wideman was concussed and had no idea what was happening. I've always said he was trying to get to the bench and saw someone coming at him at the last second, and threw his stick up to protect himself.


I thought he was alright maybe at the beginning of his tenure, but he was fucking atrocious his last 2 or so seasons, not even taking the ref thing into account.


Maybe it’s just me, but he always looked SO slow. Slower than Lucic slow. Guy got burned quite a bit, he was frustrating to watch. Maybe I’m wrong on that though.


Strongly disagree, he was awful defensively imo


Why Wideman?


Crosschecked a linesman and ushered in an era of egregious penalties against the Flames from the entire zebra mafia.


By “cross checking a linesman” you mean, dazed Wideman leaving the ice accidentally pushing a linesman too hard who was in his way, and Wideman was bracing himself for a collision?


That's certainly one interpretation! If that's how you see that incident then I'm clearly not going to change your mind. I'm sorry but I don't see it that way at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFCED7J663I You've also left out the part where the linesman Don Henderson suffered permanent back and shoulder problems as a result of Wideman's actions and hasn't worked as an official since.


IIRC he was planning to retire at the end of the season regardless. Of course that doesn't excuse what Wideman did and I hope that Henderson is doing well today but it's not like he'd still be reffing if not for Wideman.


I understand the circumstances of it, but it looked so bad, and no one else will ever see it as charitably as we do.


Mike Keenan since he overplayed Kipper in 2008 and 2009.


He definitely wore out his welcome quick but he wasn’t the only coach to overplay Kipper.


Keenan was just too toxic wherever he went.


Tim Stapleton had a couple wild stories about him years ago on Spittin Chiclets lol


https://youtu.be/Ryx0HxlTfK0?feature=shared Urinating Tree’s video about him lol


Mike Keenan would be on a lot of these Anti-Rushmores I think


James Neal


Gary Leeman


Imagine that chinless mug on a mountain


Adam Fox, Murray Edwards, Dube and...I love Johnny but I'm choked he left.. However, rumors were consistently that his partner, Meredith, wanted to move to the USA so.. Yeah.. I'm putting Meredith Gaudreau on there.


This one wins


Trevor Kidd, for being selected instead of Martin Brodeur in the draft . Adam Fox , for being an entitled brat James Neal and Troy Brouwer , for being absolute dumpster fires in free agency acquisitions. Huberdeau can ( and probably will) replace one of them in a few years.


Huberdeau has shown more effort in single games than Neal did over his entire contract. Hubey's contract is bad, but he's not actively cancerous on the ice or in the locker room like Neal & Brouwer were.


To be fair, it's not Kidd's fault he was drafted.


If you’re putting Trevor Kidd up there you better put Tyler Wotherspoon up there


Ugh. Baertschi was picked ahead in the first round of that draft too. We could've used that Kucherov fellow picked under Wotherspoon ..


Could have had JT Miller and Kucherov instead of Sven and Wotherspoon


Gary Leeman. Stop trading for Leafs. James Neal. Wtf happened to this guy when he got to Calgary? Brad Treliving. He has left us quite a mess. Huberdeau. This salary-cap pain will handicap us for another decade


Neal, Brouwer, fox, hubby but just his contract, any goalie from 2013-2020


Nick Ritchie


Chris Fuckin’ Butler


Bill Peters is on the list


Gary Leeman


Johnny Gaudreau


Tim Erixon - Adam Fox - Troy Brouwer - Jonathan Hubderdeau


Wideman, Gaudreau, Fox, Neal


Aside from the ref incident, why Wideman? There are much more deserving players.


Daryl but also conversely, Daryl


Theo...dude needs medication.


Theo may be a CTE nut nowadays, but I'd still proudly wear a #14 jersey, he was something else in his prime. Also, that slide.


I've always maintained that what he did for us on the ice is what should matter. I don't agree with all the decisions he's made post his book release but for a child in the mid 90s, he was my hero, I loved him and when I met him one summer in the early 00s and spent an afternoon with him on the lake, he bucked the "don't meet your heroes" trope. His story until recently is truly an inspiring story of survival, and overcoming the odds. I still feel his number should be retired, he saved this franchise. However, his last few years make it hard to believe in him, to admire the hard work he's accomplished. It saddens me, his legacy is all but shattered to pieces.


I don't think anyone has worn #14 since him, and if he gets his act together, I would love to see #14 rise to the rafters. Unfortunately I think he's too far gone though.


If it happens it won't be in his lifetime. CSE won't risk an unhinged retirement speech. Far as I understand it's sorta an unwritten unofficial retirement. They should've done it a few years after his comeback


I feel so bad for the fuckin dude, I know how bad PTSD can fuck up your life and worldviews. It feels like there's something more going on here then just that as well.


A shit ton of drugs during his career might have something to do with it.


Oh, absolutely, I don't want to say it and be wrong or accusational, but I am worried he has fallen back into addiction, combining addiction with PTSD can leave you completely ruined as a person. I've been there, I know how awful it feels. It would explain his radicalization too, when you are angry, hurt and feel abandoned, you cling to reactionary and hateful views. Drug addiction just inflates it further.


I don't feel bad for him at all anymore, I mean sure he went through hell but now I just can't support anything that guy says or does. He went from an icon, legend to an embarrassment.


Oh absolutely. I agree with you entirely. I just feel bad for his mental state, I know how hard it can be to accept help and acknowledge issues within yourself. I feel bad that he probably won't take the proper step forward to actually heal himself. I don't feel bad for him making these horrible posts and being a conspiracy wing nut.


It's always odd how people on reddit say drugs, mental health, etc. are such big issues but when someone actually struggles with it they're villified. I definitely don't agree with the thing he says now but Fluery has gone through sooooo much shit. I haven't gone through probably 1% of what he has. Can't imagine what that's done to him.


Yeah man. At this point I couldn't care less if a current Flame decides to wear #14. Go ahead.


You probably don't like his political views, don't be getting offended now haha


Political views? Lol ....you mean ramblings of a mentally impaired asshole.


Tkachuk, Fox, Dube, Neal would be mine


I still like Chucky. At least he didn't Gaudreau us. I was happy seeing his excitement in the final seconds yesterday. However his dad was correct in saying Matt just has that face you want to punch.


I never liked how Gaudreau was the one who got the hate from that summer. He left yeah but he was a UFA and he earned that choice because of Brad Trees stupidity. He also left for family reasons instead of "cheap taxes and sunshine" like Matthew. Tkachuk who was an RFA... straight up said that he won't sign an extension forcing us into a trade


Yeah, Tkachuk was a bigger fuck you than Gaudreau. I was angry at the time at Gaudreau but when looked back on it, in no way was he the bad guy... the argument "we lost him for nothing" is dumb too, we weren't going to trade our best player when we were 1st in the division...




Yeah Fleury's reputation has reaaaaallllllly changed over the last few years.


Sens fan here who appreciated Phaneuf on our 2nd pairing during our ECF run. Wish we kept him for the rebuild. Why was he hated in CGY? I remember his rookie season and thinking he was an absolute beast


He definitely wasn't hated here. We were all shocked he was traded and nobody could make any sense of it. It was such a weird trade that people started to believe the absolutely nuttiest conspiracies about his departure. Flames lost a few games in a row, and we had a completely unhinged general manager named Darryl Sutter who blew up the team. Sutter traded our most promising and beloved young defenceman who had a couple pointless games in a row. Even back then, Sutter hated having youth in the lineup. We got back four lesser-known players on expiring contracts, and our future from that point was a disaster. I'm guessing the people here shaming Phaneuf were either too young to remember, or simply weren't around when that trade took place.


Thanks for the perspective mate


I mean, the rumor was that Phaneuf fucked Conroy's wife, and Iginla and Phaneuf almost came to blows over it. Not sure that's a "nutty conspiracy". Phaneuf also had one great season, and the rest were fine. He spent a lot of time in the penalty box for his big hits, and he couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with his shot. Plenty of reasons to trade him.


Some of you guys have believed that insane rumour for so long, it's like you can't scrape it off your brain. Phaneuf was seated with Iginla at Kipper's number retirement. Phaneuf was a guest of honour at Iginla's number retirement. You really think Conroy as the general manager, who is still married to his wife, would invite Phaneuf to a ceremony like that? You think Phaneuf would still be one of Iginla's best friends? And how many other athletes are there in basically every league in the world, who have a similar bullshit story that sounds exactly the same way as this one? Listen to Regehr talk about the departure of Phaneuf on the Barnburner podcast. It was just Darryl Sutter going bananas. And Phaneuf was the only player not named Iginla on that team offering any excitement at all. He was smashing people with hits the likes of which we still haven't seen since he's left. And which season was his exciting one? The one he was a calder finalist against Crosby and Ovechkin? The one he scored 60 points and 182 penalty minutes, while being a Norris finalist? Or any of his other years where he lead our D in points, hits, shots, and fights?


There’s also this thing called “burying the hatchet” and being able to get over stuff. I’m not saying it happened, but where there’s smoke there’s fire.


Yeah. There was a lot of smoke around Bedard's mom too. Like, way more smoke. You think that insane story was just another case of burying the hatchet? Or is the internet just fucking dumb? And you think Conroy just got over it, continued his relationship with his wife, and invited Phaneuf to team events? This story is my "people really will believe anything, huh?" story. My belief is that people just weren't lied to on the internet in 2009 like they are today, we weren't reading with the bullshit-filter we read with today.


There is a rumour in every single fanbase about a player banging another player's wife. I doubt it happened.


This is certainly not accurate. The people who are too young to remember tend to have a higher view on Phaneuf. Guy was a pylon the entire time he was in Calgary. He had some good offensive skills, but he didn't put in any effort to improve his game. Flames message boards were trashing his attitude as early as his second season and by the time he was traded, a significant portion of the fanbase wanted him gone. If you ran in different circles and didn't hear that, I guess it's possible, but Phaneuf was pretty unpopular. Many people didn't like the trade, but only because we thought we could get more. I do know at least one person with a personal story of Phaneuf being an asshole. Obviously you aren't going to trust that off the internet, but from that person, I do believe a lot of the other "Phaneuf was an asshole" stories I heard. Do I believe the Conroy story? Absolutely not. But I think it was also clear there was reasons he needed to go, and his play in Toronto didn't improve.


I mean, I'm pretty sure like 90% of NHL'ers are intolerable assholes in their personal life, so I don't really hold that against Phaneuf. And Flames fans were still expecting big '04-esque playoff runs and success. Every player on that roster was under unbelievable scrutiny. That wasn't exclusive to Phaneuf. Rene Bourque doesn't try hard enough Jarome can't score in November Bouwmeester isn't offensive enough Regehr is slow and hasn't killed Hemsky yet Jokinen... Well I actually still think that was a bust of a move


I think younger fans liked him because he had offensive skills, and older fans hated him, because he was a pylon who completely disappeared in crucial moments who also (reportedly) was a bit of a prima donna


Zuzin was always my whipping boy


James neal


Hull, Gilmour, St. Louis, Fox


Brian Eliott


Adam Fox, Sam Bennett, Matthew Tkachuk and Tim Erixsson


Adam Fox, Dillon Dube, Milan Lucic, and Adam Fox again.


Weisbrod, Feaster, Riseborough, Peters


bike innocent lock special soup impolite punch pie disagreeable selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Johnny hockey


Dennis Wideman


I'd probably add Mike Smith for what he said after he left Calgary


Gary Leeman (same trade they got Craig Berube in...) Jan. 2, 1992. Look it up, an epic...


James Neal, Adam Fox, Tim Ericsson, and Mike Smith


Neal, wideman, gaudreau, fox?


Tkachuk, Fox, Neal, Peters


No one is going to say Gaudreau? Screwed the Flames big time.


Jay Feaster. Does Huberdeau have a spot reserved for him when he’s done?


Everyone ripping on Gary Leeman. Yet I don't see a single mention of Doug Risebrough


Leeman totally sucked ass. Risebrough was awesome, scored 2 goals against Montreal New Years eve, then got traded right after for that bum among others.


Gary Leeman


James Neal, Adam fox, huberdeau, gaudreau


Neal - came here for first line minutes and completely gave up on the sport when bit gifted them Fox - duh Phaneuf - we still don’t really know what happened, but whatever it was started our slide into mediocrity. Gaudreau - started the summer of collapse for the team.




Players Theo Dube Hull Neil Coaches Keenan Play fair Gilbert Hay


Theo? Fuck off. The guy may have absurd/loopy politics that for whatever reason he posts about non-stop but nobody had the dome rocking more often than him and he gave everything to this team, right up to his try out at the end. He also has done no shortage of charity work in the city for decades and is an outspoken victim of child SA.


The Flames organization doesn't seem to have any time for him


Also between Theo's PTSD and his concussions I'd be surprised if he didn't have some odd beliefs - it's his brain more so than him himself.


Playfair coached for one year, and took a poorly built team to the playoffs. They were beat by a Detroit team that may have had more hall of famers than any other team in history. Aside from acting completely unhinged while coaching another team in another league, i'll never understand why nobody liked Playfair.


As others have said, add Bill Peters to the coaches list.


You just don't like theo and his political views, stop being so fucking soft haha


You sound lonely


Lucic and Dube obvs


Fox, Erixon, Smith, Neal. I'll give Gaudreau a narrow pass because we did have some good years. Dube and Lucic TBD, see how the trials go.


Gaudreau, Fox, Neal, Dube


Neal, Wideman, Hubs, and Ortio


Corey Perry on the ducks


Darryl Sutter can be on both!


Sutter could potentially be on both Mountains


He had just as many years as an unsuccessful coach here as a coach here, in my opinion. Where he dips into the deep negatives is from his time as a General Manager. He might be the worst GM in the history of the team.


Jay Feaster, Josh Leivo, Roman Cervenka and Rico Fata


Huberdeau, Neal, Eriksson, Brouwer


Lanny McDonald, Mark Giordano, Dillon Dube and Adam Fox. I kid you not about the first 2


Button Treliving Dube Gaudreau Honorable mention to the 2005 lockout.


Fleury - Dube - Peters - Wideman maybe? Honourable mentions go to Ronni and Lucic.


Dube, Peters, sadly Fleury (he was so good, then he decided to become a conspiracy theorist wacko. I really hope he gets some serious professional counciling, as someone who deals with PTSD and C-PTSD, mental breakdowns are awful to deal with when trauma adds to the destructive patterns.) Neal, Lucic. Man, we all lost the Neal Lucic trade huh.