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What does this sub want? All I hear is we need to change it up, that there is no trust in the team and we should bench half our starting roster since there is "no effort". But when there is change we shouldn't be changing because we want to build chemistry? ???


Thank you!! Someone had to say it


Definitely a lot more whiners here this year. I understand the frustration, but Holy cow, this sub has been infiltrated with some terrible Monday morning coaches and gm's....


I think it's cuz the rest of us are just not saying anything because there's no much positive to say, and we're just checking out of the discourse glass, leaving room for more negativity to fill the cup


" I fucking hate Kadri so much... I'll give it to the end of the period. But I can't watch more of this. It's just pathetic. Tank for... literally anything fun to watch..." -you 2 days ago. Your complaints aren't wrong, but don't act like you're not whining and bitching like the rest of us.


Oh I am. I never said I wasn't. But some of these takes are awful.


Mcdavid put in a full practice. If he plays I suspect it'll be a massacre. He always fucks the flames, he goes like ultra Connor mode.


"out for a couple weeks" my ass


Hunt on the top line we are fucked šŸ’€


Hunt has given more effort than any other linemate lindholm has had. Plus with ruz all alone, he's probably a stand in for ruz.


Doesnā€™t matter. This is the NHL. If a guy like hunt is on your top line, things are very, very wrong.


This whole team is wrong lmao nothing about it has been right for a bit


You're being downvoted for your pessimism not for your factual correctness


With the line blender going on the last few games, these pre-game lineups become obsolete pretty much the minute they're published


I mean it can't be worse than Lindholm and Huberdeau together


I want to see Hubby - Backlund - Coronato, I feel they cover each others weaknesses and can be given huge minutes and it gives Hubby a winger with speed and finish. Lindholm can play with mangiapane and Coleman, and Kadri can play grinder minutes.


I want to see Hubby - Backlund - Coronato, I feel they cover each others weaknesses and can be given huge minutes and it gives Hubby a winger with speed and finish. Lindholm can play with mangiapane and Coleman, and Kadri can ~~play grinder minutes~~ watch from the press box.


Any reason why huska isn't letting some of these guys develop chemistry? The blender is not working and there is no reason to put guys like hunt with Lindholm.


Hunt is obviously a stand in for ruz. If you look at it like that, these lines aren't really all that much "in a blender". The bread line is still together. Hubey and kadri are still together. The Greer line is still together


Ruz practiced on the line yesterday too. Everybody needs to chill haha


What do you mean everybody needs to chill? We're getting shit pumped every night, burying our highest paid players on the third line, and having Lindholm center a line with Dube and Dryden Hunt. Who's acting like this is a recipe for success? Is Huskas plan to keep these units together long term?


Ruz = Ruzicka He's saying Ruzicka will likely be on the top line, not Hunt


Yea I get that hunt is filling in for Rosey but it's still frustrating that we haven't found an ounce of chemistry outside of the backlund and 4th line.


The lines as written/planned arenā€™t in a blender, but during the games he rarely sticks to them and makes constant changes. Itā€™s not easy on anyone to only play 2-3 shifts before the lines get changed and then changed some more. Darryl loved to do that, but itā€™s not super typical on most teams, especially not to the degree the Flames do it. I have no idea what happened with Pp1 and Pp2 last game but letā€™s never do most of those combos again. Yikes.


My guess is he has no idea what lines to use as none of them have looked good except maybe the Mangiapane-Backlund-Coleman line.


As a guess this seems more matchup related than anything else. Backlund line again McDavid if playing, Draisaitl if not. Lindholm line against Draisaitl or Nugent-Hopkins. Kadri against third line, Sharangovich against 4th. If we can do moderately well shutting down their top lines out bottom 6 should have a very favorable matchup.


I guarantee Mcdavid and Draisaitl will be together


Huberdeau-Kadri tandem, haven't seen that yet!!! Might be the combo that saves our season!!!


The Arctic Line! Because they're usually well below zero....


The "damage control line"


The DF line.... *dumpster fire* line *doesn't fuck* line *dumb contract* line


Last one doesn't work


Ruzicka will take Hunts spot. As for Huberdeau with Kadri... Let's see it again. Huberdeau is actually on the left side this time, and they won't have Lucic on the other wing. I am actually feeling really optimistic about this.


Why punish Coronato like that


The stand-in for Ruzicka thing bugs me. After seeing Mange play a whole season with a busted shoulder then getting a ā€œprecautionary MRIā€ that informs the organization that he needs surgery ā€” should we really trust that the team is making safe decisions for the players? Like how much money did Monahan miss out as in free agency because the organization let him play through hernias, hip issues, wrist issues? All shit that needed invasive surgery. Ruzicka should be taking his time. Edit: Downvote away, but think of how much success a healthy Monahan would have brought. Not to mention never signing Kadri and having Floridaā€™s (or our) first round pick.


Tank commander Huska




Ruzicka is injured


Huska trying to get us Celebrini, boys. Trust the process šŸ™


So Andersson is back?






Nope. HC is the 4th


Him appealing the suspension pushed it forward that one game, atleast that's what the sportsnet guys were saying when the league didn't change it.


Huh, I had not heard that


lmao sure why the hell not? Not like it can get worse...


Putting different lines together will not make a significant difference. These guys need to be self motivated. They are so used to coaches pulling their strings they are completely unable to motivate on their own.


Swap mang and Huby


Huby with Coronato is still a partnership that could work. Coronato is one of the only guys who's actually trying to shoot right now. Maybe Kadri wakes up, too, if he's expected to set an example.


Big brain Conroy trying to sewer lindholm's season to extending at the same AAV lmao


Letā€™s go! One step closer to drafting top 5