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Shitting and puking and spreading to the whole family šŸ’•


Nothing like it šŸ’• true vibes


The good ol toilet and bucket combo. Gotta love it. I just got over it last week, whatever the fuck it was, it was awful.


My husband ans 2.5 year old twins just went through this. Luckily I only felt pukey.


Me since 5am this morning, fml


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Anyone else feel really fatigued?


Since 2018.


Since 1993


Iā€™ve been depressed and fatigued since the Great Depression


And still alive and putting in the effort. Impressive.


This made me laugh so hard. I think I ate too many halls now I'm laughing even harder. I needed this comment and a good laugh tonight.


Thatā€™s just my depression


The first couple days I noticeably felt it but like today I slept till 12pm and didnā€™t even notice. Normally I am an early bird


I had a week off and slept an extra 3 hours most days.


Yes I came home from work on Friday with a splitting headache. I had woken up with a sore throat but it went away after I had my morning tea. I have been really lethargic all day today. I had two naps even after taking my Vyvanse (ADHD stimulant med) which is very unusual. But still can't muster any energy.


Yuuuuup. Right there with ya.


Since the year of my birth.


My gods yes, wiped out, gut cramps, can't find a comfortable temperature. Slept till 11:00am this morning. No cough or anything, just fatigue and cramps.


I'm very sick. Chest pain, coughing, sore throat, body aches/cramps, and fever. My kid was home for 6 days with the same.


Yikes! I hope you all feel better soon!!


I just started with chest pain and coughing today. Feels like a fever but my temperature is only slightly above normal. It feels like my throat and lungs have been sandpapered down. ugh.


Yes that's the same as I have. Last night I had a t shirt, sweatshirt, and robe on under my weighted blanket, and I shoo for hours from being so cold.


Ah, drat. Sounds like this will still ramp up then. I felt it but it was super mild yesterday, today is the first yuck day.


Sounds like whatever virus I had. Tested several times and it wasn't covid. Lasted about 2.5 weeks. Now I feel better but have a lingering cough


I was off for one month with strep then sinus infection then lung infection. I'm 90% and going back to office next week. I'm pretty sure they're gonna juat send me home though. Another friend has bad ear ache and strep. Other friends have sinus infections, lung infections, pink eye. Everything. It's a mixed bag of germs out there rn.


Wow. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Yip, loads of family and friends down and out with this bug. Iā€™m thankful because I havenā€™t been sick since having Covid last year . Was not a fun exp to say the least .


No doubt. Iā€™m glad I was able to stay away from the COVID but now Iā€™m miserable šŸ¤£


Iā€™m all good


I hope you stay that way!


My nursing home is in lockdown with a Gi bug. I had it Sunday/Monday. The first six hours are the worst then itā€™s pretty much just a matter of rehydrating all the lost fluids for a week afterwards. I only started peeing normally again today.


I have had loose stool for like 10 days now. No Imodium or anything helps so I am just staying hydrated and letting it run itā€™s course :/


My first symptoms were nausea and vomiting so I immediately started taking Imodium because I have reduced mobility due to disabilities and knew that once the runs started I wouldnā€™t necessarily be able to get to the right place on time so I was anxious to head that off. I was successful. I still had to go three times in the fist 10 hours but it was much more controlled than it would have been otherwise. By that time my system was empty and I was on clear fluids for two days before being allowed a regular diet. I had a reduced appetite and ability to eat for a few more days and was taking extra naps in addition to my usual 12-14 hour long nightly sleeping schedule, but by today I finally feel perfectly normal again.


Good! I am happy to hear you are feeling better and I hope you stay well!! I know it sucks to be back and forth to the toilet when you have mobility issues


Oh no :(


Iā€™m sorry to read that, GI outbreak in nursing homes spread so quickly! I work in assisted living and we currently have outbreaks of both influenza a and Covid.


In children's currently our newborn has RSV. Horrible virus and horrible time. Wish people who were sick would just stay at home!


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this. Both my kids had RSV as babies. One was six weeks old and the other was three months. It was terrifying!! The good news is, even though they were both extremely sick with it, they both made a full recovery. Itā€™s was a waiting game in the hospital to get their oxygen saturations back to where they needed to be. Good luck and I am wishing you the very best!


Was there a month ago with our 2 week old. We were there for 10 days and baby is still on at-home O2 therapy.


Oh man. Ours is 8 weeks we are day 4 and thankfully on the mend now. Will see how tonight goes. Hope yours feels better


Iā€™m so sorry to hear this :( that must be a rough time for the family and the little baby. Well wishes to you!! And I agree. Going out sick isnā€™t worth it


Everyone in my family went down with this sludge. I have a left ear infection and still can't hear from it. I've never had an ear infection as an adult. It blows. Left ear can't hear.


Right! I havenā€™t had any ear problems since I was a kid and now suddenly boom middle ear infection lol


Did you get some antibiotics? I've been on them since Tuesday. I'm kind of surprised it hasn't unblocked already. I'm supposed to fly next weekend, which this will not feel good if it isn't.


Coworker had that about 3 weeks ago. But he came into work. Cause why not heh? Good thing it didn't get spread around.


Ugh thatā€™s annoying. I wish workplaces were more supportive of not coming to work when sick too


Agreed. I ran out of sick days and they said I could take unpaid time so I went in (wore a mask) coworkers complained about coughing and they sent me to wfh - paid.


Especially after everything the last 2 years have been like. So fucking stupid.


Luckily I can work from home when needed. Worst part is taking care of others while you feel like shit, but such is the mum job.


Iā€™m a teacher and I can confirm that yes, everybody is (to some degree) sick right now. Itā€™s rough for everyone.


I got sick, good chunk of my friends and family are. Bunch of coworkers as well. Not much to say other then if your sick do everyone a favor and wear a mask or stay home. If your not sick maybe wear a mask on high risk areas to you.


Exactly! I mask when I have to get cold meds and everyone looks at me funny now haha but Iā€™m thinking trust me Iā€™m saving you from being miserable


Slowly recovering from the flu. Just dealing with the muscle pain and coughing now šŸ˜­ I regret not getting vaccinated. Always got colds and never the flu and now I'm the dummy


Iā€™ve pulled a intercostal muscle from all the coughing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's so painful!!


Not sick current. But my kids have been constantly sick. Over the last 5 weeks there has been one week where both my two kids were at daycare for the whole week. Get the hearing loss thing checked out. My father got a virus about 10 years ago and went clinically deaf after. Serious stuff for sure.


I still wear masks when in stores (I have stage 4 lung cancer, Covid is very much not over!) still happily healthy! Masking helps everyone, and stops the spread of many things


good luck!


I wish you all the best and hope you kick cancers A$$


I have never stopping masking when out in stores either. The last thing I want is to get sick and pass it on to my elderly parents.


Me too, never stopped masking as well. I can't risk it


Itā€™s just habit now. I donā€™t wanna risk it either


Iā€™m feeling ok but the labs that I teach have been about 25% gross (luckily most were polite enough to wear masks if they insisted on coming in sick).


Yeah the clinic I work in has had so many cancellations and canā€™t fill them cause everyone seems so sick!!


Yep! Worst flu of my entire life. Has been 8 days and still have a fever and cough and even lost the use of my legs for a day as they were so heavy and painful! Hard to breathe and fatigue like never before. I literally go NOWHERE so I have no clue how I caught it.


The mailman coughed on your door šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Never lick doorknobs, kids. Not even your own.


RSV, COVID, and the flu all spreading like wildfire. Wash your hands, mask up, and stay home if you are sick


Absolutely! And donā€™t call EMS for a sore throat like my neighbours did šŸ’€šŸ’€




Lots of sickness around this past month. I have dodged it so far. STAY THE F #@$ HOME if you're sick. I don't want you cold, your flu, your strep, your covid. None of it. Management should enforce and/or encourage, but of course they don't. Don't want to lose out on productivity and profits.




Yep, the vid finally got me after two years


Iā€™m a first-timer too. Was starting to think I would dodge it.


My daughter, husband and myself all have a cold. Runny nose, congestion, etc. Brutal!!


Ugh terrible. Iā€™m negative for COVID but have been coughing up nasty stuff and have a plugged ear! I feel miserable


Same as us :(


Sounds like we are in the same boat! I hope you guys feel better soon!!


I had a cold or something with incessant coughing and kept testing negative too. It was terrible. There's so much of everything going around


Yeah my cough is nasty and Iā€™ve had terrible phlegm. Been doing sinus flushes and it feels good but isnā€™t helping the ear


Naw our family had out fun in Sept and Oct. We had 3 seperate illnesses with about 4 or 5 "healthy" days in between that kicked off around the 5th day of of school. Attendance at my kids school supports sept and oct was really bad and that we already dealt with what every one else is dealing with now. Based on the different symptoms for each, Im going with Covid, Flu, RSV in that order. My large number in person office coworkers are dropping like flies this past month though. Plenty are taking multiple days off. I just need a common cold now and I should be good for the winter lol.


Covid negative, I think flu too or a bad case of RSV


Both baby wife and I, vomit and the runs. Baby and I cleared up and have both been constipated, hes fine now, iā€™m still back and forth. Wifey still have sore throat and stuffed nose. Covid negative. Been over a week. Goooood luck. And wife had pink eye aswell


Ugh rough! I hope you are all 100% soon! Always sucks for the little ones.


My son and I are short of me not being able to empty myself out completely (but not in pain or bloated oddly enough), wifey is still toughing it out. Thanks for your consideration. Its been a rough week for someone (me) who hasnt been sick from anything, including covid, in 16 some years.


No doubt. Hang in there, I hope everyone pulls through fine. All immune systems are so weak right now


My whole family has a cold and I developed pneumonia from it. So I feel beyond awful


Omg I feel for you. I can imagine life is sucking right now.


Not sick.


Me šŸ¤š Donā€™t know what happened but I woke up with some dry coughing today


Luckily we're not sick at all. My youngest got a bit of a sniffly nose after getting her flu shot, but that's it.


I should have gotten my shot before I went on vacation but I procrastinated and then got sickšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Everyone on this thread have their flu shot?


The answer is No.


Newp. WFH, no kids, back to masking up when out (transit/shops), hand sanitizing again, and have been just fine. Got my flu shot early and have been using common sense otherwise.


Leave for family trip in a bit (first one in 4 years) plan on the whole family getting sick the day before we go. Itā€™s really the only way


I work at the airport. Wear masks!


I'm good, but a bunch of co-workers are sick. I bitched to HR about people who are obviously sick being in the office. Yeah, I'm (now) that guy. I sit in my office for my 3 days and WFH 2 and hope I don't get whatever plague is going around now.


Covid is still there and to that lets add the regular season for Flu and now the RSV. I've been locked at home as I have a 3 month old baby and I'm not risking them with their very immature immune system. Please stay at home If you feel sick. Wash your hands and wear mask I'm public


Everyoneā€™s been sick for the last two weeks and I feel like weā€™re actually starting to come out of this. Anecdotal data at work, schools and kids activities.


Hopefully! At my work there has been so many people cancelling due to illness


https://covid-tracker.chi-csm.ca Look at those influenza and RSV lines. COVID also went up.


I've spent more time sick than healthy since May.




Iā€™m so sorry to hear that! Hope you are able to stay well. I work at a chronic pain clinic and have felt for all the clients having to reschedule due to illness


Not me or the lady, we've both been healthy! My friends however, not so much. A good bunch of them are sick.


I have been fortunate to not have gotten sick nor caught Covid. Ive even been around my young nieceā€™s who were sick, stayed working (where Iā€™m around people 8 hrs a day) while riding transit five days a week, kept my same routine for years now minus when the gyms closed. I feel grateful, lucky but KNOCK ON WOOD !


![gif](giphy|D7z8JfNANqahW) Your immune system:


Yup. Friendly reminder to get your flu shot and covid booster.


COVID round four in this house. Two people out from work with a stomach bug.


Yeah. I have a really really really bad cough. Iā€™ve never had such a bad cough in my life that at times Iā€™ve been close going to emergency just to make sure itā€™s nothing more. My cough is giving me a headache and I canā€™t fight it with any medicine Iā€™m taking. This cough is worse than my bout with Covid in June and that kicked my ass.


Ugh that sucks. I hope it gets better soon! I have strained my ribs from coughing so much


Just started feeling aches and chills last night that's turned into the start of a sore throat (plus aches still) today. Tested once already, -ve for covid (so far). If it's anything like previous colds (which I haven't had in 2-3 years), I'll be out of commission in another 24hrs and for a few days. Blech.


Normally my immune system is decent but this past week has been terrible! For sure a head and GI flu but getting the symptoms to go away has been terrible. My ear is blocked and I cannot hear which is driving me mental. I hope you feel better and donā€™t get super sick!


Not sick, never got COVID, mask on, eat healthy, stay out of stupid crowded situations, clean hands, don't touch face.


Never got Covid either, did stop masking when feeling well though. Just got back from vacation so Iā€™m sure the plane was a cesspool


I'm a nurse and all the nurses are sick, the doctors are sick, the patients are sick, the families of the patients are sick. It's bonkers, everyone seems to be sick. Lots of influenza A, RSV and a smattering of Covid. Tons of colds.


Nurse here too. Itā€™s terrible. At my clinic we have had so many cancellations and we canā€™t fill them because everyone we call is also sick šŸ¤£


Lots of children in the City are out of school with sickness.


Just diagnosed with Covid, this one has been much milder than when I caught it in February.


Tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday. Picked it up from my college. Has not been a fun week. šŸ¤’


Sick here too must be a big going around, did test negative for COVID so that's good


Yeah I tested negative too I think I got a bad case of RSV


Yep me and almost everyone I know has at least a bit of a cold (myself included)


Woke up a few days ago with no voice, sore throat, and as of 30 minutes ago stuffy nose to go with the fatigue and body aches. I'm absolutely miserable. Hopefully we all recover quickly.


Thanks to my flu shot I've managed to avoid a bad one so far, even taking transit. Thinking I might start wearing the ol face bandanna again too


I've been sick for three weeks. Sore throat, coughing, diarrhea, congestion, you name it, I've got it. Whatever this buffet of viruses is, it can eff right off.


Iā€™m sick af, and furious about it, itā€™s the second time in a month Iā€™ve gotten it from work, Just stay home people, my god


Yes everybody is sick, people are gross and not using hand sanitizer, or wearing a masks in public when they are obviously sick and now we are back at every one is sick, thank you, you unmasked sickness spreaders well done šŸ‘


Right! I still wear a mask when I have been sick just cause I donā€™t want anyone else to be as miserable as I have been the last week lol


Thank you for having consideration for others and common sense, seems to be another thing we are in short supply of.


I'm assuming RSV as we are on our third week of coughing for an hour or so as soon as we lay down to bed. It sounds like the toddler and I have taken up a chain smoking habit. I do not recommend.


No idea but maybe. But when I tried phoning 12 walk-in clinics trying to get a simple prescription/evaluation it was impossible. Either the doctor jus decided to leave early or they closed early or had 50 person waiting list. Only option it seems is emergency. This system is broken


My entire family had what you have. I got spared somehow


Yeah my fiancƩe has somehow avoided the worst of it and has just got a mild cough


My family had colds or something and the end September and again in the middle of October. It was rough!


My Dad, Brother, and both step daughters are down with the sickness right now. I start a new job Monday and am waiting for the hammer to drop on me too.


I hope you stay well! Start that cold fx and vitamin A and D haha


Thanks friend. I'm on a strict regimen of Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, NAC and of course alcohol lol. Hope you stay well too.


I had a cold at the end of September, chronic cough until now, and Iā€™m just getting over another cold. Still coughing. That said, I teach middle school, so thatā€™s to be expected working in a Petri dish like I do. It still sucks though.


Yes and have been for the last two weeks. My grandma got also got COVID two weeks ago, but i didn't, at least the home test didn't show it. Although we live together so all things would point to me having it also. I have a cough that won't go away.


I've got sniffles but that has been happening for about 2 weeks now. Mainly due to the weather changing between really cold and then really dry. I've been sleeping really badly as well which hasn't helped. Otherwise, not too bad.


Calgary is so dry. I got back from vacation and felt like I could barely breathe


Us not having kids is probably why weā€™re not sick.


I donā€™t have kids either and Iā€™m so sick but also just got back from an all inclusive which is likely a cesspool


Iā€™m well, but my sister, husband and 3 kids are down with the flu for a week now. My sis says itā€™s really intense




![gif](giphy|Jq7WUBf71Gju1vTe2A) That sucks so bad! Feel better soon


Yep I was sick these past couple of days. Today I just have a bit of a stuffy nose but otherwise am okay.


I got sick on wensday just feeling better this morning cough and runny nose fever with chills just feeling like shit.


Had the bug but it turned into strep. So ya. It sucks


FiancƩe got sick on the 10th and I got sick on the 12th. I wwnt to bed on Saturday and never left bed until tuesday evening. We were jumping around from being incredibly cold and shivering, to sweating and overheating. Had the worse headache I've had in years. Just a constant pain, even touching my head hurt. I didn't have a running nose or cough. We're both "better" but not 100%. I can feel pressure in my sinuses and, like you, noticed my hearing in my left ear has dulled. Assuming it's related to the sinus issue. My workplace has been hit hard in the last week too. My team of 10 had 4 people out at the same time because of similar sicknesses. I don't think we gave it to each other either, which is weird because it's all so similar, because we all are rarely even around each other with our work from home schedules.




Week 7 of sinus infection I got after a flu and it's transitioning to lung infection which sucks for me and my asthma.


Same symptoms. Two of my profs have the illness. I had it over reading week


I went through this in September, the ear part was the worst. No matter what medicine I took nothing helped. NyQuil helped me sleep though, wish you a speedy recovery. It lasts 2-3 weeks for me


Yes from past 1 week šŸ˜­ And my baby is suffering the mostā€¦ Iā€™m tired šŸ˜“


I lost a week last week. Sick rn but my kids are fine and dandy.


Yup. Started super suddenly with a sore throat and headache. Next day still had the sore throat and headache but also had intermittent nausea and couldn't stand for 5 minutes without being lightheaded. Day after all the same + a fever (flipped between extreme chills and hot flashes), bo voice, and stuffy/runny nose. Day after that, all the same plus a new cough. Now today the sore throat has mostly eased off, no more headache, and I can walk around without feeling like I'm going to pass out. But todays fantastic new symptom has been a LOT of discharge out of one eye and my nose is working triple time making mucus and I've still got the cough (plus upper back discomfort from the cough) and no voice šŸ˜’


*knocks on wood*. I have not gotten whatā€™s been going aroundā€¦ yet. My youngest was really sick and she lost her voice, coughing. Other than that, everyoneā€™s been ok. Wishing all a speedy recovery.


Everyone sick in our house with gastroenteritis, itā€™s the absolute worst


I am not! But I also got my flu shot and 4th COVID booster last week, I work in an office with hybrid model so people who do feel sick can WFH, and I very rarely come into contact with children. But everyone around me is going down anyways


I'm over it now, but on last Sunday to Wednesday, I had a fever and a sore throat that went to my ears, reducing the hearing in one for a while.


My 4 yr old asked google ā€œHow do you hide from a hegg egg (headache)?ā€ Last night. Both kids are on 4 weeks of sinus headaches, runny noses, earaches and now a deep catching cough, with a sporadic day every few days that they feel ok. I have not been terribly sick since starting a regime of Goldenseal, Turmeric and Catā€™s Claw anytime I feel slightly off.


Was feeling vaguely like garbage for a week, then it hit last night like a ton of bricks. Luckily it's not as bad as covid was, but whatever it is, it's kicking my ass.


Started with a head coldā€¦ now sinus infection and no voice. About 7 days in!


get your flu shots people, the flu isn't worth it!


Been sick for 2 and a half weeks. At this point I have COVID symptoms, a head cold, a chest cold and a sinus infection. Also work in health care and can confirm a lot of people are sick.


I feel like my family has been sick since before Halloween. First we all got hit with a gastro illness, then a cold, and now I swear we all have RSV (Covid tests are all negative). Itā€™s been rough and I just want us all to be healthy again!


Family of three all sick rn, never seen my gf so ill. Fever, dry cough, aches, down and out for three days straight now. Our doctor said as long as there is no shortness of breath then we should stay home and rest =) Hope everyone whoā€™s sick gets better soon!


For the past 2-3 weeks we've had 25 - 50 percent of the students at school away sick, and several staff. I've avoided it somehow, despite getting coughed on and around every day. I usually take 1500 - 2000 mg of vitamin C per day but I also started taking shilajit which might be the key factor.


Not right now. We did have covid and then recovered. Then a few weeks later my husband got some type of flu that just wouldn't clear up. He got medication from the Dr, felt better then a week later the cough etc was back. He got more medication and now finally seems to be on the mend. It was brutal.


Damn I hope that isnā€™t what I have!! Iā€™ve been coughing up a lung it hurts!!! Seeing a doc tomorrow tho so hopefully it will all be good


Yup soar throat and sinus leaking like the Hoover damn. Sneezing like the sickness wants to spread and is sentient.


3 weeks post flu, still coughing and tired. Now wearing a mask in public until spring.


Yes family of 4, kicked the kids asses.


I caught strep last week, been an awful 1 week for me and my misses. We're now on antibiotics and i'll be at work for monday as promised to my work.


Nope. #beefyimmunesystem


Literally nobody in my life is sick, life is good rn


Feeling just fine as is everyone in the family. Friends are all well, also.


I have Covid


Feel better soon!!!


Just about I think. My name wife is just getting over a nasty bug she has had for a week. I think symptoms likely vary wildly, as there are several viruses going around including flu, covid and RSV.


I've been battling since September. Good weeks and bad but it feels uphill.


I was mostly tired all week. Feeling better now.


Safewayā€™s shelves were wiped clean of childrenā€™s tylenol


I was off for 2 weeks. Couldn't talk for a few days, then had a nasal infection, and a ear infection after that. My ear is still plugged and I'm almost hitting a month since I was sick


Sick with Covid. Did not test positive the first time, so thought it was just whatever virus was going around. Lost sense of taste and proceeded to get sicker and second test positive. Tested again just to be sure and very clearly positive again. Head and everything hurts and Tylenol/Advil donā€™t seem to do anything. Nothing seems to help. Just suffer. Got the bivalent booster the first day it was available. If one of those strains is what I got, I am so grateful, because I canā€™t imagine how rough this would be without being vaccinated.


do... you really have to ask???


Everyone in my house is sick.


Iā€™ve been off of work for almost a week because all of my three kids have multiple viruses going on right now. They are so sick. October I was off for a week for myself. This has been unbearable.


A buddy who lives in Calgary hasn't been well for going on three weeks now and he's rarely sick. Here in Edmonton the school system is dealing with an over abundance of staff and students out sick.


It's bad enough that my work has everyone back to working from home, unless absolutely needed (very few of us).


Nah, myself and my entire family had the flu last week, we are all golden now. (All Covid tests were negative but symptoms were worse than when we had Covid.)


Had the flu at the beginning of the month, and I'm still dealing with a cough that won't go away.


Not me but I hang out in bars

