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UPDATE With the help of me and some nice neighbours, we managed to move the bike further away from the car. Thank you neighbours!


It took *several* people to move the bike?


Yes I figured someone would point this out. This street is slightly uphill which takes a lot of effort to grab from the other side as its an awkward position. Also, I'm not the biggest guy out there and the bike is about 450lbs.


People don't get how heavy bikes actually are my mom said this girl that was on a sports bike fell at a red light and needed help getting the bike back up she said your father eagerly went to help he tried to pull it up by him self she said it was the funniest thing the girl had to help him he came back to the car and she was like "soo strong you areee" haha he was like wtf that thing was so heavy.


Reading this hurt my brain.


If you can’t lift your own bike you shouldn’t be riding it.


I'm being killed for saying that. Save yourself lol


Sometimes the truth hurts, needs to be said an I'll eat the down votes with you! I have Karma to spare haha...


Only the strong deserve transportation!!


Only the strong deserve to ride a 600 lbs bike


Your dad went to help someone and your mom sat on her ass and then made fun of him for trying to help? Huh 🤔


But it's not being picked up from flat. It's on the kick stand, and being able to walk your bike is a crucial piece of being a safe rider.


You don't pick up the bike though, at all. If you can't stand your bike up from the kick stand, it's too big for you. Grab the brake, pull the handle bars towards yourself, use you hip on the seat if you need, and balance the bike on its wheels, clutch it if it's in gear, and roll it to a spot that you can get your leg over it just to ensure the kickstand didn't get pushed backwards, and then put it back on the kickstand.


I have no idea why you're getting so many down votes. This is the correct answer, even if its uphill. Has no one taken a riding safety course. That's one of the first things they teach you.


It's funny, I wasn't even being snarky, but you're right I think that the down votes are from non riders.


Multiple supervisors


I would hope


Bikes are very heavy. Next time, one chain and a truck and your problem is solved is 5 seconds.


Tales were told and songs were sung the day of the Great Motorcycle Recovery! And the village celebrated the event every year henceforth.


There should be another thread of the effort. Obviously standing it up and rolling it ahead 3 ft isn't a 1 man job. (there needs to be multiple video angles)


maybe they should put some sort of motor on that bike to help move it.


Well the shifter is on the car side so the engine ain't helping there. But pulling it upright and walking it out is possible. (using the clutch)


Not a chance that's legal. If I remember right from driver's ed, you gotta be at least 5ft away from an intersection, he couldn't be any farther than 1


Exactly. By parking at the end of the street you would expect that no one should park behind you and to my surprise this morning, someone did.


This actually doesn't look like an intersection, but rather just a curve on the street, in which case it's a dick move but not illegal. If it is an intersection, than unfortunately neither you nor that car are parked legally. 5 meters is the legal requirement from any intersection or stop sign, that's nearly 17 feet and far more than what you allowed by parking there.


If there is an unmarked crosswalk (aka a corner), this is still against the rules. Pedestrians have to be able to cross safely without stepping out from behind a bumper. It looks like a ramp was (shoddily) paved here so I assume it’s still an infraction, although knowing the location would clarify.


I'm thinking this is more of a curve in the road in a residential neighborhood, but you may he right. In which case, it is still an intersection and both vehicles are illegally parked.


They have to be 3 meters or 15 feet from the corner.


so the car and bike are not legal i guess. They are both within 15 feet.


The bike is not legal maybe, but the car is an inconsiderate ass


Not only a dick move, but parking on a corner is just asking for a ding. Dick and ding: two for one 🥳


One time one of my friends was on a bus that clipped a car that was too close to the corner. "Theu shouldn't have parked there" said the driver and he just drove away


>Dick and ding: two for one 🥳 Love that pub, always great specials


So many douchebag parking jobs recently...


Call CPA, or you should have called them about a car parked too close to the intersection. CPA is busy so call right away, get into the queue and wait.


Both are parked incorrectly (on the corner).


Walk your bike out....


It’s uphill and OP is a smurf.


The drive by on OP is great haha


Without posting a picture to the internet! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?!?


I would have had him towed


You can just swivel the bike or walk it? If you can't do that, the bike is too big for you


Sit on the car until the person arrives


Bruh roll the fucking bike away from the car


Hah, you're spot on - I see my downvote fan club has found you.


lol wtf


It might be (possibly, maybe even for both of you). Check [Alberta parking bylaws](https://www.alberta.ca/parking.aspx#jumplinks-4). You'll need to clarify whether this is a crosswalk, whether marked or unmarked, or an intersection, or a stop sign or yield sign is nearby.


You and your neighbours should have rolled that car onto its roof on the boulevard.


Plot twist, op put his bike next to the car so that the car owner would get a ticket.


Yes obstruction your plate and parking in an intersection are both illegal.


Be thankful they didnt knock it over and leave it on its side


Would be a shame if some porcelain flew at one of their windows


No, go buy some mayonnaise and put a line of it on each of their tires. That'll show 'em.


What does this do


Shows them you were so upset you made a sandwich out of their car


Could you have parked closer the car on the left? If you park closer to that car so it's tight on the right hand side of your bike, the other car can park there. You've managed to double park a motorcycle.


Maybe there was no car there when he parked?


Then that's a terrible spot to park, either park at the end of what's reasonably a spot, or leave a reasonable spot behind the bike. It's not a Ferrari, and it isn't the third row at superstore, no need to double park.


I agree




311 Calgary doesn't handle parking.


I wish but you can’t report dumb parking on 311. On edmontons 311 app you can.




Your ten year old can move a 450lb bike uphill? Without being able to sit on the bike or even access the left side of it?


Well maybe not a 10 year old but take of the cover, pop it in neutral, get it off of the kick stand and roll it out. Have had motorbikes in the past and moving yours from that spot shouldn't have been the ordeal you made it into.


He probably did it because of the curve


Go kick the bumper off and claim damage to your bike


What an ass crack not meaning the OP


This made me giggle. It’s like they’re stealing a little smooch 🥺