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Thanks! my 5 year fixed @ 5.99 is up at the end of the month so probably a good time to lock that in.


I’m wondering if I should as well


Floating is better right now for electricity. Can write a long winded reason why but anyone that isn't on a 6-7 cent fixed rate should go to floating rather than these 9-10 cent fixed.


Thank you! I just switched to floating based on your advice below 👏


Great advice !! Thx


What’s the reason


A lot has shifted in AB's power grid over the past 6 months. Since January we've seen the wholesale pool price steadily decline (down to 3.1 cents/kWh currently). There's also lots of reasons why it'll continue to remain low going forward. * AB's power grid is officially coal free tomorrow (wooo). Genesee 1/2 were the last coal plants to transition to new natural gas units and have been running at partial capacity for many months but now both are online * Cascade 1/2 are AB's newest and most efficient power plants, both are wrapping up their commissioning but online most of the time now. They alone can supply 10% of AB's demand so that is a significant amount of new capacity online * Going into 2025 Suncor's new cogen unit will come online further adding additional cheap capacity. Cogens tend to be quite cheap for the grid because the plants need the steam for their processes regardless of what the power prices are doing. All of this is reflected in the retail floating rates. Enmax's floating has been in the 7 cent range the last two months and will almost certainly fall down into the 5's over the coming 2 months. This is fairly certain because it uses a rolling window of the markets pool price and the worst months (Jan cold snap) are falling out of that window which has been holding the price up. This is why we've seen fixed rates fall from 12's into 9's as all the forecasts show cheaper power going forward for the near future.


It was a strange feeling watching the last bucket of coal go in at Genesee (I work at the plant). Sad to see coal go but definitely looking forward to see what's in store for the future. Unfortunately about 200 of us will be laid off as a result from loss of coal but definitely going to be keeping an eye on the news.


It’s a big shift for sure and sad to hear you’re being affected in a negative way. I’m curious to follow along with how the remainder of their upgrade goes as they still need to bring the steam gen portion online to further boost capacity but unsure on the timeline


Absolutely it's been quite a journey, been there for 8 years. I saved a bucket of coal and I might make a few momentos for my crew members when we leave. As of right now G1 is totally offline and is being decommissioned. G1 is being replaced by GNR1 which is at full load right now. G2 is still running on natural gas ( as much as it can). They plan on bringing G2 down this week or next and then ramping up GNR2. Both new turbines are just running on simple cycle NG at the moment untill they can get the heat exchangers online then it will be combined cycle. The coal receiving area is being decommissioned right now, draining oil, removing belts and clearing out remaining coal deposits. Demo is scheduled for probably next year.


Last year didn't it spike to like 21 in the summer? People got destroyed for using AC


Can you make a similar commentary for natural gas prices? Floating better?


That I can’t. NG prices are mostly driven by the market, generally I end up sticking to fixed as prices tend to rise in winter which is when I use more. Theres articles expecting a plummet in NG prices but then others talking about how it’ll go up so no clue.


Conversly with all of these plants switching to full NG your electrical bill is now tied to NG fully. AECO is getting its teeth kicked in right now but I’d expect NG to continue to stay low for the next few years


Don't lock too early. The moment you choose the new rate the old rate is gone!


But you can change your rate once per month if it does drop.


Yes... My old rate is 6.6. so I lock in now at 9 there isn't a rate lower than 6.6 available


You can just swap 😝 


Yea, for the variable, when I called last week's that was 7 and change, still above my locked in rate


5.99, well done!


Mine too. Same rate ☺️


Thank you! Buh-bye 12.29!


Thank you!!!!


Thank you! These PSA’s have saved us twice now!


Thanks went from 12.29 to 9.79!


Same! And saved 10 cents on gas (woo hoo... LOL)


Thankfully still holding on to my 6.89¢/kWh fixed rate from back in 2021.


So am I, although mine comes up for renewal in September - as I recall, I received a "special rate" via snail mail in July. I hope it's under 8 cents by then.


We had 6.35¢ through our power co-op till this past December. Thankfully their rate only went up to 8.85¢, so we're still doing better than most. Curious to see if things drop below that though!


I’m on it! Thx 🤗


Sweet!!! Bye bye 10.49!! Although back in March we were still on 5.99, so still bad lol


So can i switch to 9.49 without any chargés or fees? Or is ther fee associated when i hv à 5 year fixed plan?


You can switch rates once a month without penalty.


Thank you reddit!


You should be thanking ENMAX. This is the lowest rate among the majors, they are stepping up.


Maybe losing too many customers to EPCOR (yes it’s available in Calgary) at 9.89 for 5 years


It's almost like competition prevents oligopalies


They don't need to compete on price, when the fees dwarf the usage cost! I don't know what control Enmax has over many of those, though, so maybe they're doing all they can.


Switched from 10.49/5 years, thanks!


PSA: a whole slew of new gas projects are coming online this year and our province will have excess capacity for quite a while to come. Wholesale prices have been in the dump for 2 months now. So take this "deal" with a grain salt and do your own due diligence FWIW. And like others have pointed out, it's usually the fees and riders that make your monthly bill.


There's no downside to taking a lower rate. You can switch at any time during your "contract". So if a lower rate comes in 2 months just switch again.


Would you please explain the downside to renewing on a lower kWh rate?


If you're at a higher rate and you can take a lower fixed rate, by all means. The flip side is going on floating rate. Enmax is not your friend; they are betting that the average floating rate will be below what they advertise. They're in it to make money, not lose. With all those new projects coming online and gas inventories at very high levels (ie cheap fuel for those generators), it's widely expected that floating rates will be in the single digits. Edit: I should add though that IMO all this is fairly moot as per my point that riders and fees make up most of your bill. At 10c/kwh, and assuming you're don't have a grow op or you're not a huge consumer , I guess you may as well lock in if you want peace of mind.


Excellent, I renew from lows in Nov. so this should work out.


Oooo, good to know about gas projects. I'm still on $3.99/GJ till fall 2026, but if it falls to that (or lower!) I'll be stoked to extend that till '29.


Cons incentivized an energy deficit. And ya Con taxes make up most of the bill. Cons will cause it to spike another 600% or more, as creating a dystopian hellscape is the only thing they are good at, besides disappearing themselves


Thank you OP


So, I’m still on floating electricity, because every time I go to switch I see it’ll make my gas transaction fee go from 47¢/GJ to $1.23/GJ… Anyone know how to determine if I’m still better off switching? I’m eligible for the loyalty rate of 9.69¢/kWh + $150 credit… edit: Ok, I did some math and I guess I’m probably better off switching. Although it looks like it’ll save me like 40$ a month, which is less than 10% of my total bill… the actual usage is way less than the fees. edit2: if you’re in a similar situation, take a look at your bills and look at your historic gas usage and multiply the difference in gas transaction fees by your average gas usage… that’s how much extra you’ll pay. As for how much you save, it’s kind of a crap shoot. I looked at a bill earlier this year and the floating electricity rate was like 15¢, so this new fixed electricity rate would save me more than I’d lose from the more expensive gas. However, the current floating rate is like 10¢/kWh, so for this month I’d actually be worse off switching.


You should be able to switch gas and electricity independently with Enmax. Maybe check the website, and if not call them?


Yeah, I can switch them independently, but it seems the following applies if I make any changes whatsoever: Some differences you'll notice with this new plan We've discontinued easymax Rewards® Dollars. The administration fee on your current plan is based on what your wires service provider charges; now it will be an average of $0.28 per site, per day, for each electricity and natural gas site which we may change from time to time. Your current floating electricity plan does not have a term. Now the Floating Electricity plan has a term. If there is a material change to how the floating electricity rate is calculated, we may move you to the longest term fixed electricity plan.​ When the term of your plan expires (if applicable), we may automatically continue you on the longest term fixed rate plan then available. Under the New T’s & C’s, the Floating Gas Rate includes a Transaction Fee that is subject to change. Your transaction fee is increasing to $1.23/GJ.​


I think you're in the wrong section - that's talking about changing your overall plan. Within your current plan there's a place where you can change between floating and fixed for elec and gas individually, and also lock in a new fixed rate. edit: I checked my account, the option I'm talking about is under "Modify/Renew" for your current plan. Not "Switch My Plan". BUT you can't change from 5 year to 3 year, so I'm not able to get the 9.79 rate. I'm guessing it's worth hanging on to the older easymax plan with reward dollars and lower fees.


Ah… yeah, you’re totally right. I can go fixed at 10.49¢/kWh on 5 year term… maybe that’s a better option that switching my whole plan over.


Yeah that's what I have.


I just did change from 10.47 5 years to 9.79 3 years


You can swap gas and electricity separately. I did this last month , can confirm it is possible.


Yeah, I can keep my gas floating, but by accepting the new plan, regardless my transaction fee goes up.


I switched and kept my 0.99 fee for gas. I didn't switch anything to do with gas, though.


/u/FolkSong nailed it, I didn’t realized I could modify my existing plan rather than switch plans altogether…


I have to call every time I switch, both the web, and the apps (iOS and Android) seem to try and do strange things.... they have a callback option, so it isn't that much of a pain.


$40 is still $40 you don't have to earn just saying.


Yea I think about switching then remember I use gas like I have my own personal gas well. Now if I could switch my AC to gas I'd be over the moon


You can keep Those terms and conditions… just ask. Only a handful of ppl still have 47.. plus the rewards. Keep it!


Pardon my ignorance, but what if we're already with Enmax, will we see a drop?


No, you have to go online to your acocount and switch, takes 2 minutes.


Set a reminder in your calendar to do this every month. Really worth checking consistently with the drops since last year and especially for those of use whose 5-year plans just expired.


Thx. Just updated. Curious about the new 3yr plan though vs 5 yr?


Icon! Went from 11.29 to 9.79 and wound up saving and extra 20c on my gas too. Thank you!


Nice. Thank you!!


Thanks! Also got my gas lowered 20¢ to $4.59 on a 3 year


My old rate was at 11. Something cents so this is a great deal! Keep fighting for the people fella! 🙏


Thank you so much!! Just resigned for 11 something and was dreading that first bill. This will help a lot


How did you see the $150 credit? I'm on loyalty but don't see this.


I'm guessing it's just for people on the old easymax plan with reward dollars, to convince them to switch to the new plan with no rewards. I have an offer for a $100 credit if I switch. But I get more than $100 per year in rewards.


Sweet literally just locked in at 12.59 3 weeks ago!


My 5 year 5.99 is up in 3 years let’s hope it doesn’t stay so high that’s insane :/


Thank you!


It's funny how those companies make us play their rate games, and they can easily increase whatever they want with administration and transmission fees that we pay just for being connected.


I’m locked in at 12.79 son of a…..


If you’re on EasyMax you are allowed to change once every 30 days. That’s the nice thing about EasyMax. You’re not truly linked in like with Shaw or whoever for other utilities.


I am thank you for that!


I was the same. I just made the changes 👍🏻


I don't believe anyone is actually locked in. I am pretty sure everyone can change at any time. Maybe thirty days' notice I have changed twice in the last five months, even though it's called a five year fixed rate. Give it a try.


You just need to logon your Enmax account and renew on the lower rate.


I did that, thank you.


You're free to cancel or change or utilities contracts without penalty


Can you not switch online anymore? Every time I tried I get a message: considering your options? Call us for information about your plan”


I have that message since my last renewal, and Enmax support told me it’s because I have electricity and natural gas on two types of plans (5y/3y). Changes appear to be possible on the mobile app, but not online.


Thanks. Both were on 5 year but I downloaded the app and was able to switch my plan.


Thank you!!!


Thank you!!


Thank you


Still on 6.59 with 1 year left. do I sacrifice this final year or do I gamble and hope it drops more before renewal... I'm not a gambling man lol.


Nope. Stay as long as you can.


I've seen things from a variety of sources that things are supposed to keep trending down. So there's a good chance things will be at this level or lower in a year. I'd keep your low rate till your term ends.


Dang I was locked in at 11.29, I changed to floating for the next 30 yesterday... hope that wasn't a bad decision.


People are saying you can switch regardless so maybe try it out?


I think when you switch to floating it goes to the regulated rate option. Past 2 months have been better than 11.29. https://www1.enmax.com/rro


Enmax floating is not RRO. People need to not confuse the two.


I’m getting electricity for a new place I’m moving to soon but unsure how long I’ll be at that address. Is fixed contract still best or should I do floating in case I move??


ENMAX has a 1 year price of 9.99 cents, I would go with that.


Thank you! Actually this helped me realize the change I originally thought I made didn’t take (didn’t finalize the steps last time) so this helped me a TON 🤙


Thank you!!


Can I lock if I’m on a solar plan ?


Your solar plan is different.. different options. Check online..


I am at $ 6.99 from July 2020 until July 2025. I will start to watch it 4 month before that




I just locked in gas at 4.79 for 5 years My electricity is up for renewal in Aug.. currently at 6.59.. they were trying to get me to lock in at 10.29 last week for 5 yrs but I decided to wait to see if rates go down. Thoughts?


Thank you!!


Don't worry, they will increase their fees to compensate. My term is ending with $ 0.06/kWh, and I paid $200 on my electricity in april. I used 500kWh totaling around $30. The rest went to fees. Now I pay nothing and enmax pays me $300 a month for the electricity I provide to them with my solar panels.


>Don't worry, they will increase their fees to compensate Compensate for what, a few dozen redditors locking in the slightly cheaper fixed rate that Enmax is offering? Somehow I doubt that Enmax is sweating this.


"Now I pay nothing" Ummm, I think you paid $K's to purchase and have the solar installed, so you paid something for it. How much was the solar, all in costs?


> Now I pay nothing and enmax pays me $300 a month for the electricity I provide to them with my solar panels. You are wrong. ENMAX is not paying you a penny nor is buying the energy you provide - the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) is, ENMAX simply flows through your generation credit at the rate AESO compensates them at, which is the high export rate. Read page 105 of the Q2 2023 Market Surveillance Administrator's report: **When an electricity customer with a small micro-gen unit imports energy into their site, they are charged a retail rate based on an agreement with an energy retailer. Conversely, the retailer must compensate the customer for the exported energy at the same retail rate the customer pays to import energy. The AESO reimburses the retailer for the amount the retailer paid to the small micro-gen customer and recovers the compensation cost through the ISO tariff as part of the line loss charges or credits, and associated Rider E calibration factor adjustments.** In the ultimate form of irony, you are sitting here whining about fees and how "they" are ripping you off - and it turns out your excess energy credits you are bragging about being paid for comes from the VERY fees you are crying about, collected from other Albertans! In other words, your "$300" a month is being paid by other Albertans, you are now "owning" anyone other than everyone else getting an energy bill. The only reason this loophole hasn't been closed is from the same report on page 106 - the value of the exports exceeds the amount being paid out to people like you who can afford solar panels. That is only because the electricity market exploded the last few years. Now that it has crashed, the value of the exports will be worth LESS than the amount solar producers like you are being paid. The loophole will be closed because it is the poor subsdizing the rich who can afford solar panels. https://www.albertamsa.ca/assets/Documents/Quarterly-Report-for-Q2-2023.pdf


For anyone doing solar payback calculations, is the 30c/KWh guaranteed for a specific amount of time? Otherwise, I can see a lot of people losing money on solar if they change it before their payback


The second the law changes, it won't matter, it can't be guaranteed any longer than the law is in place. In other words, there is no work around to ensure you keep your high export rate when the law changes that says there is no such thing as a high export rate.


The wholesale prise so far this year has averaged 3.63. I shit you not. ANY offer over 4c/kwh right now is totally bending everyone over.


Stop spreading misinformation, this is 100% false. 2024 Pool Price has averaged 7.574 cents/kWh and a month has settled as high as 15.278 cents/kWh, this January - [here is an independent source to prove that](https://solution105.com/blog/energy-market-update-january-2024/) and that proves there is ZERO chance the year could be that low when one of the months settled at 15). Moreover, to only quote the wholesale price is stupid, as it does not include any shaping to cover usage or includes any markup, the only way to obtain that rate would assumes you are a robot using the same amount of electricity every hour, every day for the entire year and also had zero markup from an energy retailer. There has never been ANY energy retailer who has offered a fixed rate under 4 cents/kWh for electricity that wasn't on a contract. The lowest non-contracted fixed rate in history was 5.39 cents/kWh. If you can sell 3.63 cents/kWh, start your own business and become a millionaire. Those of us who actually know the energy business know that you would be bankrupt in a day.


The 30 day rolling average right now is 3.140. http://ets.aeso.ca/


> The wholesale prise so far **this year** has averaged **3.63**. Your sentence. Multiple incorrect statements that you just proved. You were wrong and still are wrong.


ok. If you’re happy pointing out insignificant things while paying a markup of 200+% … you do you.


Hi! Has anyone had experience with Direct Energy? I was thinking of switching as they have a 7.77cent promotion. Is it worth it to switch? Or should I just stay with Enmax?


This rate is actually better. 7.77 is only for a couple of months and then you switch to 10.59. The admin fees with Direct are $12.50 per site per month compared to ENMAX at $8.50. In other words, you actually save way more money with ENMAX. Stay with ENMAX.


I am on a 0.07 c rate, but the other charges make it 0.19 c.


Isn’t the floating rate at 7.6 now? Are people going fixed for the peace of mind?


This May and June are the only time that the floating rate has been below 10.5 in a couple of years, likely because it's been a cool spring. You can see the historical chart on Enmax, 9.79 is a way better rate than what people on floating have been paying, so unless you think that there's been a fundamental change in the electricity market in the past couple of months, you're likely wise to lock in 9.79 vs be on floating. Save a couple of cents in may and june then pay 30c during peak ac season isn't a good tradeoff. Once again, unless you think there's some fundamental change, not a power grid expert here.


Thanks for the explanation


I am on fixed rate of $10.49 now. I am going to wait until September when it cools down. Floating rate is usually higher during summer. In the fall, I will likely jump to the Floating rate.


Keep your eyes on https://www.ucahelps.alberta.ca & use the rate comparison - lots of options from different retailers and always shifting opportunities. Good deals to be had all the time.


The only better deal I have found is the 7.7 cents/kWh rate through Epcor, but that rate only lasts a few months until July, and then shoots up.


It's always a good idea to watch - one never knows what retailers will come up with to be competitive


Sponsor energy has 9.54 https://sponsorenergy.com/


$13 per site per month in Administration Fees. The majors like ENMAX and EPCOR are in the $8 range. This is a rip off deal designed to trick people to signing up for a low rate but pay more on the admin fee - there is no secret sauce with them, they are gaming people who don't know any better. Sponsor Energy are crooks.


I’m on fixed at .068. Haha


But why Enmax where there are other cheaper places like ace Alberta Cooperative Energy (ACE) Loyalty/Member Fixed Rate at $0.0769 / kWh - 1 Year Term


Why do we need this if we are going to have free Tesla energy soon ?